Welcome to Spring!
Haha!! We made it!
Yes...I knows what youse is thinkin'. "Are youse crazy, Danny G.?!!!" "This is Spring?!" Hahaha!!!
I know...I know!
But...answer me this, pallies!
Who was a bigger joker than our pal, Dean?
He loved a laugh!
I'm SURE he had his hand in more than a few pranks!
This is nothin' more than Mother Nature's little way of sayin', "Ah ha...Gotcha!"
What better way to remind us not to take life too seriously...than to throw a wee bit of the white stuff at us...one more time?!
Wait just a singin'-swingin' minute!!!
That woulds be the PER FEC TO Serenade to set the stage for this prank of pranks...& get us jammin' on this "farewell to Winter" Sunday Serenade!!!
"One More Time"!
I'm just LOVIN' the irony here, pals!
Man o man...what a tune!
SO SO much fun in this one, pallies!
Just keep this diddy on REPLAY all day!
Youse'll forget all 'bout the weather!
Believe me, my friends...this IS Spring...Dino-style! Ha!
Never one to sweat the small stuff...Dean would get such a laugh on a day like this!
Let's ALL try to embrace that light-hearted & carefree Dino-swag that made him the COOL COOL guy he was!
A little snow ain't stoppin' this GREAT GREAT season from comin', pallies!
We HAVE made it, my friends!
Soak in EVERY Dino-lovin' day & try...like me... to slow it down! It goes WAY too fast!
Don't forget...REPLAY all Day!
Play me that tune one more time, one more time, one more time
It makes me cry every time for the time she was mine
We used to sit hand in hand near the band it was grand
This is the song we would sing the waiter would bring two glasses of wine
It makes me cry every time for the time she was mine
We used to sit hand in hand near the band it was grand
This is the song we would sing the waiter would bring two glasses of wine
It brings back a sweet memory so please play for me that tune one more time
(Play that tune I love the most)
(Then please join me in a toast)
We will make our glasses clink to my broken heart we'll drink
(Play that tune I love the most)
(Then please join me in a toast)
We will make our glasses clink to my broken heart we'll drink
(We will have one more and then)
(Play that tune for me again)
You can bring her close to me with that meleody
(Play me that tune one more time, one more time, one more time)
(Play that tune for me again)
You can bring her close to me with that meleody
(Play me that tune one more time, one more time, one more time)
Play me that tune one more time, one more time, one more time
It makes me cry every time for the time she was mine
We used to sit hand in hand near the band it was grand
This is the song we would sing the waiter would bring two glasses of wine
It brings back a sweet memory so please play for me that tune one more time
It makes me cry every time for the time she was mine
We used to sit hand in hand near the band it was grand
This is the song we would sing the waiter would bring two glasses of wine
It brings back a sweet memory so please play for me that tune one more time
Spring has arrived but it does not look like it as i glace out the window. It looks like old man winter is still trying to hold on a bit.That is typical New England for you.
It looks like you managed a home run once again my friend. Thanks once again for a great Sunday song!
Have a wonderful week.
My pleasure,pal! Yea...Winter hates to let go. We had some fun, chilly times! But...Spring 2016 is here & it's time to start fresh! Let the Dino-intake begin! Ha!
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