At this pad blogger Laura Tattoo of Astoria, Oregon is liftin' up the music of Alain Bashung, "a musician and singer many in France call 'the last of the greats'." Miss Tatoo's goal is spreadin' Bashung's work to the wider world.
Well, among Bashung's songs is one homagin' our beloved Dino, simply tagged "Dean Martin." Loves these Dino-thoughts....
Dean Martin, I hear the voices of velvet
Dean Martin, I will await your return
Likes indeed pallies, no one ever has or ever will have the velvet voice of our Dino, and indeed each and every true Dino-holic simply does await the return of our King of Cool!
How cool to learn that master rocker Alain Bashung shows such passion for our Master of Hip! Thanks to Miss Laura Tattoo for sharin' this great post of Alain's Dino-tune. To view this in it's original format, to read both French and English lyrics, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-loved, DMP

Dean Martin

minor resemblance?
Word: Boris Bergman
Music: Alain Bashung
Everything isn't rosy in the land of flemish roses
Right everything's right Benelux*
Rose-colored glasses, we don't have a great thing
Scratch me there, I have a flea
She only makes love to God, she only does it with God
Confess her, confess
'Cause the port of anguish is always off limits
Did I succeed in climbing over it?
Dean Martin, I hear voices of velvet
Dean Martin, I will await your return
Zorro begged off, for other cats to whip
I've had some masked balls, René's gonna renegotiate
People gave kisses on the Titanic
Do you hear my ukulele
Let's dance on some salmon-colored trout, some trout, some trout
The paso's gonna double, the paso's gonna double, paso doublé
I get erect in reverse in the heart of the valley
I don't recommend it
Dean Martin, I hear voices of velvet
Dean Martin, I will await your return
Zorro begged off, for other cats to whip
I've had some masked balls, René's gonna renegotiate
Dean Martin
Everything isn't rosy in the land of flemish roses
Right everything's right Benelux
Not a word from her, tore up the book
Tomorrow I'll need all of them
The mousse had a bar with a blowtorch
Kiss me kiss me
And the port of anguish is always off limits
Did I succeed in climbing over it?
Dean Martin, I hear voices of velvet
Dean Martin, I will await your return
Zorro begged off, for other cats to whip
I've had some masked balls, René's gonna renegotiate
I get erect in reverse in the heart of the valley
If this tells you that one can start over again
The paso's gonna double, the paso's gonna double, paso doublé
*Benelux: An economic uniion between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Posted by Moineau En France
wow, what a thrill to be found by the king of cool!
thanks so much for your very kind post, as well as your recognition of the coolness of Bashung vis-a-vis Dino. their resemblance, tellement évident! it struck me right between the eyes when i first saw it!
Will now continue to enjoy your randiest guy, 'cause we've lost the best and nothing else can satisfy, can it? weaker the world for it. thanks a bunch, pallie, for your heroic efforts and this lovely, very lovely blog... qu'ils vivent. :>>))) ~lt xoxoxooxox
found it for 99¢ on amazon!
Hey pallie, likes thanks so much Miss Laura for that great info....was wonderin' if that tune was available...and again, thanks ever so much for sharin' the post with your blog readers...might I ask if you love our Dino?
i do now! just kiddin'... "ten thousand bedrooms" was on tcm today but i missed it! i remember the tv show when i was child; i really did believe he was drunk on all those shows! but i learned a lot more reading about him today. i will continue to follow your blog to learn and enjoy more and more about him.
btw, i updated the translation today: found a couple of rough patches. would you mind updating your post with it? just copy and paste over what you have? it's ok if it's too much of a hassle. i'm just a bit of a perfectionist.
thanks again for everything.
Hey pallie, am delighted that you are goin' to work at growin' in your Dino-devotion...I will attempt to make the corrections...coulda you point them out to me? Keeps growin' in your Dino-love....and thanks you for helpin' spread the Dino-message!
Hey pallie, Miss Laura, just posted your first amazin' comment...somehow it did not come through to my email and I just noticed is truly my pleasure to have found your amazin' Dino-post featurin' Bashung...and likes I loves to say...keeps lovin' our Dino!
delighted as alway, my new friend. no need to post this unless you would like to.
i made several small changes the first day--i do that, i come back to all the translations over time to perfect them--so i thought what would be easiest is to copy the new translation (link provided) by highlighting it and copying, then highlight your own text of the translation and then push paste. it will replace the old with the new. if you could do this, i would appreciate it, as a couple of the changes are significant. such as "we don't have a great thing" is really "we don't have much".
okay here's the song link, and thanks again, for everything, dino-friend!!!
it's finally been posted on youtube if you want to hear it! :>>)) ~laura xoxooxoxo
Hey pallie, likes Miss Laura, thanks ever so much for makin' this marvelous Dino-news known. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino, and hopes to hear some patter from you more often ma'am.
Hey pallie, likes Miss Laura, if by chance you read this, just wanna to lets you know that today's Dino-gram at ilovedinomartin is featurin' that wonderful vid clip of Mr. Alain croonin' his Dino-homagin' tune. Thanks ever so much for findin' it and sharin' it with all the pallies gathered 'round ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
NICE!!! ::>>))) happy happy moi! xoxoxoxo
Hey pallie, likes Miss Laura, our Dino crooned, "Lay Some Happiness On Me," and ilovedinomartin is glad to brings you some Dino-happiness. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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