Likes, this time 'round Kelsey has our Dino singin' of amore in "Somebody Loves Me." Even though Kelsey ain't got the golden pipes of our one and only Dino...and, of course, nobody has...it is still a fascinatin' fun frolic to view and listen to James profoundly personal efforts at offerin' his deep delight in our King of Cool.
The "Somebody" who loves our most lovable Dino includes Mr. James Kelsey, youse and we....and Dino-holics everywhere 'round the Dino-globe. We sez our thanks once 'gain to Mr. James Kelsey for his time, talent, and treasure given in huge homage of our one, our only Dino! Dino-delightedly. DMP
Another wonderful effort and posting from JK! I give all the credit in the world to anyone who puts it all on the line like this gentleman does. Thank you my friend for another great post as always.
Have a great week.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, once 'gain thanks for patterin' appreciato for Mr. Kelsey. We truly marvel at the many and varied ways that pallies of all types and stripes use their tremendous talents in huge homage of our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin', and when you can, keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
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