Hey pallies, 'Vegas, baby, 'Vegas! If any pad oughta shows our Dino some love, it certainly oughta be our Dino's playground. So, how stellar to discover that in this month of amore Dino-style, that lovin' homage is gonna be paid to our Dino when on February 22 our Dino and the frankie will each get a star in the 'Vegas Walk Of Stars. Likes how truly fab that our great man is finally gonna gets some lovin' from the place that he so loves.
I found this Dino-press-release all over the web announcin' this spectacular Dino-event to happen. Just wishes that I coulda some how be in 'Vegas on the 22nd to personally honor our Dino as he is gettin' the honor that he so so richly deserves.
Wonderin' if there is a Dino-holic out there who just might be able to witness this Dino-historical moment and share some Dino-patter with all of us? If so, please let me know through some Dino-patter. Woulda be so cool to have an on-the-Dino-spot reporter to gives us all the Dino-highlights.
I chose to share this Dino-report from the Kansas City Star Entertainment web pad 'cause it is the only one that included a lovin' pix of our Dino and the frankie. Never saw this lovely Dino-photo before...but truly loves it so so much...doesn't our Dino looks so happy ...if I recall correctly at this time he was currently romancin' 19 year old Miss Andre Boyer who he took with him to the Tarrytown gig.
To view this press release in it's original format, just click on the title of today's Dino-gram. Very cool to know that durin' our month of amorin' our Dino that 'Vegas is gonna spread some Dino-love 'round as well.
As an added Dino-bonus and to show some amore to our Dino, am sharin' the opennin' clip from "Kiss Me Stupid" that features our Dino doin' a bit of his act in 'Vegas, baby, 'Vegas! Enjoys lovin' our Dino pallies o'mine! Dino-psyched, DMP
Sinatra, Martin to receive stars in Las Vegas
Associated Press Writer

Sin City is paying homage to iconic singers Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin by giving them each a place on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars.
Las Vegas Walk of Stars spokesman Pablo Castro Zavala said stars for the crooners would be unveiled Feb. 22 in a ceremony at the Flamingo Las Vegas casino-resort. The stars will then be placed in the sidewalk outside the Flamingo on the Las Vegas Strip.
Sinatra and Martin are icons of Sin City entertainment because of their appearances on stage, in film and on television.
The Rat Pack performers appeared in the 1960 movie "Ocean's Eleven," about a plan to rob five Las Vegas casinos in one night.
Officials say Dean Martin's daughter Deana Martin will accept his star on behalf of her father.
DMP, i got a friends who lives in Las vegas and will try to take some pictures and see what's happening there on 22 of feb. he will be working, but he will try to get some free time and be there... maybe he would share some pics with me after that!
Hey pallie, that woulda be our pallie in common Risen2b...yeah, I am hopin' that he will have some pixs to share with us of this glorious Dino-occasion....
Just read in the local news that besides Dino's daughter, some of the original Golddiggers will be at the ceremony as well.
Hey pallie, thanks for that late-breakin' Dino-update....always glad to here from a pal likes you who is truly in the Dino-know...
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