Hello Pallies! Let me start with a big apology for absence from THE DINO BLOG as of late.
The life and times of this Pallie are full of the crazyiness of family and fun.
Also so bummed 'bout the passing of The King of Comedy Jerry Lewis. Great posts by Mr. DMP and Danny, what a great job you guys!
Today I want to share an interview found by my Steubenville buddy Vinnie. The back story of this is pretty awesome, and how got a hold of it is a miracle in itself, for he is a huge Dino fan.
This interview took place in Steu'ville on Dean Martin Day.
Without further ado, please enjoy!!
P.S. This interview has UNBELIEVABLE 'guest' appearances. Some may have never been captured on film or tape. And you have to hear to believe for yourself where Dino gets his voice and mannerisms from..
Thursday, August 31, 2017
....the late Jerry Lewis talks about his incredible career and his relationship with Dean Martin as described in his book Dean and Me (A True Love Story).
Hey pallies, likes as we continue to celebrate the lovin' lastin' legacy that was Martin and Lewis, our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search sent us way of the blog home of Chicago's premier radio station WGN for their August 27 post "The Life Of Comedy Legend Jerry Lewis" posted by Mr. Joey Gelman. Featured in this post is the 2005 radio interview that WGN's Mr. Dean Richards had with Mr. Jerry Lewis.
The amazin' awesome accent of this incredibly intriguin' interview is Mr. Lewis' talkin' 'bout his newly released bio of amazin' amore of our Dino, "Dean and Me: (A Love Story). It is hugely heartwarmin' to hear Mr. Lewis speak so touchin' 'n tenderly of his lastin' love and awesome admiration of our most most beloved Dino. Likes pallies, you simply MUST take the time to hear this coolest of cool conversation'
Likes we truly thanks the pallies at WGN Radio, especially Mr. Dean Richards, for bringin' back this 2005 interview of Mr. Jerry Lewis on his remarkable relationship with our one, our only Dino. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-remembrance. btw pallies, likes you can see that we tried to copy the audio link so you coulda listen to Mr. Lewis right here at ilovedinomartin, but that ain't workin'. So, clicks on the tag of this Dino-report to listen to it at WGN.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
The Life Of Comedy Legend Jerry Lewis
Dean Richards shares his 2005 conversation with the late Jerry Lewis as they talk about his incredible career and his relationship with Dean Martin as described in his book Dean and Me (A True Love Story).
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
On This Day In Dino-history: August 30, 1969

Hey pallies, likes we loves! loves! loves! to find new sources of devotion to our Dino, and we loves even more to learn more 'n more details of our Dino's life, times, and teachin's includin' more historic dates in Dino-history. Likes today we gets to do both of 'em at one Dino-time. From the new-to-ilovedinomartin blog for Desert Radio Az KDAZ-db located in Hereford, AZ comes the noteworthy news that it was on this date, August 30, in the year of our Dino 1969 that our great great man's great great al-b-um "Gentle On My Mind" went pure gold!
Gentle on My Mind was produced by Jimmy Bowen and arranged by Ernie Freeman, and released in November 1968 on the Reprise label.
Likes the track listin' included 10---count 'em---10 delightful Dino-croons includin':
"Not Enough Indians"
"That Old Time Feelin'"
"Welcome to My Heart"
"By the Time I Get to Phoenix"
"Gentle on My Mind"
"That's When I See the Blues (In Your Pretty Brown Eyes)"
"Rainbows Are Back in Style"
"Drowning in My Tears"
"April Again"
We shares with all youse Dino-holics the front and back cover coolest of cool Dino-pose as well as our Dino' havin' the bestest of best times croonin' this tune live on the Dino-show. We thanks all the pallies at Desert Radio Az KDAZ-db for puttin' us on to this important date in Dino-history and addin' to our Dino-edification. Likes to checks this out in it's original form, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
In 1969 Dean Martin's album "Gentle On My Mind" is certified gold.
In 1945, comprising singer Dean Martin met a young comic named Jerry Lewis .....
Hey pallies, likes we gotta begins this Dino-day by fessin' up with the 'net lightin' up with power post after post 'pon the passin' of our most beloved Dino's most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis, we have been workin' long and hard to checks 'em out and gettin 'em up here at ilovedinomartin, but likes we will never ever be able to share even a small portion of 'em here. So, likes what we are tryin' to do is share what we find are the very best of the best posts awesomely accentin' our Dino 'cause of his decade long partnership with Mr. Lewis.
Likes today we indeed brings all youse Dino-holics one of the greatest of the great posts that we have been led to by our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search. From the blog "VINTAGE EVERYDAY " comes the magnificant missive "Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis: 30 Fascinating Photographs Capture Funny Moments of the Comedy Duo in the 1940s and 1950s." It's as cool combo of prose and pixs helpin' us goes down memory lane with our Dino and Mr. Lewis with many of the powerful potent pixs that we have loved seein' over and over 'gain, with at least two or three that we ain't ever remember viewin' before.
As we gratefully gaze at many many of these incredible images it is more and more clear to us that Mr. Lewis was solemnly smittened by his partner, our Dino...awesomely absolutely adorin' our most most beloved Dino...likes no wonder his 2005 beautiful bio of his partnership with our Dino is tagged "Dean & Me: (A Love Story)." We invites all youse Dino-philes to drink deeply, especially on these insightful images and reverently relive the majestic magic that was Martin & Lewis."
We terrifically thanks the pallies at "VINTAGE EVERYDAY" for puttin' together the purely powerfully potent post in lovin' remembrance of our Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis. Likes to checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Likes today we indeed brings all youse Dino-holics one of the greatest of the great posts that we have been led to by our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search. From the blog "VINTAGE EVERYDAY " comes the magnificant missive "Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis: 30 Fascinating Photographs Capture Funny Moments of the Comedy Duo in the 1940s and 1950s." It's as cool combo of prose and pixs helpin' us goes down memory lane with our Dino and Mr. Lewis with many of the powerful potent pixs that we have loved seein' over and over 'gain, with at least two or three that we ain't ever remember viewin' before.
As we gratefully gaze at many many of these incredible images it is more and more clear to us that Mr. Lewis was solemnly smittened by his partner, our Dino...awesomely absolutely adorin' our most most beloved Dino...likes no wonder his 2005 beautiful bio of his partnership with our Dino is tagged "Dean & Me: (A Love Story)." We invites all youse Dino-philes to drink deeply, especially on these insightful images and reverently relive the majestic magic that was Martin & Lewis."
We terrifically thanks the pallies at "VINTAGE EVERYDAY" for puttin' together the purely powerfully potent post in lovin' remembrance of our Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis. Likes to checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis: 30 Fascinating Photographs Capture Funny Moments of the Comedy Duo in the 1940s and 1950s
August 20, 2017 1940s, 1950s, celebrity & famous people, humor & hilarious, portraits, tribute
In 1945, comprising singer Dean Martin met a young comic named Jerry Lewis at the Glass Hat Club in New York, where both men were performing. Martin and Lewis debuted at Atlantic City's 500 Club on July 25, 1946, when Lewis suggested to the club owner that Martin would be a good replacement for the scheduled singer who was unavailable. The duo were not well received. The owner, Skinny D'Amato, threatened to terminate their contract if the act did not improve. Martin and Lewis disposed of pre-scripted gags and began improvising. Dean sang, and Jerry dressed as a busboy, dropping plates and making a shambles of Martin's songs and a mockery of the club's decorum. They performed slapstick and delivered vaudeville jokes to great fanfare.

Their success at the 500 Club led to a series of well-paying engagements along the Eastern seaboard, culminating with a triumphant run at New York's Copacabana Club. The audience were convulsed with laughter by Lewis interrupting and heckling Martin while he was trying to sing, and ultimately by the two of them chasing each other around the stage and having as much fun as possible.
Eventually, the two hired young comedy writers Norman Lear and Ed Simmons to improve their act. By 1950, Lear and Simmons were the main writers for Martin and Lewis.
One of the secrets to their success was the diversity of their audience as Jerry Lewis explained: ‘Who were Dean’s fans? Men, women, the Italians. Who were Jerry’s fans? Women, Jews, kids. Who were Martin and Lewis’ fans? All of them.’ When the partnership ended in 1956, the comedians fell into a bitter feud that lasted for decades only did they reunite on rare occasions until Dean Martin’s death in 1995.
Jerry Lewis died at his home in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 20, 2017 at the age of 91.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Jerry Lewis 'bout our Dino: “I fell in love with him the day we met."

Hey pallies, likes today we return once 'gain to the annals of the Brit blog "EXPRESS," where we posted their obituary of Mr. Jerry Lewis. Likes while we were readin' through that perfect prose we discovered a previous post boldly speakin' of his love of our Dino that they had shared on September 12, 2016 and that we here at ilovedinomartin shared HERE the followin' day. We knew that we just had to repost it 'gain for it's wise and worderful words of absolute adulation by Lewis of our Dino.
The post, scribed by Mr. Peter Sheridan is tagged "Still performing at 90 but Jerry Lewis has never got over the loss of Dean Martin," and we spread on the pages of ilovedinomartin those portions that relate to Mr. Lewis' long lastin' love of our Dino. This prose includes Lewis's beautifully bold proclamation, " He (our Dino) was a miracle that God put in my life and working with him was a feeling I’ll never ever forget.”
Likes we never ever tire of hearin' Mr. Jerry Lewis' proudly, publicly speakin' of his life long amazin' affection for our most beloved Dino, and we thanks Mr. Peter Sheridan and all the pallies at "EXPRESS" for this almost one year 'go postin', while Lewis was still walkin' the earth, of his lovin' relationship with our Dino.
And, likes might we say that we are marvelously moved by this last quotation in Sheridan's interview with Lewis, “You can’t write love off or put it on hold. It stays with you until death.” Indeed pallies, Mr. Jerry Lewis' love of our Dino was true to his passin' from our presence. To checks this out, and to read the total prose, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We remain,
Your in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Still performing at 90 but Jerry Lewis has never got over the loss of Dean Martin
HE HAS survived two heart attacks, prostate cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease.
Mon, Sep 12, 2016
He has been married for 33 years to his second wife Sam, a former dancer 24 years his junior, but still laments losing one of the great loves of his life: his comedy partner Dean Martin.
Jerry Lewis has returned to Hollywood after two decades and is busier than ever
“I miss Dean,” he says.
“I fell in love with him the day we met. I wish he were here. He was a miracle that God put in my life and working with him was a feeling I’ll never ever forget.”
Together they formed one of the world’s most successful double acts in 17 hit movies, although they parted acrimoniously after a decade in 1956.
“It was time for us both,” he says.
They did not speak again for 20 years. Frank Sinatra staged a rapprochement for Martin and Lewis in 1975 and they remained close until the crooner’s death in 1995. “There isn’t a day I don’t think about him,” says Lewis.
“You can’t write love off or put it on hold. It stays with you until death.”
Lewis and his comedy partner Dean Martin
Monday, August 28, 2017
.....and yet the real (platonic) love of his life was the Italian singer Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes the ol' 'net continues to be fabulously fun of powerful posts reflectin' on the passin' of Mr. Jerry Lewis, with simply a ton of 'em awesomely accentin' the partnership in comedy that Mr. Lewis had with our most beloved Dino....and the long lastin' lifetime love that Mr. Lewis had for our Dino. Today we visit with the Brit blog "EXPRESS" which has published "Jerry Lewis obituary - 1926 - 2017: Actor and comedian."
This remembrance shares many facts and figures on the life and times of Mr. Jerry Lewis, but a central theme of the post is on Mr. Lewis' awesome adoration of our most most beloved Dino. The unknown scriber of these wise words perfectly proclaims that, "the real (platonic) love of his life was the Italian singer Dean Martin." This wonderful writer quotes Lewis proudly proclaimin' "“He was a miracle that God put in my life and working with him was a feeling I’ll never ever forget.” It wonderfully warms our Dino-hearts to know the absolutely amazin' affection that Mr. Jerry Lewis had for our Dino and his on-goin' public profession of his deeper then deep Dino-devotion!!!!!
Likes we thanks the pallies at "EXPRESS" for this sensational salute to Mr. Jerry Lewis and Lewis' ubber undyin' amore of our one, our only Dino! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Jerry Lewis obituary - 1926 - 2017: Actor and comedian
JERRY Lewis was a genuine conundrum: a comedian who was a self-confessed nightmare to work with; a rubber-faced clown who raised more than £1.6billion for muscular dystrophy.
Sat, Aug 26, 2017
Married twice with seven children and yet the real (platonic) love of his life was the Italian singer Dean Martin, with whom he had a hugely successful double act and from whom he was estranged for 20 years.
The pair were finally reunited by Frank Sinatra. Last year in an interview with the Daily Express the star revealed: “I fell in love with Dean the day we met. I wish he were here.
“He was a miracle that God put in my life and working with him was a feeling I’ll never ever forget.”
As well as being the king of slapstick, Lewis was also at the centre of one of Hollywood’s great mysteries: he made an unreleased film called The Day The Clown Cried, about a clown leading children to their deaths in the gas chambers of the Holocaust.
It was never finished and according to Lewis who also wrote and directed it, the film would never see the light of day.
Joseph Levitch was born at Newark Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, to Russian parents who were entertainers.
His father worked in vaudeville and made his stage debut at the age of five, where he raised a laugh by accidentally kicking out a light.
As a child his parents, out on the road, were largely absent, provoking a need in Lewis to seek constant reassurance through an audience’s applause.
By the age of 15 he had developed an act miming to records and at the age of 19 he married singer Patti Palmer, five years his senior, and they went on to have six sons.
His big break came when he was just 20: he met Dean Martin, nine years older than him, when he was appearing at the 500 Club in Atlantic City.
The comedian was best known for his work with Dean Martin
Although the two were totally different – Lewis was as frenetic as his on-screen personality, Dino every bit as laid back as he seemed – they complemented each other perfectly.
They got their own radio show and then in 1949 they starred in My Friend Irma, the first of 16 hugely successful films they made together.
However, in 1956 the partnership ended acrimoniously and for years Lives remembered neither would mention the other.
To the surprise of some, though, Lewis’s career prospered after the split. His subsequent films included The Bellboy and The Nutty Professor, which he also wrote and directed.
When his popularity waned, he taught a film-directing class at the University of Southern California. In 1983, Martin Scorsese brought him back in from the cold to appear in The King Of Comedy.
Lewis had a violent temper and was wildly unfaithful until, in 1980, Patti divorced him.
Three years later he married SanDee Pitnick and they adopted a child. His sons accused him of being a bad father and the youngest, after being disowned when he publicly criticised his father, died of a drug overdose in 2009.
Lewis raised huge amounts for muscular dystrophy research through telethons and in 1989 wheeled out a cake for Martin during a Las Vegas stage show for Deano’s 72nd birthday.
“Why we broke up,” he mused after singing Happy Birthday, “I’ll never know.”
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Things We Did Last Summer"
Can youse believe it's the tail end of August already?!
Man o man...wasn't I just announcin' the "unofficial" start of Summer?! Haha!!
Time TRULY does slip through your fingers, my friends.
Hey...It's been one Hell of a ride though...huh, pallies?
Ups & Downs & All-arounds.
We celebrated a VERY special 100 year Dino-milestone...& we said "So long, Jer" to a VERY special Dino-brother.
Yup...this isn't a season that I will soon forget, mi amici.
Probably never will.
Summer 2017 is DEF I NATE LY one for the history books.
Well, pals o mine...gonna make this week's Serenade short & sweet.
No need to go on & on.
Just gonna soak it all in...& reminisce.
How's 'bout a wee bit of "The Things We Did Last Summer"...to help us out?
The boat rides we would take
The moonlight on the lake
The way we danced and hummed our favorite song
The things we did last summer
I remember all winter long
The midway and the fun
The kewpie dolls we won
The bell I rang to prove that I was strong
The things we did last summer
I remember all winter long
The early morning hike The rented tandem bike
The lunches that we used to pack
We never could explain that sudden summer rain
The looks we got when we got back
The leaves begin to fade like promises we made
How could a love that seemed so right go wrong
The things we did last summer
I'll remember all winter long
I'll remember all winter long.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Marilyn Monroe, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis
Hey pallies, likes it's Dino-amazin' and likes, of course, we all knows our Dino is amazin'! Likes we gotta 'fess up that we are way way behind in visitin' our faithful pallies at Twingly Advance Blog Search for more of the past week's posts on the passin' of Mr. Jerry Lewis with marvelous mentions of his potent partnership with Mr. Lewis.
So, likes yester-Dino-day we were perfectly pumped to be able to share our pallie Scotty's post fantastically featurin' a powerful pix of our Dino, Mr. Lewis, and Miss Marilyn Monroe.... as we were just perusin' past week's posts from our Twingly pallies, we came 'pon a swank series of 10 count-em 10 incredible images of guess who?..........yup...youse got it....our most beloved Dino, his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, and the most most beloved beauty Miss Marilyn Monroe!
Likes the perfect poses are courtesy of the tumblr site "Marilyn Monroe Video Archives," which if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you can see 'em at the original site. These coolest of cool candids, many of which have been on the pages of ilovedinomartin before have been shared in remembrance of the passin' of Mr. Lewis, and likes, the few words that accompany the pixs share these words: "Jerry Lewis has passed away aged 91. He was born in the same year as Marilyn Monroe 1926." We had not realized that Mr. Lewis and Miss Monroe were born in the same year.
We sez our thank you very much to the pallies at the "Marilyn Monroe Archives" for this terrific treat rememberin' Mr. Lewis and coolly celebratin' the fantastically fun times that our Dino, Mr. Lewis, and Miss Marilyn had together.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
So, likes yester-Dino-day we were perfectly pumped to be able to share our pallie Scotty's post fantastically featurin' a powerful pix of our Dino, Mr. Lewis, and Miss Marilyn Monroe.... as we were just perusin' past week's posts from our Twingly pallies, we came 'pon a swank series of 10 count-em 10 incredible images of guess who?..........yup...youse got it....our most beloved Dino, his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, and the most most beloved beauty Miss Marilyn Monroe!
Likes the perfect poses are courtesy of the tumblr site "Marilyn Monroe Video Archives," which if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you can see 'em at the original site. These coolest of cool candids, many of which have been on the pages of ilovedinomartin before have been shared in remembrance of the passin' of Mr. Lewis, and likes, the few words that accompany the pixs share these words: "Jerry Lewis has passed away aged 91. He was born in the same year as Marilyn Monroe 1926." We had not realized that Mr. Lewis and Miss Monroe were born in the same year.
We sez our thank you very much to the pallies at the "Marilyn Monroe Archives" for this terrific treat rememberin' Mr. Lewis and coolly celebratin' the fantastically fun times that our Dino, Mr. Lewis, and Miss Marilyn had together.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Marilyn Monroe,Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis has passed away aged 91. He was born in the same year as Marilyn Monroe 1926
Friday, August 25, 2017
Scotty's Sharin: Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, and Marilyn Monroe at The Redbook Awards, 1953

Likes it is crystal clear from this incredible image that Miss Marilyn is enormously enjoyin' the adorin' attention of both of these marvelous men. Also included in Scotty's Sharin' are some delightful details on the life and times of our Dino, Mr. Lewis, and Miss Monroe. How cool of our deeply devoted to Dino pallie Scotty for helpin' his readership grow in knowin', lovin' and honorin' our main man.
We sez our thank you very much to pallie Scotty for his time, effort and deeper then deep devotion to our most beloved Dino and his faithful patterin' here at our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-pad.
To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, and Marilyn Monroe at The Redbook Awards, 1953

Dean Martin (born Dino Paul Crocetti; June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was an Italian-American singer, actor, comedian, and film producer. One of the most popular and enduring American entertainers of the mid-20th century, Martin was nicknamed the "King of Cool" for his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assurance.
He and Jerry Lewis were partners as the immensely popular comedy team Martin and Lewis, and afterwards he was a member of the "Rat Pack", and a star in concert stages, nightclubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television. He was the host of the television variety program The Dean Martin Show (1965–1974) and The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast (1974–1984).
Martin's relaxed, warbling crooning voice earned him dozens of hit singles, including his signature songs "Memories Are Made of This," "That's Amore," "Everybody Loves Somebody," "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You," "Sway," "Volare," and "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?"
Jerry Lewis (born Joseph or Jerome Levitch, depending on the source; March 16, 1926 – August 20, 2017) was an American actor, comedian, singer, film producer, film director, screenwriter, and humanitarian. He was known for his slapstick humor in film, television, stage and radio. He and Dean Martin were partners as the hit popular comedy duo of Martin and Lewis. Following that success, he was a solo star in motion pictures, nightclubs, television shows, concerts, album recordings, and musicals.
Lewis served as national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association and hosted the live Labor Day weekend broadcast of the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon for 44 years. He received several awards for lifetime achievement from the American Comedy Awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Association, Venice Film Festival and Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and was honored with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson; June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962) was an American actress and model. Famous for playing comic "dumb blonde" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality. Although she was a top-billed actress for only a decade, her films grossed $200 million by the time of her unexpected death in 1962. She continues to be considered a major popular culture icon.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Our Dino and Jerry... a poignant reunion on a Las Vegas stage
Hey pallies, likes our Miss Always On Watch also pattered 'bout 'nother youtube vid of rare footage of our most beloved Dino bein' celebrated in person by Mr. Jerry Lewis on our Dino;s birthday in 1989 at the age of 72. The footage was shot at Bally's Hotel and Casino in our Dino's playground, 'Vegas baby 'Vegas while our Dino was on stage there. Below is the the vid clip that shows our Dino givin' Jerry a kiss on the lips with both powerfully proclaimin' their amore for each other!
And, Miss AOW also sent us a link to a brief article from that touchin' time as shared by the LA Times. We once 'gain thanks our Dino-sister for offerin' these Dino-gifts to us so that we coulda pass 'em on to all youse Dino-holics. Thanks also to a pallie who tags themself "Donazify" for their original postin' of the vid at youtube and to the pallies at the LA Times for reverently reportin' this reunion of Martin and Lewis in the print media.
To checks out the new article, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Jerry Lewis surprises Dean Martin at his B'day '89
Jerry Lewis surprises Dean Martin at his birthday celebration at Bally's 1989. From the Joe DiCesare collection.
ENTERTAINMENT : Martin and Lewis Together Again
June 08, 1989| From Times wire services
LAS VEGAS — Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, America's most famous duo in the 1940s and 1950s, had a poignant reunion on a Las Vegas stage Wednesday night.
"Here's to 72 years of joy you've given the world and why we broke up, I'll never know," Lewis told Martin as he presented him with a birthday cake.
Lewis paid a surprise visit to Martin at the end of Martin's performance at Bally's Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip.
"You surprised me," said Martin, who was obviously overwhelmed by the moment. "I love you, and I mean it."
The two made entertainment history beginning in 1946, with singer Martin playing the straight man to the comic Lewis. They split in 1956 and have rarely appeared together since.
And, Miss AOW also sent us a link to a brief article from that touchin' time as shared by the LA Times. We once 'gain thanks our Dino-sister for offerin' these Dino-gifts to us so that we coulda pass 'em on to all youse Dino-holics. Thanks also to a pallie who tags themself "Donazify" for their original postin' of the vid at youtube and to the pallies at the LA Times for reverently reportin' this reunion of Martin and Lewis in the print media.
To checks out the new article, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Jerry Lewis surprises Dean Martin at his B'day '89
Jerry Lewis surprises Dean Martin at his birthday celebration at Bally's 1989. From the Joe DiCesare collection.
ENTERTAINMENT : Martin and Lewis Together Again
June 08, 1989| From Times wire services
LAS VEGAS — Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, America's most famous duo in the 1940s and 1950s, had a poignant reunion on a Las Vegas stage Wednesday night.
"Here's to 72 years of joy you've given the world and why we broke up, I'll never know," Lewis told Martin as he presented him with a birthday cake.
Lewis paid a surprise visit to Martin at the end of Martin's performance at Bally's Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip.
"You surprised me," said Martin, who was obviously overwhelmed by the moment. "I love you, and I mean it."
The two made entertainment history beginning in 1946, with singer Martin playing the straight man to the comic Lewis. They split in 1956 and have rarely appeared together since.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Jerry Lewis Farewell Tribute 1926 - 2017.•**❤️(with Dean Martin)
Hey pallies, likes new tribute vids to our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis are swankly startin' to roll in over at youtube. Below we share one that our Miss Always On Watch beautifully brought to our attention via patter on a recent post.
It features our Dino and Jerry singin' the pallie croon of croons, "Side By Side," 'long with vid clips from a number of Colgate Comedy Hour sketches, marvelous moments from various Martin and Lewis big screen epics, the two special reunions of Martin and Lewis, and a goodly number of incredible images of Dino and Jerry....always always havin' so so much fun!
This terrific vid homage was created by My BFF Channel and be sure to read there touchin' 'n tender thoughts below the vid. Thanks Miss AOW for puttin' us on to this, thanks My BFF Channel for creatin' this most lovin' tribute to our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.
Jerry Lewis Farewell Tribute 1926 - 2017.•**❤️(with Dean Martin) He will be missed!
My BFF Channel
Song by : Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis : Side By Side
Side By Side
Oh, we ain't got a barrel of money
Maybe we're ragged and funny
But we'll travel along singing a song
Side by side
Don't know what's coming tomorrow
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow
But we'll travel the road sharin' our load
Side by side
Through all kind of weather
What if the sky should fall
As long as we're together
It doesn't matter at all
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim.com
When they've all had their quarrels and parted
We'll be the same as we started
Just to travel along singing a song
Side by side
When they've all had their quarrels and parted
We'll be the same as we started
Just to travel along singing a song
Side by side
It features our Dino and Jerry singin' the pallie croon of croons, "Side By Side," 'long with vid clips from a number of Colgate Comedy Hour sketches, marvelous moments from various Martin and Lewis big screen epics, the two special reunions of Martin and Lewis, and a goodly number of incredible images of Dino and Jerry....always always havin' so so much fun!
This terrific vid homage was created by My BFF Channel and be sure to read there touchin' 'n tender thoughts below the vid. Thanks Miss AOW for puttin' us on to this, thanks My BFF Channel for creatin' this most lovin' tribute to our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.
Jerry Lewis Farewell Tribute 1926 - 2017.•**❤️(with Dean Martin) He will be missed!
My BFF Channel
Jerry Lewis sadly passed away on Aug 20, 2017. My tribute is with his best friend (BFF) Dean Martin - Martin & Lewis. They are brothers who thankfully reunited in 1976 and now are together forever in Heaven. Jerry Lewis has done many things over his career : movies, TV, singing and the Telethons. He will be best remembered for his work with his brother Dino. Both of you are together again - rest in peace and say hi to Dean Martin for us❤️. They are two of my favorite Best Friends and my channel is dedicated to Best Friends.
Song by : Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis : Side By Side
Side By Side
Oh, we ain't got a barrel of money
Maybe we're ragged and funny
But we'll travel along singing a song
Side by side
Don't know what's coming tomorrow
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow
But we'll travel the road sharin' our load
Side by side
Through all kind of weather
What if the sky should fall
As long as we're together
It doesn't matter at all
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim.com
When they've all had their quarrels and parted
We'll be the same as we started
Just to travel along singing a song
Side by side
When they've all had their quarrels and parted
We'll be the same as we started
Just to travel along singing a song
Side by side
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Lewis was in awe of Martin and a little in love with him.
Hey pallies, likes we're back with more swank scribin' on our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis. This time 'round the rememberin' comes from the Brit blog, "DailyMail.com." Written by Mr. Michael Thornton this look into the decade long partnership of Martin and Lewis is tagged "How Hollywood's golden double act became its most bitter enemies: As Nutty Professor star Jerry Lewis dies at 91, the toxic truth behind his goofing around with Dean Martin."
Likes while the prose shares bits and pieces of Mr. Lewis' life and time, the beautiful bulk of Thornton's words focus on the partnership of stunnin'ly successful partnership of Martin and Lewis that after ten years went awry. While the prose reveals some less then complimentary comments on Lewis, I don't believe that anythin' really negative is said here 'bout our most beloved Dino. And, if youse are like we, you will find one or two thoughts shared 'bout Martin and Lewis that are new to the mix.
We thanks Mr. Michael Thornton and all the pallies at "DailyNews.com" for not only rememberin' the passin' of Mr. Jerry Lewis, but takin' this opportunity to remember the remarkable relationship between our Dino and Mr. Lewis. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
How Hollywood's golden double act became its most bitter enemies: As Nutty Professor star Jerry Lewis dies at 91, the toxic truth behind his goofing around with Dean Martin
By Michael Thornton for the Daily Mail

Controversial: Jerry Lewis, right, with Dean Martin
For many people, Jerry Lewis, who has died at the age of 91, was an acquired taste. His screen persona — the disaster-prone, goonish, goofy dimwit, with a face that mugged so incessantly that it resembled a rubber mask — was one that some found resistible.
As he fell down stairs, off ladders, out of windows and planes, into holes in the road and swimming pools, cinema audiences were inclined to become exhausted by the spectacle. The distinguished critic Milton Shulman once told me that he would rather crawl through ten miles of barbed wire than sit through a Jerry Lewis movie.
Yet there was no denying his astonishing popularity. From 1952, for five consecutive years Lewis and his screen partner, singer Dean Martin, were among the top ten money-making stars in the world.
After his acrimonious split from Martin in 1956, Lewis alone continued to make the list of the golden ten, and then in 1963, his name, as a top box-office star, abruptly vanished from view.
Four years later, it was Dean Martin’s turn to enter the list as an international money-maker. There was an irony in this, for the bitter professional rivalry between the former partners had escalated into something resembling hatred.
As a man, Jerry Lewis, to put it mildly, was controversial. He was very far from being the cuddly innocent of his screen portrayals. In private, he had a violent and uncontrollable temper. He was to be accused, by two of his six sons, of being a cruel and abusive father. He split from their mother, his first wife, after 35 years of marriage, and married a girl half her age.
Even his much-publicised philanthropy and fund-raising for the Muscular Dystrophy Association was to provoke criticism from MD sufferers and friends alike.
Actor Elliott Gould, to whom Lewis had been a childhood idol, was to say of him: ‘He blatantly tells you on network TV that he is the epitome of the socially conscious man, a great humanitarian . . . Actually, he’s one of the most hostile and unpleasant guys I’ve ever seen.’

'Lewis and Martin had little in common but somehow, on stage, they gelled'
Jerry Lewis was born Joseph Levitch to Russian parents on March 16, 1926, in Newark, New Jersey, where his father, who used the stage name, Danny Lewis, was appearing in vaudeville. His mother, Rachel Brodsky, was a pianist for a radio station.
Jerry, as he would call himself, started performing at five, often alongside his parents. By 15, he had developed an act in which he mimed to records.
Two days after his 18th birthday, Lewis met a band singer five years his senior, Patti Palmer, who defied her Italian-Catholic parents and Jerry’s Jewish family to marry him. At the age of 20, and with their first son now a year old, Lewis appeared for the first time at the 500 Club in Atlantic City with a handsome Italian singer nine years older than himself.
His name was Dino Crocetti, but he called himself Dean Martin.
An effective double act was forged, with Lewis as the ad-libbing clown and comic, and Martin as the charming, attractive and relaxed ‘straight man’ who provided the songs.
They had little in common but somehow, on stage, they gelled. The act began to play top dates and then graduated to radio with their own show. In June 1948, two years after their first appearance together, the duo took America by storm in Ed Sullivan’s Toast Of The Town TV show.
A Hollywood producer caught their nightclub act and signed them to a five-year contract with Paramount, starting in 1949 with the comedy, My Friend Irma, the first of 16 films in which Martin and Lewis were to become box-office gold.
In 1952, they appeared in The Stooge, which seemed like an autobiographical study of a vaudeville double-act like their own, with Martin giving a surprisingly strong performance as a conceited song-and-dance man and drunk. Hollywood insiders didn’t think he had to do too much acting.
Both men were heterosexual, but their friends believed the impressionable and highly emotional Lewis was in awe of Martin and a little in love with him.
It was here that the divergence in their characters became crucial. Lewis was frenetic, obsessive and ambitious, qualities that made the laid-back Martin uncomfortable. As Lewis himself admitted: ‘When the light goes on in the refrigerator, I do 20 minutes.’
Martin observed cynically: ‘At some point he said to himself, “I’m extraordinary, like Chaplin”. From then on nobody could tell him anything. He knew it all.’
As their fame increased, the stresses and strains magnified. Lewis accused his wife, Patti, of having an affair with Martin. There were rumours that the comedy partners had been involved in a violent fist-fight.
Lewis felt himself excluded and sidelined from The Rat Pack, the showbiz entourage surrounding Frank Sinatra, in which Dean Martin was a central figure. ‘The Mob’, it was said of the group’s supposed Mafia links, ‘tolerated Jerry but they loved Dean’.
Lewis told Martin of ‘the love we still have for each other’. Martin replied coldly: ‘You can talk about love all you want. To me, you’re nothing but a dollar sign.’
And so the partnership that had made millions at the box-office ended in bitterness and enmity. Lewis admitted he was in tears, shaking and fearful of the future, but neither would back down.

'The partnership that had made millions at the box-office ended in bitterness and enmity'
Apart from brief formal encounters, there was to be no reconciliation between them for 20 years, and even then it was temporary.
No public explanation was given for the split, and for many years neither man would speak the other’s name. In 2005, ten years after Martin’s death, Lewis published a schmaltzy apologia of his relationship with Martin, entitled, Dean And Me (A Love Story).
To the surprise of Hollywood observers, Lewis’s career survived the loss of Dean Martin. In 1959, Paramount negotiated a new long-term contract with him. ‘Fantastic terms’, said Lewis, ‘the price staggering. I would star in 14 films over the next seven years and get ten million dollars.’
Many of these films – such as The Bellboy, The Nutty Professor, The Patsy, and The Family Jewels — Lewis not only starred in but also wrote and directed.
But his brand of frantic comedy began to go out of style. His name vanished from the list of top money-making stars after 1963. By 1971, public support and financial backing had evaporated.
Lewis, now 45, was no longer an appealing juvenile, and Paramount dropped him. For a time, he taught a film directing class at the University of Southern California, where his students included Steven Spielberg.
His fortunes improved with his performance in Martin Scorsese’s film, The King Of Comedy, in 1983, as a late-night TV host, who is plagued by obsessive fans
In September 1980, after 35 years of marriage, Patti, weary of her husband’s serial infidelity, filed for divorce, claiming $450,000 a year in alimony and half their community property, judged to be worth in excess of $7 million.
Lewis filed for bankruptcy, and Patti eventually received less than one-quarter of the amount she had sought. She was forced to give up her Hollywood home in 1993 and move into a small apartment in West Los Angeles.
When Lewis’s 1963 film, The Nutty Professor, was remade with Eddie Murphy in 1996, Patti went to court to claim Lewis had tried to cut her out of the remake profits, of which she was entitled to 50 per cent.
Lewis married Sandra Pitnick, a dancer half Patti’s age and 25 years his junior. They adopted a daughter, Danielle, on whom Lewis lavished paternal affection, which was in marked contrast to how he had treated his sons.
He disowned his youngest son Joseph in 1989 after he informed a tabloid that his father ‘physically and mentally abused all of his kids on a routine basis’.
When Joseph died of a drug overdose in 2009, Lewis made no comment, and failed even to inform his eldest son, pop musician Gary Lewis, of his brother’s death.
Now that Jerry Lewis has died, his old films will be played and that manic energy will leap from the screen once more. But all the gurning in the world cannot wipe away the traumas this singular performer left in his wake.
Likes while the prose shares bits and pieces of Mr. Lewis' life and time, the beautiful bulk of Thornton's words focus on the partnership of stunnin'ly successful partnership of Martin and Lewis that after ten years went awry. While the prose reveals some less then complimentary comments on Lewis, I don't believe that anythin' really negative is said here 'bout our most beloved Dino. And, if youse are like we, you will find one or two thoughts shared 'bout Martin and Lewis that are new to the mix.
We thanks Mr. Michael Thornton and all the pallies at "DailyNews.com" for not only rememberin' the passin' of Mr. Jerry Lewis, but takin' this opportunity to remember the remarkable relationship between our Dino and Mr. Lewis. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
How Hollywood's golden double act became its most bitter enemies: As Nutty Professor star Jerry Lewis dies at 91, the toxic truth behind his goofing around with Dean Martin
By Michael Thornton for the Daily Mail
Controversial: Jerry Lewis, right, with Dean Martin
For many people, Jerry Lewis, who has died at the age of 91, was an acquired taste. His screen persona — the disaster-prone, goonish, goofy dimwit, with a face that mugged so incessantly that it resembled a rubber mask — was one that some found resistible.
As he fell down stairs, off ladders, out of windows and planes, into holes in the road and swimming pools, cinema audiences were inclined to become exhausted by the spectacle. The distinguished critic Milton Shulman once told me that he would rather crawl through ten miles of barbed wire than sit through a Jerry Lewis movie.
Yet there was no denying his astonishing popularity. From 1952, for five consecutive years Lewis and his screen partner, singer Dean Martin, were among the top ten money-making stars in the world.
After his acrimonious split from Martin in 1956, Lewis alone continued to make the list of the golden ten, and then in 1963, his name, as a top box-office star, abruptly vanished from view.
Four years later, it was Dean Martin’s turn to enter the list as an international money-maker. There was an irony in this, for the bitter professional rivalry between the former partners had escalated into something resembling hatred.
As a man, Jerry Lewis, to put it mildly, was controversial. He was very far from being the cuddly innocent of his screen portrayals. In private, he had a violent and uncontrollable temper. He was to be accused, by two of his six sons, of being a cruel and abusive father. He split from their mother, his first wife, after 35 years of marriage, and married a girl half her age.
Even his much-publicised philanthropy and fund-raising for the Muscular Dystrophy Association was to provoke criticism from MD sufferers and friends alike.
Actor Elliott Gould, to whom Lewis had been a childhood idol, was to say of him: ‘He blatantly tells you on network TV that he is the epitome of the socially conscious man, a great humanitarian . . . Actually, he’s one of the most hostile and unpleasant guys I’ve ever seen.’
'Lewis and Martin had little in common but somehow, on stage, they gelled'
Jerry Lewis was born Joseph Levitch to Russian parents on March 16, 1926, in Newark, New Jersey, where his father, who used the stage name, Danny Lewis, was appearing in vaudeville. His mother, Rachel Brodsky, was a pianist for a radio station.
Jerry, as he would call himself, started performing at five, often alongside his parents. By 15, he had developed an act in which he mimed to records.
Two days after his 18th birthday, Lewis met a band singer five years his senior, Patti Palmer, who defied her Italian-Catholic parents and Jerry’s Jewish family to marry him. At the age of 20, and with their first son now a year old, Lewis appeared for the first time at the 500 Club in Atlantic City with a handsome Italian singer nine years older than himself.
His name was Dino Crocetti, but he called himself Dean Martin.
An effective double act was forged, with Lewis as the ad-libbing clown and comic, and Martin as the charming, attractive and relaxed ‘straight man’ who provided the songs.
They had little in common but somehow, on stage, they gelled. The act began to play top dates and then graduated to radio with their own show. In June 1948, two years after their first appearance together, the duo took America by storm in Ed Sullivan’s Toast Of The Town TV show.
A Hollywood producer caught their nightclub act and signed them to a five-year contract with Paramount, starting in 1949 with the comedy, My Friend Irma, the first of 16 films in which Martin and Lewis were to become box-office gold.
In 1952, they appeared in The Stooge, which seemed like an autobiographical study of a vaudeville double-act like their own, with Martin giving a surprisingly strong performance as a conceited song-and-dance man and drunk. Hollywood insiders didn’t think he had to do too much acting.
Both men were heterosexual, but their friends believed the impressionable and highly emotional Lewis was in awe of Martin and a little in love with him.
It was here that the divergence in their characters became crucial. Lewis was frenetic, obsessive and ambitious, qualities that made the laid-back Martin uncomfortable. As Lewis himself admitted: ‘When the light goes on in the refrigerator, I do 20 minutes.’
Martin observed cynically: ‘At some point he said to himself, “I’m extraordinary, like Chaplin”. From then on nobody could tell him anything. He knew it all.’
As their fame increased, the stresses and strains magnified. Lewis accused his wife, Patti, of having an affair with Martin. There were rumours that the comedy partners had been involved in a violent fist-fight.
Lewis felt himself excluded and sidelined from The Rat Pack, the showbiz entourage surrounding Frank Sinatra, in which Dean Martin was a central figure. ‘The Mob’, it was said of the group’s supposed Mafia links, ‘tolerated Jerry but they loved Dean’.
Lewis told Martin of ‘the love we still have for each other’. Martin replied coldly: ‘You can talk about love all you want. To me, you’re nothing but a dollar sign.’
And so the partnership that had made millions at the box-office ended in bitterness and enmity. Lewis admitted he was in tears, shaking and fearful of the future, but neither would back down.
'The partnership that had made millions at the box-office ended in bitterness and enmity'
Apart from brief formal encounters, there was to be no reconciliation between them for 20 years, and even then it was temporary.
No public explanation was given for the split, and for many years neither man would speak the other’s name. In 2005, ten years after Martin’s death, Lewis published a schmaltzy apologia of his relationship with Martin, entitled, Dean And Me (A Love Story).
To the surprise of Hollywood observers, Lewis’s career survived the loss of Dean Martin. In 1959, Paramount negotiated a new long-term contract with him. ‘Fantastic terms’, said Lewis, ‘the price staggering. I would star in 14 films over the next seven years and get ten million dollars.’
Many of these films – such as The Bellboy, The Nutty Professor, The Patsy, and The Family Jewels — Lewis not only starred in but also wrote and directed.
But his brand of frantic comedy began to go out of style. His name vanished from the list of top money-making stars after 1963. By 1971, public support and financial backing had evaporated.
Lewis, now 45, was no longer an appealing juvenile, and Paramount dropped him. For a time, he taught a film directing class at the University of Southern California, where his students included Steven Spielberg.
His fortunes improved with his performance in Martin Scorsese’s film, The King Of Comedy, in 1983, as a late-night TV host, who is plagued by obsessive fans
In September 1980, after 35 years of marriage, Patti, weary of her husband’s serial infidelity, filed for divorce, claiming $450,000 a year in alimony and half their community property, judged to be worth in excess of $7 million.
Lewis filed for bankruptcy, and Patti eventually received less than one-quarter of the amount she had sought. She was forced to give up her Hollywood home in 1993 and move into a small apartment in West Los Angeles.
When Lewis’s 1963 film, The Nutty Professor, was remade with Eddie Murphy in 1996, Patti went to court to claim Lewis had tried to cut her out of the remake profits, of which she was entitled to 50 per cent.
Lewis married Sandra Pitnick, a dancer half Patti’s age and 25 years his junior. They adopted a daughter, Danielle, on whom Lewis lavished paternal affection, which was in marked contrast to how he had treated his sons.
He disowned his youngest son Joseph in 1989 after he informed a tabloid that his father ‘physically and mentally abused all of his kids on a routine basis’.
When Joseph died of a drug overdose in 2009, Lewis made no comment, and failed even to inform his eldest son, pop musician Gary Lewis, of his brother’s death.
Now that Jerry Lewis has died, his old films will be played and that manic energy will leap from the screen once more. But all the gurning in the world cannot wipe away the traumas this singular performer left in his wake.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Brotherly Love: Why Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin Never Really Broke Up

But, we also gotta 'fess up that with the death of Mr. Lewis comes a awesomely amazin' outpourin' of powerfully potent prose rememberin' Lewis' life and times and thus many many marvelous mentions of our Dino and his decade long remarkable relationship with him. We here at ilovedinomartin are committed to share many many of the touchin' 'n tender tributes to Mr. Lewis that have been scribed and will continue to be scribed in the comin' days.
We begin today on this day after Mr. Lewis' passin' with wonderfully wise words scribed by author Mr. Tim Grierson, a contributing editor for entertainment at "MEL Magazine - How to be a guy."
Mr. Grierson's hugely honorin' homage is tagged "Brotherly Love: Why Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin Never Really Broke Up" and is a marvelous mix of prose and vid clips awesomely accentin' the "brotherly love" relationship that our Dino and Mr. Lewis shared durin' their decade together as well as afterword.
We are proudly pleased to begin our series of posts on the relationship between our Dino and Mr. Lewis with this energetic effort and we shouts out our thank you very much to Mr. Tim Grierson and all the pallies at "Mel Magazine' for this respect reflection of the ubber unique relationship that our Dino and Mr. Lewis shared. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Brotherly Love: Why Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin Never Really Broke Up

Jerry Lewis met Dean Martin in New York in March 1945. As he later recounted in Dean & Me: (A Love Story), Lewis was newly married with a kid on the way, and he was trying to make his name as an oddball comic when he crossed paths with Martin, who instantly captivated him. “Men don’t like to admit it,” Lewis writes in the memoir, “but there’s something about a truly handsome guy who also happens to be truly masculine — what they call a man’s man — that’s as magnetic to us as it is to women. That’s what I want to be like, you think. Maybe if I hang around with him, some of that’ll rub off on me.”
In Martin, who was about nine years older, Lewis (an only child) found an older brother who seemed far more confident and sophisticated than he did as a geeky, insecure teen. “The truth is, funny sentences were always running through my brain: I thought funny,” Lewis wrote in Dean & Me. “But I was ashamed of what would come out if I spoke — that nasal kid’s voice. So I was funny on stage, but I was only part funny: I was still looking for the missing piece.”
Martin was the missing piece, playing the suave straight guy to Lewis’s crazy buffoon. They quickly went from nightclubs to radio to television to movies, the name “Martin and Lewis” becoming synonymous with a kind of high/low comedic assault that merged banter and vaudeville.
The legend of this duo — who were one of the biggest acts of the 1950s — sometimes simplifies the two men into Martin as the dull, crooning dreamboat and Lewis as the hyperactive “monkey,” to use the term Lewis mockingly ascribed to himself. Those simplifications did a disservice to both men, which Lewis acknowledged in his book, giving Martin his due as a comedic mastermind and an expert ad-libber. “Over the next 60 years, I would come to understand it better and better,” he explained of Martin’s talent. “The vast majority of comedians with good rhythm use beats — small hesitations, often with some comic business or other — to set up their jokes. Dean didn’t use beats. I was in the presence of magic.”
But eventually, egos got in the way. On film, Martin may have been the cooler, older brother, but behind the scenes, Lewis had all the control, longing to be seen as the true genius. As Martin later complained, “He read a book about Chaplin,” referring to the iconic screen legend Charlie Chaplin, who wrote, directed and produced his own material. “At some point, [Lewis] said to himself, ‘I’m exactly like Chaplin,’ and from then on no one could tell him anything.” Such frustrations no doubt inspired Martin to once famously lash out at his partner, “[You’re] nothing to me but a fucking dollar sign.”
After 10 years together, Martin and Lewis finally parted ways, both men finding success on their own. Martin became part of the Rat Pack, while Lewis began starring in his own movies, eventually taking the reins of his career by writing and directing features like The Nutty Professor. In that film, Lewis plays his trademark screwball-character type as Julius Kelp, a nerdy scientist who transforms himself into the despicable Buddy Love, a swingin’ lothario that many assumed was supposed to be a savage parody of Lewis’ old partner. (Lewis always denied it.)
But despite the fact that the two performers refused to speak to one another after their split, their association remained, years later, fully cemented in the public’s imagination. As film critic Shawn Levy, who wrote the biography King of Comedy: The Life and Art of Jerry Lewis, observed, “There was a strange hint of something like sexuality between” Martin and Lewis in their films. For instance, they remade romantic comedies but turned them into buddy movies in which Lewis was always the female role.
Also, Levy points out, “There was an unusual physical intimacy to their act — Dean would lift Jerry in his arms like a big baby, they would pat one another’s cheeks, they nearly kissed on camera at times, staring into each other’s eyes with big, sincere grins.”
All of that may be true, but it more accurately translated into brotherly love than any kind of sexual repression. Their partnership, and its aftermath, was everything we’ve come to expect from siblings: contentious, but with a begrudging understanding that the other person knows you better than anyone else. Little wonder that after they split, as Lewis writes in Dean & Me, “I understood how an amputee must feel.”
It wasn’t until their mutual friend Frank Sinatra got them on stage together during the 1976 Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon that they once again shared the spotlight. Sinatra surprised Lewis with Martin’s appearance, which threw the host for a loop. As he recalled later, “I just looked up to heaven and said, ‘Dear God, give me something to say.’”
When Martin died in 1995, Lewis went to the funeral. As he writes in Dean & Me, “I lost my partner and my best friend. The man who made me the man I am today. I think of him with undying respect. I miss him every day I’m still here.”
While Martin and Lewis had gone their separate ways, they never could escape one another.
Just like family.
Tim Grierson is a contributing editor at MEL. He last wrote about whether or not death would be easier to deal with if you could replicate and control your loved ones.
.....and letting Dean Martin’s voice coax my body to sway in a dastard display of playfulness.....

Hey pallies, likes the Dino-truth is that there are ultra ubber unendin' wonderful ways of hugely homagin' our beautifully beloved Dino 'cause pallies 'pon pallies keep fallin' deeper and deeper in love with our main man and greatly gently offer their generous gifts of touchin' and tender talent to swankly share their deepest of deep devotion to our Dino.
Likes today we are thrilled to visit with the swankly solemnly scribed perfectly poetic pad, "ANGIEINSPIRED" where Miss Angie has incredibly inspired to share her poetic prowess in her poem tagged "5 o’clock." We gotta 'fess up that there is always always somethin' so so stunnin'ly special 'bout discoverin' 'nother pallie with the gift of puttin' words on paper, likes 'specially when in poetic form, that simply brings the deepest of deep Dino-pleasure to our bein' and Miss Angie's perfect poetry is no no exception.
Likes we can see Miss Angie "letting Dean Martin's voice coax (her) body to sway!" How wonderfully delight is that Dino-image?!?!?!?! And, how cool of Miss Angie to accompany her coolly crafted thoughts with a youtube vid of our most beloved Dino croonin' the tune "Sway".....marvelously magical indeed pallies! We salute Miss Angie for honorin' our Dino in this wonderful way and helpin' her remarkable readership fondly focus on our one and only Dino. To checks this out in it's original form, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
5 o’clock
hits us
like clockwork
— we’re hungry,
and happy, and
slightly amused
by the bra-lessness
of the five of us
(mother like daughters)
moving our shoulders
hips, and stockinged
feet across the kitchen floor
— the only man ever watching us
croons, “wow you’re beautiful,”
but i’m otherwise interested
in chopping onions and
letting Dean Martin’s voice coax
my body to sway in a dastard
display of playfulness
i often swim in and out of
like the perfumed fish that i am
how did Susie know I danced last night? 😀 for Toads
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In Love Up To My Heart"
Giddy-up, youse little Dino-diggin' tumbleweeds!
I reckon' it's 'bout time for a wee bit o' country croonin' from our GREAT GREAT pony ridin' pal, Tex Martin! Haha!!
Yee Hawww, pallies! Hahaha!!!
It's long over due & I'm missin' that COOL COOL cowboy!
C'mon now!
I said Giddy-up & all that!
I'm tryin' here, pals! Haha!!
Fine...so I'm not much of horse saddler.
I'm still a BIG fan of Dean's country-type tunes!
Youse are too?
Let's get one spinnin'!
This week's Serenade is off Dean's "The Nashville Sessions" al b um & as I've said here before...It's one of the ONLY country al b ums I actually dig!
Just not my bag, mi amici.
Well...let me take that back.
I actually do KINDA dig some of the "older" country jams.
Reminds me of my Dad & growin' up.
That was his thin'. Haha...good ol' Pop!
But...I'm just not into today's "newer" "country pop"...I'll call it.
But, hey...I digs ALL types of music & obviously EVERYTHIN' from our Dino!
Now...that bein' said..."In Love Up To My Heart" is a swingin' little number 'bout gettin' shot by Cupid's arrow...when youse least expects it, mi amici!
I guess we never know just where or when that little dude's bow is pointed straight at us...right between the eyes, pals!!!
So...I suppose if even ol' Dino can be caught off-guard...this could happen to any of us!
Man o' man...it's a crazy game we ALL gets to play...even us city-slicker cowboys! Haha!!
Enjoy pallies!!!
I always left some room to back away
Whenever love would get too close to me
I've always kept my feet on solid ground
And my head out of a cloud, no broken heart for me
But there you were, and there I was off-guard
Not able to protect me from your charm
And I felt myself fallin' further
Closer you got
And I fell in love up to my heart
I fell into love up to my heart
I couldn't stop myself, I went too far
I was standin' on the edge and then
Next thing I knew I had
Fallen in love up to my heart
I can feel myself fallin' more and more
And there's no use in fightin' anymore
'Cause you went to my head and
All my defenses fell apart
And here I am, in love up to my heart
I fell in love up to my heart
I couldn't stop myself, I went too far
I was standin' on the edge and then
Next thing I knew I had
Fallen in love up to my heart
I was standin' on the edge and then
Next thing I knew I had
Fallen in love up to my heart
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Dino at his easygoing zenith.............

the entertainment section of the online presence of "las vegas MAGAZINE".....for Mr. Steve Bornland's swank scribin's tagged "LAS VEGAS: A RECORDED HISTORY." Likes as indicated by the tag of his potent post Mr. Bornfeld remarkably references 23----count 'em----23 al-b-ums recorded live in our Dino's playground....'vegas baby 'vegas!
Well, likes the name of our darin' Dino is lifted up here twice and youse will note below: first, for his part in the awesome al-b-um "The Rat Pack Live at the Sands." and second, for his own amazin' al-b-um, "Dean Martin: An Evening of Music, Laughter and Hard Liquor."
We are perfectly powerfully pleased to see Mr. Bornfield helpin' to keep the Dino-light glowin' ever Dino-bright in his coolest of cool column, with the Dino-portion shared below. We sez our thank youse very much to Bornfield and all the pallies at the "las vegas MAGAZINE" and trust this effort will be used to bring many many more into the Dino-fold. To read this prose in total in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. And, doin' just a wee bit of Dino-searchin' at youtube we found both al-b-ums shared in vid format, so for all youse Dino-holics listenin' pleasure they are shared below.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
AUGUST 18, 2017
Glitz, glamour, razzle-dazzle and razzmatazz—all poured into your ears. For years. Even when you’re not seated in a showroom, plopped in a lounge or on your feet in an arena, the Vegas vibe has always been aurally ubiquitous via classic live albums captured on our stages, which have long been catnip for headlining recording artists (and a few rather unique performers). Determined to keep our toddlin’ town alive in your heart and auditory canals long after you’ve departed our neon nirvana, we’ve arranged a buffet of the most notable selections (with recording dates and hotels/venues, listed in chronological order). Gorge yourself—acoustically speaking.
The Rat Pack Live at the Sands (1963) Obviously the time-capsule choice, chronicling the musical antics of Vegas’ signature merry mob as Frank, Dino, Sammy, Joey and Peter cavort and croon in a zinger-rich romp. As Dino declares, “If you wanna hear me sing serious, buy an album.” Therefore ...

Dean Martin: An Evening of Music, Laughter and Hard Liquor (1964, Sands)Dino at his easygoing zenith, on a 28-tune tear, including “That’s Amore,” “On an Evening in Roma” and the one everyone knows—or should: “Dance With a Dolly with a Hole in Her Stocking.”
Rat Pack - Live At The Sands (1963) (full show)
Dean Martin - An Evening Of Music, Laughter And Hard Liquor
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