So, likes on this day of the anniversary of the birth of Mr. Jerry Lewis, ilovedinomartin wishes Mr. Lewis a happiest of happy birthdays and thanks him for lovin' on Dino likes all our Dino's other devoted fans does. And, likes on this day, ilovedinomartin shares with you this great pix of our Dino and the kid embracin' durin' a performance...and a clip of that greatest of great birthday presents that our Dino gave Jerry in 1953...the professionally recorded song that our Dino wrote for his partner, "You Skinny Hebrew."
On this 85th birthday of Mr. Jerry Lewis, ilovedinomartin wishes him the happiest returns on the day and thanks him for his devotion to our beloved Dino. Dino-loved, DMP

Not to be negative pallie, but Jerry Lewis - yucksville! I liked him remotely with our pal Dino and that was like it! :)
Hey pallies, man I hear you...but once I read his tome that puts the accent on his relationship with our Dino...I did have a bit of a change of heart...truly, I believe, that Jerry loves our great man likes we do....
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