Hey pallies, likes here is some late breakin' Dino-news from our pallie Mr. Mark Heimback-Nielsen over at his "popculturefanboy" pad. Today is a very important day in Dino-history...this day, February 13, in the year of our Dino 1962 our great man said no to Capitol Records to renew his contract and moved over to his pallie frankie's new label Reprise.
Our Dino is always the man of action, always the man who lives life on his own terms, and by sayin' no to Capitol, he created his own production company, Claude Productions, and thus had the power to control his own destiny!
Thanks to Mr. Mark for showin' such Dino-love and sharin' this Dino-detail with us. To read his whole post, just click on the title of this Dino-gram. Pallies like Mr. Mark Heimback-Nielsen are helpin' others to gain Dino-knowledge and grow in their Dino-devotion.
I always loves to learn more Dino-history and spread it to others. Each Dino-detail helps us to know, love, and honor our Dino to the max!!!! Dino-thankfully, DMP
1962 - After releasing 11 albums with the label, Dean Martin refuses to renew his contract with Capitol Records. Martin will sign with Reprise Records and start his own production company, Claude Productions, so that he can keep all rights and exclusive ownership of his work from then on.
Awww! No really, Dino was a good businessman. Not so hot in the personal department tho.
Hey pallie, woulda you say more 'bout "Awww! No really"...haven't caught your Dino-drift...... "Not so hot in the personal department tho.".....gotta say this for our Dino, he was the one who called the shots....and if the shot wasn't the best choice....it was always our great man who walked the other way...never the chick...
I was teasing with the "Awww" cause I see your stuff everyday and usually can only say "Awwww." Wanted to actually comment on this post.
I agree about Dino always being the one to walk away. And it is also interesting that none of the three Mrs. ever remarried. Guess no other guy measured up! I just feel badly that he didn't find happiness at the end because he so deserved it.
Hey pallie, haha....likes I takes our Dino so seriously...thanks for helpin' me lighten up a bit...sure that is what our Dino woulda wants me to do...and I was thinkin' the same Dino-fact...none of the trio of chicks that got to call our Dino husband ever tried again...can't beat Dino-perfection....and as hard as I search I can never find anythin' 'bout Cathy with the candified K or even some of our Dino's other amores like 19 year old Deanager Andre Boyer or beauty queen Gail Renshaw.....gotta say to the happiness thought....our DINO IS HAPPINESS and no one else woulda likes be able to bring it to him....your thoughts Miss Sannie?
Hey DMP. I just try to look at things in a humorful way. Otherwise I would go nuts. But I have to say when I think of Dean it is always with a tinge of sadness that his ending was lonely.
I don't know what happened with that Cathy person either. She was real bad news for the man.
First Frank and then Dino was too much to Capitol Records at sixties but Capitol was a great company with great musicians that helped Frank's and Dino's music to be the best.
Hey pallie, yup...that's the way our Dino does it...with much humor...and the Cathy...well at least our Dino didn't take very long to move on.....
Hey pallie, man, thanks for the Dino-patter....indeed our Dino used Capitol while it was to his advantage...and then moved on...that's our Dino always lookin' forward to what was best for him and his....
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