Hey pallies, likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you'll be transported to the on-line presence of Wheeling, West Virgina's newspaper "The Intelligencer." Once there you will be able to read quite the informative article, ‘Dino’s’ Daughter Meets Dad’s Devoted Fans, by Mr. Dave Gossett 'bout yesterday's openin' festivites at the 2011 Dean Martin Festival in our beloved Dino's hometown of Stubenville, Ohio.
Likes my fav part of this particular Dino-prose is hearin' the heartwarmin' stories of pallies like newbie Dino-devotee Nancy Stock of Woodsfield and long-time Dino-holic Dieter Schonbuchaer of Passau, Germany. Always likes am so so thrilled to read others Dino-testimonies!
Simply makes me yearn more and more to gets myself to Dino-mecca to share my Dino-passion with others of the truly truly Dino-devoted. Thanks to the pallies at ""The Intelligencer" and particularly Mr. Gossett for keep us posted on all the Dino-happenin' durin' Dino-fest. Dino-sharin', DMP
Thanks DMP! In my opinion this is the best Dino Site on the Web! All Dino...All the time! Dino-News,Videos,Reviews, Recollections...all in one place without any aggravation! Thanks for all things you Dino-do pal!
Hey pallie, thanks ever so much for that vote of Dino-confidence...woulda loves to hear your Dino-tale..likes if you ever wants to be in Dino-communicato...just email me at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com...always loves to meet and greet others who are totally totally Dino-smitten! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
All Dino fans should make a least one pilgrimage to Steubenville. Worth it! I speak from personal experience as I've made several visits there since 1985.
Best place to eat in Steubenville: The Naples Inn. The walls of this restaurant sport the images of many famous Italian diners who have eaten there -- including our Dino, of course.
Hey pallie, I thinks that perhaps Miss AOW, we first met when I posted your Dino-images from Dino-mecca several Dino-years 'go...still waitin' to make my Dino-pilgrimage to Stu-ville...keeps lovin' our Dino!
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