Likes in this here interview, Barbara Sinatra makes an oh so brief, but oh so significant references to our beloved Dino. Mrs. Sinatra refers to our great man's relationship to Frank in brotherly terms...."And Dean Martin was like a brother."
And, she quotes Sinatra sayin' 'bout our Dino's amazin' talent for makin' funny..."Dean thinks funny." Now, likes faithful readers of ilovedinomartin know that personally I ain't no fan of Sinatra, but it this case, likes I can truly say that likes I totally totally resonate with Frank's assessment of our Dino's talent.
Included here are a few fav pixs of mine showin' the brotherly affection that Sinatra had for our amazin' Dino. To read the whole review, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Scott Eyman and the pallies at the Palm Beach Post's pbpulse for interviewin' Miss Barbara and helpin' to spread the Dino-message of cool! Dino-loved, DMP
And Dean Martin was like a brother – he always said that "Dean thinks funny"

I've heard it said that our Dino was the best straight man in the business and that his sense of timing in comedy was flawless.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, they don't come any straighter or flawless then our Dino...perfect in each and every Dino-way...keeps lovin' our Dino!
I used the top picture of Dean and Frank drinking on stage in a blog post about casinos, the Rat Pack, and complementary drinks in general. Check out my blog, The Congenial Hour, where I discuss where, how, and why people drink -- illuminating connections through drinking culture in the areas of architecture, fashion, music, history, medicine, technology, spirituality, and many other areas of culture. The link to the post I mentioned is http://thecongenialhour.tumblr.com/post/11969130789/the-casino-home-of-blinking-lights-towering Feel free to leave comments, thanks for the support!
Hey pallie, Mr. Nikolas, glad to know that ilovedinomartin was of help to your bloggin' adventures....are you a lover of our Dino? Will be sure to check out your efforts!
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