Hey pallies, likes I went to the official Stu-ville Dean-fest cyber pad to see if by chance any pixs from the recent Dino-weekend had been posted. Didn't find any pixs, but likes did come 'cross this totally totally impressive pix of our Dino with a hotline number for Target to call to order Dino-merchandise.
I'm assumin' that if pallies call that number to gets themselves some Dino-treasures that a bit of the sale will go back to the Dean Martin Festival Committee...pretty cool indeed.
Likes I thinks it is likes so awesome to know that a huge merchandiser likes the Target Corporation is helpin' Dino-holics likes you and me to access ourselves some Dino-treasures while helpin' the Stu-ville Dino-cause at the same time.
Gotta 'fess up that I simply loves the idear of a Dino-hotline...a special number just for pallies likes you and me to call in and order us some amazin' Dino-merchandise.
To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-post to goes to the original website for the Dean Martin Festival in Dino-mecca, Steubenville, Ohio. Dino-lovin', DMP
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