Hey pallies, likes sometimes the tag of Dino-related post simply grabs you by the heartstrings and won't let go. Such is today's Dino-devotion taken from "Homeless In The Flathead," the blog of the
Kalispell, Montana homeless shelter and transitional living program "Samaritan House."
Their October 21, 2014 post, "Dean Martin and the Homeless" accents our main man's main song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" and asks the powerfully provocative quire, "what if the phrasing was a little different and a space wedged itself between 'some' and 'body'?"
We find it mighty meaningful to have our Dino's famous croon helpin' us as the writer states, "examine how we look at people who make us uncomfortable." Likes, we know that this prose really has made us both think and feel and ask ourselves how we might reach out to a "some body" in need.
We thanks the people at "Samaritan House" for liftin' up the name of our Dino, but even more for touchin' our hearts and callin' us to action for 'nother. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-ever, DMP
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Dean Martin and the Homeless
The old song croons, "Everybody loves somebody, sometime."
But, what if the phrasing was a little different and a space wedged itself between 'some' and 'body'? The whole idea would be wrecked because the concept changes as somebody becomes some body. And what looks like an autocorrect incident actually redefines the entire concept, forcing us to examine how we look at people who make us uncomfortable. Context is everything when we decide whether to treat people as bodies, just occupying space, or if we can remember they have a past, present, and future.
The single mom in the grocery store.
The the older gentleman in the public library.
The middle-aged woman behind the register taking your order.
Do we view the homeless in our area as mere bodies that melt into the scenery and background? Sometimes it is difficult to adjust our vision and allow ourselves to see others as 'somebodies' instead of some bodies. I don't think we intentionally try to be calloused or mean-spirited but we become so accustomed to the homeless around us, we don't recognize them as people as much as we think of them as being props in the community. We lose sight to the idea of context; each person having their own story and deserving the recognition and dignity we give to others who aren't holding signs at intersections.
And I don't write this from a heightened sense of awareness or judgement. I would love to say this is something I don't struggle with, but that would not be entirely true. No matter who we are, stereotypes and predispositions often cloud our perspectives and we rarely realize it. We become inoculated with the conditions surrounding as we forget others are not statistics, but living, breathing individuals who have their own stories. Society conditions us to place worth on a person's accomplishments and not usually their innate value. We see people as bodies. But how many times have others been gracious to us in times when grace is the last thing we deserve? We are treated as somebody.
We can learn a lot from autocorrect and Dean Martin.
So very true, my friends. We ALL deserve to be considered "somebodies" Let's ALL try to keep this in mind & reach out to a soul in need. Let Dino's tune lead the way!
Hey pallie, likes Danny, we totally 'grees with you sir, and we salute our Dino who was greatly generous to many many charities that help those in need of a hand up. We can all learn by followin' this Dino-example! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
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