Man, oh, man, what a great Dino-tunity willa this be to introduce our Dino to the youthful mods of South Saint Louis. Can't you just see the neuveau hipsters turnin' on to our Dino as many of 'em, probably for the first time, see the King of Cool in action. Likes justa so wishes that I coulda be there to experience the Dino-euphoria that will certainly be fillin' the Way Out Club.
Any of you pallies live within drivin' distance of South Saint Louis?.....woulda loves to hear a Dino-report of this groovy Dino-experience! So as we are 'bout to close out our Dino-amore-month celebration here at ilovedinomartin, we salute the Way Out Club dudes for bringin' Dino to this club and helpin' more and more youthful guys and gals to knowin', lovin', and honorin' our Dino. Thanks to a dude tagged Travis from the pad "We Are Movie Geeks" for postin' this. To read this in it's original format, just click on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP

Super-8 Movie Madness with Live Music!
“SUPER-8 MOVIE MADNESS WITH LIVE MUSIC” will be held on Tuesday March 2 from 8pm to Midnight at the Way Out Club. This month we will be doing something a little different. In addition 14 sound films, we will be showing two silent films that will be accompanied onstage live by a talented musician named ‘Ellen the Felon’ on keyboards! The cover charge is still a bargain at a measly $3.00. There will be movie passes, T-Shirts and poster giveaways again this time. If you’re not familiar with the madness, here’s a brief rundown: Remember (before video tapes) the Super-8 films they used to sell in the 1950’s and 60’s that were condensed versions of features? In the 1970’s they sold SOUND versions of these films and 16 of these will be projected on a large screen at the Way Out Club (they average about 15 minutes each).
Condensed versions of the following films will be screened March 2: ANIMAL HOUSE, Dean Martin as Matt Helm in MURDERERS ROW, LOGANS RUN, Christopher Lee in DRACULA PRINCE OF DARKNESS, REVENGE OF THE CREATURE, ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, Boris Karloff in SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, Don Knotts in THE RELUCTANT ASTRONAUT, Peter Fonda in DIRTY MARY CRAZY LARRY, Sissy Spacek in CARRIE, EQUINOX, Lon Chaney in PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, a new chapter from 7TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD, a PSYCHO promo reel hosted by Alfred Hitchcock, and encore screenings of JAWS and The Little Rascals in THE KID FROM BORNEO (“Yum Yum Eat ‘em Up!”)
The Way Out Club is located at 2525 Jefferson Avenue in South St. Louis (corner of Jefferson and Sidney). The Way Out is a 21+ club with a full bar and they sell yummy Way Out Pizzas for $8.00 so make an evening of it. Spread the word to all St. Louis-area movie-lovers. Come to the Way Out March 2 and experience the Madness!
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