Sunday, July 21, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry?"

 Hey, pals! What's shaken?! 

Ice cold martinis...Hopefully! Haha!! 

So...pallies o' mine...are youse diggin' these big, BEA U TI FUL sun-filled days? 

Heat & all?! 

Yup...thins' is DEF I NATE LY gettin' HOT!!! 

Are youse hittin' the beaches & boardwalks? Carnivals & pools? Maybe even just findin' some shade...& chillin' with a little vino & a LOTTA Dino! 

Yes, pals...that's all youse really need! 

Warm breezes & our main man comin' out your speakers. Good 'nough for me! 

Summer is whatever youse wants it to be. It's just a time to relax & inhale life. Take all the stress...from all year long...& just let it float away. It's somethin' we all need to do! Not easy...believe me...I KNOW! Haha!! But...we can do it, my friends. 

Think it's 'bout time I jump back to Dino's 1966 al b um, "The Dean Martin TV Show", for a nice...easy tune. That's SURE to help youse shake off life's "agita". 

Now, let me see... Hmmmmm... So many GREAT jams on this one. I'm lookin' for a soft one, though. Gotta help my Dino-diggin' paisani put their brains on ice & just chill! Hmmmmm.... Got it! How's 'bout a nice...soothin'...dose of "What Can I say After I Say I'm Sorry?". 

I thinks this will do just PER FECT LY! 

It's slow & easy...It's gentle on the mind...IT'S COMFORTIN' TO THE SOUL, PEOPLE!!! Whoa Whoa Whoa, Danny G.! This is s'posed to be relaxin'...& I'm gettin' ALL worked up, here! Haha!! Cants help it, pallies! Dean get's me pumped!!! Ha! 

OK...chill mode, now. 

Breathe this one in, my friends. Hold it in your lungs...then let it all out. It's SURE to remedy all the day's stress. 

Oh & by the way...I is playin' two vids. One from the al b um & one live. Couldn't help myself pals! 

Stay cool, mi amici. 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Marina"

 What's up, pallies...what's shakin'? 

How's July doin' for youse? 


Great, maybe? 

Cool! Me too! 

Cants' get me 'nough of these HOT HOT Summertime days! 

The only thin' I is missin'...And I means the ONLY thin' some Fun Fun & Sexy cool Matt Helm flicks! I haven't come 'cross any, this whole swingin' season! What gives?! 

Now, pals...your probably gonna ask..."Danny G...don't youse own "The Matt Helm Lounge" dvd's?!" And I is gonna answer..."OB VI OUIS LY, pallies!"'s the thin', mi amici. It's just SO SO much more thrillin'...& excitin'...& hysterically zany...when ALL us Dino-holics can watch together! 

Yea, I know, I know... kinda silly of me. 

But, my's the plain truth! 

I'm feelin' my happiest & mostest comforted,  knowin' that all youse,  gets to watch these GREAT GREAT & Maniacal Helmer-flicks,  as I is watchin' them myself! 

Youse dig, pals? 

I love to share Dino! It's how it should be! Right?! Definitely. 

So...All that bein' said...I thinks I have a solution. For this week's swingin' Summertime Serenade... I not only picked Dean's TOTALLY hip pool party type jam, "Marina"...I also found it set to my FAVE of FAVE Helm flicks, The Silencers" for a vid! Yes! 

The gods have come together to create this one, pallies! Marina + Silencers = TOTAL SUMMERTIME FUN!!! 

Dino is lookin' GREAT & being funny & silly as ever in this! Haha!! 

Just his facial expressions alone get me rollin'! LOL!!! 

So just sit back...relax...drink in hand & toes in some sand. It's time to pick this season up a notch! 

Ciao, pals! 


Sunday, July 07, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Where Can I Go Without You?"

 Well, Hey there pallies o' mine! 

Nice to see we all made it safely through 'nother firecrackin' celebration of our independence! Actually, not much celebratin' for Danny G., this year, mi amici. Just chilled out at home, as the neighbor's fireworks scared the heck out of my poor little puppy! Ugh! 

But...our independence STILL must be greatly appreciated, pals! 

Independence to crank up MUCHO Dino-tunes, that is! Haha!! 

Now...I say it's 'bout time we REALLY kick off this Summer! Time to break out those "o-so-mellow" Dino tracks! Youse know the one's I mean, pals. The "sit back & melt into your seat" jams. 

These hot & muggy days can be physically & mentally drainin', my friends. We need Dino-replenishin'! Don't worry, pallies...I gotcha. 

I'm SURE youse all know...That it truly gives me such a COOL COOL vibe sharin' these COOL COOL tunes with my fellow Dino-holics. Week after week...month after month...& year after year! TRULY inspires me to keep the Dino-flow flowin' & keep the Dino-movement growin'! Why else would I be here?! Haha!! 

Oh & btw, pallies...I watched the John Gotti flick this week, starring' John Travolta...& man o' man...what a soundtrack! Lots o' Dino-tunes throughout the movie! He actually did a good job playin' Gotti, too. Definitely worth a watch...for the Dino-jams at least. Haha!! 

So, pals...if youse is ready...allow me to ease us into the vibe with one of Dean's super sultry Serenades. 

Today's Serenade, "Where Can I Go Without You", was plucked from my own personal FAVE Summertime Dino vinyl..."The Lush Years". Can't go wrong with ANY tune from this one, my friends! It's just pure Dino-perfection! 

Let's jump right into it! 

Let Dean take youse on his eternal flight.

He's wanderin' & wonderin'...not sure what lies ahead...just floatin'. 

Grab hold of his star, pals! Shoot through the skies with Dino! It's a never endin' journey. "Senza Fine"...without end! 

We'll do it together! Us & Dino! 

Stop for a drink on any random cloud...then we is off, 'gain! 

Hold on tight, mi we's go!!!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "The Month Coolness Came to Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "A Hundred Years From Today"

 Welcome back, pals! Young & old...meek & bold...let's ALL come together & listen to this fella named Dino! Haha!! 

Hey...what a cool cool thin' to do, mi amici! He's our kinda' guy & he ALWAYS has somethin' good to say! 

Man o June really slippin' away already?! 

Well, pals...I guess it's time to drop the Summer down to low gear...& just cruise. 

Gotta stretch this HOT & STICKY season out as much as we can! 

I know, I know...Some days gots youse meltin'...feelin' like a snowball on the 4th o' July! 90s can be tough! But, pallies o''s truly worth it! 

'Not many thins' I dig more than these HOT HOT days of COOL COOL outdoor Dino-tunes! Whether I'm chillin' with a friend...or floatin' 'round a pool...I ALWAYS gots Dean providin' the days soundtrack. 

Dino & Summer go together like bread & butter, pals. Let's soak it all in! After's these HOT Dino-diggin' memories that is gonna keep us warm all year long, my friends!  Now...let's get to this week's Serenade! 

I've really been thinkin'...this whole month...'bout how TRULY awesome it is...that after ALL these years...ALL this time...the name Dean Martin...STILL carries SO SO much happiness, fun & respect! Man, mi amici...that's impressive to me! We STILL hear his songs on TV commercials..We STILL see his movies regularly! And even after nearly 30 years since his final bow…we is STILL flooded with new stories, tributes, & birthday wishes! 

Not to mention his very own festival...numerous impersonators...& countless new & old performers givin' thanks & showin' gratitude. 

Well, the curtain falls on 'nother GREAT GREAT month long tribute to "The Month Coolness Came To Earth"... let's ponder if Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Crocetti could ever have imagined, that on that GREAT GREAT & BLESSED day...June 7th, 1917...their bouncin' & swingin' baby boy...would STILL be praised..."A Hundred Years From Today"! 


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "Month Coolness Came to Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Somebody Loves You"

 Welcome back, ol' pals o' mine! 

Happy Summer 2024! 

Hot, sunny days are here! Yay!!! 

Hope everyone made it through our first heatwave! Man! Hot stuff, pallies...literally! Haha!! 

Now, mi it just me...or do youse worry 'bout Summer flyin' by? I know...I know...I get like this every year...'bout every season! I must be crazy! Haha!! Summer just started 2 days ago... & I'm already 'fraid of it slippin' through my Dino-diggin' fingers! Haha!! Maybe 'cause Spring seemed to sail by this year...SO SO quickly! Oh well, pals...we'll hold onto these long, muggy days...extra tight! 

OK, pallies...let's gets to some tunes! I'm thinkin' this is the PER FEC TO time to kick off the season with one of Dean's FUN FUN "Latin type" tunes, mi amici. Just the way we likes it...REAL bouncy!  

GREAT way to keep our "Month Coolness Came To Earth" vibe flowin' too! 

Now who says "Summer fun" better than Dino? No one! He's the party-master! Ha! 

Well...I guess the best place to start is ALWAYS one my FAVE summery Dino-al b ums..."Cha Cha De Amor". Yes, pals...this little vinyl Frisbee is JAM-PACKED with HOT HOT & yet VERY VERY COOL Dino-tunes. Let's grab a little "Somebody Loves You", for today's Serenade. 

This one will REALLY set the mood. 

Picture this, my friends...It's a hot...sweaty...Summer night. A little breeze keeps it tolerable, though. Youse grabs some yummy...icy...beverage of choice. Put the needle on the vinyl...& melt away with Dean. Ahhhhhh. That's good stuff, mi amici. 

Cheers to 'nother Summer with Dino, pals! 


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Daddy-O Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Little Ol' Wine Drinker Me"

 Man o man, what a day, pallies! 

So So peaceful. 

Welcome, mi amici & a GIANT Happy Daddy-O Day, to ALL the Dino-diggin' Dads out there! A title not to be taken lightly, my friends! 

Can be hard work at times! Haha!! 

Hey,'s a big responsibility for sure, that I truly cherish & consider my biggest blessin' from above. 

Man...I simply LOVES the fact that Fathers Day falls right smack in the middle of these few swingin' weeks, which we have come to know as "The Month Coolness Came to Earth"! How TOTALLY cool & appropriate is that, pals?! 

Dino is like a "Father" figure to us all, in a way, my friends. Someone to help guide us through this CRAZY life of ours! Someone we can always turn to when we need a little "pick-me-up". Our rock that is ALWAYS there...through the good times...& the not so great ones, too. Now THAT sounds like a "Dad" to me, pallies! 

So, ol' friends o' I does every year...on this special day...I'm gonna play a Dino-tune that reminds me of my pop! The man who was ALWAYS there for me & NEVER faulted me for my many foolish mistakes. And there were plenty, Haha!! 

A guy who always...ALWAYS had a matter what troubles he may of had. Just a Cool Cool fella who made me feel at ease all throughout my life. Nothin' could trouble me when Dad was 'round!  

Funny how someone can give you that TOTAL comfort, huh pals? Yup...that was Dad. My first introducer of Dino! Showed me what magic this fella, Dino, possessed! Dean, like my father, gives that TOTAL comfort to us now. A feelin' that nothin' is that bad. No problem is too big that a drink & a song can't least a little.That's the kind've vibe we can get from Dino! 

So, ol' pals o' mine...Happy Daddy-O Day.

Enjoy the Serenade..."Little Ol' Wine Drinker Me" & 'member those special guys today. 

They did/do a lot! 

BTW pallies...I simply couldn't resist playin' a second "live" Dino vid, as well. Dino is bein' his usual silly & crazy self & I just knew youse would dig it! 


This one's for you, Pop!  

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Danny G's Special "Month Coolness Came To Earth" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I Love You, For Sentimental Reasons"

 Welcome back, mi amici & welcome to week two of "The Month Coolness Came to Earth!" 

So, pallies, how's June treatin' youse so far? Pretty damn well here in ol' Massachusetts! Mornins' & evenins' a little chilly, but I cants complain a bit, my friends. The days are BEA U TI FUL! Amen to that! 

So as Spring is slowly slippin' through my fingers...I just gots to thinkin' 'bout what the Summer will hold. Plenty of hot & humid days for sure. Some beachin' & poolin', obviously. But what else? Knowin' myself...not too much! Haha!! 

Nah. I'm more of a chill out kinda fella. Probably the way our bestest pal, Dino was. We all read how he was more than happy just relaxin' on a golf course or watchin' TV at home. Yup, that was Dean...& that is me. 

I know...I know...I'm always lookin' for any & every little similarity 'tween Dino & myself. Haha!! But, hey! Why not?! Who better to compare to & model after? Am I right, pallies? DEFINATELY. 

And guess what else? When I'm chillin' & doin' ab so lute ly nothin'...I'm actually...usually...thinkin' 'bout this crazy life. Yea, that's me too. 

Well, pals...just so happens...that as i'm ponderin' those days & years gone by...Dean seems to be in just 'bout every thought. The background music to my life. The people I've known. The places I've gone. They all seem to somehow have Dino attached. What can I say, my friends? He's my main man! Haha!! He's my pal & my inspiration. A connectin' energy that links it ALL together. 

Today's Serenade..."I Love You, For Sentimental Reasons" one of those Dino-jams that goes through my thoughts all the time. Perfect background to my memories & PERFECTO to take me back to those GREAT GREAT easy goin' days. 

Let's check it out & see where it brings youse, mi amici. Maybe back to yesterday...Maybe takes you on a new journey forward! 

Either way, pallies...It's GREAT havin' Dino walkin' along with you! 


Sunday, June 02, 2024

Danny G's EXTRA SPECIAL "Month Coolness Came To Earth" & "Happy Birthday Dino" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "How Sweet It Is"

 Hey pals...welcome back! 

It's time to kick off 'nother "Month Coolness Came to Earth"! 

Man o man, I am just SO SO pumped! 

Can't even believe our pal amongst pals would be turnin' 107, this comin' Friday! Don't forget to checks out all your local classic TV channels! I'm SURE they will be rockin' Dino flicks all damn day! And if they isnt...start callin' your local cable provider & raise some hell! Haha!! 

Man...What a time we've had so far, huh, pals? Day after day & year after year...Dino has been an ever present companion for us all. 

He's my "Cumpare". My friend. Swingin' through life with me. My ups, my downs. Side by side & never even a worry that he would hit splitsville. It might be hard to believe or even understand, to many...but to we "Dino-holics"'s as simple & natural as olives in a martini. That's just the way it is! Dean is our pal. Like family, really. The COOL uncle who shows up for every party, weddin', or cook out. And when he does...MAN...what a time it is! The room wakes up! Dance floors are flooded like the party just started! Dino just has that effect on us. He equals FUN & GREAT TIMES! 

Now pals...I could go on & on 'bout what Dean means to me & how much happiness he's brought to my life...but...I think youse knows EXACTLY what I'm talkin' 'bout. He brings his spirit to us all.  

On June 7th, 1917...God sent us a gift. A gift that TRULY keeps on givin'. 

We were the lucky ones, mi amici. We can say that we walked the Earth at the same time as he did. Now, to me...that's VERY cool! Of course, Dino's music & movies...TV shows & live performances, will be 'round forever,'s OUR generations that were here WITH him! 

VERY cool, indeed. 

OK, pallies...I gotta go. Got some Dino tunes I gotta get jammin' too! Haha!! 

Happy Birthday, Dino! 

Hey, wait a minute! I got SO caught up in the Dino-moment...I almost forgot the main reason I is here...the Kick off SERENADE! 

Well, pals...this ones easy. All I needs to do is think of Dino. He's my guy. My mentor...& my friend. 

Man o man, pallies..."How Sweet It Is!" 


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Memorial Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Think About Me"

 Welcome back, mi amici. 

Hard to believe 'nother Memorial Day has arrived! 

Man! These years must be gettin' shorter 'cause I swear I was just doin' this a few months back! O well, goes on...& so do we! We is hopin' anyway! Haha!! 

O, & by the way...I am NOT callin' this the "un-official start of Summer"! No sir! It is still Spring for 'nother WON DER FUL month, pals! Let's not rush this GREAT season off! Please, pallies! I'm beggin' youse! Haha!! 

Ok...let me gets down to Dino-business, here. 

This beautiful, extra long weekend, is all 'bout the 'memberin' of those precious souls who have come & gone, my friends. The memories of our veterens. Our family. Our friends. Of course...our Dino. The EXTRA special people who have sacrificed for us...Who have guided us...And who have made our lives better just because they were here. I can think of many, mi amici. I'm sure youse can as well. 

As I may have mentioned, a few hundred times...Many of my own personal memories always seem to involve 2 of the coolest & funnest fellas, ever to walk the Earth! My Dad & Dean Martin. Ha! 

Man o man, pallies...these guys REALLY helped make me the Cool Cool cat I am today! Hahaha!!! 

Seriously though, mi amici...I owe a lot of fun & happy times to them both. Always had my one way or 'nother. Always made me feel invincible. And NEVER left my side. And, pals...let's not forget our fearless leader, Dino Martin Peters...wherever he may be. We wouldn't be here, at the coolest blog on the "Net", without him. 

Today's Serenade, "Think About Me", is goin' out to ALL those who maybe gone from our sight...but NEVER from our hearts, souls & minds. It's a wee bit sad type o' tune. But, mi amici...let's ALWAYS 'member...someday we will ALL be together ' The Sands...watchin' Dino & the boys...laugin' & bein' foolish! Together forever! 

Salute, Dad! 

Salute, DMP! 


Salute youse ALL! 

Enjoy, my friends & Happy Memorial Day!  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "If Love Is Good To Me"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

Welcome to a 'nother BEA U TI FUL Spring day & welcome to 'nother life lesson with our one & ONLY, Dino! I love this time of year, pals! 

I know youse already know this, but WOW! It just seems to OOZE Life...Love...& Dean Martin tunes! Haha!! 

Seriously though, my friends...these are the best days to me. The world is in full bloom! The birds are tweetin'...the sun is shinin'...& Dino is flowin' through my speakers. 

He's sorta leadin' the way, actually.  

Guidin' us to through this insanity we is goin' through. Singin' his words of praise for the simple thins' in life. The BEST & MOST precious thins', pallies!  

We have to 'member, my friends...not to get caught up in all the negative stuff. Enjoy EVERY moment you can & don't take them for granted, mi amici! . And even if youse is having' a not so cool cool day...just throw on some Dino & let it melt away. Thins' always work themselves out! 

One way or 'nother...we get through. 

Allow me to play youse a tune...a VERY smooth & inspirational Dino-jam to me. 

Keeps me focused, pals. 

Anytime thins' just ain't goin' the way I wish they was goin'...this number gets me back on track! 

Today's Serenade, "If Love is Good to Me", will set the stage. It will be a guidin' light & a play by play plan. 

Keep your mind optimistic, my friends & listen to how Dean sings these lyrics. Happy words of wisdom! Haha!!

He knew how to live, pals. 

Just stick to the plan & NEVER waste your GOOD energy...on UGLY problems! 

Listen to Dino & let life happen! 

Dean's got you! 


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Happy Mama's Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Mamma Rosa"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

Let me start today's "Sunday Serenade with Dino" off with a GIGANTICO Happy Mama's Day to ALL the Dino-lovin' moms out there! 

What a BEA U TI FUL day it is too! 

A happy Spring day like this is PERFECTO to help us celebrate these VERY special ladies! After all, pals...we wouldn't be jammin' right here...right now...with Dino...if it wasn't for Dear ol' Mom! 

And don't forget...Moms come in ALL forms, pallies! She can be an older Sister...or just a good good friend who's helped you through tough times.  

Check it out, my friends...I wanted to share a SO SO PRETTY & SO SO FUN  little tune for this LOVELY LOVELY Day! Well...I keeps goin' back to a BEA U TI FUL Italiano-type croon...which I seem to pick every year, Haha!! 

Now, pallies o' mine...I know Dino croons SO SO many pretty & fun jams...I pretty much had my pick! But, pallies...this one has a special little somethin' 'bout it. Maybe it's 'cause the "mama" in these lyrics isn't a person...but a place. Yes...Bella Roma! Beautiful Rome! What a place it must be! Huh, pals? 

What a place to find AMORE! 

"Mamma Roma" is a tune 'bout two sweethearts meetin' & fallin' head over heels in love in this VERY special city! Ahhh pals...SO ROMANTICO! Haha!! 

OK...let's get to the Mama's Day croonin'! 

This one is SURE to get all youse mamas in a GREAT GREAT mood today! Youse deserve it too...for ALL that youse do...& ALL that youse mean to some lucky somebody...& I mean pets too! Haha!! 

This one's for my own Mama G. & ALL the mammas, here at our Cool Cool little blog! I have one particular Mama in mind also, today. A SUPER mommy & still a BEA U TI FUL lady! You know who youse are! Haha!!

Have a GREAT day & let the Dino serenades play forever! 


Sunday, May 05, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL "Dino De Mayo" Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Siesta Fiesta"

 Hey pal's...Happy Cinco de Mayo! we, here at our humble little waterin' hole, is callin' it...Happy Dino de Mayo! Haha!! 

Whatever youse call is DEF I NATE LY a Cool & Swinging' party kinda day, pallies! 

Man o THIS is Spring! BEA U TI FUL blue skies & warm, gentle breezes just breezin' 'round! 

These are the days I live for, mi amici. Even the very air I'm breathin' today silently SCREAMS Spring! Haha!! "Silently screams?" Is that even possible, pallies? Ha! Well...that's how it feels to me, anyway. 

OK my friends, all a day like this be a fun fun Mexicano type Dino-croon! Now, paisanos o' mine...I know I don't need to tell youse this...but...when you mix warm, Springtime weather...with Dean's fiesta-type croonin'...youse better get ready for some serious par-tayin'! Hahaha!!! . 

After all, pals...Spring is also a season for celebratin'!! 

Agree? doubt. 

So, mi I reach for Dean's Cool Cool "Dino Latino" vinyl masterpiece...and throw on some "Siesta Fiesta"...let's get ready to CELEBRATE! 

Pour up the margaritas & shots o''s time for Fiesta! 

Forget the siesta! 

I don't wanna waste a single momento! Ha!   

Can't waits' to get this one spinnin', pallies! Let it play over & over...& inhale every note! 

This is the GOOD stuff, mi amigos! 


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I Wish You Love"

 Good mornin', pals! 

Good afternoon & evenin', as well! Whatever the case may so happy youse is here! 

Well, It's almost a new month, mi amici. 

It's Springtime & I'm lovin' every Dino-diggin' minute of it! 

Hey, paisani...Spring is a time for Dino & If I got Dino in the air...then life is good. Let's keep that vibe flowin', pallies & get some Dino-tunes playin'.' 

We simply GOTS to make the MOSTEST of this SWEET, RELAXIN' & COOL COOL time of year! 

Checks this out, pals... "I wish you bluebirds in the Spring, to give your heart a song to sing." Man...that says it ALL, my friends. Dino wishing us somethin' as simple but BEA U TI FUL as that REALLY says a lot to me. 

It's one of the easiest thoughts on my brain...peaceful...happy...tranquil even! Haha!! But, man o's great! It tells us that the smallest thins' in this world can be the BIGGEST treasures! 

I've said it before & I'll say it 'gain & 'gain! The BESTEST thins' in life don't come from a fancy store or a sparklin' showroom. They come from our heart & soul, my friends. Some of the GREATEST joys in my life & MOSTEST specialist moments have been quiet & calm. No fantastico over-the-top celebration...just a sunny day with a special friend or a relaxin' night with some Dino & vino! That's the good stuff, pallies. Embrace it all. 

So as we welcome in a new WON DER FUL month...let's keep those "easy, breazy days" in mind. They are what REALLY matter, mi amici.

 "I Wish You Love" is EXACTLY the way I want to slide into May! Dean's voice floatin' in on a warm Spring breeze...laid back & chillin'.'s the good life, pals. 


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Last Time I Saw Paris"

 Well, hey there, mi amici! 

So So glad youse stopped by...on this lovely, little Spring mornin'. 

Hope everyone is in good spirits & TOTALLY absorbin' this TRULY magical combination of April & Dino croons! Such a GREAT time of year, pals! The Cool Cool vibe continues! 

This is the TRUE beginnin' of "New Years" to this fella, & I plans on keepin' it rollin' right up to we is singin' in the Summery sunshine! Ha! 

Well, pallies o' mine...just as I expected...I'm bein' lured back to Dean's COOL COOL al b um of Parisian song..."French Style". Yes, my friends...I thinks I'll hang 'round this vinyl work of art, just a little bit longer. These drizzly days & this record just seem to pull me in. They set the Springtime stage. One compliments the other, I think. 

So, my fellow Dino-holics...who better than our main dude, make a cloudy day shine...& how better than with a little "The Last Time I Saw Paris"?! 

This is EXACTLY the serenadin' we need to REALLY get the vibe of this AWESOME season rollin', my friends! 

Now the only wee, little, tiny, miniscule, problemo...was I couldn't choose which Dino-vid to play! Yes, pals...I was havin' a Dino-dilemma. 

My first choice is ALWAYS a live...from Dean's show...chillin' on his couch, croon. These are my personal faves. But,'s a short version. Only 'bout a minute. Now...I ob vi ous ly want to share as much Dino-croonin' as possible. 

So do I go with the full studio-recorded jam...or with the very suave but short live vid?! 

Well, ladies & gentlemen...I'm SURE youse already knows how I roll. 

Only really one thin' to do. 

OK...let's say it all together..."PLAY BOTH VIDS"!!! Haha!! Yup! DEF I NATE LY! 

So, my fellow Dino-diggin' Parisians...never mind the clouds! 

Forget the sprinkles & downpours! 


Dino got this! 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April In Paris"

 Well, hey Dino-diggin' Spring chickens! Glad youse could stop by! Always a pleasure to visit with my pals. friends...Is youse enjoyin' Spring yet?! 

I know...been a damp one, so least 'round these parts. But guess what? Monday & Tuesday is gonna be sunny & 70! Crazy is the word! Ha!

Hey...don't panic, pallies! We is gettin' there! 

Every mornin'...the sun is risin' a little bit sooner & every dusk is seemin' to come a wee bit later. Hang in there, ol' pals o' umbrella skies are comin'! 

After all...Spring is a tricky matter WHERE youse live! Youse gots to 'member...we just climbed out of a LONG...COLD...Winter! Takes a little weenin' to gets back into the Springtime swing! 

I thinks I know what might help! 

For today's Serenade...Dino is gonna take us on a little trip. 

We're jumpin' on a big ol' bird...& flyin' over to a city that is also known for it's gray skies & drizzly days...PARIS! 

Ahhhhh...what a romantico place it must be, though, huh pals? Forget the rain! Time for passion! Haha!! 

Well, if anyone would know's our man of the world...Dino! 

Dean was DEF I NATE LY a world traveler & DEF I NATE LY a master of L.O.V.E.! 

I found "April In Paris" on his 1962 Reprise al b um..."French Style". What a perfecto tune for this wonderful time of year! This vinyl masterpiece is a GREAT GREAT collection of some of Dean's MOST BEA U TI FUL songs! 

I'm diggin' each & every one of these jams, with Dino's accentin' on the language of love! Haha!! 

Hey let's face it, pallies...Dino can spread the message of "amore" no matter WHAT language he's croonin' & WHAT weather he's in, swoonin'! 

OK pals o' mine...'nough Danny G-talkin'...let's get to some Dino-Springtime rockin'! 

Here we go pals! 

Hold on tight & Enjoy!

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April Showers"

 Hey there, pals...You're stunnin' lookin'! Haha!! 

Yes, I know, I's my SAME thin' I tell youse every April! Haha!! But...youse will see the Dino-humor in that later. Haha!! 

Well, my friends...we made it! April! 

I LOVE it!!! Hope none of my pals got FOOLED last week, though! Haha!! Either way, it's OK. All part of the fun, my friends. 

Man o' man, do I LOVE this time of year, mi amici! I can't say it 'nough! Of course our main man, Dino, provided the AB SO LUTE LY PER FEC TO Dino-jam to roll us into April! It's a vid I simply LOVES to share with youse every year & is STILL one of my ALL TIME FAVES! 

It's THE...quintessential Springtime croon & is just simply SO SO fittin' for a drizzly kinda April week, likes we've had. 

This GREAT GREAT month is SO full of promise pallies! Thins' is happenin' that we cants' even see yet! All the flowers are gettin' ready to pop up...the birds are secretly buildin' their nests...even the Sun is hangin' 'round a wee bit longer, everyday!!! So So cool to me, pallies & I definately could not thinks of a MORE Dino-inspirin' Serenade to set the stage! 

Dean is at his totally FUNNIEST when jokin' with his main pal, Mr. Ken Lane (this is where the "Stunnin" part comes in) & at his completely SMOOTHEST while croonin' this  BEA U TI FUL Springy tune! 

"April Showers" will get you in such a happy mood pals...this I can guarantee! 

Forget the rain! Forget the clouds! Forget the snowy little flurries! It's SPRING, pallies!!! Youse simply can't helps  but smile while watchin' Dean weave his magic spell. Just a wink of his eye or a quick glimpse of that ever present wiseguy smirk...& he got youse! You're hooked in his magic & left beggin' for more. 

OK, my friends...sit back & REALLY soak this one in.  It's Dino at his BEST! 

So just keep on lookin' for that Blue bird...& listenin' for his song...wheneva these April showers come along...Enjoy.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Danny G's SPECIAL Easter Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Good Mornin' Life"

 Happy Easter, pals o' mine! 

Buona Pasqua! 

Man o' man...What an AB SO LUTE LY WON DER FUL time of year it is!!! 

This is it, my friends! The day I wait for all year! The day I share Dino’s song of inspiration! 

As I ALWAYS's a chance to begin again! A time of resolution! Yet 'nother opportunity to let even MORE Dino into out lives! Haha!! 

With every Spring & every Easter...I tries my the absorb the MOSTEST amounts of our pal, humanly possible! He DEF I NATE LY makes my day & DEF I NATE LY puts a cool cool accent on such an AWESOME holiday!!! Youse can't help but feel so so happy on a day like this, pallies! 

So, my Dino-diggin' paisani... PLEASE...listen to the message that Dean is spreadin' in this week's Serenade, "Good Mornin' Life". 

It's not only 'bout fallin' for a beautiful chicalina. Nope. The message goes much deeper, my friends! Wake up EVERYDAY & count your blessins'! Today is a new start! Don't take it for granted, pals!  NEVER drag yesterday's problems with youse & NEVER worry 'bout tomorrow! 

As Dino's BESTEST pal, Ol' Frankie, says..."Ridin' high in April, Shot down in May...Back on top in June...That's life!" so true. Thins' will ALWAYS work themselves out. Somehow. Teachins' I need to remind myself, as well, mi amici. 

Well pals...I hope ALL my friends at our humble lil' blog get uplifted with today's croonin'! Have a Great Great & Cool Cool Easter, my friends...& ALWAYS 'member to keeps the DINO & life's vino flowin'!!! 


P.S. Happy Easter, DMP...wherever you are. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Just In Time"

 Hey pals!!! 

What's up?! 

Do I seem a wee bit "over-excited" today?! Haha!! 

Well, mi Dean Martin-diggin' amici...I is!!! Haha!!

It's just this COOL COOL time of year, I guess. 

Spring has "officially" Sprung...& I couldn't be possibly be more excited! 

Dino-jams just seem to fit in SO SO perfecto-ly this time of year!! They sound...if it's at ALL possible...even better! 

It's just the season, pals. So upliftin' to me! And even though this crazy world seems so so upside down, at the moment...I couldn't be floatin' on more of a Springtime cloud! 

Oh...and by the way, pallies...gots one more VERY cool thin' goin' on that brings one of my all-time FAVE Dino-tunes to mind! Last Friday...March 15th...marked what would have been Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton's 60th weddin' anniversary. 

Now youse may be wonderin'...Gee, Danny G....what's that gots' to do with our most beloved Dino & our Cool & Swingin' Sunday Serenade?!!! curious little disciples of I've told youse once or twice before...just watch "Liz & Dick"! Haha!! 

It's a FUN FUN flick 'bout their crazy but passionate relationship. And here's the Dino-link...Dean's "Just In Time" opens the movie! 

O Man O soon as I heard Dino croonin' to the openin' credits...I was hooked! Liz & Dick & Dino...Now THATS one for the ages!!! Hahaha!!! I must have watched this flick 100 times & still cant gets my fill! Do yourselves a favor & grab a copy, my friends. 

Pour a glass...or two...of vino...& let the fun begin! 

OK, pallies...that's 'nough crazy ramblins' from me...time to jam! 

This one’s goin’ out to a very special lover of L&D & all thins’ Dino!

What a GREAT GREAT season this is gonna be!!! 

Turn it up, pals! 
