Gotta 'fess up that watchin' our Dino dancin' makes me realize all the Dino-more that there never was, never will be anyone as gifted as our Dino...there is simply no end to what our Dino can do!!!!
Pallies please note that I have added the translation of Kinezoe's Dino-prose for our Dino-edification. Thanks to our totally sold out to Dino man, Kinezoe....please, please showin' your likes total Dino-devotion at your blog leadin' so many more pallies to comes to know, love, and honor our Dino!!!! To view Kinezoe's post in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-awed, DMP
Dino baila
Nada mejor que una buena sesión de baile para encauzar adecuadamente el exceso de adrenalina. Y es que, además de cantante, showman y actor, ¡este hombre bailaba!...
Nothing like a good dance session to properly channel the excess adrenaline. And is that also a singer, showman and actor, this man dance! ...
Publicado por Kinezoe el 15.5.10 4 comentarios
Hi, DMP! Thank you very much for bringin' me to your blog. It's such a great pleasure for me to appear beside our Dino on your blog... Dino-devotion has no end! ;-)
Take care, pallie! Cheers!
definelty not the Mills Brothers its The Four Step Brothers
Hey pallie, likes as ever you are most Dino-welcome...likes just part of true Dino-palliedom....and you are most Dino-correct....their is nothin' better then bein' honored for honorin' our Dino...and indeed Dino-devotion is as endless as our Dino's coolness!
Keeps diggin' our Dino!
Hey pallie, thanks Dino-girl, I am glad to have been corrected...I guess I just didn't look closely 'nough at the quartet...'cause I likes always am only truly Dino-focused...I so appreciate your settin' the Dino-record straight!
Dean's maternal uncle Leonard Barr was quite the hoofer. See this video. Wiki also has some some information on Leonard Barr.
Hey pallie, ah yes, I remember that Miss AOW...thanks for the info...keeps chillin' with our our Dino 'specially as the ol' school year windes down...
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