Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Dinoween from our Dino to all ilovedinomartin

Friday, October 30, 2009
SCARED STIFF - Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis & Carmen Miranda (1953)
Hey pallies, in honor of Dino-ween just had to run the full edition of this trib to our Dino and the kid's "Scared Stiff." From the create hands of Dinolovin' pallie, Eegah!! & Tabonga!, comes this stellar pictoral post on this classic Dinocomedy of horrors.
Have shared part of this in the past, but felt so Dinoled to does the work to transfer this whole Dinopost for all us Dinoholics Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure as Dinoween draws so so Dinoclose.
This Dinopost is from the amazin' blogg "Dwrayger Dungeon Presents Monser Movie Music and Beyond!" Clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see it in all it's original Dinoglory. Be sure to gets huge quanities of our Dino for Dinoween...who needs candy when we can have our sweet Dino! Dinoweenin', DMP
Saturday, August 2, 2008
SCARED STIFF - Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis & Carmen Miranda (1953)

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, well, there's not much new I can say about these showbiz icons, so let's just get with it! Here's some seriously cool photos and songs from the 1953 zany classic, "Scared Stiff!"

The musical credits give you all the information you need to know!!

This movie is all about music and starts right up with Dean's act at the club!

Dorthy Malone plays the part of Rosie!! Dorthy meet Jerry before I beat the crap out of him!!

Jiggers, the cops!!!

When Jerry Lewis puts on his game face, he's really scary!!

Time to sail off into the unknown, and for all you schmaltzy Dean lovers, here's "Dino" with a classic love song!

Frank Fontaine as the obnoxious drunk on the pier would go on to have a number one record 9 years later with his "Songs I Sing On The Jackie Gleason Show" LP!! In character as Crazy Guggenheim, the non-drinking Fontaine, could barely put a sentence together, but had a smooth singing style out of character, just like Jim Nabors when he wasn't Gomer!!

My favorite thing that Jerry Lewis does, is when he stands behind some one and mimics and mocks them!! That'll get me rolling on the floor every time!!

Carmen Miranda as Carmelita Castinha performs here in her last film role, with the boys and "Bongo Bingo"! I love the countdown at the end! Defies comprehension to me!

There's no way to forget "Enchiladas", even if you try, because just like in real life, they will come back to haunt you! Listen to this at your own risk and guard your crystal!

And once again to justify the whole thing, see, there is actually a ghost!!

"Carmen's Late", so of course, Jerry has to go on for her miming to a record! He almost pulls it off, and the crowd is just weird enough not to care!

It might be her last movie, but backstage with the gang, Carmen doesn't look like she knew she was going to get this kind of send up!

Super scary sequence giving new meaning to the word 'armchair!'

Oh, it's Bob Hope and Bing Crosby!! Imagine that!!! How ironic!! And they're skeletons!!! Wow, how is that even possible or plausible? And, in the, Oh, Yeah, department, am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that another Martin/Lewis movie made in the same year titled "The Caddy" had an actor in it whose name was Lewis Martin??? That's just weird!!!
Posted by Eegah!! and Tabonga! at 5:14 PM
Have shared part of this in the past, but felt so Dinoled to does the work to transfer this whole Dinopost for all us Dinoholics Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure as Dinoween draws so so Dinoclose.
This Dinopost is from the amazin' blogg "Dwrayger Dungeon Presents Monser Movie Music and Beyond!" Clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see it in all it's original Dinoglory. Be sure to gets huge quanities of our Dino for Dinoween...who needs candy when we can have our sweet Dino! Dinoweenin', DMP
Saturday, August 2, 2008
SCARED STIFF - Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis & Carmen Miranda (1953)

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, well, there's not much new I can say about these showbiz icons, so let's just get with it! Here's some seriously cool photos and songs from the 1953 zany classic, "Scared Stiff!"

The musical credits give you all the information you need to know!!

This movie is all about music and starts right up with Dean's act at the club!

Dorthy Malone plays the part of Rosie!! Dorthy meet Jerry before I beat the crap out of him!!

Jiggers, the cops!!!

When Jerry Lewis puts on his game face, he's really scary!!

Time to sail off into the unknown, and for all you schmaltzy Dean lovers, here's "Dino" with a classic love song!

Frank Fontaine as the obnoxious drunk on the pier would go on to have a number one record 9 years later with his "Songs I Sing On The Jackie Gleason Show" LP!! In character as Crazy Guggenheim, the non-drinking Fontaine, could barely put a sentence together, but had a smooth singing style out of character, just like Jim Nabors when he wasn't Gomer!!

My favorite thing that Jerry Lewis does, is when he stands behind some one and mimics and mocks them!! That'll get me rolling on the floor every time!!

Carmen Miranda as Carmelita Castinha performs here in her last film role, with the boys and "Bongo Bingo"! I love the countdown at the end! Defies comprehension to me!

There's no way to forget "Enchiladas", even if you try, because just like in real life, they will come back to haunt you! Listen to this at your own risk and guard your crystal!

And once again to justify the whole thing, see, there is actually a ghost!!

"Carmen's Late", so of course, Jerry has to go on for her miming to a record! He almost pulls it off, and the crowd is just weird enough not to care!

It might be her last movie, but backstage with the gang, Carmen doesn't look like she knew she was going to get this kind of send up!

Super scary sequence giving new meaning to the word 'armchair!'

Oh, it's Bob Hope and Bing Crosby!! Imagine that!!! How ironic!! And they're skeletons!!! Wow, how is that even possible or plausible? And, in the, Oh, Yeah, department, am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that another Martin/Lewis movie made in the same year titled "The Caddy" had an actor in it whose name was Lewis Martin??? That's just weird!!!
Posted by Eegah!! and Tabonga! at 5:14 PM
....he's trying to be like his hero, Dean Martin.
Hey pallies, in the midst of our celebratin' of Dinoween comes this news from the Minnesota Public Radio blogg (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there) comes news that perhaps, just perhaps, Mr. Bob Dylan is doin' some Dinoemulation on this new Christmas Album "Christmas In The Heart."
Reads these words by artist Dan Graham on Bob Dylan's heart quoted by Marianne Combs.
Mr. Graham speaks of our Dino bein' Dylan's "hero." How stellar cool is that....not only was our Dino the idol of the Elvis, he is also the hero of Bob Dylan.
Woulda likes to get this winter album from Dylan just to listen for the Dinoemulation... Dinodelightedly, DMP

I think on the new album "Christmas in the Heart" he's trying to be like his hero, Dean Martin. He's always loved Dean Martin. Of course there's the whole idea of if he's doing things from the heart or not; he's dealing with the cliche of doing things from the heart. In "Chronicles" (Dylan's autobiography), he talks about being a normal family man, having a good marriage, but in fact he was cheating on his wife the entire time. So, I think he's trying to portray himself as somebody who has heart."
Reads these words by artist Dan Graham on Bob Dylan's heart quoted by Marianne Combs.
Mr. Graham speaks of our Dino bein' Dylan's "hero." How stellar cool is that....not only was our Dino the idol of the Elvis, he is also the hero of Bob Dylan.
Woulda likes to get this winter album from Dylan just to listen for the Dinoemulation... Dinodelightedly, DMP

I think on the new album "Christmas in the Heart" he's trying to be like his hero, Dean Martin. He's always loved Dean Martin. Of course there's the whole idea of if he's doing things from the heart or not; he's dealing with the cliche of doing things from the heart. In "Chronicles" (Dylan's autobiography), he talks about being a normal family man, having a good marriage, but in fact he was cheating on his wife the entire time. So, I think he's trying to portray himself as somebody who has heart."

Happy Dinoween from our Dino and the kid
Hey pallies, likes woulda loves to know the Dinohistory behind this Dinoween pix of our Dino and the jer....these two certainly knew how to have 'em some fun and become rich and famous while doin' so. Haves a great Dinoween and be sure to treats your self to huge quanities of Dino....sweeter then any candy that is for Dinosure... Dinoweenin', DMP

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Our Dino and the kid in "Scared Stiff"
Hey pallies, like Dinoween is just 'round the corner and I just have to share some Dinoween Dinotreasure....decided to begins with our Dino and the jer's one scary comedy....."Scared Stiff."
Thanks to great pallies at youtube who continue to post huge quanities of Dinotreasures which is so way cool....here is the complete movie of "Scared Stiff" in 16 count 'em glorious Dinoparts. I have the 2 Dinosets of Dino and the kid flicks and I can't wait to watch this stellar Dinocomedy for Dinoween.
Enjoys pallies and be sure to gets huge quanities of our Dino on Dinoween! Dinoenthralled, DMP
Thanks to great pallies at youtube who continue to post huge quanities of Dinotreasures which is so way cool....here is the complete movie of "Scared Stiff" in 16 count 'em glorious Dinoparts. I have the 2 Dinosets of Dino and the kid flicks and I can't wait to watch this stellar Dinocomedy for Dinoween.
Enjoys pallies and be sure to gets huge quanities of our Dino on Dinoween! Dinoenthralled, DMP
Our Dino sings "Tip Of My Fingers"
Hey pallies, likes there are just so many Dinoholics on youtube that continue to post Dinoclips and Dinotribs to help bring more and more pallies to know, love, and honor our Dino. Here's a clip of our great man singin' a tune that I don't ever remember hearin' him sing before...."Tip Of My Fingers." This Dinoclip comes from a 1971 edition of the Dinoshow.
Hey pallies, don't let your Dinodevotion slips through your fingers...keeps on lovin' our great man and showin' true Dinopalliedom by helpin' bring others to our Dino! Dinodevotedly, DMP
Hey pallies, don't let your Dinodevotion slips through your fingers...keeps on lovin' our great man and showin' true Dinopalliedom by helpin' bring others to our Dino! Dinodevotedly, DMP
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mad Men Character AM Radio Playlists featuring Dean Martin!
Hey pallies, here is the latest Dinoblog post from our Dino's offical myspace pad (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there).
Gotta 'fess up that I don't watch the small screen very much, so likes I have never ever seen the Mad Men Show....but this is so cool that itune is issuin' some Mad Men Dinotunes...gotta learns more 'bout this. Any of you dudes a fan of the Man Men Show? Dinoreportin', DMP

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Mad Men Character AM Radio Playlists featuring Dean Martin!
Available today exclusively through iTunes for the first time, the Mad Men Character AM Radio Playlists. Each of the five-song playlists is made up of selections taken from the massive Universal Music catalog, and inspired by one of seven characters from the hit series: Betty Draper, Don Draper, Salvatore Romano, Roger Sterling, Joan Harris, Peggy Olson and Pete Campbell. The song selections shed new light on these characters, exploring their personalities and offering a unique, intimate perspective. Don Draper’s “Misery” (Barrett Strong) appeared as a response to wife Betty’s “Too Many Secrets” (Patsy Cline.) Visit iTunes to listen to them all for insights into your favorite character and tune in to Mad Men Sunday’s at 10PM/ 9C on AMC.
Gotta 'fess up that I don't watch the small screen very much, so likes I have never ever seen the Mad Men Show....but this is so cool that itune is issuin' some Mad Men Dinotunes...gotta learns more 'bout this. Any of you dudes a fan of the Man Men Show? Dinoreportin', DMP

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Mad Men Character AM Radio Playlists featuring Dean Martin!
Available today exclusively through iTunes for the first time, the Mad Men Character AM Radio Playlists. Each of the five-song playlists is made up of selections taken from the massive Universal Music catalog, and inspired by one of seven characters from the hit series: Betty Draper, Don Draper, Salvatore Romano, Roger Sterling, Joan Harris, Peggy Olson and Pete Campbell. The song selections shed new light on these characters, exploring their personalities and offering a unique, intimate perspective. Don Draper’s “Misery” (Barrett Strong) appeared as a response to wife Betty’s “Too Many Secrets” (Patsy Cline.) Visit iTunes to listen to them all for insights into your favorite character and tune in to Mad Men Sunday’s at 10PM/ 9C on AMC.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
MARIA: The King of Comedy
Hey pallies, as per my Dinorequest, our Maria has shared the details behind the letter that she sent to the jer and Mr. Lewis' response with a great signed pix of our Dino and himself. To read this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Congratulations to our Dinoholic Maria and best wishes as you get interviewed 'bout your Dinoaddiction and Dinoblogg by a newspaper.... Dinosupportively, DMP
The King of Comedy

That name was given to Jerry Lewis early in his career. First he teemed up with fabulous Dean Martin, the crooner , tv persona, movie star and so much more. Than came the bitter brake up, and USA was in tears for long time, after all they lost one of the best comedy teams of the century.
Lewis remained at Paramount and became a major comedy star with his first film as a solo comic.
When i really started to learn about Dean, i didn't like Jerry. I always thought that was the one who broke the team. Then i read his book, i saw his interviews and live footage from Martin and Lewis time. The seconds i finished reading his book, i understood how much he loves Dean Martin. And i mean, you can see it in his eyes, when he looked at Dean perform or when Frank reunited Martin and Lewis at Telethon. So when ever i see or hear Jerry talk about Dean, it's like to hear a little brother who is so proud of his oldest brother. And some times i think how and what would have happend if they staid together? But then, like Dean said: "...the best thing that has happened to me is when i met Jerry! And the second best is when i left Jerry."
So why am i writing this? Well a couple of weeks ago i wrought a letter to Jerry where i said that Martin and Lewis helped me threw my parents divorce and that i just love Jerry's movies. etc. Well, i never thought that i would get an answer! But i did. He send a signed picture of Martin and Lewis.
So this is kind of big for me, u know? jerry has been a big influens on me and i thank him for just being Jerry!
By the way, next i will have an interview about my blog and Dean passion : ) Wish me luck ; )
The King of Comedy

That name was given to Jerry Lewis early in his career. First he teemed up with fabulous Dean Martin, the crooner , tv persona, movie star and so much more. Than came the bitter brake up, and USA was in tears for long time, after all they lost one of the best comedy teams of the century.
Lewis remained at Paramount and became a major comedy star with his first film as a solo comic.
When i really started to learn about Dean, i didn't like Jerry. I always thought that was the one who broke the team. Then i read his book, i saw his interviews and live footage from Martin and Lewis time. The seconds i finished reading his book, i understood how much he loves Dean Martin. And i mean, you can see it in his eyes, when he looked at Dean perform or when Frank reunited Martin and Lewis at Telethon. So when ever i see or hear Jerry talk about Dean, it's like to hear a little brother who is so proud of his oldest brother. And some times i think how and what would have happend if they staid together? But then, like Dean said: "...the best thing that has happened to me is when i met Jerry! And the second best is when i left Jerry."
So why am i writing this? Well a couple of weeks ago i wrought a letter to Jerry where i said that Martin and Lewis helped me threw my parents divorce and that i just love Jerry's movies. etc. Well, i never thought that i would get an answer! But i did. He send a signed picture of Martin and Lewis.
So this is kind of big for me, u know? jerry has been a big influens on me and i thank him for just being Jerry!
By the way, next i will have an interview about my blog and Dean passion : ) Wish me luck ; )
Ain't That A Kick In The Head?
Hey pallies, as I post this politico post from the blogg "Chattering Teeth," wanna makes it perfectly clear that I am not tryin' to make any political statement, simply wantin' all you pallies to know how far and wide our Dino's influence has spread.
How great to see our Dino bein' mentioned in this post...to see it in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogran. Woulda be funny to see President Obama do some lip syncin' of our Dino. Enjoys the humor here pallies...buts remember that likes our Dino, ilovedinomartin doesn't take sides in all thin's politico.... Dinosharin', DMP
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ain't That A Kick In The Head?
Obama visits sailors at the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida this afternoon in full campaign mode for the next few days in Florida. The troops in harm's way can wait when there are Democratic fundraisers to attend.

OBAMA: I know Dick Cheney thinks I'm dithering on the war and emboldening our enemy by waffling. But what Cheney calls dithering, I call solemn responsibility to entertain the men and women in uniform in the traditions of Bob Hope. Sure the morale is at an all-time low in Afghanistan, but just ask these sailors here in Jacksonville about morale after I lip sync a little Dean Martin for them!
OBAMA: I may not be listening to that General what's-his-name... McCarthy... McCraken, ehhhh Mickey D's fellow, but I am taking requests for the next fake Karaoke song. Load up the teleprompter Joe!
Posted by DaBlade at 6:33 AM
How great to see our Dino bein' mentioned in this post...to see it in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogran. Woulda be funny to see President Obama do some lip syncin' of our Dino. Enjoys the humor here pallies...buts remember that likes our Dino, ilovedinomartin doesn't take sides in all thin's politico.... Dinosharin', DMP
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ain't That A Kick In The Head?
Obama visits sailors at the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida this afternoon in full campaign mode for the next few days in Florida. The troops in harm's way can wait when there are Democratic fundraisers to attend.

OBAMA: I know Dick Cheney thinks I'm dithering on the war and emboldening our enemy by waffling. But what Cheney calls dithering, I call solemn responsibility to entertain the men and women in uniform in the traditions of Bob Hope. Sure the morale is at an all-time low in Afghanistan, but just ask these sailors here in Jacksonville about morale after I lip sync a little Dean Martin for them!
OBAMA: I may not be listening to that General what's-his-name... McCarthy... McCraken, ehhhh Mickey D's fellow, but I am taking requests for the next fake Karaoke song. Load up the teleprompter Joe!
Posted by DaBlade at 6:33 AM
Richard Moody's Complete Childhood Video : "Something's Gotta Give"
Hey pallies, here a youngen' from the UK who has a blogg tagged "Richard's Thoughts" (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there.) Richard has shared 'bout our Dino's unfinished flick "Something's Gotta Give" with Miss Marilyn Monroe. A grand surprise to see one of today's youth even knowin' 'bout this Dinofeature let 'lone bloggin' 'bout it. Just goes to show that Dinodevotion continues to spread from generation to generation...Dinolove is forever! Also postin' a clip from the flick for your Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure...the opennin' credits and scenes... Dinodevotedly, DMP
Monday, 26 October 2009
Richard Moody's Complete Childhood Video
Something’s Got to Give (1962): Ellen Arden (Monroe), mother of two small children, was a photographer on a trans-pacific yacht race when she was swept overboard. After an exhaustive search her husband Nick (Dean Martin) has her declared dead. On the same day her husband is married to Bianca (Cyd Charisse). While they are on their honeymoon, Ellen returns home after having been rescued from an island where she has been marooned for 5 years, and although the family dog remembers her, the children do not. However, the children take a liking to her, and invite her to stay. Ellen poses as a woman named Ingrid Tic, impersonating a foreign accent. Nick obviously recognizes the woman, however Bianca does not, but his assumptions are not proven until he spies Ellen laughing while swimming in the pool while in the nude late at night. After this, Nick learns that she was marooned on the island with Stephen Burkett (Tom Tryon) known as "Adam" to her "Eve". To allay Nick's fears, Ellen enlists a meek shoe salesman (Wally Cox) to impersonate her island companion.
By Shway Ross & Richard Moody
Posted by Richard's Ideas at 11:34 1 comments
Monday, 26 October 2009
Richard Moody's Complete Childhood Video

By Shway Ross & Richard Moody
Posted by Richard's Ideas at 11:34 1 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
MARIA: I'm forever blowing bobbles
Hey pallies, likes here is 'nother post from our Dinodevotee Maria. Again, as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to goes to Maria's blogg.
A few ago, Maria mentioned at her blogg that she was sentin' a letter off to the jer...and today she shows the Dinofruits of her effort....a pix of our Dino and the jer signed by the kid! How cool is that. Hopin' that Maria will be sharin' more details of her letter and the response from Mr. Lewis.
Loves findin' such youngens likes our pallie who are so so totally sold out to our Dino...so so Dinorefreshin' for Dinosure! Dinodelightedly, DMP
I'm forever blowing bobbles
This is one of the best weeks :D
So here is a little update:
- This week we have only tree days at school ;)
- On Friday, me, Ulrikke, Ingvild, Pia and Mathilde are going on a little trip to visit Marita, so that's going to be really good : )
- I got my Martin and Lewis Copacobana 1956 live show :D
- I got signed picture of Martin and Lewis, signed by Jerry Lewis him self :D (i actually screamed when i opened that letter and saw what was inside :o )

- I bought a cd collection called: Dean Martin; Direct from the bar. Inside there are 5 cd's, called:
* Dean Martin Show- there are live recordings from his show, where he sings at the piano and on the sofa :P (Thanks to Milka, she was the one who found it :D )
*Dino at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas 1964
*Live at The Apollo Theatre, Victoria, London 1983
- I got my Dean and Frank cd: Live from Sabre Room from 1977
Lagt inn av Maria Jensen kl. 18:22
A few ago, Maria mentioned at her blogg that she was sentin' a letter off to the jer...and today she shows the Dinofruits of her effort....a pix of our Dino and the jer signed by the kid! How cool is that. Hopin' that Maria will be sharin' more details of her letter and the response from Mr. Lewis.
Loves findin' such youngens likes our pallie who are so so totally sold out to our Dino...so so Dinorefreshin' for Dinosure! Dinodelightedly, DMP
I'm forever blowing bobbles
This is one of the best weeks :D
So here is a little update:
- This week we have only tree days at school ;)
- On Friday, me, Ulrikke, Ingvild, Pia and Mathilde are going on a little trip to visit Marita, so that's going to be really good : )
- I got my Martin and Lewis Copacobana 1956 live show :D
- I got signed picture of Martin and Lewis, signed by Jerry Lewis him self :D (i actually screamed when i opened that letter and saw what was inside :o )

- I bought a cd collection called: Dean Martin; Direct from the bar. Inside there are 5 cd's, called:
* Dean Martin Show- there are live recordings from his show, where he sings at the piano and on the sofa :P (Thanks to Milka, she was the one who found it :D )
*Dino at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas 1964
*Live at The Apollo Theatre, Victoria, London 1983
- I got my Dean and Frank cd: Live from Sabre Room from 1977
Lagt inn av Maria Jensen kl. 18:22
MARIA: Story on Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes here is 'nother great post from Dinoholic Maria (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes to here amazin' blogg).
Loves readin' stories 'bout the life and times of our Dino and this one is tagged "Dean Martin To Quit Show Business" by a Mr. Tom Stewart.
Stewart emphasis is on Dino the family man and how he wants to spend more time with his younger children, Dino Jr., Ricci, and Gina. Well we know and are so Dinodelighted that our Dino never quit the biz at the height of his career and we know that not that long after this Dinoprose was written he cut the strings with the Jeanne and his life became likes totally congruent with his swingin' persona as an entertainer. So Stewart's observations proved to be less then accurate....but likes how cool to read this Dinoliterature as a piece of Dinohistory.
BTW pallies, likes if you clicks on each Dinopage you will be able to enlarge 'em so that you can read each and every Dinoword!
Thanks to our Maria for sharin' this with us. Dinolearnin', DMP
mandag 26. oktober 2009
Story on Dean Martin

Loves readin' stories 'bout the life and times of our Dino and this one is tagged "Dean Martin To Quit Show Business" by a Mr. Tom Stewart.
Stewart emphasis is on Dino the family man and how he wants to spend more time with his younger children, Dino Jr., Ricci, and Gina. Well we know and are so Dinodelighted that our Dino never quit the biz at the height of his career and we know that not that long after this Dinoprose was written he cut the strings with the Jeanne and his life became likes totally congruent with his swingin' persona as an entertainer. So Stewart's observations proved to be less then accurate....but likes how cool to read this Dinoliterature as a piece of Dinohistory.
BTW pallies, likes if you clicks on each Dinopage you will be able to enlarge 'em so that you can read each and every Dinoword!
Thanks to our Maria for sharin' this with us. Dinolearnin', DMP
mandag 26. oktober 2009
Story on Dean Martin

From Dean Martin and A Very Special Christmas
Hey pallies, the Dinomessage just keeps on gettin' spread all over the web. Here's a post 'bout our Dino's newest Dinowinteralbum found at the Yacht Charter Magazine padd...lettin' all their readers knows 'bout our Dino's very special holiday cd "A Very Special Christmas" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there).
The whole release lists several seasonal selections, but likes who is shared first...our Dino...where he rightfully oughta be...can't you just see the rich and the famous,as they are cruisin' this holiday season, listenin' to the "uniquely stylized, highly identifiable and definitely crooned with the smooth approach that was his own inimitable vocal style" of our great man?!?!??!
Gots my copy of this new Dinoclassic last week and am preparin' to much Dinolistenin' Dinopleasure as our Dino heats thin's up with the temp gets cool! Dinodevotedly, DMP
Give Music This Holiday Season From Universal Music Enterprises... the Gift That Keeps on Giving
From Dean Martin and A Very Special Christmas to The Jackson 5 and your favorite Motown artists.
By: PR Newswire
Oct. 26, 2009 09:10 AM
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- With the festive season lingering just around the corner -- nobody can create the mood or sing them better than Dean Martin. So uniquely stylized, highly identifiable and definitely crooned with the smooth approach that was his own inimitable vocal style. Released October 6, 2009, Dean Martin - My Kind of Christmas, collects 14 familiar, timeless classics, including; "Silent Night," "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" "Baby It's Cold Outside," "Jingle Bells," "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer," and includes a specially remixed version of the festive chestnut "Winter Wonderland" -- delivered for the season in a manner as only this handsome film star, TV icon and Grammy®-winning singing sensation could.
The whole release lists several seasonal selections, but likes who is shared first...our Dino...where he rightfully oughta be...can't you just see the rich and the famous,as they are cruisin' this holiday season, listenin' to the "uniquely stylized, highly identifiable and definitely crooned with the smooth approach that was his own inimitable vocal style" of our great man?!?!??!
Gots my copy of this new Dinoclassic last week and am preparin' to much Dinolistenin' Dinopleasure as our Dino heats thin's up with the temp gets cool! Dinodevotedly, DMP
Give Music This Holiday Season From Universal Music Enterprises... the Gift That Keeps on Giving
From Dean Martin and A Very Special Christmas to The Jackson 5 and your favorite Motown artists.
By: PR Newswire
Oct. 26, 2009 09:10 AM

Dean Martin and a fitting send-off for my Uncle Sid
Hey pallies, likes you just never ever know where our Dino is gonna shows up next...likes in this article by Martin Samuel 'bout the funeral of his Uncle Sid. Clicks on the tagg of this Dinomessage to goes to the UK Daily Mail pad to checks it out in it's original context.
This is probably one of the most unusual Dinomentions I have ever shared...but shows how universal our Dino is known and loved. Also sharin' our Dino singin' 'bout "Little Ol' Wine Drinker Me," from a live Dinogig in London 1983. Dinoforever, DMP
Dean Martin and a fitting send-off for my Uncle Sid
By Martin Samuel
Vicar: Reverend Ed Tomlinson said he feels 'like a lemon' at modern funerals
When uncle Sid died, the vicar stood in front of the mourners with a gentle smile. 'Sid didn't believe in God,' he said, 'so I'm hoping that wherever he is now, he's very surprised.'
It was the word 'hoping' that I liked. The vicar was a man of God, but he knew what he was up against in church that day. He knew that in people like Sid, and people who liked Sid, he was not preaching to the converted.
Sid was going out to Little Ole Wine Drinker, Me by Dean Martin - the irony being I can never recall his touching a drop of the stuff in his life. Sid was a whisky man and he liked it straight. He regarded water with suspicion, as if it were a particularly inadequate mixer.
During one spectacular coughing fit caused by his choice of solids to accompany the whisky - 40 cigarettes daily - he was offered a glass from the tap. 'No thanks, son,' he said between wheezes. 'I tried water once, tasted of nothing.'
And that is what some people think about the Church of England, too. That it tastes of nothing. They would prefer something stronger, with a bit of oomph, a little more fire and brimstone, a greater commitment to the cause. Yet no religion could have given Sid a better send-off than he had that day.
The vicar held a service for a man who never set foot inside a church unless he had to, yet did so with dignity and humour. He introduced faith for those that sought comfort from it, and displayed humanity and respect for those who were there just for Sid. And, in doing so, he converted a room of people, not to the beliefs of the Church of England, but to the idea of it.
The very modern, very civilised, concept of a faith that can be all things to all men with a common decency that may come from the teachings of God, or the teachings of Man on subjects as wide-ranging as conservation and contraception. A faith that embraces the Bible and Dean Martin, Charles Wesley and Sid.
Wesley wrote more than 5,500 hymns, including the popular Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and the strangely obscure The Great Archangel's Trump. Some would argue Wesley and other devout men are all funeral services should consist of, even in secular times.
Ed Tomlinson, a vicar in Tunbridge Wells, talked this week of standing like a lemon at a crematorium listening to Tina Turner singing Simply The Best. He railed at the 'pithy platitudes of sentimental and secular poets'. He missed the point by a mile.
For a start, not all modern music is trite. When If Ever I Would Leave You, from the musical Camelot, was played at my father-in-law's funeral as his farewell to the wife he had known since they were at school together, it was a poignant moment unmatched by any hymn. Further than that, it is when reaching out beyond the realm of the faithful that the Church of England is at its best.
Father Tomlinson is not there for the guy in the coffin with the questionable taste in music. He is there for the living, to provide spiritual comfort for those that believe, and a soft voice of goodness for the rest.
And his Church is not redundant, but more relevant than ever, precisely because it resists dogma, hectoring or the fanatical, because it does not move people to acts of violence or cruelty.
The Pope proposes to welcome Anglicans to the Roman Catholic Church, but the ones most eager to take him up on the offer will be those out of step with society, who vehemently oppose the ordination of women as priests, for example.
They see the Church of England as feeble and compromised, they hear Dean Martin where a church organ should be and think it has lost its place in society. They are wrong.
There is great modernity in the inclusiveness of the Anglican Church because it places human kindness to the fore. And that simple grace should never be mistaken for weakness. As Father Tomlinson may come to understand, it is actually his Church's greatest strength.
Once again with feeling
Simply The Best and other funeral favourites such as Wind Beneath My Wings and My Heart Will Go On are irredeemably appalling, but there are some pretty lousy hymns, too. Ever heard There Is A Fountain by William Cowper?
For a start, the fountain is filled with blood, therefore coming off a bit like a rather unnerving Hammer horror film rather than a song of praise.
It also includes this bizarre couplet: 'Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save / When this poor lisping, stammering tongue, lies silent in the grave.'
So we're singing but silent, yes? Dead, buried, yet somehow still singing. Cowper also wrote the line: 'God moves in mysterious ways.' He sure does.
This is probably one of the most unusual Dinomentions I have ever shared...but shows how universal our Dino is known and loved. Also sharin' our Dino singin' 'bout "Little Ol' Wine Drinker Me," from a live Dinogig in London 1983. Dinoforever, DMP
Dean Martin and a fitting send-off for my Uncle Sid
By Martin Samuel

When uncle Sid died, the vicar stood in front of the mourners with a gentle smile. 'Sid didn't believe in God,' he said, 'so I'm hoping that wherever he is now, he's very surprised.'
It was the word 'hoping' that I liked. The vicar was a man of God, but he knew what he was up against in church that day. He knew that in people like Sid, and people who liked Sid, he was not preaching to the converted.
Sid was going out to Little Ole Wine Drinker, Me by Dean Martin - the irony being I can never recall his touching a drop of the stuff in his life. Sid was a whisky man and he liked it straight. He regarded water with suspicion, as if it were a particularly inadequate mixer.
During one spectacular coughing fit caused by his choice of solids to accompany the whisky - 40 cigarettes daily - he was offered a glass from the tap. 'No thanks, son,' he said between wheezes. 'I tried water once, tasted of nothing.'
And that is what some people think about the Church of England, too. That it tastes of nothing. They would prefer something stronger, with a bit of oomph, a little more fire and brimstone, a greater commitment to the cause. Yet no religion could have given Sid a better send-off than he had that day.
The vicar held a service for a man who never set foot inside a church unless he had to, yet did so with dignity and humour. He introduced faith for those that sought comfort from it, and displayed humanity and respect for those who were there just for Sid. And, in doing so, he converted a room of people, not to the beliefs of the Church of England, but to the idea of it.
The very modern, very civilised, concept of a faith that can be all things to all men with a common decency that may come from the teachings of God, or the teachings of Man on subjects as wide-ranging as conservation and contraception. A faith that embraces the Bible and Dean Martin, Charles Wesley and Sid.
Wesley wrote more than 5,500 hymns, including the popular Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and the strangely obscure The Great Archangel's Trump. Some would argue Wesley and other devout men are all funeral services should consist of, even in secular times.
Ed Tomlinson, a vicar in Tunbridge Wells, talked this week of standing like a lemon at a crematorium listening to Tina Turner singing Simply The Best. He railed at the 'pithy platitudes of sentimental and secular poets'. He missed the point by a mile.
For a start, not all modern music is trite. When If Ever I Would Leave You, from the musical Camelot, was played at my father-in-law's funeral as his farewell to the wife he had known since they were at school together, it was a poignant moment unmatched by any hymn. Further than that, it is when reaching out beyond the realm of the faithful that the Church of England is at its best.
Father Tomlinson is not there for the guy in the coffin with the questionable taste in music. He is there for the living, to provide spiritual comfort for those that believe, and a soft voice of goodness for the rest.
And his Church is not redundant, but more relevant than ever, precisely because it resists dogma, hectoring or the fanatical, because it does not move people to acts of violence or cruelty.
The Pope proposes to welcome Anglicans to the Roman Catholic Church, but the ones most eager to take him up on the offer will be those out of step with society, who vehemently oppose the ordination of women as priests, for example.
They see the Church of England as feeble and compromised, they hear Dean Martin where a church organ should be and think it has lost its place in society. They are wrong.
There is great modernity in the inclusiveness of the Anglican Church because it places human kindness to the fore. And that simple grace should never be mistaken for weakness. As Father Tomlinson may come to understand, it is actually his Church's greatest strength.
Once again with feeling
Simply The Best and other funeral favourites such as Wind Beneath My Wings and My Heart Will Go On are irredeemably appalling, but there are some pretty lousy hymns, too. Ever heard There Is A Fountain by William Cowper?
For a start, the fountain is filled with blood, therefore coming off a bit like a rather unnerving Hammer horror film rather than a song of praise.
It also includes this bizarre couplet: 'Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save / When this poor lisping, stammering tongue, lies silent in the grave.'
So we're singing but silent, yes? Dead, buried, yet somehow still singing. Cowper also wrote the line: 'God moves in mysterious ways.' He sure does.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
(3) Passion Singapore 60s Music & Dean Martin
Hey pallies, our great pallie Andy Lim continues to say such wonderful Dinowords 'bout the ilovedinomartin Dinoventure and yours truly. I feel so unworthy of such praise...all the praise goes to our Dino 'cause without him there woulda be no reason to do this Dinowork.
To read this in it's original format, please clicks on the tagg (title) of this Dinopost to goes to Mr. Lim's cool blogg "Singapore 60s Andy Pop Music Website 08."
Thanks to our great pallie from Singapore for showin' such true Dinopalliedom and honorin' our Dino in this way! Dinothrilled, DMP
October 24, 2009
(3) Passion Singapore 60s Music & Dean Martin

"I had encouraged Andy to trys out his own form of patter usin' what he tagged Singlish...a combo of his native tongue and English, and here is where he created in honor of our Dino... all I gotta say is that my Dinobro has just started my Dinoday off with a huge Dinobuddagrin with this fun post! Thanks pallie, for all your efforts for our Dino and for bein' such a cool Dinopallie! Dinodelightedly." DMP October 23, 2009.
It just goes to show the passion people have. It will be an exception in our country if Singapore 60s music has followers like Dino Martin Peters who takes time and trouble to write, almost every other day, about Dean Martin. Queen's English, Standard English or even in Singlish, I wish more enthusiasts would write and blog about Singapore music from the 50s.
Image: Dino Martin Peters.
Article: DMP/Andy Lim.
Posted by Andy Young* at 11:15 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Singapore 60s Music
To read this in it's original format, please clicks on the tagg (title) of this Dinopost to goes to Mr. Lim's cool blogg "Singapore 60s Andy Pop Music Website 08."
Thanks to our great pallie from Singapore for showin' such true Dinopalliedom and honorin' our Dino in this way! Dinothrilled, DMP
October 24, 2009
(3) Passion Singapore 60s Music & Dean Martin

"I had encouraged Andy to trys out his own form of patter usin' what he tagged Singlish...a combo of his native tongue and English, and here is where he created in honor of our Dino... all I gotta say is that my Dinobro has just started my Dinoday off with a huge Dinobuddagrin with this fun post! Thanks pallie, for all your efforts for our Dino and for bein' such a cool Dinopallie! Dinodelightedly." DMP October 23, 2009.
It just goes to show the passion people have. It will be an exception in our country if Singapore 60s music has followers like Dino Martin Peters who takes time and trouble to write, almost every other day, about Dean Martin. Queen's English, Standard English or even in Singlish, I wish more enthusiasts would write and blog about Singapore music from the 50s.
Image: Dino Martin Peters.
Article: DMP/Andy Lim.
Posted by Andy Young* at 11:15 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Singapore 60s Music
Hoy es un buen día...
Hey pallies, here's 'nother cool Dinopost from our Spanish Dinolovin' pallie Kinezoe. His blogg is tagged No Todo Es Kippel and can be found be clickin' on the tagg of this Dinomessage.
Wishes I coulda read espanol to be able to know everythin' Kinezoe is speakin' of, but does loves the crazycool pix of our Dino and the kid and of course the outstandin' clip of our Dino singin' one of his signature tunes "That's Amore" from "The Caddy."
Thanks to our pallie for sharin' his Dinopure Dinoadulation with this Spanish speakin' portion of the Dinouniverse! Dinogratfully, DMP
martes 20 de octubre de 2009
Hoy es un buen día...

...para escuchar That's Amore. Demasiado tiempo he tardado yo en colgar este vídeo, pero dicen nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena... ¿Ven ustedes por qué Dino fue siempre el más grande?
"The Caddy" es su título original, aunque aquí España, guasones que somos y cual si fuera una peli de Pajares y Esteso, le pusimos "¡Qué par de golfantes!"... No es que sea una maravilla de historia, pero sólo por la escena anterior bien merece un par de visionados, ¿no creen?
Va por ti, va por ustedes! ;-)
"That's amore" (Dean Martin, 1953)
(In Napoli where love is king
When boy meets girl here's what they say)
When the Moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella
Lucky fella
When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
That's amore
Wishes I coulda read espanol to be able to know everythin' Kinezoe is speakin' of, but does loves the crazycool pix of our Dino and the kid and of course the outstandin' clip of our Dino singin' one of his signature tunes "That's Amore" from "The Caddy."
Thanks to our pallie for sharin' his Dinopure Dinoadulation with this Spanish speakin' portion of the Dinouniverse! Dinogratfully, DMP
martes 20 de octubre de 2009
Hoy es un buen día...

...para escuchar That's Amore. Demasiado tiempo he tardado yo en colgar este vídeo, pero dicen nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena... ¿Ven ustedes por qué Dino fue siempre el más grande?
"The Caddy" es su título original, aunque aquí España, guasones que somos y cual si fuera una peli de Pajares y Esteso, le pusimos "¡Qué par de golfantes!"... No es que sea una maravilla de historia, pero sólo por la escena anterior bien merece un par de visionados, ¿no creen?
Va por ti, va por ustedes! ;-)
"That's amore" (Dean Martin, 1953)
(In Napoli where love is king
When boy meets girl here's what they say)
When the Moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing "Vita bella"
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella
Lucky fella
When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love
When you walk in a dream but you know you're not
Dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
That's amore
Frank goes, `Who was that?' I say, `Dean Martin.' And Frank goes, `Dean wouldn't do a thing like that.'
Hey pallies, we express our sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Soupy Sales who has died. I found the followin' prose 'bout him at the Chicago Sun Times website (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there).
We express our thanks to Mr. David Hoekstra who shares this interview with Soupy in 1997 where Soupy relates this cool Dino and the frankie story. Always so cool to see how often our Dino comes up in stories of the departed....shows how intergral our Dino has been and always will be to so so many lives. Dinoinformed, DMP

Soupy Sales: A pie in the sky
By David Hoekstra on October 23, 2009 3:58 PM

Soupy sends a pie to fellow funnyman Pat Cooper during Soup's 75th birthday party at the Friar's Club in New York.
Soupy Sales has died.
His former manager reported that Sales died of multiple health problems Thursday night in a New York City hospice. Sales was 83.
Another bit of my childhood has been chipped away. I had to revisit this 1997 piece I did with the Soupman when he came Merrillville, Ind. to open for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons at the Star Plaza Theater.
Hope you chuckle at the cornball jokes. I apologize for my puns.
Life has been a bowl of cheeries for Soupy Sales.
Stop it.
The gags are going to fly like pies in the sky. I asked Soupy what people can expect when the 70-year-old pop culture icon opens for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
"Jokes," he answered in a call from his Manhattan home. "A woman goes to the doctor, the doctor says, `What's your problem? The woman says, `My water just broke, what should I do? The doctor says, `Get off my rug.' "
"What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time? A widow."
Let's hang on. The soup's on........
Soupy Sales was born Milton Supman in rural Franklinton, N.C. His parents nicknamed him "Soupbone," since they referred to his older brothers as "Chickenbone" and "Hambone." His television career began in 1950 in Cincinnati when he hosted the teen dance show "Soupy's Soda Shop," which pre-dated "American Bandstand." The station changed Soupy's last name to Hines, because it sounded like Heinz, the canned-food company. Later the station canned Sales and a young science-fiction writer named Rod Serling.
Soupy set out to be a journalist. And that's not a joke.
"I got a degree in journalism from Marshall University (in Huntington, W.Va.)," Sales said. "I wrote for my high school and college newspapers. It was my only creative outlet in those days."
Soupy got his big break in 1955 when he was selected as the summer replacement for "Kukla, Fran and Ollie," a popular prime-time TV show out of Chicago. In 1957 he legally changed his name to Soupy Sales.
Soupy is known for many things. His wife, Trudy, is a former Radio City Music Hall Rockette and June Taylor dancer. Soupy met Trudy when he appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show" to promote his 1964 dance hit "Do the Mouse." She was a dancer on the show.
Soupy's sons Tony (bass) and Hunt (drums) Sales backed up David Bowie in the band Tin Machine and also played with Iggy Pop. They performed on the 1970 Todd Rundgren hit "We Gotta Get You a Woman." Tony, 46, is now working in commercials in Los Angeles, and Hunt, 44, is producing rock bands in San Antonio.
But there's no getting around the pies.
Soupy figures he has taken more than 20,000 pies in the face. The shtick was the hallmark of "The Soupy Sales Show," the 1960s children's television show that featured puppet pals such as White Fang, Black Tooth and Pookie. (Isn't that package tour at the Aragon this weekend?) Sales' old television shows are available on Rhino Home Video.
"A lot of people don't realize the aerosol can didn't come in until 1955," Soupy said. "So up until that time you had to use whipping cream or egg whites. But with shaving cream, you had the cleanest tonsils in town."
In his 2001 memoir "Soupy Sez!" (M. Evans), he elaborated that shaving cream was also better than whipped cream because it didn't spoil. "And no tin plates," Sales wrote. "The secret is you just can't push it and shove it in somebody's face. It has to be done with a pie that has a lot of crust so that it breaks up into a thousand pieces when it hits you."
Are you thinking Halloween fun like I am?
There are just a few certainties in life: death, taxes and someone will always laugh at Soupy Sales getting smacked by a pie in the eye. "If a man falls down and gets up, it's funny," Soupy explained. "If he falls down and doesn't get up it's not funny. The pie thing takes someone's dignity away. You look and you say, `I'm glad it isn't me.' "
Frank Sinatra even took a pie in the face in 1961. "He told me he'd do the show on one condition - that he'd get hit by a pie," Soupy said. "He sang `Foggy Day.' He walks through the door and I go, `You're the greatest entertainer of all time.' There's a knock on the door and I get hit with a pie. Frank goes, `Who was that?' I say, `Dean Martin.' And Frank goes, `Dean wouldn't do a thing like that.' Frank opens the door and he gets hit with a pie. Surprised, he takes a taste and says, `It's rum! That's Dean.' "
Soupy spends about two weeks of every month on the road. He's currently hot in Hollywood. Soupy is featured in the Danny Aiello and Tony Randall film "Behind the Seams." He just finished shooting "Everything's George," a movie set in heaven where God tells George Burns that before he can reunite with his wife and partner Gracie Allen, he has to rescue Cuban cigars from Fidel Castro. "I play a cigar store owner," Soupy said. "Frank Gorshin plays George Burns. There's a lot of cameos from people like Ed McMahon.
"Regardless of what people say, I think I was influential to a lot of kids and a lot of people. It doesn't seem like it, but I would never do anything that wasn't prepared or planned. You have to be the most disciplined performer to make it seem undisciplined."
And Soupy Sales' timing was impeccable.
Categories:Hipsters In Heaven
We express our thanks to Mr. David Hoekstra who shares this interview with Soupy in 1997 where Soupy relates this cool Dino and the frankie story. Always so cool to see how often our Dino comes up in stories of the departed....shows how intergral our Dino has been and always will be to so so many lives. Dinoinformed, DMP

Soupy Sales: A pie in the sky
By David Hoekstra on October 23, 2009 3:58 PM

Soupy sends a pie to fellow funnyman Pat Cooper during Soup's 75th birthday party at the Friar's Club in New York.
Soupy Sales has died.
His former manager reported that Sales died of multiple health problems Thursday night in a New York City hospice. Sales was 83.
Another bit of my childhood has been chipped away. I had to revisit this 1997 piece I did with the Soupman when he came Merrillville, Ind. to open for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons at the Star Plaza Theater.
Hope you chuckle at the cornball jokes. I apologize for my puns.
Life has been a bowl of cheeries for Soupy Sales.
Stop it.
The gags are going to fly like pies in the sky. I asked Soupy what people can expect when the 70-year-old pop culture icon opens for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
"Jokes," he answered in a call from his Manhattan home. "A woman goes to the doctor, the doctor says, `What's your problem? The woman says, `My water just broke, what should I do? The doctor says, `Get off my rug.' "
"What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time? A widow."
Let's hang on. The soup's on........
Soupy Sales was born Milton Supman in rural Franklinton, N.C. His parents nicknamed him "Soupbone," since they referred to his older brothers as "Chickenbone" and "Hambone." His television career began in 1950 in Cincinnati when he hosted the teen dance show "Soupy's Soda Shop," which pre-dated "American Bandstand." The station changed Soupy's last name to Hines, because it sounded like Heinz, the canned-food company. Later the station canned Sales and a young science-fiction writer named Rod Serling.
Soupy set out to be a journalist. And that's not a joke.
"I got a degree in journalism from Marshall University (in Huntington, W.Va.)," Sales said. "I wrote for my high school and college newspapers. It was my only creative outlet in those days."
Soupy got his big break in 1955 when he was selected as the summer replacement for "Kukla, Fran and Ollie," a popular prime-time TV show out of Chicago. In 1957 he legally changed his name to Soupy Sales.
Soupy is known for many things. His wife, Trudy, is a former Radio City Music Hall Rockette and June Taylor dancer. Soupy met Trudy when he appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show" to promote his 1964 dance hit "Do the Mouse." She was a dancer on the show.
Soupy's sons Tony (bass) and Hunt (drums) Sales backed up David Bowie in the band Tin Machine and also played with Iggy Pop. They performed on the 1970 Todd Rundgren hit "We Gotta Get You a Woman." Tony, 46, is now working in commercials in Los Angeles, and Hunt, 44, is producing rock bands in San Antonio.
But there's no getting around the pies.
Soupy figures he has taken more than 20,000 pies in the face. The shtick was the hallmark of "The Soupy Sales Show," the 1960s children's television show that featured puppet pals such as White Fang, Black Tooth and Pookie. (Isn't that package tour at the Aragon this weekend?) Sales' old television shows are available on Rhino Home Video.
"A lot of people don't realize the aerosol can didn't come in until 1955," Soupy said. "So up until that time you had to use whipping cream or egg whites. But with shaving cream, you had the cleanest tonsils in town."
In his 2001 memoir "Soupy Sez!" (M. Evans), he elaborated that shaving cream was also better than whipped cream because it didn't spoil. "And no tin plates," Sales wrote. "The secret is you just can't push it and shove it in somebody's face. It has to be done with a pie that has a lot of crust so that it breaks up into a thousand pieces when it hits you."
Are you thinking Halloween fun like I am?
There are just a few certainties in life: death, taxes and someone will always laugh at Soupy Sales getting smacked by a pie in the eye. "If a man falls down and gets up, it's funny," Soupy explained. "If he falls down and doesn't get up it's not funny. The pie thing takes someone's dignity away. You look and you say, `I'm glad it isn't me.' "
Frank Sinatra even took a pie in the face in 1961. "He told me he'd do the show on one condition - that he'd get hit by a pie," Soupy said. "He sang `Foggy Day.' He walks through the door and I go, `You're the greatest entertainer of all time.' There's a knock on the door and I get hit with a pie. Frank goes, `Who was that?' I say, `Dean Martin.' And Frank goes, `Dean wouldn't do a thing like that.' Frank opens the door and he gets hit with a pie. Surprised, he takes a taste and says, `It's rum! That's Dean.' "
Soupy spends about two weeks of every month on the road. He's currently hot in Hollywood. Soupy is featured in the Danny Aiello and Tony Randall film "Behind the Seams." He just finished shooting "Everything's George," a movie set in heaven where God tells George Burns that before he can reunite with his wife and partner Gracie Allen, he has to rescue Cuban cigars from Fidel Castro. "I play a cigar store owner," Soupy said. "Frank Gorshin plays George Burns. There's a lot of cameos from people like Ed McMahon.
"Regardless of what people say, I think I was influential to a lot of kids and a lot of people. It doesn't seem like it, but I would never do anything that wasn't prepared or planned. You have to be the most disciplined performer to make it seem undisciplined."
And Soupy Sales' timing was impeccable.
Categories:Hipsters In Heaven
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dean Martin sings “3 Coins in the Fountain” for 1955 Oscars
Hey pallies, just findin' more and more of our Dino all over the web....here at a blogg tagged "Coin Collecting Made Simple" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there) is some rare footage from the 1955 Oscar Awards where our Dino sings the nominated tune "Three Coins In The Fountain."
Makes cents (gets the punn pallies?) that a coin collectin' blogg would feature our Dino singin' 'bout coinage. Never ever saw this Dinoclip before and loves seein' and hearin' our Dino sings seriously....and cool to see Mr. Bing intro the jer and the jer intro our Dino.
Just never know where our Dino is goin' to appear next....and all these unique Dinopostin's means pallies of all types and stripes are gettin' introducted to our Dino and makin' more and more pallies true Dinodevotees.
Loves it pallies, loves it! and when you clicks on this coin blogg checks out all the Dinolove expressed in the comments section! Dinoreportin', DMP
Dean Martin sings “3 Coins in the Fountain” for 1955 Oscars
by admin on October 22, 2009
Bob hope introduces Jerry Lewis, who introduces Dean Martin. Dean Martin sings the Oscar nominated "3 Coins in the Fountain". Taken from the 27th annual Academy Awards show of 1955.
Duration : 0:3:44
Tagged as: 1955, Academy, awards, Bob, dean, Hope, Jerry, Lewis, Martin, Oscars
Makes cents (gets the punn pallies?) that a coin collectin' blogg would feature our Dino singin' 'bout coinage. Never ever saw this Dinoclip before and loves seein' and hearin' our Dino sings seriously....and cool to see Mr. Bing intro the jer and the jer intro our Dino.
Just never know where our Dino is goin' to appear next....and all these unique Dinopostin's means pallies of all types and stripes are gettin' introducted to our Dino and makin' more and more pallies true Dinodevotees.
Loves it pallies, loves it! and when you clicks on this coin blogg checks out all the Dinolove expressed in the comments section! Dinoreportin', DMP
Dean Martin sings “3 Coins in the Fountain” for 1955 Oscars
by admin on October 22, 2009
Bob hope introduces Jerry Lewis, who introduces Dean Martin. Dean Martin sings the Oscar nominated "3 Coins in the Fountain". Taken from the 27th annual Academy Awards show of 1955.
Duration : 0:3:44
Tagged as: 1955, Academy, awards, Bob, dean, Hope, Jerry, Lewis, Martin, Oscars
For You Adeye-Dean Martin(and for all who love him)
Hey pallies, likes this is so sweet. From a blogg tagged "Nations Around Our Table," which you can access by clickin' on the tagg of this Dinomessage, comes the classic Dinovid of our Dino singin' "Memories Are Made Of This.
The Dinoclip was posted for someone named Adeye as well as "for all who love him"....had to link it here 'cause knows how all you pallies loves our Dino likes I do. Thanks to Shonni and Kalyn for sharin' this with Miss Adeye and the rest of the Dinoworld. Dinosweetly, DMP
Thursday, October 22, 2009
For You Adeye-Dean Martin(and for all who love him)
The Dinoclip was posted for someone named Adeye as well as "for all who love him"....had to link it here 'cause knows how all you pallies loves our Dino likes I do. Thanks to Shonni and Kalyn for sharin' this with Miss Adeye and the rest of the Dinoworld. Dinosweetly, DMP
Thursday, October 22, 2009
For You Adeye-Dean Martin(and for all who love him)
(2) Dinomemories Are Made Of This In Singlish: For Good Friend From DinoAmerica
Hey pallies, likes here is 'nother fun Dinopost from our pallie, Mr. Andy Lim over at padd "Singapore 60s Andy Pop Music Website 08." If, as usual, you clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram you will goes there.
I had encouraged Andy to trys out his own form of patter usin' what he tagged Singlish...a combo of his native tongue and English, and here is where he created in honor of our Dino...all I gotta say is that my Dinobro has just started my Dinoday off with a huge Dinobuddagrin with this fun post!
Thanks pallie, for all your efforts for our Dino and for bein' such a cool Dinopallie! Dinodelightedly, DMP
October 23, 2009
(2) Dinomemories Are Made Of This In Singlish: For Good Friend From DinoAmerica

Shiok Lah!
(1) Hey, dis Dino Marting huh, he damn good man, firs time I hear him sing ah... Wah lau! His voice ah, chin song leh!
(2) Wah, you got hear or not? Never hear this one leh. Me-mo-lee meh of dis ah! Song ah! I listen till die man, like so many time until play a-gain an a-gain.
(3) Yah, wat I tole you seek-stee song better den today one! Today one got use bad word one.
(4) Hey, go sorping sen-ter, see god sell CD or not. Want to come or not? Wah lioaw! Ding Marting. See bay shiok ah!
(5) Es-pen-sip ah, Dino CD. No money to buy...
(6) Ah yah, never my, I pay, I pay, cheep lah... He sooper star you know or not?
Image: http://www.coutant.org/ (Dino is with Jerry Lewis, his partner in crime).
Article: Andy Lim Collection.
Posted by Andy Young* at 9:44 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Gadgets, Singapore 60s Music
I had encouraged Andy to trys out his own form of patter usin' what he tagged Singlish...a combo of his native tongue and English, and here is where he created in honor of our Dino...all I gotta say is that my Dinobro has just started my Dinoday off with a huge Dinobuddagrin with this fun post!
Thanks pallie, for all your efforts for our Dino and for bein' such a cool Dinopallie! Dinodelightedly, DMP
October 23, 2009
(2) Dinomemories Are Made Of This In Singlish: For Good Friend From DinoAmerica

Shiok Lah!
(1) Hey, dis Dino Marting huh, he damn good man, firs time I hear him sing ah... Wah lau! His voice ah, chin song leh!
(2) Wah, you got hear or not? Never hear this one leh. Me-mo-lee meh of dis ah! Song ah! I listen till die man, like so many time until play a-gain an a-gain.
(3) Yah, wat I tole you seek-stee song better den today one! Today one got use bad word one.
(4) Hey, go sorping sen-ter, see god sell CD or not. Want to come or not? Wah lioaw! Ding Marting. See bay shiok ah!
(5) Es-pen-sip ah, Dino CD. No money to buy...
(6) Ah yah, never my, I pay, I pay, cheep lah... He sooper star you know or not?
Image: http://www.coutant.org/ (Dino is with Jerry Lewis, his partner in crime).
Article: Andy Lim Collection.
Posted by Andy Young* at 9:44 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Gadgets, Singapore 60s Music
1) Hey Pallie, Dinolingo Dinoexplanation By Dinopal Dino Martin Peters. Lots Of Dinoeffort.
Hey pallies, there is nothin' like sharin' true Dinodevotion with 'nother Dinoholic. Here is a post by one the greatest Dinodevotees of all times Andy Lim of the amazin' blogg "Singapore 60s Andy Pop Music Website 08" (Clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there).
Our pallie was askin' in some Dinopatter 'bout how I created the Dinolingo and got some mucho Dinoinfo for this ilovedinomartin Dinoblog. Well, I answered him in some Dinopatter back and he so so coolly created the followin' Dinopost for his blogg readers.
Well Andy dude, words of Dinoappreciato may likes go back and forth between us for ever, but want you to know how much I appreciate all your Dinointerest and Dinosupport of the ilovedinomartin Dinomission! It's pallies like Andy that makes all these Dinoefforts such a Dinopleasure.
Yes, everythin' done here is done for our Dino, but pallies like Mr. Lim gives me such great Dinoencouragement to move forward in liftin' of the name of our Dino. Dinosupported, DMP
October 23, 2009
(1) Hey Pallie, Dinolingo Dinoexplanation By Dinopal Dino Martin Peters. Lots Of Dinoeffort.
Wow, DMP your postings about Dino are unending. Where do you get all the multi-media information from? And how did you develop this Dinopatter. I'd love to learn from you. I could develop a SingMusic patter too? Many Singaporeans speak Singlish (Singapore English), like, "Ah, your Dino Martin blog very good lah! Shiok (great, fantastic)! Must carry on, lah, don't stop."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hey pallie, likes thanks so much for all the appreciato you have shown for my work for Dino here at ilovedinomartin. I get idears for many many of the Dinoposts through my subscription to what is called google alerts... I have 'em for the taggs Dino Martin, Dean Martin, and ilovedinomartin and thus I get most of all the web postin's for our Dino... and I picks the best from 'em to share here at the Dinoblog.
The Dinopatter started early in my web work for our Dino. First came the Dinoisms when our Dino guided me to the Dinonotion that I coulda add Dino to almost every word to express my passion for our Dino.... even created 'bout '90 Dinodefinitions at a pad tagged Urban Dictionary... go to http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=kentsmokerguy&page=4to checks 'em out.
The rest of the Dinopatter came as I thought 'bout the way our Dino speaks... likes droppin' the 'g' on 'ing' works... and of course callin' everyone pallie... etc. Certainly you coulda develop your own sort of patter and Singlish woulda be such a cool way to start... let's me know when you start so likes I can checks it out.
Everythin' I do here, I do for liftin' up our Dino... but likes pallies like you who are so encouragin' of my Dinoefforts are so very very much Dinoappreciated... thanks pallie and have a great day in our Dino....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Check him out lah, he got everything on Dean Martin. Really shiok!
Image: http://www.ilovedinomartin.blogspot.com/
Article: from the same website by Dino Martin Peters.
Posted by Andy Young* at 7:47 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Gadgets, Singapore 60s Music
Our pallie was askin' in some Dinopatter 'bout how I created the Dinolingo and got some mucho Dinoinfo for this ilovedinomartin Dinoblog. Well, I answered him in some Dinopatter back and he so so coolly created the followin' Dinopost for his blogg readers.
Well Andy dude, words of Dinoappreciato may likes go back and forth between us for ever, but want you to know how much I appreciate all your Dinointerest and Dinosupport of the ilovedinomartin Dinomission! It's pallies like Andy that makes all these Dinoefforts such a Dinopleasure.
Yes, everythin' done here is done for our Dino, but pallies like Mr. Lim gives me such great Dinoencouragement to move forward in liftin' of the name of our Dino. Dinosupported, DMP
October 23, 2009
(1) Hey Pallie, Dinolingo Dinoexplanation By Dinopal Dino Martin Peters. Lots Of Dinoeffort.

Wow, DMP your postings about Dino are unending. Where do you get all the multi-media information from? And how did you develop this Dinopatter. I'd love to learn from you. I could develop a SingMusic patter too? Many Singaporeans speak Singlish (Singapore English), like, "Ah, your Dino Martin blog very good lah! Shiok (great, fantastic)! Must carry on, lah, don't stop."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hey pallie, likes thanks so much for all the appreciato you have shown for my work for Dino here at ilovedinomartin. I get idears for many many of the Dinoposts through my subscription to what is called google alerts... I have 'em for the taggs Dino Martin, Dean Martin, and ilovedinomartin and thus I get most of all the web postin's for our Dino... and I picks the best from 'em to share here at the Dinoblog.
The Dinopatter started early in my web work for our Dino. First came the Dinoisms when our Dino guided me to the Dinonotion that I coulda add Dino to almost every word to express my passion for our Dino.... even created 'bout '90 Dinodefinitions at a pad tagged Urban Dictionary... go to http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=kentsmokerguy&page=4to checks 'em out.
The rest of the Dinopatter came as I thought 'bout the way our Dino speaks... likes droppin' the 'g' on 'ing' works... and of course callin' everyone pallie... etc. Certainly you coulda develop your own sort of patter and Singlish woulda be such a cool way to start... let's me know when you start so likes I can checks it out.
Everythin' I do here, I do for liftin' up our Dino... but likes pallies like you who are so encouragin' of my Dinoefforts are so very very much Dinoappreciated... thanks pallie and have a great day in our Dino....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Check him out lah, he got everything on Dean Martin. Really shiok!
Image: http://www.ilovedinomartin.blogspot.com/
Article: from the same website by Dino Martin Peters.
Posted by Andy Young* at 7:47 AM
Labels: Dean Martin, Gadgets, Singapore 60s Music
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Who Sings Chrysler 300c Ad With Dean Martin?
Hey pallies, the web is so full of stellar Dinoinoformation. From the blogg "Sam Longoria Filmmaking Blog" (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there) comes this interestin' Dinoinformation of the remix of our Dino and Miss Julie bein' used on the current Chrysler 300c commerical.
I've included the vid of the commerical here as well as the blogg entry mentioned by Mr. Longoria by Mr. Matt Haines who did the remix. Ain't it great how the Dinolegacy keeps on glowin' and growin'...bringin' more and more pallies to Dinoknowledge, Dinopassion, and Dinodevotion as well! Dinosharin', DMP
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Who Sings Chrysler 300c Ad With Dean Martin?
It nagged me all night, so I looked it up. It's definitely Dino. Nobody else sounds that smooooth. Dean Martin's voice oddly mixes with the husky voice of...lovely Julie London.
Mix done by Matt Haines, wonderful photographer.
Matt grouses he was only paid a flat fee long ago, but hey Matt your work is in a national ad.
I do agree though - getting paid would be better! You can read about it here. Listen to the mixed song.
And here is Dean Martin & Julie London's album.
Chrysler 300, Dean Martin and I
Author: matt September 28, 2009 Category: chatterbox
Well this is non-photo-related and a bit weird and disturbing.
Back in 1999, when I was a musician making electronic dance music under the name The Rip Off Artist (among other names), I had a little track released that, while never a ‘hit’, got used on a few movie soundtracks and such. It was a remix of an old lounge tune called “Sway”. I took versions by Dean Martin and Julie London and did a mash up of the two (before “mash up” was even a term), and it was released on a compilation of lounge remixes called Electro Lounge.
So tonight my wife turned off the TV. As she did, I heard this little snippet of music…and yelled “wait!!!!” I turned the TV back on, and there’s my friggin’ remix, being used for the current Chrysler 300 commercial.
Sigh. And it was a flat fee buyout. I made my money back in 1999, and it has continued to make Universal money ever since. It’s weird being dragged back into my ‘other life’, even for a brief moment.
I've included the vid of the commerical here as well as the blogg entry mentioned by Mr. Longoria by Mr. Matt Haines who did the remix. Ain't it great how the Dinolegacy keeps on glowin' and growin'...bringin' more and more pallies to Dinoknowledge, Dinopassion, and Dinodevotion as well! Dinosharin', DMP
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Who Sings Chrysler 300c Ad With Dean Martin?
It nagged me all night, so I looked it up. It's definitely Dino. Nobody else sounds that smooooth. Dean Martin's voice oddly mixes with the husky voice of...lovely Julie London.
Mix done by Matt Haines, wonderful photographer.
Matt grouses he was only paid a flat fee long ago, but hey Matt your work is in a national ad.
I do agree though - getting paid would be better! You can read about it here. Listen to the mixed song.
And here is Dean Martin & Julie London's album.
Chrysler 300, Dean Martin and I
Author: matt September 28, 2009 Category: chatterbox
Well this is non-photo-related and a bit weird and disturbing.
Back in 1999, when I was a musician making electronic dance music under the name The Rip Off Artist (among other names), I had a little track released that, while never a ‘hit’, got used on a few movie soundtracks and such. It was a remix of an old lounge tune called “Sway”. I took versions by Dean Martin and Julie London and did a mash up of the two (before “mash up” was even a term), and it was released on a compilation of lounge remixes called Electro Lounge.
So tonight my wife turned off the TV. As she did, I heard this little snippet of music…and yelled “wait!!!!” I turned the TV back on, and there’s my friggin’ remix, being used for the current Chrysler 300 commercial.
Sigh. And it was a flat fee buyout. I made my money back in 1999, and it has continued to make Universal money ever since. It’s weird being dragged back into my ‘other life’, even for a brief moment.
En homenaje a Dean Martin
Hey pallies, loves discoverin' more and more pallies all over the Dinoglobe who are diggin' our Dino. Here's 'nother dude tagged Kinezoe from Spain who has posted in homage of our Dino at his cool blogg "Noto Do Es Kippel" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there). Have been tryin' to gets this translated into English 'cause I no speak espanol. But whether I can read the words, I know it is full of Dinodevotion! Loves the Dinopix that this Kinezoe dude has chosen to post, and likes it you goes to his site you can listen to a Dinoclassic, "Gentle On My Mind." Loves it pallies, loves it! Dinoawed, DMP
jueves 22 de octubre de 2009
En homenaje a Dean Martin
El amigo Francisco Machuca, desde El Tiempo Ganado (uno de los mejores blogs que haya podido leer desde que ando por la Blogosfera), nos regala, con su post más reciente (que no el último), un espléndido texto sobre la carismática figura de Dean Martin.
Te felicito por la entrada, Francisco. De una forma soberbia, como es habitual en ti, lograste poner en maravilloso negro sobre blanco exactamente la imagen y el concepto que siempre tuve del gran Dino. Muchas gracias por la dedicatoria, amigo. Un fuerte abrazo.
Me quedo con esta frase: "Jamás discutió. Si algo no le gustaba, contaba un chiste y se iba." Así era Dean Martin. Gracias nuevamente.

No dejen de visitar su blog, siempre hay interesantes contenidos de los que aprender.
jueves 22 de octubre de 2009
En homenaje a Dean Martin
El amigo Francisco Machuca, desde El Tiempo Ganado (uno de los mejores blogs que haya podido leer desde que ando por la Blogosfera), nos regala, con su post más reciente (que no el último), un espléndido texto sobre la carismática figura de Dean Martin.
Te felicito por la entrada, Francisco. De una forma soberbia, como es habitual en ti, lograste poner en maravilloso negro sobre blanco exactamente la imagen y el concepto que siempre tuve del gran Dino. Muchas gracias por la dedicatoria, amigo. Un fuerte abrazo.
Me quedo con esta frase: "Jamás discutió. Si algo no le gustaba, contaba un chiste y se iba." Así era Dean Martin. Gracias nuevamente.

No dejen de visitar su blog, siempre hay interesantes contenidos de los que aprender.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Our Dino sings "Thank Heaven For Little Girls"
Hey pallies, here is the Dinoclip that I remembers best from watchin' the Dinoshow as a Deanager...the one with our Dino and all the dollies. Knows that I have posted this before....checked and it was 'bout the same Dinotime last Dinoyear...but that Dinoclip was removed from youtube. Checked and Dinoholic Dorota has returned it to youtube...she is likes so so Dinofaithful to puttin' 'em back up as fast as the youtube folks take 'em down.
So sits back and enjoys that Dinomagic of our great man singin' "Thank Heaven For Little Girls" with all those walkin' dollies. Loves so much some of the Dinopatter that our Dino makes..."I think one of them got my bottle by mistake...."...."How come they can touch me but I can't touch them."
As an added Dinobonus, I Dinodiscovered this great Dinostill of said Dinoevent....such a outstandin' pix of our Dino with the babes... Dinoaddictedly, DMP

So sits back and enjoys that Dinomagic of our great man singin' "Thank Heaven For Little Girls" with all those walkin' dollies. Loves so much some of the Dinopatter that our Dino makes..."I think one of them got my bottle by mistake...."...."How come they can touch me but I can't touch them."
As an added Dinobonus, I Dinodiscovered this great Dinostill of said Dinoevent....such a outstandin' pix of our Dino with the babes... Dinoaddictedly, DMP

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
MARIA: Mine Dean Martin homework/presentation
Hey pallies, get a load of this outstandin' Dinopresentation from our Deanager Maria. Direct from Maria's blogg "MARIA" comes this cool slide Dinoshow with Dinocommentary that she did for a homework project.
To checks this out in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinonote to goes to Maria's blogg. ilovedinomartin salutes Maria for showin' such truly Dinodeep Dinodevotion by makin' our great man the focus of her great project.
And, likes pallies, think of the many students and teachers in Norway (Maria's home) that our Dinogirl is helpin' to turn on to our Dino...to know him, to love him, to honor him!!!! Dinoawed, DMP
Dean Martin
Mine Dean Martin homework/presentation : )Dean Martin

To checks this out in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinonote to goes to Maria's blogg. ilovedinomartin salutes Maria for showin' such truly Dinodeep Dinodevotion by makin' our great man the focus of her great project.
And, likes pallies, think of the many students and teachers in Norway (Maria's home) that our Dinogirl is helpin' to turn on to our Dino...to know him, to love him, to honor him!!!! Dinoawed, DMP
Dean Martin
Mine Dean Martin homework/presentation : )Dean Martin
Dean Martin
View more presentations from Mopsiha15.
Dinohistory of "Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime"
Hey pallies, likes our stellar Dinogirl Maria was askin' in some Dinopatter 'bout the Dinohistory of our Dino's signature tune "Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime."
That Dinoquire sent me lookin' for a definite Dinoexplanation of the who, what, when, where, and how of our Dino's involvement with the song that catapulted our Dino into numero uno on the charts in '64 and the amazin' Dinofeat of knockin' the Beatles off the charts.
Well, I found this great piece of Dinoprose at Wikipedia, that gives all the Dinodetails on "Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime." To read this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost.
Have included a Dinoclip of our Dino singin' his Dinosignaturetune on his Dinoshow...this clip is included on the wonderful Dinodvd "That's Amore" which is now out of print (and likes how sad is that!).
Thanks to our Dinogirl Maria for posin' the Dinoquire that inspired this Dinopost! Dinolearnin' and Dinogrowin', DMP
Everybody Loves Somebody
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Everybody Loves Somebody"
Single by Dean Martin
from the album Everybody Loves Somebody The Hit Version
Released 1964
Genre Pop
Length 3:06
Label Reprise
Writer(s) Irving Taylor, Ken Lane
"Everybody Loves Somebody" is a song written in 1947 by Irving Taylor and Ken Lane. The song had already been recorded by several artists (including Frank Sinatra) by 1964, but without much success. But it was in that year that Lane was playing piano for Dean Martin on his Dream With Dean LP sessions, and with an hour or so of studio time left and one song short, Lane suggested that Martin take a run at his tune. Dean was agreeable, and the small combo of piano, guitar, drums and bass performed a relatively quiet, laid back jazz version of the song.
Almost immediately thereafter, Martin re-recorded the tune for his next album, this time with an orchestra and chorus. His label, Reprise Records, was so enthusiastic about the hit potential of this version, they even titled the LP Everybody Loves Somebody to capitalize on it.
Although still a major recording artist, Martin had not had a Top 40 hit since 1958. And with the British Invasion ruling the U.S. charts, few had hopes that a middle aged Italian crooner would sway many teenagers. And yet, defying the odds, Everybody Loves Somebody shot straight up to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. The song also topped the Billboard "easy listening" chart for eight weeks. It ultimately replaced "That's Amore" as Martin's signature song, and he sang it as the theme of his weekly television variety show from 1965 until 1974. The song has become so identified with Dean Martin, that later cover versions are invariably compared to his hit take on the tune.
By 1964, Dino, Frank, Sammy and the rest of the Rat Pack's martini swilling lounge sound was out of synch with the Rock n' Roll now dominating the Top 100 Billboard. Dean in particular, resented and despised anything rock n' roll, which created conflict at home with his fourteen year old son Dean Paul Martin, who like every other teenager in the Western world, worshipped the Beatles. Tiring of his son's infernal boasting of how great the Beatles were, Dino told Dino, Jr., "I'm gonna' knock your pallies off the charts". Quoted from Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams by Nick Toches. Having not had a hit for six year, Dino Jr. rolled his eyes, and simply cast the prediction off as nonsense and forgot about it. That is until August 15, 1964 when Everybody Loves Somebody knocked the Beatles off the Number One slot on Billboard. Dino smugly remarked to Dino Jr., "I told you I'd knock your pallies off the charts.". Dino Jr. stood there speechless and gazed at his father in utter amazement, wonder, and with a newfound idolatry. Dean Martin became the only person in history to ever predict he'd knock the Beatles off the charts, and actually succeed.
Following the song's peak at the top of the charts, Martin sent his close friend Sinatra a telegram saying "THAT'S THE WAY YOU DO IT". In the 1990s the song was licensed to Western Union for use in a series of television commercials.
The words "Everybody Loves Somebody" appear on Dean Martin's grave marker in Los Angeles[1].
That Dinoquire sent me lookin' for a definite Dinoexplanation of the who, what, when, where, and how of our Dino's involvement with the song that catapulted our Dino into numero uno on the charts in '64 and the amazin' Dinofeat of knockin' the Beatles off the charts.
Well, I found this great piece of Dinoprose at Wikipedia, that gives all the Dinodetails on "Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime." To read this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost.
Have included a Dinoclip of our Dino singin' his Dinosignaturetune on his Dinoshow...this clip is included on the wonderful Dinodvd "That's Amore" which is now out of print (and likes how sad is that!).
Thanks to our Dinogirl Maria for posin' the Dinoquire that inspired this Dinopost! Dinolearnin' and Dinogrowin', DMP
Everybody Loves Somebody
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Everybody Loves Somebody"
Single by Dean Martin
from the album Everybody Loves Somebody The Hit Version
Released 1964
Genre Pop
Length 3:06
Label Reprise
Writer(s) Irving Taylor, Ken Lane
"Everybody Loves Somebody" is a song written in 1947 by Irving Taylor and Ken Lane. The song had already been recorded by several artists (including Frank Sinatra) by 1964, but without much success. But it was in that year that Lane was playing piano for Dean Martin on his Dream With Dean LP sessions, and with an hour or so of studio time left and one song short, Lane suggested that Martin take a run at his tune. Dean was agreeable, and the small combo of piano, guitar, drums and bass performed a relatively quiet, laid back jazz version of the song.
Almost immediately thereafter, Martin re-recorded the tune for his next album, this time with an orchestra and chorus. His label, Reprise Records, was so enthusiastic about the hit potential of this version, they even titled the LP Everybody Loves Somebody to capitalize on it.
Although still a major recording artist, Martin had not had a Top 40 hit since 1958. And with the British Invasion ruling the U.S. charts, few had hopes that a middle aged Italian crooner would sway many teenagers. And yet, defying the odds, Everybody Loves Somebody shot straight up to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. The song also topped the Billboard "easy listening" chart for eight weeks. It ultimately replaced "That's Amore" as Martin's signature song, and he sang it as the theme of his weekly television variety show from 1965 until 1974. The song has become so identified with Dean Martin, that later cover versions are invariably compared to his hit take on the tune.
By 1964, Dino, Frank, Sammy and the rest of the Rat Pack's martini swilling lounge sound was out of synch with the Rock n' Roll now dominating the Top 100 Billboard. Dean in particular, resented and despised anything rock n' roll, which created conflict at home with his fourteen year old son Dean Paul Martin, who like every other teenager in the Western world, worshipped the Beatles. Tiring of his son's infernal boasting of how great the Beatles were, Dino told Dino, Jr., "I'm gonna' knock your pallies off the charts". Quoted from Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams by Nick Toches. Having not had a hit for six year, Dino Jr. rolled his eyes, and simply cast the prediction off as nonsense and forgot about it. That is until August 15, 1964 when Everybody Loves Somebody knocked the Beatles off the Number One slot on Billboard. Dino smugly remarked to Dino Jr., "I told you I'd knock your pallies off the charts.". Dino Jr. stood there speechless and gazed at his father in utter amazement, wonder, and with a newfound idolatry. Dean Martin became the only person in history to ever predict he'd knock the Beatles off the charts, and actually succeed.
Following the song's peak at the top of the charts, Martin sent his close friend Sinatra a telegram saying "THAT'S THE WAY YOU DO IT". In the 1990s the song was licensed to Western Union for use in a series of television commercials.
The words "Everybody Loves Somebody" appear on Dean Martin's grave marker in Los Angeles[1].
Wanted – The Dean Martin Show!
Hey pallies, likes checks this out dudes.....a new blogg devoted to gettin' every episode of the nine years of the stellar Dinoshow into the hands of Dinoholics who have been waitin' for decades to view full episodes of the Dean Martin Variety Hour.
Mod of this new Dinosite is none other that Ralph Baker known as draaiorgelfan to his pallies, who also runs the yahoo Dinogroup the "Dean Martin TV Show." To checks this out, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
We certainly wish Mr. Baker all the best in this extemely important Dinomission. Dinoreportin', DMP
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5394466374201696226" />
Wanted – The Dean Martin Show!
Will America's #1 variety program find its way to the Public Domain?
(1) Welcome!
To all of my readers, to all fans of Dean Martin,…and to all of the wonderfully talented ladies who were Dean’s Girls, The Golddiggers and The Ding-A-Ling Sisters:
There is something definitely missing from our daily/weekly entertainment on the small screen. The current state of television programming requires a form of high-voltage activity that is appreciated by only the most hyper-active members of the younger generation. For the rest of us, the extra decibels and jarring visuals do nothing but rattle our nerves and upset our sense of peace. What passes for entertainment now will only worsen as time goes by.
In answer to this sad state of affairs, we scream – ”Enough, already! Turn the TV set off until they show something more appropriate!”. Now, there is the problem! So long as the younger generation controls the dials and/or the remote controls – and spends the advertising dollars, too! – there will be nothing of higher quality shown ever again on the television airwaves.
So we look to the past history of television broadcasting, back to an era when certain well-known personalities hosted weekly variety programs featuring Song & Dance routines displayed in a wholesome manner that was fit for viewing by the entire family. Your favorite show’s host was someone with a solid acting career – or a string of of Top-40 recordings – and high visibility in the printed media. Among these personalities you’ll find Perry Como, Dinah Shore, Red Skelton, Andy Williams, Frank Sinatra and – running a virtual 1st Place tie with Frank – Mr. Dean Martin.
Dean and Frank had all three marks in their favor: solid acting careers plus many top-selling records, and both men were highly rated in the media. They were like brothers…not by blood, but by choice! They also were members of the Hollywood/Las Vegas Rat Pack along with Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr. and Joey Bishop. Dean and Frank had many ups and downs in their public/private lives, but – unlike Frank who hosted occasional special programs - Dean had the benefit of a weekly television series that was all of nine years running. From September of 1965 until May of 1974, viewers here and around the world gathered in front of their living room sets to watch – The Dean Martin Show!
Telecast during the years of the Vietnam War and political strife in our Nation’s Capitol, Dean Martin’s program with his easygoing manner and visual style soothed the viewer’s soul and smoothed out the rough edges in our everyday lives. It is absolutely that quality which is missing from today’s entertainment.
So we are trying to bring back the good old days once again! The color videotapes of The Dean Martin Show are locked away in vaults overseen by associates of the late producer Greg Garrison, and we want those videotapes to be declared as Public Property under supervision of the legitimate Public Domain.From there they can be used to supply the retail consumer market with high-quality copies (on Digital Video Discs) of every episode of The Dean Martin Show – plus the various summer broadcasts featuring The Golddiggers - complete and uncut, exactly as shown on their original first airings. The success of this venture depends on the degree to which we can overcome the nature of the legal beast in current control of those tapes.
Simply dreaming of success won’t make it happen, though. A few steps were taken to get the ball rolling and progress was made at the Judicial level, but the path we take is long and frustrating. Still, there’s hope! The kind of hope that makes this venture truly worthwhile. So we are marching down that path with the Flag Of Victory in our collective hand, ready to plant the flag at the other end.
We welcome all who believe in our mission and all who want to see justice decreed for a style of entertainment that must be preserved against loss to the crumbling pages of television History books. Got your marching boots on? Then come join us as we seek that ever elusive Victory!
Next page: ‘About Me’.
Mod of this new Dinosite is none other that Ralph Baker known as draaiorgelfan to his pallies, who also runs the yahoo Dinogroup the "Dean Martin TV Show." To checks this out, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
We certainly wish Mr. Baker all the best in this extemely important Dinomission. Dinoreportin', DMP

Wanted – The Dean Martin Show!
Will America's #1 variety program find its way to the Public Domain?
(1) Welcome!
To all of my readers, to all fans of Dean Martin,…and to all of the wonderfully talented ladies who were Dean’s Girls, The Golddiggers and The Ding-A-Ling Sisters:
There is something definitely missing from our daily/weekly entertainment on the small screen. The current state of television programming requires a form of high-voltage activity that is appreciated by only the most hyper-active members of the younger generation. For the rest of us, the extra decibels and jarring visuals do nothing but rattle our nerves and upset our sense of peace. What passes for entertainment now will only worsen as time goes by.
In answer to this sad state of affairs, we scream – ”Enough, already! Turn the TV set off until they show something more appropriate!”. Now, there is the problem! So long as the younger generation controls the dials and/or the remote controls – and spends the advertising dollars, too! – there will be nothing of higher quality shown ever again on the television airwaves.
So we look to the past history of television broadcasting, back to an era when certain well-known personalities hosted weekly variety programs featuring Song & Dance routines displayed in a wholesome manner that was fit for viewing by the entire family. Your favorite show’s host was someone with a solid acting career – or a string of of Top-40 recordings – and high visibility in the printed media. Among these personalities you’ll find Perry Como, Dinah Shore, Red Skelton, Andy Williams, Frank Sinatra and – running a virtual 1st Place tie with Frank – Mr. Dean Martin.
Dean and Frank had all three marks in their favor: solid acting careers plus many top-selling records, and both men were highly rated in the media. They were like brothers…not by blood, but by choice! They also were members of the Hollywood/Las Vegas Rat Pack along with Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr. and Joey Bishop. Dean and Frank had many ups and downs in their public/private lives, but – unlike Frank who hosted occasional special programs - Dean had the benefit of a weekly television series that was all of nine years running. From September of 1965 until May of 1974, viewers here and around the world gathered in front of their living room sets to watch – The Dean Martin Show!
Telecast during the years of the Vietnam War and political strife in our Nation’s Capitol, Dean Martin’s program with his easygoing manner and visual style soothed the viewer’s soul and smoothed out the rough edges in our everyday lives. It is absolutely that quality which is missing from today’s entertainment.
So we are trying to bring back the good old days once again! The color videotapes of The Dean Martin Show are locked away in vaults overseen by associates of the late producer Greg Garrison, and we want those videotapes to be declared as Public Property under supervision of the legitimate Public Domain.From there they can be used to supply the retail consumer market with high-quality copies (on Digital Video Discs) of every episode of The Dean Martin Show – plus the various summer broadcasts featuring The Golddiggers - complete and uncut, exactly as shown on their original first airings. The success of this venture depends on the degree to which we can overcome the nature of the legal beast in current control of those tapes.
Simply dreaming of success won’t make it happen, though. A few steps were taken to get the ball rolling and progress was made at the Judicial level, but the path we take is long and frustrating. Still, there’s hope! The kind of hope that makes this venture truly worthwhile. So we are marching down that path with the Flag Of Victory in our collective hand, ready to plant the flag at the other end.
We welcome all who believe in our mission and all who want to see justice decreed for a style of entertainment that must be preserved against loss to the crumbling pages of television History books. Got your marching boots on? Then come join us as we seek that ever elusive Victory!
Next page: ‘About Me’.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
However, research shows that it was not Sinatra who brought in the Mafia but Martino's near namesake, Dean Martin, another Italian-American singer enj
Hey pallies, sad to see 'nother Dinocomtemporary Mr. Al Martino has departed this life and we express our condolences to Mr. Martino's family and friends.
Amazin' how much Dinotruth comes out at such a time. Here is a stellar piece of research Dinoinfo that comes from down under at the Sydney Morning Herald web pad (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there).
Thanks to writer Michael Freedland of the Guardian News & Media, we here how the Johnny Fontane character that Mr. Martino played in "The Godfather" was actually modeled after our Dino...not the frankie as many believed. So glad to see our Dino get his due.
Always so so Dinowonderful to keeps learnin' more and more 'bout our Dino, his life, his times, his amazin' legecy of cool. Dinoawed, DMP

A star when pop singers only had eyes for you October 17, 2009
Al Martino, 1927-2009
A MILLION young girls believed Al Martino had a place reserved for them when he sang the hit ballad Here in My Heart. He also warbled I Love You Because and they had no doubt that he was making a personal statement for their ears only. Such was the power of an early 1950s pop star in a more innocent age.
Martino entered the Guinness Book of Records by having, in 1952, the first No. 1 in the newly established British singles chart. Here in My Heart remained at No. 1 for nine weeks. He also had 34 Hot 100 entries in the US hit parade between 1959 and 1977.
There was a time when it seemed that Martino was destined to be the new Frank Sinatra, not least because he first enjoyed success when Sinatra's career was at a low ebb.
The Sinatra connection continued when, in 1972, Martino appeared in the Oscar-winning film The Godfather as Johnny Fontane, a nightclub singer and aspiring actor whose lagging career is given a helping hand by the mob. Fontane's godfather, Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), arranges for a horse's head to be placed in the bed of a Hollywood mogul to ensure a movie role for his godson. Martino can be seen performing I Have But One Heart in the film's opening wedding scene.
For years it was widely believed that Fontane was based on Sinatra, who, it was alleged, got his own big movie break in From Here to Eternity (1953) through Mafia intervention. However, research shows that it was not Sinatra who brought in the Mafia but Martino's near namesake, Dean Martin, another Italian-American singer enjoying his first hit records.
Their voices were at times remarkably similar, except that Martino's style was more full-throated than the laid-back ''Dino'' approach. When Martino sang Spanish Eyes in 1965, another of his successful singles, he might easily have been mistaken for Martin, who was even at one time wrongly said to be Martino's brother.
He was born Alfred Cini Martino in Philadelphia. When he left school he entered the family's construction business, and in the evenings sang in clubs and bars near his home. Like Sinatra, Martino won a contest - in his case, Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scout Show, which landed him a contract with Capitol Records in the label's heyday.
It was due to Mario Lanza, the operatic tenor who became a pop idol, that Martino got further than merely having his name on the label's roster. Lanza was a friend of the Martino family and persuaded the young Al to take up singing professionally and move to New York. Capitol wanted Lanza to sing Here in My Heart but he was not interested. The label found that Martino was on its books and, almost out of desperation, gave him the chance to record it.
Four years later he had further success with the Italian ballad Volare. It was big not only in the US but also in Italy - a coals-to-Newcastle triumph. The song reached the top of the charts across Europe.
Al Martino is survived by his wife, Judi, son, Alfred, and daughter, Allison.
Michael Freedland
Guardian News & Media
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Amazin' how much Dinotruth comes out at such a time. Here is a stellar piece of research Dinoinfo that comes from down under at the Sydney Morning Herald web pad (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there).
Thanks to writer Michael Freedland of the Guardian News & Media, we here how the Johnny Fontane character that Mr. Martino played in "The Godfather" was actually modeled after our Dino...not the frankie as many believed. So glad to see our Dino get his due.
Always so so Dinowonderful to keeps learnin' more and more 'bout our Dino, his life, his times, his amazin' legecy of cool. Dinoawed, DMP

A star when pop singers only had eyes for you October 17, 2009
Al Martino, 1927-2009
A MILLION young girls believed Al Martino had a place reserved for them when he sang the hit ballad Here in My Heart. He also warbled I Love You Because and they had no doubt that he was making a personal statement for their ears only. Such was the power of an early 1950s pop star in a more innocent age.
Martino entered the Guinness Book of Records by having, in 1952, the first No. 1 in the newly established British singles chart. Here in My Heart remained at No. 1 for nine weeks. He also had 34 Hot 100 entries in the US hit parade between 1959 and 1977.
There was a time when it seemed that Martino was destined to be the new Frank Sinatra, not least because he first enjoyed success when Sinatra's career was at a low ebb.
The Sinatra connection continued when, in 1972, Martino appeared in the Oscar-winning film The Godfather as Johnny Fontane, a nightclub singer and aspiring actor whose lagging career is given a helping hand by the mob. Fontane's godfather, Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), arranges for a horse's head to be placed in the bed of a Hollywood mogul to ensure a movie role for his godson. Martino can be seen performing I Have But One Heart in the film's opening wedding scene.
For years it was widely believed that Fontane was based on Sinatra, who, it was alleged, got his own big movie break in From Here to Eternity (1953) through Mafia intervention. However, research shows that it was not Sinatra who brought in the Mafia but Martino's near namesake, Dean Martin, another Italian-American singer enjoying his first hit records.
Their voices were at times remarkably similar, except that Martino's style was more full-throated than the laid-back ''Dino'' approach. When Martino sang Spanish Eyes in 1965, another of his successful singles, he might easily have been mistaken for Martin, who was even at one time wrongly said to be Martino's brother.
He was born Alfred Cini Martino in Philadelphia. When he left school he entered the family's construction business, and in the evenings sang in clubs and bars near his home. Like Sinatra, Martino won a contest - in his case, Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scout Show, which landed him a contract with Capitol Records in the label's heyday.
It was due to Mario Lanza, the operatic tenor who became a pop idol, that Martino got further than merely having his name on the label's roster. Lanza was a friend of the Martino family and persuaded the young Al to take up singing professionally and move to New York. Capitol wanted Lanza to sing Here in My Heart but he was not interested. The label found that Martino was on its books and, almost out of desperation, gave him the chance to record it.
Four years later he had further success with the Italian ballad Volare. It was big not only in the US but also in Italy - a coals-to-Newcastle triumph. The song reached the top of the charts across Europe.
Al Martino is survived by his wife, Judi, son, Alfred, and daughter, Allison.
Michael Freedland
Guardian News & Media
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Censored: Dean Martin’s Greatest Moment
Hey pallies, we thank Mr. Dean Esmay for sharin' this important piece of Dinohistory. To read Mr. Esmay's post in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to goes there.
Betcha our Dino had a great kick outta "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" gettin' banned from the airwaves. But likes our Dino is always always ahead of his time.
Loves to read that this dude sings this Dinotune to his 4-year-old....gettin' that youngen' off to a early Dinostart....great to see him gettin' his kid hooked on our Dino at a very tender Dinoage.
There are some facinatin' comments that I would encourage you to read...gotta say my thanks to Mr. Esmay for standin' up for our Dino. The vid is a very cool Dinotrib with lots of great Dinopixs for our Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure... Again thanks to Mr. Esmay for sharin' this Dinoprose with us. Dinodevotedly, DMP
Censored: Dean Martin’s Greatest Moment
by Dean Esmay on October 16, 2009
in Music
Dean Martin recorded this amazing tune. And it was banned from the airwaves. Why? The network censors thought that the words “The room went completely black, I hugged her and she hugged back” were too sexual.
They also had problems with “like the sailor said quote, ain’t that a hole in the boat.”
Too sexual. Banned from radio.
I sing this to my 4-year-old:
More Dean Martin here.
Betcha our Dino had a great kick outta "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" gettin' banned from the airwaves. But likes our Dino is always always ahead of his time.
Loves to read that this dude sings this Dinotune to his 4-year-old....gettin' that youngen' off to a early Dinostart....great to see him gettin' his kid hooked on our Dino at a very tender Dinoage.
There are some facinatin' comments that I would encourage you to read...gotta say my thanks to Mr. Esmay for standin' up for our Dino. The vid is a very cool Dinotrib with lots of great Dinopixs for our Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure... Again thanks to Mr. Esmay for sharin' this Dinoprose with us. Dinodevotedly, DMP
Censored: Dean Martin’s Greatest Moment
by Dean Esmay on October 16, 2009
in Music
Dean Martin recorded this amazing tune. And it was banned from the airwaves. Why? The network censors thought that the words “The room went completely black, I hugged her and she hugged back” were too sexual.
They also had problems with “like the sailor said quote, ain’t that a hole in the boat.”
Too sexual. Banned from radio.
I sing this to my 4-year-old:
More Dean Martin here.
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