Likes included in the live interveiw is some info on the filmin' of Miss Martin's Dino-bio, "Memories Are Made Of This." As you view you will learn who is writin' the screen play....Miss Bonnie Hunt, who is directin'..... Mr.Joe Mantegna....and who is playin' Deana.... Miss Jennifer Love Hewitt. Still no word on who is goin' to take on the part of playin' our beloved Dino.
Will be very interestin' to see if those parts of Miss Martin's book that speak unfavorably 'bout our beloved Dino will be included in the film. And, likes of course of all the books written by our great man, I woulda most loves to see Nick Tosches' stellar Dino-bio makes it first to the big screen.
To view the interview, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report to goes to the original postin'. Dino-sharin', DMP
I`ve never been all that interested in a movie on Deans life.
My biggest concern is how do they find someone good enough to play Dean Martin ?
Also I think to make the film a seller they will have to include some of the bad parts of Deans life.
Parts from Deanas book I`d rather not see on film.
I want to spend 90 minutes watching the real Dean and not some pretty boy actor who has none of the talents Dean had.
Dean was a very private man and I don`t think he would like having his private life splashed on the big screen.
I saw the film Martin and Lewis just once and it had that big an impression on me, I can`t even remember one scene.
Dean had few faults, make a movie about Sinatra and they have enough material to make a mini series.
That`s my opinion but I know a lot of people would like to see a film on Deans life made.
Hey pallie, thanks ever so much for sharin' your Dino-thoughts Miss Ky...I woulda agree with almost everythin' you have said...'really 'ppreciate you connectin' with other Dino-devotees here at ilovedinomartin..and likes above all else, keeps lovin' our Dino!
Dino did love his children and concentrated on being a good provider. IMO, he wouldn't mind that Deana's book will be made into a film.
Anyway, there are some "bad parts" to Dino's life. But there are so many good parts too!
Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, our Dino worked hard to provide for his loved ones...but I ain't convinced that our beloved Dino woulda wanted any books, let alone a flick made of his life...if you recall when Deana told our Dino that she had written a book of bein' in family Martin, our great man didn't have a great reaction to it....anyway, I woulda most prefer to see Tosches' magnificant Dino-tome be the source of any Dino-big-screen event....keeps lovin' our Dino!
Apparently, many of the stories told in the Nick Tosches-penned book are embellished and/or false. Have it on authority from those who knew Dean, personally and professionally.
Apparently, the Nick Tosches-penned book on Mr. Martin includes many embellished and/or false stories regarding Dean. This is on the authority of several sources who knew Mr. Martin personally and/or professionally.
Hey pallie, thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter Matt...woulda be most interested in havin' you share
"the authority of several sources who knew Mr. Martin personally and/or professionally." Will look forward to hearin' more from you man....and keeps lovin' our Dino!
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