Hey pallies, likes this very Dino-day we are once 'gain absolutely awed to reverently reflect on yet 'nother of our most beloved Dino's thought-filled teachin's as shared by "author and consultant of speech writing, communications, and public speaking" Dr. Solomon Williams Obotetukudo at the edifyin' educational blog site, "Medium," keenly known as "a place where words matter."
Dr. Obotetukudo holds a PhD in communication from the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism and today we accent his prose tagged "25 Ways You Can Avoid Being Replaced, With So Many, Yet So Few Opportunities Everywhere."
Likes all excellent educators, Dr. Obotetukudo, early on in his extraordinary essay, has chosen to use a story from real life to begin makin' his potent points. The real life story happens to amazin'ly accent our most most beloved Dino. Below all youse Dino-philes will find the two perfect paragraphs that speak of our Dino and one of his tremendous teachin's : "“Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”
Words cannot express how totally totally thrilled we are to find some one of Dr. Obotetukudo's stature referencin' our Dino in his wise words. We thank Dr. Obotetukudo for makin' remarkable reference to our Dino and sure to encourage many more to grow in knowin' and lovin' our one, our only Dino. To read Dr. Obotetukudo's prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
25 Ways You Can Avoid Being Replaced, With So Many, Yet So Few Opportunities Everywhere
Solomon Williams Obotetukudo
May 16, 2017 ·
Even, Dean Martins, that famous American comedian believed that if one is good enough, one could hardly ever be replaced. Dean Martin was a comedian par excellence with his triumvirate ‘buddies’ of the ‘Rat pack’ trio that included him, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis, Jr. He once advised, “Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”
Dean Martins was a man who must have had his share of opportunities by association. He must have gotten rough and/or free rides; sometimes stolen rides, paid rides, given rides, earned rides, acquired rides, or sometimes all other kinds of rides, as part of the perks for being an established and celebrated member of several of the twenty-one institutions that make the world go-round-and-round-and-round.
Hey pallies, likes we loves sweetly seein' the multiple many many wondrous ways that our most beloved Dino, his life, his times, his teachin's continue to potently pop up all over the world wide web and we have the perfect pleasure of creatin' Dino-devotionals to share with all youse deepest of deep diggers of our great great man. Likes today we met up with Miss Grace Lenehan Vaughn (pictured on the right) who us a country music journalist, singer, songwriter, and radio dj. Grace recently crafted a fantastic feature for the blog "Wide Open Country," whose tagline is "It's more than country music, it's country life."
And, likes, of course, the life that this youthful scriber is scribin' 'bout is none other then the life of our one, our only Dino....and to be perfectly precise, our Dino's eight boy and girl pallies in her post "Meet Dean Martin's Eight Children."
Our fav thin' 'bout this particular post is that it includes a vibrant vid from the Dino-show of a stunnin' skit that has our swinger Dino in cap and gown, wire rimmed glasses with ever present Kent cigarette in his right hand playin' a substitute sex ed teacher, tagged Mr. Tiny Woofer, makin' potent patter with students includin' his boypallie Dino Jr. and girlpallies Gail and Deana, Frank Sinatra Jr., Desi Arnaz, and Lucy Arnaz among others. Dino is absolutely awesomely at his coolest, hippest and randiest as he bodaciously banters back and forth with these keen kids. Talkin' sex ed from the sexiest man in the universe, our Dino, woulda certainly be the coolest of cool class that any pallie coulda be assigned to!
There is one thin' missin' from this Dino-prose....'though this Dino-essay is 'bout all of our Dino's eight children....one of them is missin' from this Dino-prose besides their name....who knows who's the missin' Dino-prodigy?
We thanks Miss Grace Lenehan Vaughn and the pallies at "Wide Open Country" for liftin' up our Dino and his fab fam in this way. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of tis Dino-gram.
We Remain
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peeters
Meet Dean Martin's Eight Children
Dean Martin, born Dino Paul Crocetti, was one of the most popular Hollywood entertainers of the 1950s and '60s. As a singer, actor and comedian, Martin had it all and was even named the "King of Cool" by the King of Rock n' Roll, Elvis Presley. Martin began his career by performing with Jerry Lewis in a show dubbed Martin & Lewis, and his solo singing career spawned many hits, including "Ain't That a Kick In the Head?," "That's Amore," "Everybody Loves Somebody" and more. Martin also acted in many movies, including Rio Bravo and Oceans 11, and hosted his own variety show, The Dean Martin Show. He was also part of the Rat Pack, which included Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop. Dean Martin accomplished a great deal in his career, and he did it all alongside his family of eight children, some of whom have followed in their famous dad's footsteps.
Martin's eight children came from his three marriages. The entertainer married his first wife, Anne "Betty" McDonald, in October 1971 in Cleveland, Ohio. Their marriage lasted eight years, and they had four children together: Craig Martin, Claudia Martin, Gail Martin and Deana Martin.
Craig Martin
Craig followed in his dad's footsteps for a little while, boasting producing credits on The Dean Martin Show from 1971 to 1974 as well as A Family Thing, according to IMDB. Not much else is known about Craig, but according to Closer Weekly, he had a wife named Carole Costello who passed away in 1987.
Claudia Martin
Martin's second child, Claudia Martin, unfortunately, passed away from breast cancer in 2001 at age 56. Before her death, she had a career in show business as well, appearing on The Donna Reed Show and My Three Sons.
Gail Martin
Martin's third child, Gail, did not go into acting per se, but she did appear on various shows such as The Tonight Show.
Deana Martin
It was Martin's fourth child from his first marriage, Deana, who really shadowed her dad's career. In addition to having a successful theatrical career, Deana starred in films such as Young Billy Young, Strangers at Sunrise and A Voice in the Night. Deana was also the daughter who witnessed Elvis Presley call her dad the "King of Cool."
"Elvis was doing a movie at Paramount, and so was my dad. I went to visit dad at the studio and we were standing outside [dad's] dressing room," she told Buzzworthy Radio (quote via BlogTalkRadio.com).
"And [Elvis] leans down to me and says, 'Deana, they call me the King of Rock 'n' Roll. But your dad is the King of Cool,'" she continued.
After Martin and his first wife divorced, he married Dorothy Jean "Jeanne" Biegger in 1949. Their marriage lasted 24 years, and they had three children: Dean Paul Martin, Ricci Martin and Gina Martin.
Dean Paul Martin
His eldest son from this marriage, Dean Paul Martin, had a successful career as a singer, tennis player, actor and member of the Air Force. Dean Paul sang with his father from a young age, joining the group Dino, Desi & Billy with Billy Hinsche and Desi Arnaz's son Desi Arnaz Jr. at age 13. As a tennis player, he competed in the junior competition at Wimbledon. His acting career included credits in Players, Misfits of Science and Backfire. He earned his pilot's license at age 16 and rose to the rank of captain in the Air Force. Dean Paul Martin Jr., unfortunately, passed away in 1987 at age 35 when his F-4 jet fighter crashed into California's San Gorgonio Mountain in the San Bernardino Mountains. Dean Paul was previously married to actress Olivia Hussey and figure skater Dorothy Hamill. He is buried at Los Angeles National Cemetery.
Ricci Martin
Ricci Martin, Martin's second son from his second wife, spent his career as a singer in his band, The Pack. He collaborated with The Beach Boys' Carl Wilson, who later married his little sister, Gina. Ricci passed away in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2016.
Sasha Martin
Martin got married to his third wife, Catherine Hawn, in 1973, and although their marriage only lasted three years, he adopted her daughter, Sasha. His youngest daughter also did some acting, starring in Howard Stern's autobiographical film, Private Parts, and the TV series Guiding Light.
Hey pallies, likes only 'cause back in the year of our Dino 2016 our great pallies at the blog search engine "Twingly" (now sadly removed from the 'net) got our attentionado are we able to offer you yet 'nother important date in all of Dino-history! Likes as we were diggin' through Dino-related posts shared by "Twingly" we were lovin'ly led to the fun fun blog "Dr. Caligari's Cabinet," from which we have shared Dino-devotion before, where blogger Kevin shared the followin' Dino-historical note.
Likes it was on this day, September 28, 1949 that our most beloved Dino and his post beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, have this first big screen flick, "My Friend Irma," premier in New York City. A very important day for Dino-sure, 'cause it was on this very day 72 years 'go that our amazin' Dino first was seen on the silver screen, and as they say, the rest is Dino-history. As youse Dino-holics know Martin and Lewis went on to make 15 more movies in their cool cool career together.
We are awesomely appreciative of Kev's efforts to get this delightful day in Dino-history shared and thus remembered and revered by Dino-devotees all over the globe. It is also very very cool that Kev has also posted the youtube vid of the entire flick for all our Dino-viewin' pleasure. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
September 28, 1949 - The first of the 12 films Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis made, My Friend Irma, premiered in New York City on this date.
Based on the popular radio program, Marie Wilson (Irma), Hans Conried (Prof. Kropotkin), and Gloria Gordon (Mrs. O'Reilly) reprise their radio roles. Conried replaced Felix Bressart, who was cast in the film but died during production.
Hey pallies, likes welcome back for yet 'nother huge helpin' of the deepest of deep Dino-devotional from that grooviest of groovy beaut of a blog "Boing, Boing," once 'gain supremely scribed by Mr. Jason Weisberger (pictured on the left), the primo publisher of said site.
Likes today we reverently reprise a Dino-post that we first shared at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave HERE on June 14 in the year of our Dino 2018. This time 'round Jason offers huge homage of our most most most beloved Dino on the 101st awesome anniversary of our Dino's descent to planet earth with wonderfully wise words and a vital vibrant video of our Dino's croonin' of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" as shared in the Rat Pack flick, "Oceans 11."
We need not say more as you can read below our original patter from 2018. Likes once 'gain we want to deeply deeply devotionally, eagerly express our Dino-appreciato to Jason for one more time so so openly and affirmatively sharin' his absolute awesome adulation of our Dino in this wonderful way, 'gain lettin' his remarkable readership hear his powerful praise of our main man, which has certainly helped other pallies be deeply drawn into the Dino-fold...growin' in walkin' the Dino-way and livin' the Dino-life! We eagerly wait with bated breath for yet more incredible inspirational absolute amore of our Dino from the pages of "Boing Boing." To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Hey pallies, likes by the tag of this Dino-gram youse know that we have 'nother tribute to our most beloved Dino on his 101st birthday. On this 14th day of our month long celebration of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth we meet with Mr. Jason Weisberger who holds forth as proud publisher of the potent pad "BOINGBOING."
Likes when we saw Weisberger's name and the tag of his beautiful blog "BOINGBOING" we thought we remembered sharin' Dino-prose from him before, and indeed on June 11 in the year of our Dino, we thrilled to share his potently powerful post tagged "I drive a car with license plates that read “DRUNK.” Weird things happen as a result." That post can be accessed HERE.
Likes as today's Dino-gram, Jason's Dino-homage includes a youtube vid of our Dino's cool croonin' of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" from the Rat Pack 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas fabulous flick "Oceans' 11" with a bit of patter includin' Weisberger's confession...."I've never enjoyed Christmas." Likes obviously our Dino's departure from our presence on December 11, 1995 has had a incredibly important impact on this obvious adulator of our most most most beloved Dino.
We eagerly expresses our thanks to Mr. Jason Weisberger for remarkably rememberin' our one and only Dino on this 101 anniversary of his birth in Steubenville, Ohio. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Happy 101st birthday, Dean Martin!
Yesterday marked Dean Martin's 101st birthday. Happy birthday to the King of Cool.
Fabled performer Dean Martin was born on June 7, 1917. Mr. Martin passed away on December 25th, 1995. I've never enjoyed Christmas.
Stock the shelves with crushed tomatoes & vino?! Haha!!
Hey, pallies...it's gonna be gettin' chilly 'round these parts! I needs my Fall supplies! Haha!!
Yup...its that time of year, my friends. Time to hunker down & turn the Dino up!
I'm thinkin' if we can gets' 'nough Dino-tunes flowin' this Fall...we should be able to keep that "warm & fuzzy" glow uh-glowin' right through to Spring!
Now, palsies, are youse with me?!?!?!
Yay! I just knew I could count on ALL my fellow Disciples of Dean, out there!
OK...so here's what we is gonna do.
Seein' how Thursday is the last day of September...& creepy spooky October is comin' up next...I thinks we should EASE into the cool cool weather headin' our way, with a "nice n' easy" Dino-tune.
How's 'bout somethin' off Dean's "The Dean Martin TV Show" vinyl masterpiece?
DEF I NATE LY one of my FAVE al b ums.
I knows of a jam that will relax us right into this fantastic frenzy of foliage headin' our way, mi amici!
This week's Serenade, "Baby Won't You Please Come Home?", is just what the doctor ordered!
It's calm & soothin' & is SURE to light the fires that will keep us warm.
Now , I don't know 'bout youse guys...but I'm gonna go pour me some of that "Fall supply" vino...& heat this beautiful mornin' up! I is feelin' a little chill in the air. Haha!!
Join Dean & I, pallies!
Youse'll be all SNUGGLY 'til the April thaw comes! Ha!
Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we are greatly gettin' absolutely awesomely addicted to the beautifully bodacious blog "Boing Boing" as we continue to delightfully discover more and more awesome adulation that is absolutely awesomely Dino-centric!!!!!!
Likes today we are totally totally thrilled to share more swankest of swank scribin's from Mr. Mark Frauenfelder (pictured on the left), who in July of the year of our Dino 2011 shared this grooviest of groovy powerfully perfecto post 'bout a pallie of his, Mr. Richard Metzger's meet up with our most most beloved Dino.
We remember sharin' the stunnin' story, "Richard Metzger: The Time I Met Dean Martin" that Mark shares in part below, also in July 2011 when it appeared at the primo pad "Dangerous Minds"
Likes our original post can be read HERE as it originally appeared at "Dangerous Minds" HERE , which is the same link at the end of Mark's post below. Richard's is truly a Dino-holic's Dino-holic and we deeply digs havin' 'nother op to repost it for all youse Dino-philes readin' Dino-pleasure.
It always always gives us the greatest of great Dino-happiness to randily read and powerfully pass on each and every first person Dino-encounter that we find....oh to be so powerfully privileged as to have spent even a few moments in the immediate presence of our most most most beloved Dino.
We thanks Mr. Richard Metzger for first sharin' his Dino-encounter and for Mr. Mark Frauenfelder for sharin' it with all the pallies gathered 'round the "Boing Boing" waterin' hole. To checks this post out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Richard Metzger: The Time I Met Dean Martin
My friend Richard Metzger (on the right in the above photo), the founder of the terrific Dangerous Minds website, shares his story about meeting Dean Martin at Hamburger Hamlet in Los Angeles. I remember staring at the gigantic blowup poster of the above photograph that Richard had hanging from the wall of his apartment in Hollywood about 15 years ago. (Here's an article about Richard that I wrote for Wired back in 1997, in which I mention the photograph.)
I was absolutely fascinated by Martin, the very definition of the devil-may-care rouéwho truly wasn't impressed by anything or anyone. Beauty? He had more women than he knew what to do with. Fame? Come on. Money? Please! Dino didn't care if you were the President of the United States, some hot piece of ass or the head of the Las Vegas Mafia. The man, to paraphrase the Super Furry Animals, simply did not give a fuck. Weltschmerz as an art form! Ennui deluxe! I reckoned Dean Martin must've been the coolest man alive.
Janet Charlton, the Star magazine gossip columnist, seen frequently on Access Hollywood, ET and similar shows back then, told me that Dean Martin—who was generally thought to be a complete recluse, sitting home drunk in an armchair watching movie westerns, basically—did in fact dine out nearly every night at the Hamburger Hamlet (an upscale LA burger chain) on Doheny Drive in Beverly Hills. I made a mental note to myself to go there one day.
Not more than a few weeks after she told me this, Mike and Roni, two pals of mine from New York, arrived on my doorstep unannounced. They seemed quite amused by my gigantic Dean Martin album cover and when I told them that he was a regular at the Doheny Hamburger Hamlet, we all three enthusiastically agreed that this was where we'd dine that evening. And we brought a camera.
Hey pallies, likes welcome back for some more Dino-fun and Dino-frolic from Mr. Jason Weisberger (pictured on the right), the coolest of cool potently powerful publisher of the bodacious blog, "Boing Boing." Likes we gotta 'fess up that today's Dino-devotional is simply one of our most fav of fav Dino-vid croons from the Dino-show, "Lay Some Happiness On Me."
We loves! loves! loves! watchin' and listenin' to our Dino as he lays some happiness on all use Dino-philes. Likes truly truly, to our way of Dino-thinkin', these wondrous wise words are some on Dino's most edifyin' teachin's and if we follow 'em we will always always be filled to the brim with mucho mucho Dino-happiness.
We note that Jason has swankly selected one of the thoughtful teachin's of our Dino to his post....."That good good loving makes a bad bad fighter." Indeed if all us Dino-devotees put the accent on "good good loving" the world woulda be a much much better place. So, let's all turn on to the absolute amore that our Dino teaches and be filled with absolute, awesome abundant Dino-happiness.
Likes thanks once 'gain to Mr. Jason Weisberger for sharin' these tremendous teachin's of our Dino with the wider Dino-world. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. And, likes for all youse Dino-learners, we have shared all the lyrics to this very Dino-educational croon to grow deeper in livin' the Dino-truth!
Hey pallies, likes as we were puttin' words to page in craftin' yester-Dino-day's Dino-prose we keenly knew that we remembered the beaut blog "Boing Boing" and that sometime in the past we swankly shared a powerfully potent post awesomely accentin' delightful Dino-admiration for our most beloved Dino's ubber unique license plate with the tag "DRUNKY," so likes usin' our ilovedinomartin post search engine we located that Dino-gram that was first shared HERE on June 11 in the year of our Dino 2015 and today we share once 'gain for all youse Dino-philes Dino-edification.
As youse Dino-holics will imbibe below, the post was superbly shared by Boing Boing's publisher, Mr. Jason Weisberger, who in huge homage of our one, our only Dino likes a ton of years 'go proudly personalized his license plates to say "DRUNK" 'cause as Jason publicly professes, "I just thought Dean Martin was awfully cool, and I wanted to be like him."
So, likes pallies once 'gain or for the first time, enjoy this powerfully potent post from the awesome annals of "Boing Boing." 'gain we thoughtfully thank Mr. Jason Weisberger for his powerful personal testimony of deepest of deep Dino-adulation. To check this Dino-message out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. And, likes btw pallies, we have more Dino-delight comin' from "Boing Boing" likes real Dino-soon!
We Remain
Yours In Dino
Dino Martin Peters
Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that likes, likes we are perfectly, powerfully pumped to be able to share today's edition of Dino-devotion with all youse sold-out-to-Dino Dino-philes! While today's prose does not officially qualify as a celebration of our Dino's birthday....."The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" 'cause there is no mention of June 7, 1917, it is truly truly one of the most Dino-honorin' posts that we have ever been able to present your Dino-way...and faithful readers knows that we have shared huge huge quanities of the huges homages to our most beloved Dino. We just couldn't wait any longer to share this pure passion for our Dino, so while we still have more Dino-birthday celebratin' to do, we will continue with that on the morrow.
Today's perfect post of awesome adulation of our King of Cool come from Mr. Jason Weisberger, the publisher of blog pad "Boing Boing," tagged "the award-winning zine, blog and directory of wonderful things. Indeed that is the amazin' absolute truth when it comes to Mr. Wesiberger's superb scribin's "I drive a car with license plates that read “DRUNK.” Weird things happen as a result."
You guessed it pallies, Jason is deeply devoted to our Dino and his deepest desire to is emulate our great great man. In his well written words below, we learn that when Weisberger couldn't get his personal plates for his license to be tagged "DRUNKY" after our Dino, he settled for "DRUNK" His poetry-like prose is an excellent essay of some of revealin' responses he has gotten to those plates in the almost 20 years since he acquired 'em shortly after our Dino's death.
We here at ilovedinomartin revel in his powerfully profound declaration of awesome appreciation that he uses to close out his swank scribin's ...." I just thought Dean Martin was awfully cool, and I wanted to be like him." Likes ain't that the truth for all the rest of us Dino-holics as well pallies?!?!?!?!
We solemnly salute Mr. Jason Weisberger of "Boing Boing" and we so so look forward to more essays on those "DRUNK" vanity plates that he promises to share in the future. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
I drive a car with license plates that read "DRUNK." Weird things happen as a result.
I drive a car with license plates that read “DRUNK.” Weird things happen as a result.
Boing Boing's publisher has a set of vanity plates that provoke interesting responses from adults and kids alike.
“Do the police write you a lot of tickets?” asks the crossing guard at my daughter’s school. I’m waiting in a long line of cars to pick up my second-grader when she gets out of school. “No,” I reply, “I’ve only received two moving violations in about 20 years with these plates.”
This same interaction happens to me so often that I wouldn’t even have remembered this particular time, were it not for a young girl, maybe 8 or 9, who was aggressively giving me the evil eye as I pulled my car forward, to let my daughter in. My kid opens the car door. I hear the little girl tell her friend, “That man has a bad word on his car. My mother says he is a bad man.”
Personalized plates are a form of expression in California. Mine say “DRUNK.”
I don’t think drunk is a particularly bad word. Me, a bad man? I’ll let you make up your own mind.
Most of the country considers California and its vanity plates crazy already. The US has vanity plates all over, but California has a special car culture. I’ve always felt there was a certain art form to the way Californians express themselves through the highly restrictive communications medium of license plates. Growing up in Santa Monica, I’d certainly seen a ton of cute and creative ones. I remember seeing “CRE8IVE” around, and it’s still a favorite, along with "6UL DV8."
Famed actor Dean Martin had the ultimate vanity plate. Dino's vanity plate read "DRUNKY." This is among the many reasons he remains a hero of mine to this day. The Hollywood star passed away on Christmas Day, in 1995. In early 1996 I was at the DMV registering my terrible 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 XL convertible, and the hardworking person behind the counter asked me if I wanted a personalized plate.
I guess they were trying to upsell us, back then, as today's DMV won’t do a thing you haven’t already filled out the correct form for. Back in 1996, when this smiling woman asked me that question, I tried to think of something brilliant. Something like Dean would have done! What did I ask for? I asked for DRUNKY, because I wasn’t very creative. Predictably, they told me they cannot reissue a plate. Then, in a moment that changed my life, she spun her orange and black, WYSE terminal-ish screen and shared a list of similar but available words.
Near the top of the list was “DRUNK.”
“I’ll take that,” I said.
A few weeks later I got a note from the DMV asking for additional information describing what the word meant personally to me. I wrote back that it was the past participle of DRANK. I am not sure I was correct, I’ve never bothered to check. A few weeks after that, I got a note in the mail telling me to come pick up my plates at the window.
I’ve had those plates on nearly every car I’ve owned since. The Galaxie, a Corolla, an Infiniti, a 1987 Volkswagen Westfalia, a Taco, a Hybrid Highlander (one of the very first) and now a lovely blue Porsche 911 S Cab. I’ve driven as far east as Chicago, as far North as Canada and South into Baja. These plates have roamed around national parks, wandered through the Hopi and Navajo reservations, and zipped back and forth between NorCal and SoCal so many times I could drive it in my sleep. Not that I do.
I’ve spoken to people who think those plates, and me by extension, are hilarious. I've had to convince a few worried individuals that they are not government-required disclosures (as there may be in other states.) I have met people who lost family members in drunk driving incidents. Generally these people find the plates offensive. I’ve received rounds of applause, been shown various body parts at high speeds on the freeway. I have heard a lot of name-calling.
The police have better things to do than harass a guy over his plates, but I have a few of those stories too.
The stories are why I keep the plates. I had no idea what adventures, odd experiences, and wonderful opportunities they would add to my life when I asked the DMV person for them at the counter that day nearly twenty years ago. I just thought Dean Martin was awfully cool, and I wanted to be like him.
Watch Boing Boing for those stories. They’ll be coming.
Hey pallies, likes stop the Dino-presses one more Dino-time for HUGELY HOTEST OF HOT Dino-news folks!!!!! Likes as we were potently perusin' Dino-'lerts from our powerful pallies at google we were delightfully directed to the beaut of a blog, "boingboing" where swank scriber Mr. Mark Frauenfelder (pictured above) recently perfectly posted the noteworthy news of the newest of new, coolest of cool vibrant vid tribute to our most beloved Dino's numero uno coolest of cool croon with his excellent entry tagged "Watch this great animated video of Dean Martin's "Everybody Loves Somebody."
Likes as youse will remarkably read below, "Antoni Sendra directed and animated this gorgeous video." Mr. Sendra (pictured on the right) is a professor at the primo prestigious LABA Valencia (Spain) School of Art Design and New Media. Likes we did a wee bit of 'net searchin' and we share a few thoughts shared by Sendra:
“My name is Antoni Sendra and I work as a director and animator. I founded my studio Podenco in 2012 and since then I have specialized in mixed media projects: those in which the real image is mixed with different animation techniques. Over the last few years I have been lucky enough to work with brands like Redbull, Twitter or Adidas, as well as with music bands like Green Day, Mike Shinoda or Bad Religion…” Likes visit HERE to read more.
We gotta 'fess up pallies that we supremely stand in absolute awed, amazin' awe, abundant awe to discover that a Spaniard professor has coolly chosen to proudly profess his deepest of deep devotion to our most most most beloved Dino by usin' his tremendous talents as a director and animator to create, in the wise words of scriber Frauenfelder, this "gorgeous video" likes more than a quarter of a century after our Dino's departure from our planet. Such energetic exemplary absolute adulation of our King of Cool wonderfully warms our Dino-hearts and we frankly find ourselves at a loss for words to properly express out deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to Mr. Antoni Sendra for this most touchin' and tender tribute to our Dino's Beatle bustin' the charts croon. Likes we also very much want to offer our full Dino-thanks to wonderful writer Mr. Mark Frauenfelder for puttin' us on to this huge homage of our main man. Likes to check this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-devotional.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Watch this great animated video of Dean Martin's "Everybody Loves Somebody"
Antoni Sendra directed and animated this gorgeous video for Dean Martin's "Everybody Loves Somebody." Martin recorded the song in 1964 and it shot to the top of the billboard chart, replacing the The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night."
From Wikipedia:
Although still a major recording artist, Dean Martin had not had a Top 40 hit since 1958. With the British Invasion ruling the U.S. charts, few had hopes that an Italian crooner who had been singing mainly standards for almost 20 years would sway many teenagers. Martin resented rock n' roll, and his attitude created conflict at home with his 12-year-old son Dean Paul Martin, who like many young people at the time worshipped pop groups like The Beatles. He told his son, "I'm gonna' knock your pallies off the charts," and on August 15, 1964 he did just that: "Everybody Loves Somebody" knocked The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" off the #1 slot on Billboard, going straight up to the top of both the Billboard Hot 100 and the "Pop-Standard Singles" chart] the latter for eight weeks.
By the way, here's 13-year-old Dean Paul "Dino" Martin with his band Dino, Desi & Billy on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1965, lip-syncing "I'm A Fool." It was recorded by The Wrecking Crew.
Hey pallies, likes today is 'nother huge huge day in Dino-history, the remembrance of the birth of our Dino's youngest boypallie Ricci James......the day of Ricci joinin' fam Martin. The remembrance of Ricci James entry into the world takes on a real bitter sweet quality 'gain this year as it was just over five years 'go on August 3 that our Dino's boypallie passed from this life into the next.
It was 68 years 'go today, on September 20, 1953, that our Dino's youngest boypallie, Ricci James, made his entrance into the world. Ricci had shown his deep, pure, and true devotion to his daddy-o by suremely scribin' a wonderfully wise bio of what it was like livin' in fam Martin. Likes if you haven't read "That's Amore," we would hugely hugely energetically encourage you to gets yourself a copy and supremely soak deeply in Ricci's most reverent remembrances of bein' a proud prodigy of the King of Cool.
And, since 2003 Ricci James had toured the globe helpin' keep his father's amazin' life, times, and legacy alive doin' his very own outstandin' Dino-trib. Likes for us Dino-holics, likes Ricci's greatest effort in showin' amore to his father was when he created our Dino's one and only MTV music vid, "Since I Met You Baby" in 1983...and he tells such wonderful tales 'bout the filmin' of the vid in his Dino-bio.
Below are some fav pixs of Dino's youngest male prodigy, as well as a couple of clips of Ricci's Dino-trib. And, likes we just couldn't resist again sharin' two versions of our Dino at his finest in the "Since I Met You Baby" MTV vid. Likes if you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram you will be transported to Ricci's own pad and his bio.
ilovedinomartin wants to reverently remember Ricci on this anniversary of his day of birth, with mucho mucho Dino-appreciato for likes all he did in his lovin' lifetime to lift up the name of his most beloved daddy-o and helpin' likes tons 'n tons more pallies to come to know, love, and honor our most amazin' Dino!
Hey pallies, likes there are tons 'n tons of pairs of thin's that naturally noteworthily goes with each other......ice cream with cake, bread with butter, an olive with a martini, our Dino with a cigarette. Today we share with all youse Dino-philes a swank selection of powerfully potent pixs of our one and only Dino with his ever present cigarette in hand.
These 12---count 'em---12 incredible images, almost all of 'em fabulously famous Dino-poses that have been supremely shared a marvelous multiple of times here at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole. These Dino-shots were sweetly snapped at various times and places in our King of Cool's vastly varied mighty multi-faceted coolest of cool career.
We found these Dino-poses and many more at a new-to-ilovedinomartin web space tagged "keywordbasket.com where we place the words Dean Martin 'n smokin' in the search engine.
This stunnin' search engine will give us tons of opportunities to pair our main man with all sorts of other terms.....truly truly the Dino-possibilities are limitless! To checks out this search engine for yourselves, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
Hey pallies, likes today we are absolutely deeply deeply delighted to remind all youse Dino-holics that it was this very Dino-day, September 17 in the year of our Dino 1950 that Martin and Lewis first appeared on the "Colgate Comedy Hour" on NBC. This noteworthy news was discovered at the 'net pad "RVM.pm"
Likes below is the wonderfully wacky, vivacious vid showin' our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis in all their grand glory on this delightful debut episode. We are awesomely appreciative to the pallies at "RVM.pm" for puttin' us on to this swankly special Dino-day and for proudly providin' the vid of these historical hysterical memorable moments in the life and times of our one and only Dino and his one and only partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.
To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
On TV today, Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis begin on NBC (1950)
September 17, 1950 – you do not want to miss Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis first appearance at “The Colgate Comedy Hour” on NBC
Hey pallies, likes this very Dino-day is likes the 56th anniversary of our golden voiced Dino's elegant entrance onto weekly television,........yet 'nother deeply delightful day in the life, the times, and the teachin's of our most beloved Dino. It was 56---count 'em---56 years ago on September 16 in the year of our Dino 1965 that The Dean Martin Show premiered on the peacock channel and as they say, the rest is Dino-history. The show ran for nine swankly supremely stunnin' seasons and aired for a grand total of 264 episodes.
Likes we all know the story of how our Dino really didn't want to do a weekly television show and how he made what woulda seemed to have been outrageous demands of NBC likes only workin' one day a week...the day of recordin' the show with no other rehearsin'....and the wise wise folks at NBC consented to all of our Dino's darin' demands...and for those nine glorious years our Dino crooned his way into our hearts, givin' us tons of laughs, and much much wonderous wit and wisdom to profoundly potently ponder as well.
Likes we are so so greatly grateful that slowly but surely parts of the series have been released on DVDs for us to continue to supremely soak in all the great great glories of our King of Cool. Our hugest hope of hopes and our deepest dream of dreams is that one day, all 264 episodes in their full length will find there way into general release so that each and every moment of deep Dino-wonderment will be ours forever!
In huge homage of this most festive of festive delightful Dino-occasion we first sweetly share with all youse deeply devoted Dino-holics a couple of vibrant vital vid clips of that first beautiful broadcast fabulously featurin' our most most beloved Dino, his bestest of best pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra and a ton of other coolest of cool celebrities all wonderfully wishiin' our King of Cool the best on his new small screen effort. And, we have also chosen a quintessential quintet of just a few of our most fav of fav magnetic moments from our great great man's great great show.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
September 16, 1965 "The Dean Martin Show" premiered on NBC, Thursday nights at 10 p.m. It was one of the highest-rated shows of the 1965-66 season and runs for nine seasons
Hey pallies, likes on August 26 and 27 of this very Dino-year we were proudly pleased to introduce all youse Dino-philes to 'nother deeply Dino-honorin' web pad tagged "AmoMama" who published dedicated Dino-devotionals faithfully focusin' on the untimely deaths of our Dino's namesake boypallie Dino Martin Jr. and also his second wife Jeanne. Well, likes followin' in that touchin' and tender theme, today we share with youse their most recently Dino-family post on the untimely death of our Dino's youngest boypallie Ricci James. This time 'round the profound prose is tagged " Dean Martin's Son Ricci Martin Was Found dead at His Home - The Cause of Death Never Revealed" and has been scribed by Miss Oyin Balogun who hails likes 'nother of AmoMama's wonderful writers from Nigeria.
To our Dino-knowledge, all the details on Ricci's life and death are totally totally on the Dino-mark and as it states "Dean Martin's son passed away in his home under mysterious circumstances, and up till today, what caused his death has not been revealed." Likes, of course, what we most awesomely appreciates all the powerful plethora of primo poses of our most beloved Dino and fam Martin. A huge highlight of this particular Dino-devotional are the trio of incredible images of Ricci James and his beautifully beloved daughters.
Once 'gain we sez our thank you very Dino-much to the pallies at "AmoMama" and sweet scriber Miss Oyin Balogun for lovin'ly liftin' up our most beloved Dino and his family members. We wait we bated breath to see what will be the swank subject of their next noteworthy Dino-memorial. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin's Son Ricci Martin Was Found dead at His Home - The Cause of Death Never Revealed
September 01, 2021 | by Oyin Balogun
Dean Martin's son passed away in his home under mysterious circumstances, and up till today, what caused his death has not been revealed. Here is more about the story.
2016 was an excellent year for the most part, but it saw the demise of many great Hollywood celebrities, including Ricci Martin, the youngest son of show–business legend Dean Martin.
Ricci Martin followed in his father's footsteps and became a musician, entertainer who garnered the affection of many people across the nation.
Dean Martin and Ricci Martin
He was 62 when his body was discovered at his home in Utah, but for some reason, the cause of death was not confirmed. Here is all there is to know about his demise and his family.
In the years before he passed away, Ricci, who had great musical talent, had been performing in a touring tribute show dedicated to his late father.
He released a single titled "Stop, Look Around" and eventually released an album he tagged "Beached" in the 70s. He worked alongside Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys to make the album a success.
Dean Martin on the set during filming of "The Dean Martin show" in 1967
Wilson produced the album and later became his brother–in–law. Ricci peddled his talent around the hot haunts in the country.
In the 1990s, he replaced his late brother Dean Paul Martin in the rock band he formed before his demise. Dean Paul named the band Dino, Desi, and Billy.
When Ricci joined the other two members Desi Arnaz Jr. and Billy Hinsche, they performed at places like the MGM Grand hotel in Las Vegas and other high-end clubs. Dean Paul lost his life while piloting a military jet in 1987.
Outside music, Ricci made his mark as an author when he wrote a book that chronicled him growing up in Beverly Hills as part of his large blended family. He titled the book, which was released in 2002, "That's Amore."
The love was so strong between Jeanna and Dean that they got married one week after he was granted a divorce from his first wife, Betty Mcdonald.
In it, he gave the public an insider's look into the remarkable life he was born into. Among other things, there was a recollection of a party that was thrown at his family's home in celebration of his 21st birthday.
The party was attended by a multitude of A-listers, including John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Elizabeth Taylor, David Bowie, and Elton John.
Ricci's death was announced by his surviving family. One of his sisters, Deana, took to her Facebook page to share the tragic news.
"My heart breaks to announce the untimely death of my beloved brother," she wrote. "My family and I are devastated. He was one of the sweetest souls I have ever known. Ricci's kindness, sweetness, and loving nature will be missed more than words can say. "Rest in peace, Ricci. I love you!"
As earlier stated, the cause of his death remains unknown; however, earlier that year, he canceled his U.K. tour dates following a fall on the ice in front of his home.
Later in April of the same year, he explained that he had been subsequently admitted to the hospital, where he had been diagnosed with a subdural hematoma because of the fall.
He revealed that he had to stop the treatment for a deep vein thrombosis, which could have caused a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism. Ricci was recuperating at the time he shared his predicament, so his death shocked his fans.
Dean-Paul Martin on stage during taping of 'The Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra Christmas Special' 1967 in Los Angeles, California
He was divorced at the time of his death, and he was survived by three daughters, Pepper, Montana, and Rio; an older brother, Craig; four sisters, Gail, Deana, Gina, and Sasha; and his mother, Jeanne Martin.
Jeanne passed away shortly after her son Ricci died, but unlike him, the cause of her death was disclosed. According to The Hollywood Reporter, she succumbed to her wounds after a tough battle with cancer. She was 89.
Dean Martin and son Dean-Paul Martin at the premiere party for 'Airport on March 19, 1970 in Hollywood, California
Jeanne was a model and orange bowl queen who achieved popularity when she became Dean Martin's wife at the height of his fame. After their marriage in 1949, the two became one of Hollywood's most photographed couples.
According to what Jeanne told author Nick Tosches for a 1992 biography of Dean Martin, they fell in love the first time their eyes met.
He had been on stage, and she had been among the crowd that came to the Beachcomber Club in Miami to watch him perform alongside Jerry Lewis on New Year's eve.
A 1966 family portrait of Dean Martin with his wife Jeanne and children (Gail, Craig, Claudia, Deana, Gina, Ricci and Dean Paul).