Certainly likes loves the Dino-devotive way that Huver begins his Dino-thoughts and I have chosen to tag this Dino-gram..."Everybody loves somebody sometime, but it seems like that sometime for iconic entertainer Dean Martin will never end."
Indeed, "that sometime for iconic entertainer Dean Martin will never end." And, this here little ilovedinomartin conclave has been workin' to that end for several years now....to helps make the Dino-legacy of cool continue to glow and grow forever!
Most of the patter here is Dino-thoughts often been expressed in the past...but always cool to share 'gain. Interestin' to note that indeed it woulda appear for many of the Dino-solos not appearin' on the new Dino-discs is 'cause of "song copyright holdouts."
Have to likes totally agree with Scott when he states that it was indeed the Dino-show "that firmly cemented his place in the hearts and minds of audiences." Indeed our Dino's recordin's are marvelous masterpieces and our Dino's flicks totally totally outstandin', but it was indeed the weekly Dino-broadcasts that drew literally millions of pallies to deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion.
ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at PopcornBiz, and particularly staff writer Mr. Scott Huver for writin' these here Dino-reflections drawin' more and more pallies to the magic of our beloved Dino. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-devotedly, DMP
That's Amore: Dean Martin's Beloved TV Show Comes to DVD

The easygoing singer and actor, who found fame in the ‘50s through his comedy partnership with Jerry Lewis, then became a huge-selling recording artist, a major movie star, a member of the legendary Rat Pack and, at one point, both the highest paid entertainer in Hollywood and the old school singer who knocked The Beatles off the top of the charts.
But it was his hit television series “The Dean Martin Variety Show” – which aired from 1965 to 1974 on NBC – that firmly cemented his place in the hearts and minds of audiences. Clip packages from the series have sold strongly on home video via mail order for years, but now complete episodes (or nearly complete, given a few song copyright holdouts) are available in single-disc and multi-disc volumes to be both revisited by longtime fans and discovered by a new generation (a commorative book/CD package, Cool Then, Cool Now, will also be released June 7).
“There was no one like him,” the singer’s daughter Deana Martin tells PopcornBiz. Deana, one of Martin’s big brood of seven children, was a teenager when her father was first approached with the offer to headline his own series. “There were a lot of variety shows out there, but the difference was that Dad was so remarkable himself, and he's the one that made the show so much fun. He was just an amazing entertainer. He could sing, his comic timing was perfect and he was the bad boy. He broke all the rules.”
At the height of Martin’s musical and movie star bankability, landing him for a TV series seemed like a longshot, Deana recalls.
“I remember him coming home and saying, 'NBC wants to talk to me about doing a TV show.' At that time, you were either a TV star or you were a movie star, and movie stars did not do TV – heaven forbid! So Dad said 'Maybe I don't want to do that, but I'm going to have the meeting with them.' He asked for just a ridiculous amount of money and he said that he didn't want to rehearse, and that he only wanted to tape it on one afternoon, which was Sunday.
"They gave him everything that he wanted and he couldn't believe it," she continued. "But he was just so wonderful and easy about everything that he just took it all in stride. He never got a big head. That was something that was so attractive and appealing about Dad: he was just Dino Crocetti from Steubenville, Ohio.”
Early on, many of Martin’s showbiz pals were taken aback when they showed up to rehearse the show all week, only to be paired with writer/arranger Lee Hale (wearing a sign that said “Dean”) until crooner showed up for Sunday’s show taping.
Martin’s unorthodox schedule gave the show a fun, freewheeling element – complete with adlibs and flubs that made it to air – that both his co-stars and viewers at home found irresistible. “It was a nice feeling at NBC,” says Deana.
“It was just fun to be there, and to see all the stars that were on the show – oh my gosh!” She remembers her that her father particularly shined alongside some of his personal musical idols, like the Mills Brothers and Louis Armstrong, and Hollywood pals like John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan (by then the governor of California) and Orson Welles – and a few others were even more special.
“Frank Sinatra, my favorite of all time, was always so nice to me and gave me my first singing lesson,” remembers Deana. “Don Rickles came on, and boy, did he take off. I think that Dad really got a kick out of him. He couldn't believe that he would say those things. And Dad got such a kick out of Bob Newhart – maybe Dad would miss a line, but he'd look at Bob and they would laugh.”
“Dean just enjoyed himself so much, and he’d break up,” recalls Newhart. “I did a routine with him about returning a toupee, and he thought it was funny and started laughing. And then I started doing lines to him about him laughing, and I finally wound up saying ‘Are you sure you worked with Jerry?’ And he came back and said ‘Yeah, but we never had anything this funny!’ He was just a joy – people watched it and they felt good. ‘Oh, there’s crazy Dean! What’s he gonna do next?’”
Deana, who guest-starred on the show, now tours the country performing many of her father’s hits and meeting the fans who still idolize her father (Martin died in 1995). She's constantly reminded of how much her father was adored.
“If he would make a mistake he would just laugh and keep it in, and that's what was so charming about him," she said. "He didn't take anything too seriously and he knew that it was all alright. People just loved him and wanted to tune him every Thursday night.”
BY Scott Huver
I've seen Deana Martin live a few times in Steubenville. Nice lady.
Additionally, not long ago, I wrote her an email to let her know that Vermont Country Store Online now carries Dino's fragrance -- Woodhue by Faberge. I received a nice letter from Deana and an autographed photo of her.
Deana does a lot to keep her Dad's memory alive and has a lot of her father's musical talent, too.
Hey pallie, glad to hear that you have had some good 'periences with our Dino's girlpallie....just wonderin' if you have read her Dino-bio....'cause she has written some less then kind words 'bout our great man....I find that she seems to talk outta both sides of her mouth when it comes to our beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
I have read Deanna's book about her life with our Dino.
I think that the source of some of her resentment stems from our Dino's divorce from her mother. According to my observations of children from broken homes, those children typically blame themselves and/or the parents.
Our Dino's first wife lost custody of the children not because our Dino bought off a judge but rather because she truly was an unfit mother in many respects.
Realistically speaking, our Dino's marriage couldn't survive his stardom. I don't cast blame in any particular direction.
BTW, our Dino was the first father in California history to win custody after a divorce.
Hey pallie, I am in agreement with all your thoughts Miss AOW...and thanks for that great Dino-detail how our beloved Dino was the first daddy-o in Cali to win custody of his boypallie and girlpallies...
My source of contention with Miss Martin is that after dissin' her father in her book, she had tried to use her Dino-connection to seek fame and fortune for herself...I see that as bein' totally totally wrong.
Whatever, keeps lovin' our Dino!
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