Hey pallies, can't begins to tell all you Dino-philes how much I loves to read of other entertainers lovin' on our Dino. That is like why I am so delighted, on this 26th day of Dino-amore-month at ilovedinomartin, to share with you a small portion of an interview that Mr. Alex Simon did with renowned Brittish actor Sir Anthony Hopkins that features a vignette of Sir Anthony sharin' his admiration for our Dino.
From the blog, "The Hollywood Interview," comes the post "ANTHONY HOPKINS: The Hollywood Flashback Interview." This post features Mr. Simon's September 2002 interview from Venice Magazine titled "ANTHONY HOPKINS SERVES HIS FINAL COURSE."
While doin' the interview Sir Anthony Hopkins speaks of a number of actors with great fondness....includin' our Dino. Hopkins relates his viewin' of a "marvelous documentary" of our great man in which the jeanne shares some classic memories of our Dino includin' a cool Dino-remebrance of when our Dino was workin' on the flick "Airport"...for which he received a record breakin' cool 7 mil.
Sir Anthony affirms the Dino-tude toward actin' by sayin' "That sums it up for me. Get on with it. Do it. You don't need all this bullshit. Either you can do it, or you can't."
You can read the whole Dino-tale below. And, if you wanna read the whole interview with Sir Anthony Hopkins, just click on the title of this post. We say our thanks to Sir Anthony for speakin' so directly of his Dino-affirmation, and to Mr. Alex Simon for postin' his interview with Sir Anthony. On this twenty-sixth day of Dino-amore-month, it just makes me so happy pallies to share 'nother great actor's love of our great man!!!! Dino-devotedly, DMP

I just saw a marvelous documentary about Dean Martin a few weeks ago. His widow was talking, and she said "Dino loved movies. He loved acting, but he never took it seriously." And Dean Martin was very good, as was Frank Sinatra and all those guys. All those guys, they didn't try to be Marlon Brando. They just did what they did. There's another great story that Martin's widow told: during the filming of Airport (1970), Dino was doing this scene and the actress playing opposite him was sitting in the corner, being very Method about it, keeping everyone waiting. Finally, Dino walks over to her and says "Honey, neither of us is going to win an Oscar for this, let's just do the scene so we can go home." (laughs) That sums it up for me. Get on with it. Do it. You don't need all this bullshit. Either you can do it, or you can't.
during the filming of Airport (1970), Dino was doing this scene and the actress playing opposite him was sitting in the corner, being very Method about it, keeping everyone waiting. Finally, Dino walks over to her and says "Honey, neither of us is going to win an Oscar for this, let's just do the scene so we can go home."
Wasn't Dino nominated for his work in Airport, though? If so, quite the irony in his statement.
Oops! I think that I was wrong with that previous comment. **sigh**
Hey pallie, I don't think that our Dino ever got an Oscar nomination...although much of his work was truly worthy of such honor...but to know that our Dino got paid 7 mil...(more then anyone had gotten paid for one flick before) for doin' "Airport" was truly the best honor that our great man coulda gotten...
Hey pallie, likes no problemo...always so great to hear from our Dino-lovin' teach...have the bestest of best day in Dino...
Clearly, Dean should have been nominated for The Young Lions, Toys in the Attic, and Ada, all of which were serious films. At least, that's my opinion.
Hey pallie, I'm with ya all the way....I woulda also include "Rio Bravo" among the greatest of the great Dino-flicks
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