Hey pallies, his name is Robert Stacy McCain and he holds forth at his blog pad "The Other McCain and his is our Dino-proser this very Dino-day. Accordin' to his blog bio, "Robert Stacy McCain is a veteran journalist and conservative commentator who is also a public speaker, author and communications consultant."
Well this master of the written and spoken word can now add Dino-commentator to his list of achieved accomplishments. Likes as you pallies will note below, Mr. McCain has woven his words into a little review of our Dino's first big screen feature sans the Jer..."Ten Thousand Bedrooms."
The patter, 'though oh so brief, is poetically perfect. Simply simply loves when McCain opines..."Some might look askance at the pairing of Martin, who was 40 when the film was made, with the 21-year-old Alberghetti, but c’mon: It’s Dean Martin. What 21-year-old could object to being wooed by that romantic crooner?"
And, likes to add to the fun Robert adds a cool vid clip from this Dino-flick for our viewin' Dino-pleasure! The clip is the romancin' duet between our Dino and Miss Alberghetti of "You I Love."
Thanks to Robert Stacy McCain for sharin' his Dino-reflections on this lesser known Dino-classic sure to draw many of his faithful readers into the faithful Dino-fold! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-loved, DMP
Up Late With Anna Maria Alberghetti

Insomnia struck last night. It was one of those rare nights when I’d gone to bed early, before my wife did, and when Mrs. Other McCain came to bed, she woke me up by trying to pry the TV remote out of my hand.
So then I was awake, and although I drifted off a couple of times, I ended up flipping around the channels until I found myself watching part of the 1957 romantic comedy Ten Thousand Bedrooms with Dean Martin and Anna Maria Alberghetti.
The plot is a silly trifle: Dean Martin is Ray Hunter, the owner of a worldwide hotel empire (thus the “bedrooms” of the title) who comes to Rome and falls in love with his young secretary Nina, played by Alberghetti. Alas, custom requires that the youngest daughter can’t marry until her older sisters are married, so Ray must find husbands for each of Nina’s three older sisters.
Like Where the Boys Are (1960), Ten Thousand Bedrooms is sort of a cultural time-capsule giving us a glimpse at the attitudes toward romance that prevailed in the Eisenhower era. Some might look askance at the pairing of Martin, who was 40 when the film was made, with the 21-year-old Alberghetti, but c’mon: It’s Dean Martin. What 21-year-old could object to being wooed by that romantic crooner?
I’d never heard of Alberghetti, who was perfectly lovely as the ingenue Nina. Curiosity got the better of me — “Who is that girl?” – and so I got out of bed and logged on to find out. She’s now 74, and Dean Martin’s been dead for more than 15 years, but weren’t they wonderful in 1957?
I really dug this Dino-flick also. Just dvr'd it two days ago and am plannin' on watchin' it again this weekend. Love seein' Dean so young and in his prime!
Danny G.
Hey pallie, cool for you Danny G....totally totally agree with your Dino-assessment! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Despite all the negative comments about this film over the years, I find it very enjoyable myself.
Dean sings some great songs.
The movie is very entertaining.
Maybe not one of Deans best movies but a very underrated one.
Hey pallie, Miss Ky, you sez, "Maybe not one of Deans best movies but a very underrated one."
Likes that is the total Dino-truth...so so much of our Dino's efforts are underated! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Oh yeah! Thanks for the article and the video clip...good ol' Dino pitchin' that woo...like only Dino Martin can do!
Hey pallie, my pleasure and likes no problemo Mr. Matty...loves to share our Dino 'pecially with those who loves him so so very very Dino-much...keeps lovin' our Dino
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