All the Dino-details are yet to be posted, but though an early reminder, 'specially durin' our month of amorin' Dino was truly in Dino-order. Just 'bout four months away, hopes many of you Dino-holics plans to make you way to Dino-mecca for all this Dino-love-in. To goes to the Dino-ville pad directly, as per usual, just click on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Lots of links there to gets you Dino-motivated.
Below is the header from the Dino-fest site, and a great Dino-montage with many Dino-pixs that I have never seen before. (btw, if you clicks on the montage you will get to view it in all it's Dino-glory.) We thanks all the Steu-ville pallies for hostin' this Dino-event every single Dino-year to bring the Dino-faithful together to loves on our Dino! In Dino, DMP

I guess what's-her-name will be showing up to sell her CDs. :)
Hey pallie, likes you woulda be speakin' of our Dino's girlpallie Deana...and yes, sorry to day, that will be the Dino-case...she appears to be front and center 'gain this Dino-year....comfortin' to know there is someone else on the same Dino-page as I recall, it was over this particular Dino-challenge that we first spoke....
Indeed it was. Nobody else notices this but the two of us?
Hey pallie, likes that is a great Dino-quirie....there has to be lots of true lovers of our Dino who feel the same way...but for whatever reason they don't speak it.....and the cool thin' is how our Dino used are like-Dino-mindedness to bring us in Dino-communicato!!!!!
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