Besides...I've been promisin' my wee girl, Stella, that I would play her absolute bestest, most Dino-favoritest, completely sold-outest of ALL Dino ditties!!! Baby-O!
Man, she's been lovin' this duet since her first steps! I can remember her in the back seat of my old 96' Caddy singin' along with me to this dynamite duet!
This fun fun tune features a dubbed in Ms. Paris Bennett. She was one of the American Idol contestants a few years back. A very talented young lady who definitely knows her music! This tune was from the Forever Cool cd, which was also released a few years ago.
I wont keep Stella waitin' any longer pals...here we go! Enjoy! Baby-O!!!
Danny G.
Baby-O You I Dig
Like-a the most ooh really big
Love the shape of your brow
Love your ooh Love your ah, Love your wow
Baby-O Tell Me True
Could you go for me too
Cross your heart if it's so
That you're my hope to die Baby-O
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/dean_martin/baby_o.html ]
Baby-O you won't quit
Like I mean this is it
Love your mad Swinging pad
You know what you're a nut and I'm glad
That's a nice
Ah Baby-O May I fly
In a plane through the sky
Writing words just to show
That you're my ten mile high Baby-O
Baby-O sugarplum
You are so yummy yum
Plus to wit and whereas
And Tres jolie
And all o that jazz
Baby-O there are laws
So I wrote to old Santa Claus
Under my mistletoe
Just for one, please leave one
Love it!
Thanks AOW! I thought you would!
Danny G.
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