Hey pallies, been lookin' far and wide to find some info on our Dino's bein' "starred" by the Las Vegas Walk Of Stars. Here is all that I turned up. From the NPR site comes this pix and a bit of commentary. To view this in it's orginal format, just click on the tagg of this Dino-gram. And, certainly if I find more Dino-info I will be passin' it on to all my Dino-holic pallies here. In our Dino, DMP

LAS VEGAS - FEBRUARY 22: Singer Deana Martin (C), daughter of Dean Martin, and members of The Golddiggers, singers and dancers from The Dean Martin Show (L-R), Sheila Allan, Susie Ewing, Suzy Cadham and Rosie Gitlin appear during a Las Vegas Walk of Stars dedication ceremony for entertainment legends Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin at the Flamingo Las Vegas February 22, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The stars will eventually be placed on the sidewalk in front of the Flamingo.
What a great night. I would like to go someday to Las Vegas and see that brilliant stars...
Hey pallie, absolutely, and I wanna goes to our Dino's playground as well....thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter....
Does anyone know if Jeanne was attending this event?
Great post, DMP : )
Hey pallie, if you listen to the Bonnie Hunt interview, you'll find the Dino-answer....
yeah, i heard what Deana said about Jeanne not feeling to well... but i though she was attending the ceremony, but not the show.. ops, my bad : p
by the way DMP, do you have Skype? And where is Ed?
Hey pallie, I thought that Deana said that the jeanne was not there 'cause she was not feelin' well....again in her Dino-bio she dissed the jeanne, and now it seems that all is lovey dovey....again her attitude has changed as she tries to ride the family Martin tails to fame and fortune...
Hey pallie, btw, no skype and ever since our Ed moved near the end of last year, we have not heard much from him....I think he's takin' a good deal of time to settle in...hopes that he will return in full Dino-force one of these here Dino-days...he is the best at writin' Dino-prose for Dino-sure....
I do agree with you on that one!
But i my self, was in that kind of situation not that long ago (minus great performer for a father : p)
and you know, me and my dad didn't get a long too well, but now we are like best friends.. so you know, feelings and people change... even after death! Maybe she has finely realized how great of a father Dino really was!
Yeah, i'v talked a little with him before i went to Italy and Russia.. he did tell me that he had a lot of work and other stuff to do.. hopefully he will soon be back :)
By the way, you know what crazy idea i had this morning? What will it take for me to become of of the "writhers! here on ilovedinomartin? well and off course if you want me here as well: p?
Hey pallie, perhaps, but I thinks more likely she found the gravy train to be much more rich for linin' her pockets if she makes nice 'bout her Dino-daddy-o...you comprehendo? btw, delighted to learn that you and your daddy-o are havin' good times together...
Thank you, DMP :)
Hey pallie, you probably ain't gonna likes my answer...but I tries to be as straight a shooter as our Dino....if you wanna be a writer for ilovedinomartin you would have to do so exclusively for ilovedinomartin...meanin' that you would have to surrender your own blog....which I do not expect you to do.
Besides, I think that it is grand to have more then one blog focused on our Dino....so I hopes that you will simply continue to show your Dino-passion at your own blog. If at sometime you want to do you Dino-work exclusively at ilovedinomartin we can speak further...
Hey pallie, you are most Dino-welcome...havin' a great relationship with your daddy-o will simply enhance your relationship with our Dino....
Oh, no no no! I totally understand it! An di think i could never stop blogging at my blog : p
Well, then we can talk more about this here if i got something good to share with you and Ed on ilovedinomartin :)
ps: do you have e-mail address? There is one Dino video that i'v been working on for some time now, and it seems that i need someones opinion on it.. if you got e-mail address for me, i could just send it to you :)
So so true, DMP :)!
Hey pallie, glads you comprehendo....you can aways email me at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com...woulda loves to see your Dino-efforts....
Hey pallie, indeed the more you and your daddy-o are close, the more you can share your Dino-passion with him and share in the true Dino-devotion....no longer does our Dino have to replace your father figure....his influence in your life is just on a different and higher level....
Thank you so so much for your kind words DMP :)! It's truly an honor to have you as a Dino pallie!
Hey pallie, the feelin' is mutual...there are many who claim to love our Dino...but those that put their Dino-devotion into Dino-action are truly few and far between....you are a shinin' example of one of today's youth that knows, loves, and honors our Dino...bringin' many more to true Dino-love...
Thanks, DMP! I just do what i love the most :)
PS: I'v just posted Dino on Hollywood Palace, take a look :) Is there any movies or videos that you would like me to post on my YT channel?
Hey pallie, and what could be more worthwhile then sharin' your Dino-passion....will have to gets a look when I gets some time....so much Dino, so little Dino-time...d'ya by chance have our Dino in "Ada"?
No, that's actually the one i don't own : ( but i'm trying to get my hands on it!
Hey pallie, ha..ha...leaves it to this Dino-holic to requests one of the few pieces of Dino-treasure that is not in your Dino-possession....gotta loves it...
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