Hey pallies, here's 'nother great image of our Dino done by a French artiste tagged didgive....to view their personal web site goes to http://dessinsdid.monsite.orange.fr/.
Loves to see so much Dinolove bein' shown by oh so creative Dinodevoted Dinoartists from all 'round this Dinoworld of ours. Again, clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see this Dinoprint in it's original Dinospot. Dinoawed, DMP
Hey pallie Keith, there are so many ways to honor our Dino...and so so cool to find artistes from 'round the world who are usin' their talents to spread the message of Dinocool...and shares their Dinolove in this particular Dinoway....as mentioned the French are known for their impressionistic paintin's and loves this Frenchie's impression of our Dino....
Hey pallie DMP. Always great to see folks around the world share their Dinolove. Cheers!
Hey pallie Keith, there are so many ways to honor our Dino...and so so cool to find artistes from 'round the world who are usin' their talents to spread the message of Dinocool...and shares their Dinolove in this particular Dinoway....as mentioned the French are known for their impressionistic paintin's and loves this Frenchie's impression of our Dino....
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