This Dinophoto is one that I have never ever seen before and I loves it so so Dinomuch. Loves how the guys are lookin' out from inside the bikes and how our Dino's is tagged "Boy Singer" and the kid's tagg is "Child Star." This certainly musta drawn millions more to wanna goes to the bigg screen to see 'em in "You're Never Too Young." Knows if I had seen this pix in that era I woulda ran to the box office to see 'em do their magic in this swingin' Dinocaper.
Thanks to our Maria for sharin' this at her great blogg so I coulda pass it on to all Dinolovin' pallies here. Dinodelightedly, DMP btw, no worries, will resume sharin' more cool Dinoclips from "Robin and the 7 Hoods" in a few....
Today's picture : )
Dean and the Kid at Paramount after taping You're Never Too Young

Funny potography. They were always funny and I like that movies so much. I think that together were unforgettable.
Hey pallie, yeah way Dinofunnin'....indeed our Dino and the kid are unforgetable...nows can you image the frankie doin' this kind of comedy with someone disrespect meant...but likes no way pallie....
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