DINO, likes it will be fifteen long years tomorrow that you went away. After livin' your life to the fullest, your physical body was tired and worn out, and you were ready to depart the planet. Even though you are no longer with us, you spirit glows ever brightly in our midst.
Everytime we hear one of your songs, everytime we watch one of your movies, everytime we see a clip of your incredible television show, we continue to stand in awe of you and what you mean in our lives. Elvis dubbed you the King of Cool, and indeed you were, indeed you still are, indeed you always will be. No one ever has or ever will capture cool like you.
So our beloved DINO, likes know that each new day you are more loved and appreciated then ever. You will ever put a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts. Thank you for lovin' us, and know that we truly love you. You sang "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime." Well DINO, likes we will always remember.... and we will always love you.
I remember that particular show and that particular song. Ah, the wonderful memories of our Dino!
What he sang was right, you know. Stay young at heart, and life is good.
Hey pallies, I loves this Dino-tune so much and indeed Miss AOW, our Dino shares such wisdom with his pallies in this song....and yes, the memories of our Dino are truly truly wonderful....wishin' you the bestest of best Dino-winter-days.... Dino-homagin', DMP
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