And then exactly 20 years to that day, on March 29, 1973 our Dino declared to the world that he was never ever returnin' to wife numero duo when his divorce to Jeanne Biegger was finalized on that Dino-day. Our great man was married to the Jeanne for over 23 years and that marriage resulted in two boypallies, Dino Jr. and Ricci, and girlpallie Gina.

In was in 1969 that while playin' in 'Vegas our Dino was asked to do some publicity shots with Miss USA, Gail Renshaw. Our beloved Dino became likes totally totally smitten with Miss Gail and he became her Mr. Wonderful! Not long after their meetin' our Dino announced to the world that he planned on endin' his marriage to the Jeanne.

So pallies, likes on this 29 day of the year of our Dino 2011 let's remember these two important Dino-memories....1953, the issue of the Dino-classic "Return To Me" and 1973, the finalization of our great man's divorce to the Jeanne. Dino-loved, DMP
Great postin' pallie & great Dino-history!
Hey pallie, likes Danny G. thanks for takin' the time to lays some Dino-patter on me dude...your devotion to our Dino is of great Dino-encouragement to me man...and, of course, keeps lovin' our Dino!
I do love those early recordings our Dino made. So much Italian included in the lyrics!
Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW always so cool when our Dino uses his italiano roots in croonin' a tune of amore....thanks ever so much for sharin' your Dino-reflections and, of course, keeps lovin' our Dino!
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