On March 1, "metro" via swank scriber Mr. Matt Prigge reported that in the Big Apple the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is throwin' a huge huge party in honor of Mr. Jerry Lewis' 90th birthday on March 16 by showin' a goodly number of Mr. Lewis' best screen efforts. Where our Dino comes in dudes is that five-----count 'em-----five of the bestest of the best Martin and Lewis silver screen selections are includin' in the viewin' schedule.
Likes below is Mr. Prigge's awesome article sharin' the news and that is followed by info from MoMA 'bout the five fav Dino and Jerry flicks bein' screened between yesterday and March 10. The series includes "That's My Boy," "3 Ring Circus," "Living It Up," "Hollywood Or Bust," and our most fav of fav "Artists And Models," which we personally consider to the be most perfect of perfect of the 16 Martin and Lewis comedies. The "3 Ring Circus" screenin's will also include clips from "Money From Home."
Oh, how we would loves to see each and everyone of these Dino and Jerry classics shown on the big screen from 35 mm prints....truly truly that woulda be Dino-heaven for sure!!!!! We thanks Mr. Matt Prigge and all the folks at "metro" for sharin' this great great news with the larger Dino-world. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. And, likes to get more information from the MoMA pad, simply click on the link included in Prigge's scribin's below.
Dino-desirin', DMP
Jerry Lewis gets a meaty retro for his birthday
And it's time to get over the notion that he's only for the French.
Jerry Lewis starred with Dean Martin in 1955’s “Artists and Models,” one of their many collaborations.
At some point Americans decided Jerry Lewis was only for weirdos and French people. That never should have happened, and it wasn’t always this way. The comedian spent over a decade as one of the box office’s biggest draws, stretching his face and his body, and even the art of filmmaking, in all manner of directions and shapes.
His brand of brash, anything-for-a-yuk comedy fell out of favor, but time has a habit of turning the uncool into cool art. Now something like 1961’s “The Errand Boy” — one of 16 films playing in MoMA’s Happy Birthday, Mr. Lewis: The Kid Turns 90, for his b-day on March 16 — can be seen as a radical experiment with form, as well as gut-bustingly funny. There’s no plot, just one elaborate gag after another, which employs the camera as creatively as Lewis himself uses his body.
The series skips certain films — sorry, even MoMA couldn’t wrestle his notorious, self-suppressed concentration camp comedy “The Day the Clown Cried” from Lewis’ hands — but it mixes things up. Some co-star Dean Martin, some are by legendary animator-turned-live-action filmmaker Frank Tashlin, some are by Lewis himself, who whether you like it or not is one of the most innovative filmmakers to ever hop behind, and in front of, a camera.
"Happy Birthday, Mr. Lewis: The Kid Turns 90" runs through March 15 at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 W. 53rd St. Visit the site for showtimes and tickets.
That’s My Boy. 1951. Directed by Hal Walker
Wednesday, March 2, 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 12, 5:00 p.m.
3 Ring Circus. 1955. Directed by Joseph Pevney
Money from Home (excerpts). 1954. Directed by George Marshall
Wednesday, March 2, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 12, 2:00 p.m.
Living It Up. 1954. Directed by Norman Taurog
Thursday, March 3, 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 10, 7:00 p.m.
Hollywood or Bust. 1956. Directed by Frank Tashlin
Thursday, March 3, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 9, 4:00 p.m.
Artists and Models. 1955. Directed by Frank Tashlin
Friday, March 4, 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 p.m.
I know what you mean DMP, it would be wonderful to have the means to be able to head to a swinging Jerry Lewis event like this. While i won't be able to make it at least we are able to read all about it on 'ilovedinomartin'! Thank you my friend for bringing this wonderful event our way!
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, thanks ever so much for your energetic efforts to support our daily ilovedinomartin postin's on our King of Cool! Likes maybe some day we coulda gets together and take a Dino-pilgrimage...who knows with Dino all thin's are possible! Keeps lovin', and when youse can sharin' our one and only Dino!
Hey pals...counts me in! haha!!
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