Hey pallies, likes today have we got a delightful Dino-op for all youse Dino-holics to publicly proclaim your powerful passion for our most beloved Dino. Likes as we were doin' our usual round of google Dino-blog searchin' we were directed to the blog pad tagged "DO YOU REMEMBER?" where a pallie tagged Favrizio Nava has created a poll posin' the powerfully provocative quintessential quire, "Favorite Rat Pack Member?"
Incredible images of each of the quintet of Rat Packer, our Dino, Mr. Sanmy Davis Jr., Mr. Frank Sinatra, Mr. Peter Lawford, and Mr. Joey Bishop with the invitation to cast your vote for your fav.
Likes, well we immediate cast our ballot for our most beloved Dino, and we encourage you to do the same.
Currently we are pleased as punch to announce that our main man is the main vote getter by a landslide! As you will note below, our Dino has 1187 votes with a 63.2% share, with Mr. Sinatra in second place trailin' with a mere 496 or 26.4% of the vote. And, the other three together make up only 'bout 10% of the votes cast.
Likes, of course we are thrilled to find this cyber poll and to proudly proclaim our Dino's huge huge popularity with pollsters. We thanks the pallies at 'DO YOU REMEMBER?" and in particular Fabrizio Nava for sharin' this poll with their readership...sure to bring many many more into the Dino-fold! To vote Dino, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes to the pollin' booth!
Deeply, deeply Dino-delightedly, DMP
Favorite Rat Pack Member?
By Fabrizio Nava Mar 01, 2016
1. Frank Sinatra • 496 Votes (26.4%)
2. Dean Martin • 1187 Votes (63.2%)
3. Sammy Davis Jr. • 138 Votes (7.3%)
4. Peter Lawford • 33 Votes (1.8%)
5. Joey Bishop • 24 Votes (1.3%)
Polls archive
Dean gots my vote! For President too! Haha!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the feelin' is mutual man...if only Dino was still walkin' the earth....he woulda makes the coolest prez ever....or perhaps...the coolest King...our King of Cool! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
It looks like the people have spoken, loud and clear! The only thing that would have been a surprise if Dean finished less then first!
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, the votin' continues and we need to keeps our most beloved Dino on top where he so so wonderfully worthy of bein'...so, likes if you haven't voted yet...VOTE DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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