Hey pallies, likes this is just to to cool dudes. Today's Dino-love comes from the blog "Beatle Photo Blog" where a down under chick named Tammy shares "some of the thousands of photos of The Beatles" and their pallies that she has collected.
Miss Tammy has posted a pix of our Dino likes that I have never ever seen before...our King of Cool makin' the scene with Sir Paul McCarthy and his lady Linda. Do remember that our Dino was invited sometime in the '70's to a swingin' party on Paul's yacht, and likes am wonderin' if this particular pix might be from that evenin'.
Likes, I don't recall that our Dino ever meet all the Beatles en ensemble..any of you pallies know of such a gatherin'. Woulda loves to have been a fly on the way when this pix was snapped...how cool to have been able to hear the patter between our Dino and Paul...just gotta wonder if they spoke 'bout the fact that our great man was the one and only to be a Beatle Buster.
ilovedinomartin shares our Dino-appreciato to Miss Tammy for sharin' this marvelous pix of our marvelous man hangin' with Paul and Linda. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-diggin', DMP
Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up dudes likes I can never ever get 'nough of our great man...simply loves learnin' each and every new Dino-detail that I can uncover. My my newest Dino-fact that I am psyched to tells youse 'bout comes way of the blog, "newsmax.com" where scribers Paul Scicchitano and Ashley Martella have reported on a new bio written by Peter Ford, the only son of actor Glenn Ford. Peter's bio of his daddy-o is simply tagged, "Glenn Ford: A Life," and is full of his experiences of livin' life as the son of big screen actor.
Likes I am thrilled to learn the fact that Peter knew our Dino, and likes even built one of our most beloved Dino's houses...will have to do a bit more researchin' to try and discover which Dino-mansion it was. It is very very touchin' to learn that the younger Ford musta actually spent some quality time with our Dino after the tragic death of his most beloved boypallie Dino Jr., with Peter proclaimin'..."I knew him really after his son was killed. He became very depressed. That was a tragedy for him."
ilovedinomartin expresses our thanks to the pallies at "newsmax.com" and particularly Paul Scicchitano and Ashley Martella for puttin' us on to this new bio and 'specially Peter Ford's first hand recollections of our beloved Dino. To read the whole review, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-learnin' and Dino-growin', DMP
Peter Ford: Memories of a Star-Struck Childhood
Saturday, 12 Nov 2011 08:39 AM
By Paul Scicchitano and Ashley Martella
The only son of legendary film star Glenn Ford and Broadway great Eleanor Powell grew up calling Cary Grant and Charlie Chaplin neighbors.
As a boy, Peter Ford called Chaplin a lot worse, particularly after the silent film star accidentally ran over and killed his dog, Bill.
Johnny Weissmuller gave young Ford swimming lessons in an Olympic-sized pool his parents installed just for the occasion. Later, Pancho Segura taught him to play tennis while he picked up his golf swing from none other than Ben Hogan, who happened to be preparing Glenn Ford to play him in the movie, “Follow the Sun.”
But while Ford’s late father had an iconic good-guy reputation on screen, he had something of a bad-boy lifestyle off screen, at least when it came to women.
“He has this image of being a Jimmy Stewart but in truth like Errol Flynn he had a streak of adventure,” recalled the younger Ford in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV. “And unfortunately when you’re married that doesn’t serve you well — especially when you get caught.”
Peter Ford, author of the new book: “Glenn Ford: A Life,” was surprised to learn that his father had relationships with many women over the years.
“It’s startling quite frankly for a guy like me who has been married forever to one wonderful wife, Lynda,” he said. “For me to read the fact that he did 100 films and yet had all of these experiences with these women — he was prodigious in many fields.”
Reflecting back on his childhood, Ford didn’t realize how privileged he was at the time to be surrounded by Hollywood legends. “As a little kid, I wasn’t impressed with anybody. I didn’t know. They’re just my parents’ friends coming to the house,” he said.
Still, his family’s six-acre mansion in Beverly Hills was hardly a typical family home in the suburbs. “I met so many great people — Sophie Tucker, Eddie Cantor. My mom was a big star on Broadway. And so through her, I got to know Al Jolson and those people.
And my dad of course being a film actor, when he started out, he started out very humbly with what they called ‘B’ pictures not ‘A’ pictures, not the top pictures. By the time I came around though he was a big deal actor. So Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck, Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, I mean everybody, came through the house and they were just folks to me.
It was only after I got a little older and a little wiser that I started realizing these people are important. They’re just not regular folks. They were regular folks but they were unique in this world.”
As a young man, Peter’s love for rhythm and blues, led the director of the film, “Blackboard Jungle,” to discover what would become an iconic song, “Rock Around the Clock,” in Peter’s music collection.
“Rock Around the Clock, being the song that was in my father’s film, became the national anthem of rock and roll and ushered in this whole new era of the rock generation,” Ford shares with Newsmax.TV. “And I’m happy to tell you the reason that song was in that movie was because of me.”
Here are some of Peter’s recollections of the stars who shaped his childhood:
• Dean Martin — “I knew Dean very well as well but dad wasn’t as friendly with Dean as with Frank. But I knew Dean. I built a house for Dean actually. I was a home builder for a while. … I don’t know if he was that accessible to the average person. … Dean was rather reclusive. They were all interesting. … I knew him really after his son was killed. He became very depressed. That was a tragedy for him.”
Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-post hails from 'nother uniquely tagged blog, "The Heavy Petting Zoo - WSUM 91.7 FM." Doin' a bit of researchin' found that said radio station hails from Madison, Wisconsin where one of the chick staffers is certainly in the true Dino-know.
This unnamed Dino-holic shares her her testimony of her growin' devotion to our most beloved Dino...sharin' how she acquired her first Dino-al-bum, a compilation tagged, "That’s Amore: The Best of Dean Martin," It was the "Fall of 1998" and she proclaims that she "then listened to it non-stop all winter long." That's our Dino for ya pallies, one she gets started on the Dino-path, likes you gets so so Dino-hooked likes so so Dino-fast.
Likes it is always so so refreshin' to here each and every Dino-devotee's story of comin' to knowin', lovin', and honorin' our great man. So, ilovedinomartin salutes the WSUM 91.7 FM staffer who has shared her Dino-adulation with the readers of "The Heavy Petting Zoo." I'm sure your Dino-efforts will bring many more pallies likes into the Dino-fold! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-sharin', DMP
“Leaves Will Fall From Winter’s Chill…” ~Dean Martin~
Are there albums and artists that you have to listen to at a certain time of year? For me, Dean Martin is the voice of autumn/early winter. I can’t explain it other than to point to the fact that I bought my first Dean Martin CD in the Fall of 1998 and then listened to it non-stop all winter long. Now it’s just the thing to do in my world.
Fast-forward to November 3, 2004. I was on the road with Special K, Dave (of “Dave and Kari” fame), and other WSUMers en route to the College Broadcasters, Inc. annual convention in Nashville, TN. It was my turn to pick out the music we’d listen to in the van. I offered to turn down the opportunity because I knew my CD collection was… eclectic. But Dave insisted it was my turn to pick out the music.
I handed him my copy of That’s Amore: The Best of Dean Martin — a.k.a. my “must have” album for that time of year. Dave shrugged and said, “Alright…” as he put it in the CD player. I think maybe three and a half tracks played before he dove for the “eject” button and it was the next person’s turn to select the playlist.
Sorry, Dave and friends. I tried to spare you…
But that’s not to say this album isn’t worth a listen. I’m just saying it may be best enjoyed on your own… or in any other context besides 6 hours into on a 14-hour road trip with others who much prefer the congested, speech impediment-laden stylings of The Decemberists.
What’s a “Best of Dean Martin” compilation without “That’s Amore” — arguably his biggest hit? If you’re tired of that song, do what I do and flip ahead to the next track or turn on the ‘random’ playback feature of your MP3 or CD player. Other familiar Dino songs you can expect hear include, “Volare,” “Sway,” “Return To Me,” and “Memories Are Made Of This” (a.k.a. the one that’s overplayed on AM radio).
There are hidden gems, too, which makes this album my favorite Dean Martin collection out of the three that I own.
Call me outlandish, but I think Dean Martin’s version of “Canadian Sunset” surpasses Andy Williams’ by leaps and bounds. It’s much more delicate, romantic, and embodies the sentiment that I imagine the lyricist (Norman Gimbel) intended to evoke when he wrote it (this is pure speculation; I haven’t done any research into Mr. Gimbel’s intentions). And the solo oboe lightly dancing around in the background is just adorable.
Another favorite is “If Love Is Good To Me.” Folks who wish to put on their dancing shoes can find this and other danceable numbers on Dean’s aptly-named album, Cha Cha de Amor.
The CD wraps up with the best version of “My One and Only Love” that I have ever heard. I mean, seriously. It beats out Sinatra, Johnny Hartman, and countless others who otherwise make you melt like butter. The arrangement features a flute theme that supports Dino’s melody line, an orchestral bridge that will sweep you away, and is ultimately held together by a small cadre of soft bongo beats in the backdrop.
Yes, it all sounds strange in writing, but you absolutely must take a listen to hear just how wonderfully this number comes together. Unlike with other songs, Dino doesn’t lay the schmaltz on too thick– his smooth vocal treatment and the arrangement’s instrumentation come together in perfect balance to create what I think is one of the most romantic songs of all time!
For some, Dean Martin is a “love him or hate him” kind of artist. I don’t know about that, but I can see how his style might be aggrevating to some. The relentless vibrato, the faux-Italianization of songs that should be left well enough alone, the mispronunciation of Italian words that were supposed to sound authentic in the first place — I’ll admit that his best work is comprised of songs that don’t possess these traits. But when considering the overall purview of his recording history, the good outweighs the not-so-impressive, in my opinion.
If you want to know ahead of time which tracks on this album you could probably skip or selectively choose not to buy (if you’re going the MP3 downloading route), either because they possess the lackluster qualities mentioned above or because they’d otherwise bore you… then I’ll tell ya:
7. Come Back to Sorrento 9. I’m Yours 10. Hey Brother, Pour the Wine 11. Just Say I Love Her (Dicitencello Vuie) 13. Standing On the Corner
That’s only five out of twenty tracks. I really think you’ll find the rest tolerable, if not downright enjoyable. Give it a spin and enjoy the warmth that Dino’s voice brings amid the autumn’s winter chill!
Final thoughts: This collection only scratches the surface of all that Dean Martin recorded. Just when I think I’ve heard it all, Paul Snyder winds up unearthing something new to me on his blog! Use That’s Amore: The Best of Dean Martin as a primer and keep exploring more of Dino’s work when you’re ready to give your music collection another boost.
Welcome back pals o mine! As nother' autumn month whips away, I find myself longin' for some older, wiser Dino.
This wonderful vid, "Turn the World Around", comes from the variety show circa 1972. Dean needed a change in his life...a new look perhaps! Blond! Sure! Why not?!!! Dean could pull it off. He could pull off anythin'. I mean after all...he's Dean Martin!
Now all you pallies know for Dino-sure that Dean would never want to break up with any of his true true pals here at ilovedinomartin. So lets just sit back & listen & know that Dean truly loves each and every one of his devoted fans and would definitely give us nother' chance if need be! Enjoy pals!
Turn The World Around
Turn the world around the other way Back it up and stop on yesterday Back to before that silly fight And give me a chance to make things right.
I said some things I didn't mean to say Things that I am sorry for today Down on my knees I beg you please To turn the world around the other way.
I never really wanted us to break up Snd I'm sorry for each teardrop that you've cried We need to give our hearts a chance to make up And darling will you stand in by my side.
We'll turn the world around the other way Back to where it started yesterday Just take my hand, together we Can turn the world around the other way.
Turn the world around the other way Back it up and stop on yesterday Just take my hand, together We can turn the world around the other way.
Hey pallies, likes today, on our last day of GIVING DINO THANKS week here at ilovedinomartin, our Dino-devotion comes from a very interestin'ly tagged blog, "MORBID CURIOSITY: Celebrity Tombstones Across America," and as one would expect includes a pix of our Dino's final restin' place. Also included are some popular Dino-poses along with some pretty standard Dino-reflections.
But, likes amid the pixs and prose, is the story of a very brief Dino-encounter between our most beloved Dino and Mr. Milton Berle...... "Two weeks before his death, while having lunch alone at the Friar’s Club in Los Angeles, Milton Berle came by his table to say hello. Dean kept the conversation short and said, 'Goodbye, old friend.'"
I finds that so so touchin' and simply had to share this with all you pallies. There is so so much to thank our Dino for, and today we accent how our most beloved Dino was ever the gentleman to the very very end of his amazin' life! What a perfect example our Dino has set for all his pallies in how to treat 'nother pallie with the deepest of deep Dino-respect. I simply yearn to become more and more like our Dino in each and every Dino-way!
ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at "MORBID CURIOSITY: Celebrity Tombstones Across America" for honorin' the life and times of our Dino in this way and for sharin' this very gentle Dino-tale between our Dino and Mr. Berle. To view this in it's original format, likes please clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-awed, DMP
Dean Martin
June 7, 1917 - December 25, 1995
Born Dino Paul Crocetti, the son of Italian immigrants, he spoke only Italian until the age of five. Being that English was his second language, he was always extremely insecure about speaking in public. He once said, “When Jerry Lewis and I were big, we used to go to parties, and everybody thought I was big-headed and stuck up, and I wasn't. It was because I didn't know how to speak good English, so I used to keep my mouth shut.”
He gained fame through his union with Lewis in the 40’s and 50’s. Later after the team's break up he became a member of the “Rat Pack” and pursued a solo vocal career. He is remembered for his smooth baritone voice, a constant drink in his hand accompanied by a cigarette.
For many years he successfully mixed cabaret and film work without any prospects for a recorded hit. In 1964, things changed as he reached number one with “Everybody Loves Somebody.” The song became the theme to his long running, “The Dean Martin Show.”
After forty years in the public eye, Dean became semiretired and took refuge in his Beverly Hills home. Occasionally he would make an appearance with Frank in Vegas or Jerry on his telethon. But in 1987, things would never be the same again when Martin’s son, Dean Paul, was killed in a fiery plane crash. When this happened he lost the will to live and became reclusive. Two weeks before his death, while having lunch alone at the Friar’s Club in Los Angeles, Milton Berle came by his table to say hello. Dean kept the conversation short and said, “Goodbye, old friend.” Martin’s mental collapse, plus his life long habits of heavy drinking and smoking killed him on Christmas morning, 1995. His cause of death was respiratory failure due to emphysema. Private services were held at the Westwood Village Memorial Chapel. He is interred in the sanctuary of remembrance. The epitaph on his crypt says it all: “EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIME.”
Westwood Memorial Park 1218 Glendon Ave Los Angeles, California Sanctuary of Love
For directions to the cemetery see Marilyn Monroe in the Glamour Girls Chapter. As you enter the cemetery make a left and follow the drive around to the Sanctuary of Remembrance. It is the third sanctuary before the end. He's on the left wall, third column over and third from the bottom. His parents are in the Sanctuary of Love behind him under the name “Crocetti.”
Hey pallies, likes as we continue our week long puttin' the accent on GIVING DINO THANKS, we likes puts a twist on our homagin' of our most beloved Dino. From the themed pad, "Oliver Twist Gin," comes the Dino-reflection, "Dino Paul Crocetti a.k.a. Dean Martin the Gin drinker."
I am so thankful that our Dino is so so cool, that there is an unendin' tide of Dino-devotion flowin' forth from all over the web, and in so so many diverse and unique Dino-ways.
Today's post scribed by a dude tagged Keiran, puts a lively liquid libation twist to the Dino-story with this scribe proclaimin', "Our King of Cool was known to love a good Gin."
Likes what other entertainer, alive or deceased has pallies of all stripes and types, of all ages and stages proclaimin' their Dino-devotion in such special Dino-ways? None, I dare say. It is just so so fabulous to every day find adulation for our Dino springin' up in the most swingin' of ways.
As we continue our celebration of GIVING DINO THANKS we thank our Dino for bein' the unique personality that he continues to be...findin' devotion comin' from all corners of the world wide web. ilovedinomartin says our thanks to Mr. Keiran for his illustrative Dino-homagin' of there is simply no end of bein' thankful for our Dino. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-awed, DMP
Dino Paul Crocetti a.k.a. Dean Martin the Gin drinker
Posted on November 21, 2011 by keiran Dino Paul Crocetti a.k.a. Dean Martin Born 7th June 1917 – Died 25th December 1995
Nicknamed the “King of Cool”, he was one of the members of the famous “Rat Pack2 along with Frank Sinatra, Joey Bishop, Peter Lawford and Sammy Davis Jr. Our King of cool was known to love a good Gin.
Born in Steubenville Ohio to Italian parents, Gaetano and Angela Crocetti, he was the younger brother of Bill.
He only spoke Italian until he started school, which he left in the 10th grade due to ridicule because of his broken English and the fact that he considered he was smarter than his teachers
He delivered bootleg liquor, served as a croupier in a speakeasy, dealt blackjack and worked in a steel mill.
By the age of fifteen he was a welterweight boxer who billed himself as “Kid Crochet”, fighting twelve bouts, which he, in his own words, “Won all but eleven.”
For a time, he shared an apartment with Sonny King. Legend has it that people would go to their apartment where they would pay to watch Dean and Sonny fight, bare knuckled, until one of them was knocked out.
Eventually, Dino gave up boxing, his broken nose would later be straightened, and worked in an illegal casino as well as singing for local bands, naming himself Dino Martini after the then famous tenor, Nino Martini, getting his first break working with the Ernie McKay Orchestra. In the 1940s he started singing for bandleader Sammy Watkins who suggested he change his name to Dean Martin.
In 1941 he married his first wife, Elizabeth Anne McDonald with whom he had four children, although it ended in divorce in 1949.
During the early 1940s, he worked for several bands while still developing his own style, famously flopping in the high class Riobamba night club in New York where he followed Frank Sinatra, but, it was the setting for their first meeting.
As is the case with Frank Sinatra, Dean, supposedly had mafia connections, but none have ever been substantiated.
July 24th 1946 saw Dean and comedian Jerry Lewis team up as a comedy / variety duo which blossomed into a lucrative film career earning them both millions of dollars but which unfortunately ended in acrimony exactly ten years later. They were reconciled when Frank Sinatra brought Dean out on stage during an appearance by Lewis in a telethon on Labour Day in 1976.
By 1976 Dean had developed his public persona as a laid back carefree boozer, even the license plates on his car were, “ DRUNKY “, although was in truth remarkably self-disciplined and like nothing better than to go home to his second wife, Jeanne Biegger and their three children.
During his career he recorded over one hundred albums and six hundred songs although he could not read music.
Hey pallies, likes I gotta 'fess up that I won't be near a 'puter tomorrow on our Day of GIVING DINO THANKS, so am likes gonna post this a wee bit early.
On the day of Dino-thanks 2011 I wanna shares with you a post that first appeared at ilovedinomartin on November 25, 2008. Written by Mr. Ron Giesecke for his "Political Therapy" blog, this poignant prose tagged "I’m Thankful For Dean Martin," shares the extemely important role that our Dino played in Giesecke's last conversation with his father who was dyin' of cancer.
This heart-felt Dino-testimony is a huge reminder to all us pallies 'bout the many and varied ways that our Dino has touched so so many lifes, and continues to do so even long after his departure from the planet.
On this day of GIVING DINO THANKS 2011, I continue to be ever thankful for our Dino and likes I'm thankful to Mr. Ron Giesecke for his candid retellin' of role our most beloved Dino played in sayin' goodbye to his father. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. On this Thanksgiving Day, be sure to pause and give our Dino thanks for the amazin' ways he has touched the lives of all of his pallies! In Thanksgiving To Our Dino, DMP
The Therapist Thursday, November 24, 2005
I’m Thankful For Dean Martin
Tomorrow at 5:00 AM, It will be four months to the day that I lost my father to cancer. I had a feeling last Thanksgiving, that I was looking at my dad across the holiday table for the last time.
I was right.
Due to some employment constraints on my part, as well, as some plain old logistical difficulty, we decided to have Thanksgiving dinner on Monday evening. Everything was normal overall, with the addition of an emotional assent to how much we all wished dad were here one last time. My dad was a restless soul, and my wife’s observations about his absence on one of the holiday deficits that will now be the most obvious: that wherever my dad was on Thanksgiving, he always managed to be wandering around the kitchen, chatting with whomever was cooking, and just plain getting in the way in the fashion that loveable old lugs manage to do so well.
How I would have paid millions to have my dad holding up the wheels of culinary progress, forcing my wife to jokingly threaten to run him over one last time. How I would have also paid millions, if it would have at least enshrouded the incremental knots of pain in my mother’s face, as the holiday realizations washed over the clock—all without my father—her husband. And no amount of ambient room chatter was going to change it.
I started thinking about the last two days in my father’s life. Those memories—the one’s where family members became strangers, enemies, and opaque silhouettes—The one’s that recall the fear of falling, the contortions of pain—believe it or not, still have some high points.
I arrived out at the house, and to his deathbed. The medications, along with his metabolic breakdowns had cajoled an otherwise meek man into a sometimes-belligerent stranger. I remember distinctly two conversations I had with him. The first was a bit adversarial—to start.
“Dad, I’m here.”
Dad looks over at me, gives me a once over, and says “so what?”
“Dad, you’re little granddaughters are here.”
“I don’t care,” said my dad, looking away in disgust.
Right about then, my four year old—one of two apples in my father’s eye, ran into the room with that hapless, four-year-old lack of understanding at the impending gravity. I picked her up, and held her over him, so that he was forced to see her.
“Oh yeah, Captain Belligerent? Try being mean to THIS.”
I watched dad, as the realization that Clara was there at Grandpa’s side. I watched as he forced his demeanor, focus, and grandfatherly adoration through the unwieldy veil that had hidden the rest of him from the rest of us.
“Hi Clara,” he said, through the most painful smile ever forged upon that face. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. My daughter made cancer take a back seat, if only for a moment.
As dad inched ever-closer to the precipice, his coherence, ability to communicate, and humanity started to fade. I wanted to speak with my dad one last time about his soul, so that I could again pray with, for, and about him. The in-home hospice visitors said he no longer knew where he was.
I looked straight into my father’s face. His eyes fixed on mine. I thought I saw a momentary window of clarity come across those pupils, and so I silently prayed for a sign that he knew it was me.
“Dad,” I said. “I’m here.”
Dad had this way of nodding with only his eyes, and I was certain I had just seen him do it. The room was calm, and mom had kept the room calmly brimming with familiarity—to include my father’s favorite music lightly playing in the background.
“Dad, “ I said grabbing his hand. “I’m only going to ask you to extend yourself one last time. I just need to know that you know this is Ron talking. If you know it’s me, please squeeze my hand.”
He immediately squeezed with a force that astonished me.
“Okay dad. One more thing,” I said, as he locked his eyes on mine. “I’ve got one more question. After that, I just want you to pray with me in your mind.” I nodded over to the cassette player at the foot of the bed.
“Who’s playing on that radio right now?” I asked him.
With all the accompanying pain, dad struggled to put those parched lips together. I couldn’t believe he’d actually pull it off.
“Dean Martin,” he said.
I almost passed out.
I knew then, that dad and I could talk, even if it was only me doing the talking for our last conversation. Those were his last words to me. We had already exchanged our “I love you’s” earlier. And yet nothing in that transcended the sheer force I felt when I heard the man who brought me into this world fight one last time to converse with me as he left it.
Hey pallies, likes the day of "GIVING DINO THANKS" is just 'round the corner, and likes the ol' world wide web continues to be simply a Dino-treasure-trove of Dino-devotion just waitin' to be uncovered. Case in point, just found a blog tagged "Say what?" where the duo of JD and Lucy hold forth. Their Dino-post, "Listen, Pally: Dean Martin Was A Comedian!" puts the accent on quotations from our Dino's girlpallie Deana's bio of her daddy-o, "Memories Are Made Of This."
JD shares a dozen cool Dino-quips as recorded by Miss Deana in her Dino-memoir...some are more familar then others, but all point to our most beloved Dino's great sense of humor....and, as JD sez, they are all pure "quotable Dean Martin fun." And, likes besides makin' all us pallies laugh, there is, as well, truly truly so so much Dino-wisdom in these Dino-reflections to guide and direct us on the path to true Dino-happiness!
On this third day of our celebration of "GIVING DINO THANKS," ilovedinomartin is indebted to pallies Miss Lucy and Mr. JD for sharin' these Dino-thoughts with their readers...helpin' em to deepen each and every pallies Dino-devotion! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-prose. Thanks Dino...likes no one makes us laugh more....and at the same time led us to drinkin' deep from your Dino-wisdom! Dino-lovin', DMP
Listen, Pally: Dean Martin Was A Comedian!
Aaaaagain, I say, listen, Pally: Dean Martin Was A Comedian!
Much of my grandmother's family is from Steubenville, Ohio and when she was young and visiting, she played with a little boy named Dino Crocetti, who later turned out to be an Italian King...The King of Cool, that is. It was Dean Martin. Dean loved where he came from and never forgot. They even named an official state holiday in Ohio-Dean Martin Day. I've always liked Dean and I'm a member of a gigantic club in that regard. Very few people didn't like Dean. I picked up a copy of the book 'Memories are made of this: Dean Martin through his daughter's eyes' and found it difficult to put down. The odyssey of Dean and his family's lives makes for quite a drama but a lot of humor too. Dean was an unusual man and had an unusual life. He was a mega-star in his day, several times over. He conquered movies, live acts, TV and the music industry and did it all with a laid back demeanor and sharp wit.
Deana Martin, Dean's daughter, didn't paint him out to be father of the year but there's no doubt that he was appreciated for the man that he was, including his quirky nature as a loner and his sense of humor. Though he's known more for his beautiful voice and his very tipsy stage persona, Dean was as funny as he was musical. An all-around talent. His days with Jerry Lewis left Jerry with a French mob of fans as the brilliant goof and Dean under appreciated for his own comic talent as a straight man and later as a character too full of scotch to actually stand up straight. Of course, he was usually drinking apple juice but even Mayberry's Otis wasn't a more likable fake drunk. Following are some quotes from the book, which I hope you get the chance and have the gumption to read. I think you'll enjoy it, too. If you've already read it...well, whatever, Pally (Dean called people 'Pally'). Here are 12 quotes to make you smile:
JD's quotes:
1. Deana talks about Dean as a teenaged playboy:
''My aunt Violet used to say to him, ''Dino, you never have any money.'' He'd smile and reply, ''I don't need money, Vi, I'm good looking.'' ''
2. Deana talks about Dean as a very minor league, smooth criminal:
''He was a card dealer at the Rex Cigar Store, where he slipped so many silver dollars down his trouser legs and into shoes that he jangled when he walked. It was money his bosses didn't begrudge him, and which he quickly spent.''
3. Deana quotes her dad with many of his most memorable lines. Here's one she quoted on family:
''I have seven beautiful kids. Don't clap, it only took seven minutes.''
4. Dean and the rest of the Rat Pack joked about each other's heritage frequently. Speaking of Frank Sinatra, Deana says:
''Frank sang too, an honor Dad reciprocated at Frank's forty-second birthday party at the Villa Capri in 1957, when he sang a version of ''He's the Top'' with the words ''He's the Wop.'' ''
5. Deana quotes her dad with this silly one-line nugget:
''Don't believe it when they say carrots are good for your eyes, I stuck one in mine last night and it hurt.''
6. Deana quotes some parental advice from Dean to his daughter, Claudia:
''Don't bite your nails,'' he'd tell Claudia. ''Look what happened to Venus de Milo.'' ''
7. Deana talks more about Dean's lighthearted ethnic teasing, this time on his wife, Jeanne:
''He constantly teased Jeanne about her German ancestry, which she had in common with Irma, our German housekeeper. ''Be careful,'' he'd tell us, ''watch those Aryan blue eyes. Next thing we know she'll be holding Bund meetings Thursday nights with Irma behind the pool house.''
8. Deana quotes Dean on his fellow ladies man, Frank Sinatra:
''When Frank dies, they're gonna give his zipper to the Smithsonian.''
9. Deana talks about some of the song alterations Dean did as his drunken stage persona, changing classic songs' lyrics like:
''I looked over Jordan and what did I see . . . Mrs. Jordan.'' ''You are too beautiful for one man alone . . . so I brought along my brother.'' ''You made me love you . . . you woke me up to do it.''
10. Deana remarks the time Dean's hit ''Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime'' knocked ''A Hard Day's Night'' (By the Beatles) off the number one slot:
''When Dad heard the news of its success, he sent Elvis Presley a telegram that read, ''If you can't handle the Beatles, I'll do it for you, pally.'' ''
11. Deana quotes her dad introducing the Rolling Stones in classic Dino style:
''I've been rolled when I was stoned before. Now ladies and gentlemen, the Rolling Stones.''
12. Deana quotes more Dean one-liner fun, mentioning this one:
''I don't drink anymore, and I don't drink any less.''
That's the end of the quotable Dean Martin fun, pallies. For a load of anecdotes and a keener understanding of the man, pick up a copy of the book. For immediate purposes, if you haven't had enough just yet, here's our gratuitous youtube video for your viewing pleasure. This is one of my favorites from the Dean Martin show, with Victor Borge and his classic bit called 'Phonetic Punctuation.'. Two great musical and comedic talents who used their powers for good, instead of evil, like what Stephen Lynch does. Check it out:
Hey pallies, likes all true Dino-philes know that our Dino was the greatest entertainer that ever has or ever will inhabit this planet. But, likes in addition to all of his talent singin', dancin' and makin' with the funnies, our most beloved Dino is also the wisest of the wise philosophers....while his jokin' 'round always makes us laugh, there is always so so much wisdom in each and every Dino-thought.
Today, on this second day of our week of "GIVING DINO THANKS," we takes you to a post "Quote of the Day" from Miss Amanda A. Markel at her self-tagged blog, "Amanda." It is an excellent example of 'nother stunnin' reason to be thanksful for our Dino...'cause it radically reflects our Dino's wisdom at it ultra finest! And, likes as you read our great man's great thought you will discover that this pearl of Dino-insight is likes more true today then when it was first Dino-spoken.
With the total mess that our world is in, with problemos all 'round us these here days, we more then ever need to cling to the Dino-truth proclaimed below. Likes wouldn't be so so wonderful pallies, if we coulda compile each and every Dino-teachin' received from our ever wise Dino...woulda certainly help us to cope with the dark days that we are in.
ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Miss Amanda for sharin' this Dino-quotation with her readers, and so that ilovedinomartin coulda brings it to a larger Dino-audience of Dino-devotees, and gives us 'nother amazin' reason to give thanks to our most beloved Dino! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-studyin', DMP
Quote of the Day
Posted on November 10, 2011 by amandamarkel
“Please remember the moral of tonight’s show: Put your troubles away till tomorrow. If you’re lucky, someone’ll break into your house tonight and steal ‘em!” Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes as we move into the week here in the states where we will go over the river and through the woods to grannie's house, it's time at ilovedinomartin to puts our annual accent on "GIVING DINO THANKS."
Likes as all us Dino-philes begins to reflects 'bout all the reasons that dudes likes us are so so thankful for our most beloved Dino, likes I am likes extremely delighted to gets our week of "GIVING DINO THANKS" off to a marvelvous start with some amazin/ Dino-devotion from a very youthful hip German modster who tags himself "Manslaughter-Andy."
Andy, a teacher at an "academic high school" in Germany teaches "German, Politics, and Economics." From his profile we learns that this edgey educator was into "Metal" and then moved into "Hardcore, Punkrock and Oi! music." And, likes today's Dino-message articulates Andy adulates our Dino!
At his blog "Manslaughter Thug Life," Andy's post, "DEAN MARTIN - "KING OF THE ROAD," is just ladened with so so much Dino-praise! Andy, in his powerful pontification of his devotion to our Dino, sez 'bout our great man..."one of my heroes and my all time faves, the almighty, immortal, unforgotten and legendary Mister DEAN MARTIN, the one and only 'KING OF COOL.'"
Andy continues his devotion to our Dino's singin' sayin'..."Brilliant and out-standing, amazing and great music, I love it!!!" And, Andy energeticly encourages his readers to..."Get what-ever you can get with, by and of DEAN MARTIN, music and movies, to set this straight." Then Andy caps off his Dino-devotion sayin' 'bout our most beloved Dino..."just phenomenal and awesome, a true legend!!!" This, of course is topped off by an stunnin' clip of our Dino's perfect rendition of "King Of The Road."
ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to ""Manslaughter-Andy" for givin' us such thrillin' thoughts of thanks for our Dino, gettin' our week of Dino-thanks off to a amazin' start. To view Andy's thoughts in it's original source, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-thankfully, DMP
Montag, 14. November 2011
Hey folks! Now something a little bit different is coming up here but one of my heroes and my all time faves, the almighty, immortal, unforgotten and legendary Mister DEAN MARTIN, the one and only "KING OF COOL", will be up next here, singing to us the legendary anthem "KING OF THE ROAD". Brilliant and out-standing, amazing and great music, I love it!!! Swing, Jazz, Soul, Big Band Music, ah, it's just totally great and amazing over the top music that holds so much in store for everyone to discover who just owns the heart, passion, soul, and also the ears to get it all, something different than the usual stuff up here, haha;-), for sure, but as usual it's awesome stuff :-) that you need to have to check out as soon as possible. Get what-ever you can get with, by and of DEAN MARTIN, music and movies, to set this straight. Brilliant!!! Won't say more now, it's late and I'm tired, just enjoy it and if I would be you I would bet that more of DEAN MARTIN will be coming some time in the future up here. It's just phenomenal and awesome, a true legend!!! Enjoy it!!! Cheers!!! ... And then good night!!!
Hey pals have I got a GREAT little gem that is definitely in TRUE Martin fashion this week! "You Can't Love em' All" is one of those tunes that just oozes Dino!
This is the Dean that I love best! Carefree...Havin' fun...chasin' the ladies...enjoyin' life! He is so so right though pals o mine...you can't love em' all, but tryin' can be so so much fun!
Let's listen to the master doin' what he does best...like no one else ever could...Enjoyin' Life!
You can't love 'em all You can't love 'em all Love may be wonderful but the chances are small You can't land each one that passes by But you can try You can try You can try
You can't kiss 'em all Oh, you can't kiss them all The ones who have tried have found that they're not quite that tall They'll call you an optimistic dope Oh, you can hope You can hope You can hope
They've been able to prove There are mountains you can move They've been able to show There's a way to make rain and snow But you simply can't love 'em all No you can't love 'em all 'cause one day that one gal will catch your eye And you'll know why You'll know why You will know why
'cause one day that one chick will make you sigh And you'll know why Yeah, you'll know why You'll know why you can't love 'em all
Hey pallies, likes gotta say dudes that my Dino-surfin' of the web to brings youse pallies the grooviest of the groovy Dino-devotion likes keeps payin' off the hugest of the huge Dino-dividends!
Case in point, just the other day likes came 'cross this swingin'est of the swingin'est 60's pad, "Sixties Cinema...Tom Lisanti's books on '60's starlets & B-movies." Well, likes how coulda a hipster dude like Lisanti not have a post on our Dino as Matt Helm...the hippest of the hip swinger spy flicks?
Indeed today's Dino-gram puts the accent on Mr. Tom's rad report, "SLAYGIRLS RING, ARE YOU LISTENING," on our most beloved Dino and the bevy of beau-ti-ful chicks that surrounded him in the '60's Helmer flicks. Listanti truly "gets Martin" speakin' of him as "debonair Dean Martin."
Mr. Lisanti puts his readers on to an fab piece of Dino-Helmer-prose from our pallies at "CINEMARETRO" tagged "MR. HELM GOES TO HOLLYWOOD." Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will gets to "Sixties Cinema" where you can catch that link. Tom also shares the terrific trailer from Helmer numero tres, "The Ambushers" that feature "those ever-lovin' Slaygirls."
The Pièce de résistance of Listanto's Dino-litany is an excerpt of an interview that he conducted with Miss Corinne Cole who played Miss January in Helmer numero duo, "Murders' Row." The interview is contained in Tom's tome, "Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood." This very revealin' reflection my Miss Cole is cetainly worthy of all the Dino-attention that all us Dino-holics can muster.
Words simply can not express my likes total Dino-delight to have been Dino-directed to Mr. Tom Lisanti's blog post on our Dino as Matt Helm. Huge thanks to Mr. Lisanti for sharin' this with all his readers...and certainly makin' the day of tons of ilovedinomartin readers. Keeps lovin' our Dino pallies! Dino-awed, DMP
November 17th, 2011
Click the below link to read a wonderful article about how secret agent Matt Helm went from hardboiled espionage tales in print to pop camp-filled stories on the big screen when played by debonair Dean Martin opposite some of the big screens most beautiful women in The Silencers (Stella Stevens, Dahlia Lavi, Nancy Kovack); Murderers’ Row (Ann-Margret, Camilla Sparv); The Ambushers (Senta Berger); and The Wrecking Crew (Elke Sommer, Sharon Tate, Nancy Kwan, Tina Louise). Helm, masquerading as an international photographer, was assisted by amorous secretary Lovey Kraveszit (Beverly Adams) and surrounded by a bevy of sexy starlets as models called the Slaygirls or Slaymates.
One of the Slaymatess was Corinne Cole in Murderers’ Row (1966). Below is an excerpt from my interview with her for Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood:
In Murderers’ Row (1966) Cole brought new meaning to the term Slaymate as a seductive “Miss January.” Wearing a body stocking and two pink muffs on her hands, the pin-up poses in front of a map of Minnesota for the Slaymate calendar. After the shoot the seductive beauty sneaks into Helm’s bed and snuggles up to him. Tired he asks her to leave and “to go out like a lamb” in which she retorts, “That’s March. I want to wish you a happy new year” and begins kissing him. But this slinky seductive Slaymate has murder on her mind not romance. Alas her nefarious plan goes awry and ends not with a bang but a boom.
Cole recalls “Nancy Kovack was in the first movie [The Silencers] and she was scheduled to play Miss January in this. In between movies she married the great musician Zubin Mehta and passed on the film at the last second. My agent called me and I went to Columbia Studios to read for the part. I did not tell anybody that I knew Dean Martin socially. I had to audition for this role five times until director Henry Levin finally offered me the part.
When I got on the set for the first day of shooting, which was our love scene in bed, Dean Martin said to me, ‘This is a hell of a way to miss my best friend’s wedding.’ Frank Sinatra was marrying Mia Farrow that day at the Sands in my apartment. I said to Dean, ‘Yes, we are missing a big day.’ Nobody outside the Rat Pack knew they were getting married. It was very funny to us. I had a body stocking on because I was supposed to be nude but we couldn’t get the shot because my bra was showing. Finally I said, ‘Frig it! I’m taking off the body stocking!’ They closed the set for me and we got the take. Dean said, ‘What a way to spend the day—being in bed with one of my best friend’s fiancée.’”
Hey pallies, likes today ilovedinomartin is simply delighted to return to our pallie Mr. David Lobosco's pad, "The Great Entertainment Media Archive," where Dino-phile David is homagin' our great man with his great post, "PHOTOS OF THE DAY: DEAN MARTIN AND FRIENDS."
Likes totally totally grooves on how Lobosco begins his Dino-devotion by sayin'..."I love looking at pictures of Dean Martin." How cool of our pallie David to be so bold in his Dino-proclaimation! And likes certainly any of us Dino-manics woulda be in absolute agreement with him! Likes what other being besides our Dino can brings us so so much true happiness just by lookin' at a pix of 'em? Of course that answer woulda be NO ONE.
As Mr. Lobosco points out, "No matter what the picture were or whom (Dino) had a picture taken with, it looked like he was having fun. The friends he took the pictures with as well looked like they were having a blast." And likes all us Dino-addicted certainly does gets turned on by simply viewin' each and every Dino-pose. And, David has done an outstandin'ly grand job of sharin' a delightful selection of Dino-pixs to prove his Dino-point!
ilovedinomartin shares our great Dino-appreciato for our tried and true pallie David Lobosco for bein' so open in his Dino-adulation with all his readers...sure to bring many more into the Dino-fold! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-gratefully, DMP
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I love looking at pictures of Dean Martin. No matter what the picture were or whom he had a picture taken with, it looked like he was having fun. The friends he took the pictures with as well looked like they were having a blast. There will never be another Dean and that is such a shame...
Hey pallies, likes today is one of the happiest days...indeed, if not the happiest day in all of Dino-history 'cause 60 years ago this very day, on November 17, 1951, our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie, Dino Martin Jr. was born to proud daddy-o Dino and mother Jeanne.
Likes thinks of the pride our Dino had in namin' his first child by Jeanne after himself. Likes thinks of the hopes, the dreams our great man had for his little boy by givin' his new son his great name!
And, indeed our Dino's boypallie namesake certainly did live up to the takin' of his amazin' Daddy-o's tag...becomin' a hugely successful entertainer himself while just in his teens as part of the swingin' pop trio Dino, Desi, and Billy.
Dino Jr. went on to acclaim as a tennis pro and football player, and found fame and fortune as an actor on both the small and big screens. And our Dino's golden boy also was golden when it came to bein' a pilot of jet airplanes.
Likes Dino Jr. had only one real problemo...he was so multi-talented likes his father, that he just couldn't decide which of his many interests to put the major accent of his life on.
One thin' for sure pallies, Dino Jr. was definitely gonna be heir apparent to the Dino-throne. And, of course all of that came to a crashin' end when Dino Jr. tragically crashed his National Guard F-4 Phantom fighter jet in California's San Bernardino Mountains during a snowstorm on March 21, 1987.
Today we celebrate this happiest of happy days in our Dino's life as we remember and honor Dino Jr. on the 60th anniversary of his entry into family Martin. But, in the midst of our celebratin' we can't help but be sad as well as we know the Dino Jr. story turned out to break our lovin' Dino's lovin' heart as he never ever got over the death of his beloved namesake. Dino-honorin', DMP
Hey pallies, likes the name of our Dino is likely to appear all over the web this week as one of our most beloved Dino's greatest fans, Regis Philbin "signs off this week" from his 5-day-a-week TV show. Today ilovedinomartin brings you part of an interview between Regis and Mr. Jerry Seinfeld done for Newsweek Mag and reported at the blog, "The Daily Beast."
As you will read below, likes Newsweek asked Philbin who he woulda likes to interview him and his request was to have Seinfeld do the task. And, likes what name did Jerry drop as he began quirin' the Rege? Likes, of course, none other then our Dino! Jerry sez, "I want to talk to you about Dean Martin."
What appears below is that portion of the interview that puts the accent on Dino. Likes I woulda encourage all you Dino-holics to read the Dino-banter back and forth between Jerry and Regis...very cool stuff indeed pallies! To read the whole interview just clicks on the tag of this Dino-sharin'.
Hats off to the pallies at "The Daily Beast" for makin' this interview available on the web, and to the pallies at Newsweek for comin' up with the idear of an exist interview with Philbin. And, more thanks to Mr. Seinfeld for puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino in his questionin' of Mr. Philbin. Thanks also to Dino-holic Regis Philbin for doin' so so much to keep the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright durin' his reign on the small screen. Dino-reportin', DMP btw pallies, likes as a little added Dino-bonus, at the end of today's Dino-post is likes the youtube clip when Regis unveiled his life-size Dino-stand-up to his viewin' audience!
Live With Regis & Jerry
Nov 13, 2011 10:00 AM EST
TV’s ultimate survivor, Regis Philbin, signs off this week. the daytime kibitzer talks to Jerry Seinfeld about what makes a show last—and how to know when to quit.
He is, believe it or not, the most enduring act in the history of television, 16,700 hours on camera, a Guinness World Record. Today, Regis Philbin’s office at ABC in New York, his second home since 1983, is mostly empty, aside from half-full moving boxes and his colorful neckties lining the closet. He’s adamant that at age 80 he’s not retiring, having attributed the split to a contract dispute.
As he signs off this week, Newsweek asked Philbin, who has chatted up guests ranging from Milton Berle and Big Bird to Condoleezza Rice and John McCain, who should interview him. He chose Jerry Seinfeld. (“Is he a reporter now?” Kelly Ripa quipped on the show the day after the interview took place. “Everybody is moving on to other things.”) Seinfeld pulled into Philbin’s studio on his bicycle to reminisce. Excerpts:
JERRY: I want to talk to you about Dean Martin.
REGIS: I’m amazed that you bring up Dean Martin. Why did you bring up Dean Martin?
JERRY: Well, I know you’re a fan. I have a friend who’s also a fan, and he was constantly hammering me, “Do you see what this man is capable of?” Then you stop and think about it—who else ever did that? Somebody comes on, he sings with them, he doesn’t rehearse, it all works. And so I have, later in life, begun to really appreciate him.
REGIS: I’m so happy to hear that, because Dean Martin is kind of fading out in our business. He hasn’t been performing.
JERRY: Frankly, I think death hurt him professionally.
REGIS: But for a young guy like you to understand what this man meant—
JERRY: Now here’s my segue. What you’re doing, Regis, that Dean Martin also did is one of the things that the people who make the big decisions in our business never understand.
REGIS: You’re right again. They never did. They never got Regis, they never did.
JERRY: Let’s not complain too much about the people who don’t get you. You’ve been gotten. It doesn’t become you to be complaining. You somehow managed 30 years, the most successful television performer in the history of the medium.
REGIS: Has anybody heard a question in here?
JERRY: I just think it’s interesting that people don’t understand how a guy could just come out on TV and be entertaining by just being himself, with no material. This is how I’m trying to connect you to Dean Martin here. Tell us—what do you do that gets you to where you think, “I can make this work”?
REGIS: You know, I never knew if I had any talent when I started in this business. My first job was being a page at The Tonight Show. I saw Jack Paar come out one night and sit on the edge of his desk and talk about what he’d done the night before. I thought, “I can do that!” I used to do that on a street corner in the Bronx with all my buddies.
JERRY: And you would make them laugh?
REGIS: Yeah. So when I got the chance to do my first talk show, 50 years ago last month, I never had any writers. There was no budget—it was just me and the camera and my friend who was the director. I talked about what I’d done that week.
JERRY: My friend Colin Quinn calls your show Breakfast With Your Father. You’re this guy who we love and are comfortable with, but he’s only going so far with you. When you get to a certain line of propriety, he’s going to say, “I don’t want to hear about that.” And that’s what we’re missing in television: people who realize I don’t want to know everything. I don’t want you to display your sexual proclivities. It’s a moral compass of what I’m going to talk about on TV and what I’m not going to talk about on TV, and that’s what Regis provided.
REGIS: But excuse me, you’re one of the few guys left in our business—there’s only about three guys I know who don’t use the F word to get a laugh. It’s you, Cosby, and Rickles, believe it or not.
JERRY: I’m going to do it my way or I’m not going to do it.
REGIS: In your show, there are four different plotlines. It’s going this way with Elaine, and there’s Kramer getting into trouble, and George has a problem. It takes a lot of ingenuity.
JERRY: You know why we did that? We realized we had such great performers. You couldn’t have a show where Kramer doesn’t do something. What a waste of a terrific guy.
REGIS: But you were their compass. They were all coming to you. You could laugh with these guys and solve their problems. There had to be one guy to do that.
JERRY: I learned that from Mary Tyler Moore. When I was a kid and I watched her show, I thought, “I can do what she’s doing.” You play off of all those eccentric characters, and if you really love comedy as I do, you know that the straight man is one of the most important parts of comedy. And one of the most fun.
Hey pallies, likes today dudes we are all in for the hugest of huge Dino-treats from professional freelance illustrator Mr. Patrick McQuade. McQuade holds forth at his self-tagged pad "Land Of McQuade" and has posted a stunnin' Dino-illustration that he has created for this month's edition of Westchester Magazine.
Seems this mag is doin' a feature article of songs that have lyrics featurin' Westchester in 'em. And, likes our Dino's tune "If You Knew Suzie" features the Yonker's Pier. And so Patrick has created the coolest of the cool illustration of our great man with his ever-present cigarette in one hand and microphone in the other...with his glass of liquid refreshment restin' below him...entertainin' on the Yonker's Pier.
Likes can tell you pallies likes just how pysched I am to see this amazin' illustration of our most beloved Dino bein' featured in a current mag. Likes how totally totally rad is that! This Dino-creation is sure to draw many new pallies to knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino!
ilovedinomartin sends out our most grateful of Dino-thanks to Mr. Patrick McQuade for honorin' our Dino in this way and for usin' his considerable artistic talent to lift up the name of our Dino in this way! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-stunned, DMP
Monday, November 14, 2011
Dean Martin - Westchester Magazine
Got an illustration appearing in this month's Westchester Magazine of Dean Martin - Ring-A-Ding DING! - on the Yonkers Pier for a story about song lyrics that include lines with Westchester references in them. There's a bunch, ranging from Lil' Kim to Steely Dan.
Here's some sketches...
“If You Knew Susie” by Dean Martin “We went riding, she didn't balk / Back from Yonkers / I'm the one that had to walk.”
Hey pallies, likes I was so intriqued when my Dino-googlin' landed by at a pad tagged "Smoking At The Movies".....with a tag likes that this had to be likes a way hip site. Well what I found when I landed there was a lady with the handle "notatypicalmom" who while in the midst of talkin' 'bout a swingin' family party in the Poconos, lets her readership in of the fact that her fav western is "Rio Bravo."
"notatypicalmom," know in real life as Kari Wagner-Peck shares some very interestin' insights into "Rio," includin' the notion that "the film has the feel of a stage play." Likes I found that very very insightful. But, likes of course Miss Wagner-Peck's most insightful insight focuses squarely on our most beloved Dino (not that our Dino woulda ever be considered square!).
Miss Kari pontificates, "Wayne is the star of this film but the story to watch is Dean Martin’s." And likes pallies o'mine...ain't that the complete, the total Dino-truth. While John Wayne is the obvious "star" of "Rio," all of the flick's actions center truly truly on our Dino! So so cool to find this "notatypicalmom" with such an great attraction to our great man.
Usually pallies, likes we finds men who are doin' the reviewin' of "Rio Bravo," and thus it is so refreshin' to find a chick's perspective on this amazin' Dino-tale! Hats off to Miss Kari Wagner-Peck for sharin' this Dino-centered post with all her readership...sure to help others to a deeper and truer understandin' of our Dino! To read this in it's orginal format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-sharin', DMP
Male Bonding –
Posted on November 7, 2011 by notatypicalmom
This weekend we went with most of my husband’s family to a resort in the Poconos paid for generously by my mother-in-law on her 75th birthday. Saturday night was ‘Hoedown Night’. Cowboy hats and kerchiefs provided by the lodge. My husband put on a hat and wore the kerchief bank robber style. A few thoughts came to mind. First, my husband is super hot. Second, it is nearly impossible to play “dangerous bank robber ala Robert Redford and shy schoolmarm ala Kathryn Ross” in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) with a five-year-old underfoot. Third, I love westerns.
My favorite western isn’t the typical riding the range kind it’s Rio Bravo (1959, directed by Howard Hawks) starting John Wayne, Dean Martin, Walter Brennan and Ricky Nelson. (And – a supporting role by one of the Kings of the Westerns – Ward Bond.)
The film has the feel of a stage play with majority of the action taking place in the jail between the main characters mostly taking to each other: John Wayne, the sheriff (and former gunslinger) Chance; Walter Brennan, the cranky, “crippled”, old codger deputy who calls ‘em as he sees ‘em Stumpy; Dean Martin, the deputy with a drinking problem Dude; and, Ricky Nelson, the hot-shot kid gunslinger-for-hire Colorado Kid.
Within the first few minutes, Wayne’s, character Chance arrests the no-good brother (played by Claude Atkins) of a ruthless, wealthy rancher. The drama then becomes what will happen to this rag tag group lead by Chance when the brother sends an army of gunslingers to free his kin.
Wayne is the star of this film but the story to watch is Dean Martin’s. His character Dude is a drunk who because of his drinking puts things into motion and because of his stopping drinking helps put things right. His is the redemption story. (I don’t need redemption in a film but when it is done well it sticks with you. This stuck.)
As the four wait for the inevitable show down with the hired guns and as tension and fear builds the men talk a lot about what stuff means in this world – this is also called ‘character development’ which I miss in films now days. A Hawks strong suit, given free reign here – are that thoughts and emotions can be conveyed with just looks and other subtle human actions. (The pain on Wayne’s face as he watches Dude struggle to regain his tattered dignity.)
The men – three of them old friends – know they only have themselves to rely on in this mess. To kill the time as they wait – they clean and sing songs (thanks to the talents of Martin and Nelson). They look out for each other, they talk about their feelings, life philosophies. They rag on each other. In other words, they care about each other. I think Hawks threw the sexy girl character Feathers in played by Angie Dickinson solely as a catalyst for these men to talk about love and honor and respect.
It is a talky for a western. But, I like that. The only thing sexier than my husband dressed as a cowboy is when my husband tells me what he thinks and feels.
And, don’t worry there are plenty of kick ass scenes of the shoot-em-up-kind. Each of them gets their licks in and it is awesome.
Hey pals, welcome to nother' swingin' Sunday Serenade! I couldn't help myself pallies...I had to pick this classic Dino tune! Sway is definately one of my all time favs & IS my moms numero uno Dean Martin fav! She's like totally into the whole ball room dancin' scene and this is like her fav of all fav melodies to cha cha cha to!
This is one of the first numbers that got me totally totally Dino-hooked on our GREAT man! I would love to go to the friday night dances with mama G & papa G & their friends and watch them float on air to this and other wonderful Dino-ditties.
These are the best memories for me and I will always cherish this song for makin' them possible pals! Enjoy the tune & swingin' video of our great man showin' us some of his fancy footwork!
When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me
Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have the magic technique When we sway I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now
Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have the magic technique When we sway I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now You know how Sway me smooth, sway me now
Hey pallies, likes I continues to be so so moved by the many and varied creative ways pallies express their devotion to our most beloved Dino. Today's Dino-love is a drawin' of our great man done "with a sharpie pen." The young thin' that used her considerable artistic abilites to honor our Dino is Miss Danielle Downey, a Brit that hails from none other then London!
I was thrilled to found this unique piece of Dino-art posted at here unique blog, "My Cat Mabel," and am delighted to pass this on for all youse pallies' Dino-viewin' pleasure. With youthful Dino-devotees like Miss Downey, we can truly be assured that the Dino-legacy will simply continue to grow and glow forever and forever!
I lovedinomartin gives a big THANK YOU to artise Danielle for sharin' her Dino-creativity with all her readers and thus givin' me the opportunity to share it with the larger Dino-world! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Dean Martin
I drew this picture of Dean Martin 2 weeks ago with a sharpie pen
Hey pallies, likes I can't tell how much it means to me to start surfin' the web for Dino-devotion and continue to find pallies who loves our Dino and aren't afraid to share their Dino-devotion at their personal blogs. Yesterday I typed the words "Dean Martin and vintage" into the google blog search, and it sent me to 'nother great blog, "The Vintage Bandstand," where blogger Anton Garcia-Fernandez of Memphis, Tennessee holds forth.
Mr. Garcia-Fernandez has created an outstandin' bit of Dino-homagin' with his post "The Intimate Dean Martin: Dream with Dean (1964). Anton shares some wonderful Dino-insights into the makin' of Dino-al-b-um along with some classic Dino-pixs and a whole parcel of Dino-clips featurin' tunes from the disc.
Loves so so much how Garcia-Fernandez describes the Dino-purpose behind the makin' of this monumental Dino-disc...... "Martin decided to cut a concept album of slow ballads, sung as slow as they could be sung, with an intimate backing of just four pieces... The resulting sound is, of course, sparse and mellow, but it actually works very well behind Martin's voice, which sounds deep and soothing, a little bit as though he were singing directly into the listener's ear, trying his best to contain the emotions expressed in the lyrics."
Likes don't wanna sez to much more or you might not take the time to read all of Anton's well-chosen Dino-impressions. ilovedinomartin send out deep Dino-appreciato out to Mr. Anton Garcia-Fernandez for sharin' his deep, pure, and true passion for our Dino with his readers...sure to turn many on to Dino-devotion. To view this in it's original format, likes per usual, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Keeps lovin' our Dino Anton! Keeps lovin' our Dino pallies! Dino-ever-lovin', DMP
The Intimate Dean Martin: Dream with Dean (1964)
Dean Martin is so well known for his comedic skills and his vocal and stage gimmicks that we sometimes tend to underestimate him as a vocalist. But fortunately, his extensive recorded legacy includes little gems like Dream with Dean that remind us what a great singer he really was. By 1964, when these sessions took place, Martin was under contract to Frank Sinatra's Reprise label, and he was just a few months away from enacting a definitive comeback as a recording and television star. And, although he did not know it as he entered the studio, this album would play no small part in his return to the top.
After several hit releases throughout the 1950s that saw him accompanied by everything from swinging orchestras to Latin-flavored combos, Martin decided to cut a concept album of slow ballads, sung as slow as they could be sung, with an intimate backing of just four pieces: jazz great Barney Kessel on guitar; Ken Lane, Dean's long-time accompanist, on piano and celeste; Red Mitchell on bass; and Irv Cottler, who appeared on countless Sinatra sessions, on drums. The resulting sound is, of course, sparse and mellow, but it actually works very well behind Martin's voice, which sounds deep and soothing, a little bit as though he were singing directly into the listener's ear, trying his best to contain the emotions expressed in the lyrics.
Together with the dreamy sound of the four-piece outfit, the superb song selection is another one of the reasons why this album is such an artistic success. The program kicks off with a lovely, understated reading of "I'm Confessin' (That I Love You)" that aptly sets the scene for the rest of the romantic confessions that are to follow. Martin tackles standards like "Fools Rush In," "Blue Moon," and "I Don't Know Why (I Just Do)" very convincingly, his voice lulled by the soft strains provided by Kessel's self-contained guitar embellishments and Lane's beautiful piano work. He also chooses lesser-known tunes like "I'll Buy That Dream" and "If You Were the Only Girl" and proves that they can flourish in this musical setting. In "Gimme a Little Kiss Will Ya Huh," he does not exactly whisper like Whispering Jack Smith did in his classic version from the twenties, yet he sounds far more seductive and charming than anyone else I have ever heard croon that quasi-forgotten song. The quartet plays so low in "Smile" that for a second you even forget that Martin is not singing a cappella, and "Hands Across the Table" features what must be one of the most poetic lyrics that Dino ever sang: "Hands across the table / While the lights are low / Though you hush your lips / Your fingertips / Tell me all I want to know."
Halfway through the album, we find "Everybody Loves Somebody," an oldie that would become forever associated with Martin, though not in this evocative version, but in a full orchestral arrangement featuring a vocal choir and leaning clearly toward contemporary sixties pop. The new reading of the song, also recorded in 1964, quickly rose to the top of the charts at a time when the Beatles were usually monopolizing that spot. However, I have always thought that the more commercial hit version is somewhat overproduced and much prefer this earlier, more relaxed approach. The CD reissue of Dream with Dean (Collector's Choice, 2001) appropriately pairs the album with 1964's Everybody Loves Somebody, a number-two entry in the album charts for Dino, which conveniently allows us to have both versions of the song in one disc. But as good as the tracks in the second album are, Dream with Dean is the true jewel here. As Stan Cornyn wrote in the original liner notes, "Dean Martin's performance sounds deceptively simple. Don't be fooled. . . . Dean's finesse is built on a substantial substructure of hard-learned craft." Indeed, no matter what he was doing, Dino always had an uncanny ability for making the difficult come across as simple. It is only too bad that he did not choose to cut more albums like this one.