Hey pallies, likes we've reached the 31st of December, the last day of the Dino-winter-month celebration, the last day of this ol' Dino-year. Thinkin' 'bout how to end our Dino-seasonal celebratin' and ringin' out the ol' year, thoughts that I would simple share a fav Dino-pix and a fav Dino-vid.
The Dino-pix and vid comes from that moment in Dino-history when our great man sang the marshmallow tune for a Bob Hope wintertime special. Yeah, I knows that I have posted that vid so so many times durin' this Dino-wintery celebration, but I am likes so smitten with the Dino-image and Dino-clip pallies! You ask why such Dino-affinity to 'em?
Well seems to this Dinoholic that the image and clip captures the regally royal nature of our Dino so very very well: our Dino sittin' on his kingly throne of plush green velvet, in his royal tux attire, usin' his cigarette likes a scepter, pontificatin' on the cool condition of his kingdom durin' the wintery season.
We proclaim our Dino the "King Of Cool" and indeed this photo still and these brief moments of videotape ooze cool and regal us with his kingly presence.
So, as we finds ourself on the edge of a comin' new Dino-year, we pay homage to our Dino and celebrate bein' a part of his world. Stay tuned for much more Dino in '10. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Hey pallies, well our Dino-winter-month celebration is nearin' the end...'nother great year of lovin' our Dino draweth nigh. But, likes pallies today's Dinopost is goin' heat thin's up as much of the earth is turnin' colder.
Today we turn to a post shared by Mr. Rudy Panucci in his cyber column "PopCult" at the Charleston Gazette web pad. Pallie Panucci shares some quality Dino-commentary and stellar Dino-clip-examples on his Dino-themed essay "The Subversive Comedy Of Dean Martin."
Our pallie Rudy really 'gets Martin' and speaks insightfully of our Dino and his amazin' show by sayin' "how progressive and subversive the comedy on the show was." Mr. Panucci reminds us that our Dino is a man way ahead of his time and leadin' way to new ways of bein' and thinkin' and doin'.
It is truly such a thrill to find columnists like Mr. Rudy Panucci liftin' up the name of our Dino and sharin' such amazin' insights into the life, times, and workin' of our great man.
Deep Dino-thanks to pallie Panucci for helpin' other to growin' in their Dinoknowledge and Dino-appreciation. His post is such a wonderful gift in spreadin' the Dino-word and a great way of startin' to bring this ol' Dino-year to a close.
To view Mr. Rudy Panucci's Dino-prose in it's original format, please clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-psyched, DMP
Sunday Evening Video: The Subversive Comedy Of Dean Martin
The Dean Martin Variety Show was one of the highest-rated shows on TV in the 1960s, but people forget how progressive and subversive the comedy on the show was. Martin introduced American audiences to Monty Python and Marty Feldman, and at a time when the racial divide in this country was rarely breached, the Dean Martin show regularly featured stand-up comedy from the then-young Bill Cosby and Flip Wilson. The show also addressed what could have been touchy social issues in the patented Rat Pack “who cares as long as nobody gets hurt” manner.
In the above clip, a recurring bit where Nipsy Russell and Dom DeLuise played the “NBC Barbers” who would be cutting the hair of that week’s guest, the guest is Peter Sellers, who discovered earlier in the day that he could reduce Martin to tears by doing a campy “gay” voice. Without any prior warning, he began the sketch, in which he was supposed to be speaking normally as himself, using that voice. You can see how it caught Russell and DeLuise off guard, but when Dino enters the sketch it really takes off.
The cool thing about The Dean Martin Show was that Martin never rehearsed. He’d walk in at the last minute and read his lines off the cue cards, often ad-libbing just to mess with his well-rehearsed co-stars. After the jump check out some more clips from The Dean Martin Show, featuring Goldie Hawn, Don Rickles, and more. This was the heyday of the show, not the last few years when the show was reduced to cranked-out celebrity “roasts.” These are examples why, in the history of comedy, Dean Martin matters.
Finally, here’s Dom DeLuise and Orson Welles on The Dean Martin Show, doing a sketch originally written by Marty Feldman and Tim Brooke-Taylor for “At Last, The 1948 Show” for the BBC.
This entry was posted on Sunday, December 27th, 2009 at 12:50 pm
Hey pallies, likes y'all knows how much I digs to promote Dino-posts from other bloggers who shows their deep Dino-love my sharin' our Dino with their readers. Wells, when 'nother blogger choses to repost a Dino-gram from our humble Dino-blog, I'm like so so totally Dino-delighted. Today's Dino-gram is from our great Dino-holicly inclined pallie Andy from Singapore.
It's a repostin' of come of my Dino-rememberin' comments shared here first on December 27. To goes to Andy's fun-lovin' blog, "Sinapore 60's Music," just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post.
So, on this 29th day of Dino-winter-month, I says my thanks to our great Dino-devoted pallie Andy for liftin' up the life and times of our Dino and spreadin' the word 'bout our little ilovedinomartin Dino-conclave. Dino-honorin', DMP
Monday, December 28, 2009
Remembering Dean Martin - From Andy To DMP FROM DMP's BLOG: "Hey pallies well our month of Dino-remembrance started windin' down. But, still a few more Dino-days to honor our Dino and his passin' on Dino-winter-day... Gotta 'fess up that I just had to share this trib to be able to one more time share my fav of fav Dino-seasonal clips....loves this version of the white stuff more then I can ever say. To read this in it's original format, clicks on: http://ilovedinomartin.blogspot.com/ (On December, 25th in 1995, actor and singer Dean Martin dies at the age of 78. Martin was born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville, Ohio, in 1917. From then on it's show biz history when this great man - Elvis Presley's idol and favourite singer -flooded the 50's to the 90's with his magical, music and movie moments. Long live Dino Martin.)
Hey pallies, likes we are inchin' our way to a new Dino-year...wonderin' if any of you pallies have gotten you Dino-resolutions figured out yet? Well on this 28th day of Dino-winter-month we continue to showcase 'nother fine trib to our Dino on the remembrance date of his passin'
Today's entry comes from the "The Music's Over" pad over at wordpress and to view this in it's original format, again, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Enjoys the Dino-portrait, the Dino-details, and the Dino-clip of "That's Amore."
Again, so encouragin' to see 'nother site rememberin' and honorin' our Dino on the day of his passin'...and every time the life and legacy of our Dino is liftin' up, we just never know how many more pallies come to know, love, and totally dig our King of Cool! Dinoencouraged, DMP
Died On This Date (December 25, 1995) Dean Martin
Posted by themusicsover.com on December 25, 2009
Dean Martin (Born Dino Crocetti)
June 7, 1917 - December 25, 1995
Dean Martin was a pop music, television and film star who was one of the biggest names in entertainment during the ’60s and ’70s. He and his pals, Frank Sinatra, Joey Bishop, Peter Lawford and Sammy Davis, Jr. were collectively known as the Rat Pack around Hollywood and beyond. Besides hanging out together, they shared many legendary performances in Las Vegas. Martin’s recording career was dotted with numerous hits throughout the years, including “That’s Amore,” “Everybody Loves Somebody,” and “Volare.” His charisma, rugged good looks, and (mostly fake) public drinking made him the “King of Cool” and a pop culture icon. Following the tragic death of his son Dean Paul in 1987, Martin all but faded from the public eye. He made occasional special appearances mostly in honor of his Rat Pack buddies. In 1993, he was diagnosed with lung cancer along with kidney and liver problems. Dean Martin was 78 when he died of respiratory failure on Christmas Day, 1995.
Hey pallies, well our month of Dino-remembrance started windin' down. But, still a few more Dino-days to honor our Dino and his passin' on Dino-winter-day.
Today, on the 27th day of our Dino-seasonal celebratin' we thank the good folks at Hollywood Outbreak who put together this special Dino-memorial to our great man....a great pix of our Dino 'long with some Dino-bits of his life and times....AND....that stellar Dino-winter-clip of our Dino singin' the "Marshmallow Song" from a Bob Hope Winter Special.
Gotta 'fess up that I just had to share this trib to be able to one more time share my fav of fav Dino-seasonal clips....loves this version of the white stuff more then I can ever say. To read this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram.
I am so awe struck by the many and varied tribs that our Dino always receives in rememberin' that saddest of sad days when he left us for the great beyond. The Dino-legacy just keeps glowin'and growin'....spreadin' the Dino-message and givin' Dino-cheer the world 'round. Dino-honorin', DMP
25 Dec 2009
On this day in 1995, actor and singer Dean Martin dies at the age of 78. Martin was born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville, Ohio, in 1917. After working as a prizefighter and a steelworker, Martin started a nightclub act. In 1946, he teamed up with comedian Jerry Lewis, and they became one of the most successful comedy duos of all time. A hit with live audiences and on television, Lewis and Martin made 16 movies together over 10 years, starting with My Friend Irma in 1949. After the duo split up, Martin launched his own TV variety show, which ran from 1965 to 1974. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Martin teamed up with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop to perform in Las Vegas. The group, known as the Rat Pack, made several movies together in the early 1960s, including Ocean’s Eleven (1960), Sergeants Three 1962), and Robin and the Seven Hoods (1964).
Hey pallies, likes greetin's on this 26th day of Dino-winter-month...hopes all you pallies found ways to remember and honor our Dino on the day of his passin' from this existence. Wasn't able to get on line yesterday, so am playin' some catch up with Dino-'lerts and have found some wonderful tribs in honor of Dino that were shared in the last couple of days...and I plan to post some of 'em as we move through the last few days of our Dino-seasonal remembrance.
Today's Dino-post comes from a blogg tagged "Poe Forward" where Mr. Poe has shared the most worderfully massive Dino-remembrance....full of lovin' commentary on our Dino's life and times with a huge number of heart-warmin' Dino-clips and Dino-pixs to enhance the Dino-presentation. To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram.
I can't express my total Dino-delight to see a blogger like Poe showin' such interest in honorin' our Dino is such a stellar way. It just so warms my Dino-heart to see others so so tenderly rememberin' our Dino. Hopes all you pallies will takes the time to read each and every Dino-word hear and enjoys the Dino-clips and Dino-images as well.
My deep thanks to Dino-lovin' Poe for showin' such unabashed Dino-affection! Dinodevotedly, DMP
Friday, December 25, 2009
Deathday: Dean Martin
Dean Martin (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was an American singer, film actor and comedian. He was one of the best known musical artists of the 1950s and 1960s. Martin's hit singles included "Memories Are Made of This", "That's Amore", "Everybody Loves Somebody", "Mambo Italiano", "Sway", "Volare" and "Ain't That A Kick In The Head?". One of the leaders of the "Rat Pack", he was a major star in four areas of show business: concert stage/night clubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television.
Nicknamed the "King of Cool," Dean Martin became a pop culture icon for his music, his trademark charm and his drinking, although his glass while on stage contained apple juice. He was much respected wherever he went, and became a sort of unofficial ambassador of the Italian-American community.
Early life Born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville, Ohio to Italian immigrant parents, Gaetano and Angela Crocetti (née Barra), his father was an immigrant from Abruzzo, Italy and his mother was an Italian American of part Neapolitan and part Sicilian. Martin was the younger of two sons. He had one brother, Bill. Martin spoke only Italian until he started school at the age of five. He attended Grant Elementary School in Steubenville, Ohio and took up the drums as a hobby as a teenager. He was the target of much ridicule for his broken English and ultimately dropped out from Steubenville High School in the 10th grade because he thought that he was smarter than his teachers. He delivered bootleg liquor, served as a speakeasy croupier, wrote crafty anecdotes, was a blackjack dealer, worked in a steel mill and boxed as welterweight. He grew up a neighbor to Jimmy the Greek. At the age of 15, he was a boxer who billed himself as "Kid Crochet". His prizefighting years earned him a broken nose (later fixed), a permanently split lip, and many sets of broken knuckles (a result of not being able to afford the tape used to wrap boxers' hands). He lost 11 of his 12 bouts. For a time, he roomed with Sonny King, who, like Martin, was just starting in show business and had little money. It is said that Martin and King held bare-knuckle matches in their apartment, fighting until one of them was knocked out; people paid to watch. Eventually, Martin gave up boxing. He worked as a roulette stickman and croupier in an illegal casino behind a tobacco shop where he had started as a stock boy. At the same time, he sang with local bands. Calling himself "Dino Martini" (after the then-famous Metropolitan Opera tenor, Nino Martini), he got his first break working for the Ernie McKay Orchestra. He sang in a crooning style influenced by Harry Mills (of the Mills Brothers), among others. In the early 1940s, he started singing for bandleader Sammy Watkins, who suggested he change his name to Dean Martin.
In October 1941, Martin married Elizabeth Anne McDonald. During their marriage (ended by divorce in 1949), they had four children. Martin worked for various bands throughout the early 1940s, mostly on looks and personality until he developed his own singing style. Martin famously flopped at the Riobamba when he succeeded Frank Sinatra there in 1943, but it was the setting for his introduction.
Martin repeatedly sold 10 percent shares of his earnings for up front cash. He apparently did this so often that he found he had sold over 100 percent of his income. Such was his charm that most of his lenders forgave his debts and remained friends.
Drafted into the United States Army in 1944 during World War II, Martin served a year stationed in Akron, Ohio. He was then reclassified as 4-F (possibly due to a double hernia; Jerry Lewis referred to the surgery Martin needed for this in his autobiography) and was discharged.
By 1946, Martin was doing relatively well, but was still little more than an East Coast nightclub singer with a common style, similar to that of Bing Crosby. He drew audiences to the clubs he played, but he inspired none of the fanatic popularity enjoyed by Sinatra.
Mafia Connections A biography on Martin titled Dean Martin: King of the Road by Michael Freedland alleges he had links to the Mafia early in his career. Martin allegedly was given help with his singing career by mob bosses who owned saloons in Chicago, Illinois. In return, he later performed in shows hosted by these bosses when he was a star. The mob bosses were Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana. The author suggests Martin felt little sympathy for the Mafia and only did them small favors if it was not inconvenient for him. Reportedly, the FBI's bugs once picked up a mafioso making plans to injure or even kill Martin because of a perceived lack of gratitude. Another book, The Animal in Hollywood by John L. Smith, depicted Dean Martin's longtime friendship with Mafia mobsters Johnny Roselli and Anthony Fiato. The author suggests Anthony Fiato (a/k/a "the Animal") did Dean Martin many favors, such as getting back money from two swindlers who had cheated Betty Martin, Dean's ex-wife, out of thousands of dollars of her alimony.
Teaming with Jerry Lewis Martin attracted the attention of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Columbia Pictures, but a Hollywood contract was not forthcoming. He seemed destined to remain on the nightclub circuit until he met a comic named Jerry Lewis at the Glass Hat Club in New York, where both men were performing. Martin and Lewis formed a fast friendship which led to their participation in each other's acts and the ultimate formation of a music-comedy team. More than a few people dubbed them "The Organ Grinder and the Monkey".
Martin and Lewis' official debut together occurred at Atlantic City's 500 Club on July 24, 1946, and they were not well received. The owner, Skinny D'Amato, warned them that if they did not come up with a better act for their second show later that night, they would be fired. Huddling together in the alley behind the club, Lewis and Martin agreed to "go for broke", to throw out the pre-scripted gags and to improvise. Dean sang and Jerry came out dressed as a busboy, dropping plates and making a shambles of both Martin's performance and the club's sense of decorum until Lewis was chased from the room as Martin pelted him with breadrolls. They did slapstick, reeled off old vaudeville jokes, and did whatever else popped into their heads at the moment. This time, the audience doubled over in laughter. This success led to a series of well-paying engagements on the Eastern seaboard, culminating in a triumphant run at New York's Copacabana. Patrons were convulsed by the act, which consisted primarily of Lewis interrupting and heckling Martin while he was trying to sing, and ultimately the two of them chasing each other around the stage and having as much fun as possible. The secret, both said, is that they essentially ignored the audience and played to one another.
A radio series commenced in 1949, the same year Martin and Lewis were signed by Paramount producer Hal Wallis as comedy relief for the movie My Friend Irma.
Martin liked California which, because of its earthquakes, had few tall buildings. Suffering as he did from claustrophobia, Martin almost never used elevators, and climbing stairs in Manhattan's skyscrapers was not his idea of fun.
Their agent, Abby Greshler, negotiated for them one of Hollywood's best deals: although they received only a modest $75,000 between them for their films with Wallis, Martin and Lewis were free to do one outside film a year, which they would co-produce through their own York Productions. They also had complete control of their club, record, radio and television appearances, and it was through these endeavors that they earned millions of dollars.
Although there had been hugely successful film teams before, Hollywood had not seen anything like Martin and Lewis. The fun they had together set them apart from everything else done at the time. Both were talented entertainers, but the fact that they were good friends on and off stage took their act to a new level.
Martin and Lewis were the hottest act in America during the early 1950s, but the pace and the pressure took its toll. Most critics underestimated Dean's contribution to the team, as he had the thankless job of the straight man, and his singing had yet to develop into the unique style of his later years. Critics praised Lewis, and while they admitted that Martin was the best partner he could have, most claimed Lewis was the real talent and could succeed with anyone. However, Lewis always praised his partner, and while he appreciated the attention he was getting, he has always said the act would never have worked without Dean Martin. In Dean & Me, he calls Martin one of the great comic geniuses of all time. But the harsh comments from the critics, as well as frustration with the formulaic similarity of Martin & Lewis movies, which producer Hal Wallis stubbornly refused to change, led to Martin's dissatisfaction. He put less enthusiasm into the work, leading to escalating arguments with Lewis. They finally could not work together, especially after Martin told his partner he was "nothing to me but a dollar sign." The act broke up in 1956, 10 years to the day from the first official teaming.
Splitting up their partnership was not easy. It took months for lawyers to work out the details of terminating many of their club bookings, their television contracts, and the dissolution of York Productions. There was intense public pressure for them to stay together.
Lewis had no trouble maintaining his film popularity alone, but Martin, unfairly regarded by much of the public and the motion picture industry as something of a spare tire, found the going hard. His first solo film, Ten Thousand Bedrooms, was a box office failure. He was still popular as a singer, but with rock and roll surging to the fore, the era of the pop crooner was waning. It looked like Martin's fate was to be limited to nightclubs and to be remembered as Jerry Lewis's former partner.
The CBS film, "Martin and Lewis", a made-for-TV movie about the famous comedy duo, starred Jeremy Northam as Martin, and Sean Hayes as Lewis. It depicted the years from 1946-1956.
Solo career Never totally comfortable in films, Martin wanted to be known as a real actor. Though offered a fraction of his former salary to co-star in a war drama, The Young Lions (1957), he agreed so he could learn from Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift. Tony Randall already had the part, but talent agency MCA realized that with this movie, Martin would become a triple threat: they could make money from his work in night clubs, movies, and records. Martin replaced Randall in one of the best dramatic roles of the decade and the film turned out to be the beginning of Martin's spectacular comeback. Success would continue as Martin starred alongside Frank Sinatra for the first time in a highly acclaimed Vincente Minnelli drama, Some Came Running. By the mid '60s, Martin was a top movie, recording, and nightclub star, while Lewis' film career declined. Martin was acclaimed for his performance as Dude in Rio Bravo (1959), directed by Howard Hawks and also starring John Wayne and singer Ricky Nelson. He teamed up again with Wayne in The Sons of Katie Elder (1965), somewhat unconvincingly cast as brothers.
In 1960, Dean Martin was cast in the motion picture version of the Judy Holliday hit stage play Bells Are Ringing. Martin played a satiric variation of his own womanizing persona as Vegas singer "Dino" in Billy Wilder's adult comedy Kiss Me, Stupid (1964) with Kim Novak, and he was not above poking fun at his image in films such as the Matt Helm spy spoofs of the 1960s, in which he was a co-producer.
As a singer, Martin copied the styles of Harry Mills (of the Mills Brothers), Bing Crosby, and Perry Como until he developed his own and could hold his own in duets with Sinatra and Crosby. Like Sinatra, he could not read music, but he recorded more than 100 albums and 600 songs. His signature tune, "Everybody Loves Somebody," knocked The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" out of the number-one spot in the United States in 1964. This was followed by the similarly-styled "The Door is Still Open to My Heart," which reached number six later that year. Elvis Presley was said to have been influenced by Martin, and patterned "Love Me Tender" after his style. Martin, like Elvis, was influenced by country music. By 1965, some of Martin's albums, such as Dean "Tex" Martin, The Hit Sound Of Dean Martin, Welcome To My World and Gentle On My Mind were composed of country and western songs made famous by artists like Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, and Buck Owens. Martin hosted country performers on his TV show and was named "Man Of the Year" by the Country Music Association in 1966.
"Ain't That a Kick in the Head," a song Martin performed in Ocean's Eleven that never became a hit at the time, has enjoyed a spectacular revival in the media and pop culture (which can be traced to its usage in 1993's A Bronx Tale).
For three decades, Martin was among the most popular acts in Las Vegas. Martin sang and was one of the smoothest comics in the business, benefiting from the decade of raucous comedy with Lewis. Martin's daughter, Gail, also sang in Vegas and on his TV show, co-hosting his summer replacement series on NBC. Though often thought of as a ladies' man, Martin spent a lot of time with his family; as second wife Jeanne put it, prior to the couple's divorce, "He was home every night for dinner."
The Rat Pack As Martin's solo career grew, he and Frank Sinatra became close friends. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Martin and Sinatra, along with friends Joey Bishop, Peter Lawford, and Sammy Davis, Jr. formed the legendary Rat Pack, so called by the public after an earlier group of social friends, the Holmby Hills Rat Pack centered on Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, of which Sinatra had been a member.
The Martin-Sinatra-Davis-Lawford-Bishop group referred to themselves as "The Summit" or "The Clan" and never as "The Rat Pack", although this has remained their identity in the popular culture. The men made films together, formed an important part of the Hollywood social scene in those years, and were politically influential (through Lawford's marriage to Patricia Kennedy, sister of President John F. Kennedy).
The Rat Pack were legendary for their Las Vegas performances, which were almost never preannounced. For example, the marquee at the Sands Hotel might read DEAN MARTIN---MAYBE FRANK---MAYBE SAMMY. Las Vegas rooms were at a premium when the Rat Pack would appear, with many visitors sleeping in hotel lobbies or cars to get a chance to see the three men together. Their act (always in tuxedo) consisted of each singing individual numbers, duets and trios, along with much seemingly improvised slapstick and chatter. In the socially-charged 1960s, their jokes revolved around adult themes, such as Sinatra's infamous womanizing and Martin's legendary drinking, as well as many at the expense of Davis's race and religion. Davis famously practiced Judaism and used Yiddish phrases onstage, eliciting much merriment from both his stage-mates and his audiences. It was all good-natured male bonding, never vicious, rarely foul-mouthed, and the three had great respect for each other. The Rat Pack was largely responsible for the integration of Las Vegas. Sinatra and Martin steadfastly refused to appear anywhere that barred Davis, forcing the casinos to open their doors to African-American entertainers and patrons, and to drop restrictive covenants against Jews.
Posthumously, the Rat Pack has experienced a popular revival, inspiring the George Clooney/Brad Pitt "Ocean's" trilogy. An HBO film, "The Rat Pack," starred Joe Mantegna as Martin, Ray Liotta as Sinatra and Don Cheadle as Davis. It depicted their contribution to JFK's election in 1960.
The 1960s and 1970s In 1965, Martin launched his weekly NBC comedy-variety series, The Dean Martin Show, which exploited his public image as a lazy, carefree boozer. It was there that he perfected his famous laid-back persona of the half-drunk crooner suavely hitting on beautiful women with hilarious remarks that would get anyone else slapped, and making snappy if slurred remarks about fellow celebrities during his famous roasts. During an interview he stated, and this may have been tongue-in-cheek, that he had someone record them on cassette tape so he could listen to them; this is evidenced by his comments to this effect on the British TV documentary 'Wine, Women and Song' which was aired in 1983.
The TV show was a huge hit. Dean prided himself on memorizing whole scripts – not merely his own lines. He disliked rehearsing because he firmly believed his best performances were his first. The show's loose format prompted quick-witted improvisation from Dean and the cast. On occasion, he made remarks in Italian, some mild obscenities that brought angry mail from offended, Italian-speaking viewers. This prompted a battle between Martin and NBC censors, who insisted on more scrutiny of the show's content. The show was often in the Top Ten. Martin, deeply appreciative of the efforts of the show's producer, his friend Greg Garrison, later made a handshake deal giving Garrison, a pioneer TV producer in the 1950s, 50% ownership of the show. However, the validity of that ownership is currently the subject of a lawsuit brought by NBC Universal.
Despite Martin's reputation as a heavy drinker — a reputation perpetuated via his vanity license plates reading 'DRUNKY' — he was remarkably self-disciplined. He was often the first to call it a night, and when not on tour or on a film location liked to go home to see his wife and children. Shirley MacLaine in her autobiography confirmed that Martin was sipping apple juice (not liquor) most of the time onstage. He borrowed the lovable-drunk shtick from Joe E. Lewis, but his convincing portrayals of heavy boozers in Some Came Running and Howard Hawks's Rio Bravo led to unsubstantiated claims of alcoholism. More often than not, Martin's idea of a good time was playing golf or watching TV, particularly westerns – not staying with Rat Pack friends Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr. into the early hours of the morning.
Martin starred in and co-produced a series of four Matt Helm superspy comedy adventures. A fifth, The Ravagers, was planned starring Sharon Tate and Martin in a dual role, one as a serial killer, but due to the murder of Tate and the decline of the spy genre the film was never made.
By the early 1970s, Martin seemed to have the Midas touch, The Dean Martin Show was still earning solid ratings, and although he was no longer a Top 40 hitmaker, his record albums continued to sell well. His name on a marquee could guarantee casinos and nightclubs a standing-room-only crowd. He found a way to make his passion for golf profitable by offering his own signature line of golf balls. Shrewd investments had greatly increased Martin's personal wealth; at the time of his death, Martin was reportedly the single largest minority shareholder of RCA stock. Martin even managed to cure himself of his claustrophobia by reportedly locking himself in the elevator of a tall building and riding up and down for hours until he was no longer panic-stricken.
Despite his success Martin retreated from show business by the early 1970s. The final (1973-74) season of his variety show would be retooled into one of celebrity roasts, requiring less of Martin's involvement. After the show's cancellation, NBC continued to air the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast format in a series of TV specials through 1984. In those 11 years, Dean and his panel of pals successfully ridiculed and made fun of legendary stars like Bob Hope, Jimmy Stewart, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball and Ronald Reagan, to name a few. For nearly a decade, Dean had recorded as many as four albums a year for Reprise Records. That stopped in November 1974, when Martin recorded his final Reprise album - Once In A While, released in 1978. His last recording sessions were for Warner Brothers Records. An album titled The Nashville Sessions was released in 1983, from which he had a hit with "(I Think That I Just Wrote) My First Country Song," which was recorded with Conway Twitty and made a respectable showing on the country charts. A follow up single "L.A. is my home / Drinking Champagne" came in 1985. The 1975 film Mr. Ricco marked Martin's final starring role, and Martin limited his live performances to Las Vegas and Atlantic City.
Martin seemed to suffer a mid-life crisis. In 1972, he filed for divorce from his second wife, Jeanne. A week later, his business partnership with the Riviera was dissolved amid reports of the casino's refusal to agree to Martin's request to perform only once a night. He was quickly snapped up by the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, and signed a three-picture deal with MGM Studios. Less than a month after his second marriage had been legally dissolved, Martin married 26-year-old Catherine Hawn on April 25, 1973. Hawn had been the receptionist at the chic Gene Shacrove hair salon in Beverly Hills. They divorced November 10, 1976. He was also briefly engaged to Gail Renshaw, Miss USA-World 1969.
Eventually, Martin reconciled with Jeanne, though they never remarried. He also made a public reconciliation with Jerry Lewis on Lewis' Labor Day Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon in 1976. Frank Sinatra shocked Lewis and the world by bringing Martin out on stage. As Martin and Lewis embraced, the audience erupted in cheers and the phone banks lit up, resulting in one of the telethon's most profitable years. Lewis reported the event was one of the three most memorable of his life. Lewis brought down the house when he quipped, "So, you working?" Martin, playing drunk, replied that he was "at the Meggum" – this reference to the MGM Grand Hotel convulsed Lewis. This, along with the death of Martin's son Dean Paul Martin a few years later, helped to bring the two men together. They maintained a quiet friendship but only performed together again once, in 1989, on Dean's 72nd birthday.
Later years On December 1, 1983 while gambling at the Golden Nugget casino in Atlantic City, Martin and Sinatra intimidated the dealer and several employees into breaking New Jersey laws by making the dealer deal the cards by hand instead of by a shoe, as is required by law. Although Sinatra and Martin were implicated as the cause of the violation, neither was fined by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. The Golden Nugget, on the other hand, received a $25,000 fine and four employees including the dealer, a supervisor and pit boss were suspended from their jobs without pay. It's said that Sinatra and Martin picked up the tab for the suspended employees' pay.
Martin returned to films briefly with appearances in the two star-laden yet critically panned Cannonball Run movies,. He also had a minor hit single with "Since I Met You Baby" and made his first music video, which appeared on MTV. The video was created by Martin's youngest son, Ricci.
On December 8, 1989, Martin attended Sammy Davis Jr.'s 60th Anniversary Special.
Decline On March 21, 1987, Martin's son Dean Paul (formerly Dino of the 60s "teeny-bopper" rock group Dino, Desi & Billy) was killed when his F-4 Phantom II (jet) fighter crashed while flying with the California Air National Guard.
A much-touted tour with Davis and Sinatra in 1988 sputtered. On one occasion, he infuriated Sinatra when he turned to him and muttered "Frank, what the hell are we doing up here?" Martin, who always responded best to a club audience, felt lost in the huge stadiums they were performing in (at Sinatra's insistence), and he was not the least bit interested in drinking until dawn after their performances. His final Vegas shows were at the Bally's Hotel in 1989. It was there he had his famous final reunion with Jerry Lewis on his 72nd birthday. Martin's last appearance was on December 1990, as he congratulated Frank Sinatra on his 75th birthday.
In addition to never completely recovering from losing his son, Martin was suffering from emphysema. He kept his private life to himself, emerging briefly for a public celebration of his 77th birthday with friends and family.
In September 1993, Martin was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had been told he needed surgery on his kidneys and liver to prolong his life, but he refused. It was widely reported, though never confirmed, that Martin had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1991.
At his side in his last years was ex-wife Jeanne (Biegger) Martin, whom he had divorced years earlier.
Martin died of acute respiratory failure at his home on Christmas morning 1995, at the age of 78. The lights of the Las Vegas Strip were dimmed in his honor.
Tributes In 2005, Las Vegas renamed Industrial Road as Dean Martin Drive. A similarly named street was christened in 2008 in Rancho Mirage, California.
Martin's family was presented a gold record in 2004 for Dino: The Essential Dean Martin, his fastest-selling album ever, which also hit the iTunes Top 10. For the week ending December 23, 2006, the Dean Martin and Martina McBride duet of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" reached #7 on the R&R AC chart. It also went to #36 on the R&R Country chart - the last time Martin had a song this high in the charts was in 1965, with the song "I Will", which reached #10 on the Pop chart.
An album of duets, Forever Cool, was released by Capitol/EMI in 2007. It features Martin's voice with Kevin Spacey, Shelby Lynne, Joss Stone, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Robbie Williams, McBride and more.
His footprints were immortalized at Grauman's Chinese Theater in 1964. Martin has not one but three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: One at 6519 Hollywood Blvd. (for movies), one at 1817 Vine (for recordings) and one at 6651 Hollywood Boulevard (for television).
In February 2009, Martin was honored with a posthumous Grammy award for Lifetime Achievement. Four of his surviving children, Gail, Deana, Ricci and Gina, were on hand to accept on his behalf.
Personal life Martin was married three times. Martin's first wife, Betty McDonald, tried by all accounts to be a good wife and mother to their four children, but her efforts were ultimately undone by her alcoholism. It remains a matter of speculation whether her alcoholism led to the failure of the marriage, or whether Dean's infidelities led to Betty's alcoholism. Subsequent to their divorce, Martin gained custody of their children; Betty lived out her life in quiet obscurity in San Francisco. In the 2002 CBS film Martin and Lewis she is portrayed by Paula Cale. Their children were Stephen Craig (born June 29, 1942), Claudia Dean (March 16, 1944 - 2001 from breast cancer), Barbara Gail (born April 11, 1945) and Deana (Dina) (born August 19, 1948).
Martin's second wife was Jeanne Biegger. A stunning blonde, Jeanne could sometimes be spotted in Martin's audience while he was still married to Betty. Their marriage lasted twenty-four years (1949-1973) and produced three children. She is portrayed by Kate Levering in Martin and Lewis. Their children were Dean Paul (November 17, 1951 - March 21, 1987 plane crash), Ricci James (born September 20, 1953) and Gina Caroline (born December 20, 1956).
Martin's third marriage, to Catherine Hawn, lasted three years. One of Dean's managers had spotted the young beauty working the desk at a swank salon on Rodeo Drive, then arranged a meeting. Martin adopted Hawn's daughter, Sasha, but their marriage also failed. Dean initiated divorce proceedings.
Dean Martin's uncle was Leonard Barr, who appeared in several of his shows.
Popular culture Martin was portrayed by Joe Mantegna in an HBO movie about Sinatra and Martin titled The Rat Pack. Mantegna was nominated for both an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award for the role.
In the movie A Bronx's Tale, Dean Martin's song, "Ain't That A Kick In The Head?", was featured during the scene when C was playing dice.
British actor Jeremy Northam portrayed the entertainer in a made-for-TV movie called, Martin and Lewis, alongside Will & Grace's Sean Hayes as Jerry Lewis. Danny Gans portrayed Martin in the miniseries, Sinatra.
For the week ending December 23, 2006, the Dean Martin and Martina McBride duet of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" reached #7 on the R&R AC chart. It also went to #36 on the R&R Country chart. The last time Martin had a song this high in the charts was in 1965, with the song "I Will," which reached #10 on the Pop chart. A Budweiser TV commercial that premiered during Super Bowl XLI featured Martin's "Ain't That A Kick In The Head?"
In a trailer for the 2009 video game The Godfather II, Martin's "Ain't That A Kick In The Head?" is heard throughout the trailer showing the gangster lifestyle of the 50's.
A compilation album called, Amore! debuted at Number One on Billboard magazine's Top Pop Catalog Albums chart in its February 21, 2009 issue.
Martin is mentioned in the Simpsons episode Apocalypse Cow Bart: So Dean Martin would show up at the last minute and do everything in just one take? Homer: That's right! Bart: But Wikipedia said he was "passionate about rehearsal." Homer: Don't you worry about Wikipedia. We'll change it when we get home. We'll change a lot of things.
In the Meter Made episode of American Dad, Martin's Ain't That a Kick in the Head? is played during a montage in which Stan and Francine are destroying furniture items they bought with illegally obtained money.
Christmas is time of mixed emotions. Early childhood memories are filled with trees, lights, and gifts. Dino on the turntable and family in house. These are the days were the basis of all future life moments are compared.
Things evolve as one ages. Times of receiving are replaced with times of giving. Times of being with family are replaced with times of remembering family. We settle for good health rather than good gifts. Memories and present family we rely on to get through present day ills and worries.
Family and friends who in the past filtered out the bad and rang in the good are no longer with some of us. Time for reflection and hopes for the future will fill my holidays.
Dino slipped away from us on a Christmas morning some fourteen years ago. Exited quietly on the most tranquil morning of the year. Typical Dino to duck out when no one was looking. Not wanting the attention, the spotlight. It was Christmas morning 1995, while Dino song filled the world’s airways, and hearts with his voice, his soul left this earth. Dino going Splitsville from his own party to catch a late western, Christmas morning he left to go the big bar upstairs. He knew no one was looking, I'm sure. The Rat Pack lost it's cool. The world turned a page, started a new chapter.
When the image of Dean flashed on the screen, the family paused to watch. It'snot good when a show is interrupted for a special announcement, on Christmas morning of all times. Worse when the image is the one you associate your childhood with. The smile happy, the voice song, the laugh fun, the face Dino.
Part of the collective American soul died that morning.Part of me left that morning. Ten months later, I personally had another loss in my life. The big guy who brought Dino into my life took an exit himself. My dad died the next September. Dino I and Dino II in my eyes, limo tailights. Rough year for this pallie.
Fortunately, the spirit of Dino has grown bigger since his passing. Dino is as big as ever. His is now the rank of legend. Dino owns the Cool recipe. He copyrighted 'sigh'. He's untouchable. He lives in memory, on screen, and in voice. Frank may have done it his way, but Dino did it our way. We get it. Christmas is tonic. Some parts happy, some sad, some hopeful, some remorseful. All mixed together makes you humble. I am fortunate for what I had, and what I have. Make someone feel that this season. Create some memories, play some Dino. Today is tomorrow memories.
To all of your family and friends, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you're season are is filled with Dino, and your heart with happiness!
Hey pallies, likes can all you Dino-philes believe that we are already at day twenty-three of our Dino-winter-month gig? Not long now pallies 'til our Ed of Ed's Epistle fame turned up the heat at ilovedinomartin with what will be a totally wonderful piece of Dino-prose dedicated to celebratin' the life of our Dino as we remember his passin' from our view, now 14 years ago on December 25. Be sures to return on the morrow to catch our Ed's memorable memoriam of our main man!
On this 23rd day of Dino-winter-month we shares a real Dino-delight with all you pallies. Our pallie Noebie over at his Dino and the jer site, "The Comedic Genius Of Martin And Lewis," has posted a pod cast of our Dino and the kid's radio broadcast from Chicago that aired December 12, 1949 on the NBC network.
To listen in, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram to goes to Noebie's blog. We thanks him for his pure and true Dino-devotion to sharin' these old radio broadcasts with us. Thanks to our Dino-girl Maria for the Dino and the kid seasonal pix that graces this post. Enjoys some Dino and the kid cheer pallies! Dinofunnin', DMP
Monday, December 7, 2009
Episode 62: Holidays in Chicago
We're getting into the Holiday Spirit this time around on our Martin and Lewis Old Time Radio Podcast, with a December 12th, 1949 NBC Radio Network broadcast of The Martin and Lewis Show. Dean and Jerry are in Chicago for appearances at the Chez Paris.
Dino sings Jingle Bells and Don't Cry Joe, and we get to enjoy the comedy of Flo McMichaels and Sheldon Leonard as well.
Hey pallies, welcome back to Dino-winter-time here at ilovedinomartin on this 22nd day of our celebration of Dino-cold-out-side season. Not long now before our pallie Ed will be sharin' what promises to be a cool-ly written and warm-hearted Dino-trib honorin' our Dino on the 14th anniversary of his passin' from our presence. Be sure to checks in here at the ol' Dino-blogg on December 24 to catch Ed's Epistle.
Speakin' of our Dino-phile Ed, it was on the first day of Dino-winter-month when he wrote these prophetic Dino-thoughts...
"Scoot over Der-Bingle, Dino’s oldie but a goodie “Marshmallow World” is the “White Christmas” of the 21st century! Very similar to the late blooming “Ain’t That a Kick in The Head”, “Marshmallow World” is experiencing a late growth spurt. Wasn’t long ago where if you didn’t own the LP, you didn’t hear this gem. And that’s a shame! The now familiar tune, recorded June 30th 1966 for Reprise Records, and released on the Dean Martin Christmas Album on October 11, 1966, wasn’t re-released into present day media until after 1998."
Wells tribs to our Dino singin' 'bout marshmallows are croppin' up all over the web this Dino-season. Just a few ago (see the Thursday, December 17th post) we shared Mr. Bob Rini's adulation of our Dino singin' 'bout the fluffy stuff on the Bob Hope winter small screen special (as you knows pallies that's my total Dino-fav version).
Today we share a Dino-testimonal given my Mr. John Gushue at his blogg cleverly tagged "John Gushue...Dot Dot Dot" (clicks on tagg of this Dino-post to goes there) how how his opinion of this Dino-winter-tune has changed over the years....to the point now he opines..."the song gets more charming with the years."
Mr. Gushue's thoughts simply echo our pallie Ed's wisdom 'bout Marshmallow World "experiencing a late growth spurt." Ain't it a kick in the head pallies to see how ever after 14 years of our Dino departin' this life his music, 'specially his Dino-winter-tunes are becomin' more and more celebrated and appreciated by pallies of all ages and stages.
Gushue continues by sharin' his affection for that special version of Marshmallow World done by our Dino and the frankie on that classic Dino-show winter special. And, of course he simply has to share that Dino-clip with his readers, as I am sharin' it here again this very Dino-day.
We speaks our Dino-appreciato to Mr. John Gushue for sharin' his transformin' experience with our Dino singin' the marshmallow tune. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Musical advent calendar: Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, It's A Marshmallow World
I spent many years not being particularly fond of It's A Marshmallow World, which struck me as kind of sappy and, well, silly. Maybe it's a function of getting older, and having a kid, but the song gets more charming with the years.
This version, with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin from a Sixties Christmas special, appeals to me, largely because it reminds me of what TV specials were like when I was growing up: hokey, canned laughter, and what my dad would call fakey-fakey. Yet, it makes me laugh. The song appeared on the Christmas with the Rat Pack compilation that was produced seven years ago, to tie in with the resurgence of all things Frank that came with the Ocean's 11 franchise.
Hey pallies, welcome to day 21 of our Dino-seasonal remembrance time. Dino-winter-time is all 'bout lovin' our Dino and sharin' that Dino-amore with others. Well, today's Dino-celebration is all 'bout lovin' our Dino and sharin' Dino-love with others. This Dino-prose comes from a blogg tagged "Just A Girl" modded by a Dino-lovin' lady named Gabrielle. (To go there, as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost)
As you will read below Miss Gabrielle grew up lovin' our Dino and by the tender age of eight she proclaims "I knew for sure I wanted to marry the man..." Not only does she loves our great man, but she also is raisin' her youngens to dig Dino as well....very cool in my Dino-book.
I loves to read Dino-testimony how one generation is passin' on the Dino-genes to the next insurin' that our Dino will always always be remembered. Well Miss Gabrielle has done such a great job of showin' her Dino-devotion to her brood, that gets this pallies, her "youngest daughter actually requested a Dean Martin CD last year for Christmas so she would be able to play it on her own, in her Strawberry Shortcake CD player... she was just about to turn three then."
How great to see such a babe in arms askin' for some Dino of her very own---especially at Dino-winter-time... This is one fam who is doin' their part to spread the Dino-love in their household. Thanks Miss Gabrielle for settin' such a stellar example of passin' on your love of our great man to your loved ones. Dino-sharin', DMP
btw pallies, our Dino inspired me to share that heart-warmin' Dinoclip of him doin' "Thank Heaven For Little Girls" from the Dino-show. Not exactly a Dino-seasonal selection, but how appro to use with this post that puts the accent on a little girl who wants her some Dino-tunes.
All throughout the year, Dean Martin... the King of Cool, is a permanent fixture on our iPods. Always at the top of my list and Christmas time's no different. The smoothest, sexiest voice and smoldering good looks(they come through the airwaves.. you know) are hard to beat. I've grown up with Dino, as my kids will. My youngest daughter actually requested a Dean Martin CD last year for Christmas so she would be able to play it on her own, in her Strawberry Shortcake CD player... she was just about to turn three then. It still cracks me up. "Marshmallow World" is our favorite. When I was about six I began watching his hilarious movies with Jerry Lewis and the movies let to his music. By eight, I knew for sure I wanted to marry the man... I guess not getting the concept of the slight age difference. So, we keep the spirit by listening to Dino and Ella Fitzgerald and some Peggy Lee. Of course, throwing some silly songs in just for fun. Who's your favorite at Christmas?
Hey pallies, likes happy 20th day of Dino-winter-season. Recently I was searchin' for some Dino-seasonal-poses of him and the jer for 'nother Dino-post that I wanted to do, and this was the only Dino-illustration that I came 'cross. (BTW pallies, any of you knows of any 'net sources for such Dino and the jer holiday images?)
This Dino-product intrigued me 'cause I had been wonderin' if our great man and the kid had ever doin' any small screen winter-time capers. Well, if you read the review of this vid by Miss Annie Van Auken, you will discover that this is not a true Dino and the kid wintertime special, but some mis-mash of clips from the Colgates put together with not much in the Dino-seasonal department.
So, even though I have always thought that every single Dino-item was worthy of our Dino-desirin', this appears to be one Dinovid not worthy of bein' noted as Dino-treasure. I shares this with you 'cause it does make one know that sometimes you gotta be on the Dino-'lert for misrepresented Dino-merchandise. Unfortunately there are dudes out there who are always tryin' to make a buck off of unsuspectin' Dino-philes likes you and me.
This is definitely one Dino-gift not to put in 'nother pallies Dino-stockin'....actually probably givin' coal woulda be better then this dud of a Dino-production. Dino'lertin', DMP
The Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Christmas Show (1951)
1.0 out of 5 stars A Christmas gift you'll want to exchange!, November 7, 2009 By Annie Van Auken (Planet Earth) - See all my reviews (TOP 50 REVIEWER) (REAL NAME)
STAR CLASSICS videotape of the so-called DEAN MARTIN & JERRY LEWIS CHRISTMAS SHOW is of the poorest quality throughout. The tape's slipcover is adorned with an amateurish cartoon of Dean and Jerry. An SLP transfer speed means fair tracking at best and a degraded picture quality. Audio ain't so hot, either: it's lo-fi linear and kinda muffled.
Most egregious is this is NOT a real TV show but a badly edited montage of COLGATE COMEDY HOUR segments. Forget this one.
PROGRAM-- Opening: Blurry dub of "Eleven More Days 'Til Christmas" number from a 12/14/52 Comedy Hour hosted by Abbott & Costello! The tape's only Martin & Lewis holiday-related skit is from their 12/30/51 broadcast. Margaret Dumont is a grade school teacher; Dean & Jerry visit and entertain the kids. (Since when is school in session during Xmas week?) Jerry does stand-up while Dean prepares for a song. Martin, dressed in pseudo-19th Century garb warbles "Kentucky Babe" with a harmonizing quartet of African-Americans. (unknown date) Sudden cut to Pete Seeger as a cowboy with guitar. He performs a lengthy "12 Days of Christmas" beside a silhouetted dancing girl. (unknown date) Rick Hotel, Miami Beach skit. Jerry the new lifeguard can't stop Mike Mazurki from tossing football on the beach. He's equally bad at reviving a drowning victim. Sketch ends with bottomless picnic basket routine. (12/31/51) Close: In two. Jerry plugs new film, SAILOR BEWARE (1952).
Hey pallies, greetin's of the season on this 19th day of Dino-winter-month. Today we turn our Dino-attention to rememberin' that on this day in Dino-history, December 19, 1967, the Dino-show winter special featurin' the Martin clan and the frankie's gang aired on the Peacock network to the acclaimation and adulation of Dino-fans everywhere.
Still after 32 years, Dino-philes are ever clamorin' to get there hands on this Dino-magical Dino-event. Below is a formal picture of Dino's and the frankie's families united to share this rare Dino-occasion.
Searched all over youtube in hopes of findin' some Dinclips from that special to shares with you....nadda....so invites you to return to our amazin' pallie Ed's December 1st Ed's Epistle post to view our Dino and the frankie singin' 'bout a world filled with marshmallow.
Thanks to the pallies at the Guest of A Guest site for sharin' this pix of Dino-historical significance. To view the original post, as per Dino-usual, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-historically, DMP
Hey pallies, 'tis the 18th day of Dino-winter-month and today's Dino-treat comes from a blogg tagged "XOXOXOE" modded by a chick tagged EP. The Dino-treat you asketh....a Dino-trib-clip that features our Dino cool-as-can-be playful version of the Rudy-tune.
As Miss EP proclaims the Dino-quire...."Does anyone have a lazier, more delightful inflection than Dean Martin?" Of course, pallies we all knows the answer to that question is no, never, nadda....no one is lazier or more delightful in inflection then our Dino!
As our pallie Ed stated a few ago in his stellar Dino-thoughts on our Dino leadin' the pack at Dino-winter-time..."The voice of Dino has become the face of the seasons. It's only fitting the man who's voice and voice are synonymous with fun, family, and coolness, is the soundtrack of the season." And, our Dino's croonin' of Rudy-tune is a prime example of mixin' a musical libation of fun, family, and coolness as only our Dino can.
It is so refreshin' to hear our great man doin' his fun-lovin' rendition of this children's winter-classic in such a groovin' adult way. When our Dino taggs Rudolph "Rudy" and has Santa speak in a German accent....it is total total Dino-maddness and makes Rudy the most swingin' of swingin' winter-tunes...
So, sits makes and prepares yourself to breaks out in the biggest of biggest Dino-budha-grin as you listen to our Dino doin' Rudy... To reads this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-buddha-grinnin', DMP
Thursday, December 17, 2009 dino does rudy
Does anyone have a lazier, more delightful inflection than Dean Martin?
Hey pallies, welcome to day 17 of Dino-winter-month here at ilovedinomartin. Our amazin' Dino-phile Ed nailed it right on the Dino-head the other day when he sez 'bout Dino and seasonal tunes..." Dino has assumed the soundtrack of society’s holiday consciousness." And pallies, every single Dino-day I note pallies all over the web makin' sure that some Dino-seasonal music is at the tops of their play lists.
And then there are folks likes this guy Bob Rini who show their Dino-appreicato for our great man by doin' Dino-winter-time-grams in admiration and honor of our Dino. Today's Dino-post here at ilovedinomartin is a repost of Mr. Bob's Dino-focused prose on the subject of what has become my most fav of Dino-seasonal clips....our Dino singin' "It's A Marshmallow World" from a Bob Hope Christmas special. (And, truth be told pallies, likes I use any Dino-'cuse to have the opp to repost this Dino-gem of a Dino-clip as Dino-often as I can this time of Dino-year!)
Our pallie Ed did a outstandin' post on this Dino-tune on the first day of Dino-winter-month her at our humble little Dino-home and if you missed it, please, please dear pallie makes the effort to go back and read Ed's Epistle for that day and soaks in the Dino-culture.
Rini shares both the Dino-clip of Dino-marshmallow as well as a clip of our Dino and the frankie doin' some New Year's Eve celebratin' on the Dino-show. I never tires of watchin' our Dino and especially his glowin' version of marshmallows a la Bob Hope.
Mr. Rini's blogg is tagged "Nine Pound Hammer" and how appro 'cause he nails our Dino-s brillance in Dino-winter-tunin' by sayin'..."Dean Martin slinks into the holidays with a drink and a smoke, and then another drink, until finally he's in 'a marshmallow world.'" Thanks Bob for liftin' up the name of our Dino and spreadin' some Dino-love durin' this Dino-season. To view Rini's Dino-gram in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-message.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dean Martin slinks into the holidays with a drink and a smoke, and then another drink, until finally he's in "a marshmallow world." This louche lounge lizard loves the drinking season. Watching him sing is a kick in the head. Later on, he's joined by fellow Rat Pack pal Frank Sinatra, who also knows how to party. Here they get together with some friends for some festive entertaining. This is old school horseplay that no longer exists in this Digital Age, so drink it up while you still can. Cheers!
Hey pallies, likes wonderin' if any of you pallies ever had the problemo of doin' some Dino-shoppin' for other Dino-ites on your list, and you comes 'cross a Dino-treasure that you just so so Dino-craves to have for your very Dino-own?
Well, gotta 'fess up pallies that today's Dino-giftin' Dino-suggestion is one piece of Dino-legend that I am just so so Dino-smitten with that likes I mucho much desires to have in my own little Dino-collection.
It's a very cool Dino-promotional Dino-lobby card from my fav of fav Dino-flicks, Matt Helm caper numero duo "Murders' Row." It's that amazin' Dino-shot of our great man dancin' with Miss Ann-Margret at the discotheque where Dino's boypallie Dino Jr. band is playin' at.....simply my fav of favs of Dino-scenes from this Dino-classic.
The price for this prized piece of Dino-photography? A mere $9.99....but then the shippin' is a bit of a bite at $8.00.....but the wonderfully grand Dino-memories that it lites up are truly priceless to this Dino-holic.
May just haves to buy me this Dino gem for a Dino-winter-day present to myself! Man, ain't it a blast from the Dino-past to be perusin' ebay for all this delightful Dino-treasure! To checks this out at ebay, just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-prose. Dino-yearnin', DMP
1966 Original MURDERERS' ROW Dean Martin Ann Margret
Dino-zens of Dino's World. Random factoids and other ruminations of little known facts surrounding Dino.
Old Greyback Strikes Twice In 1977,on her way to Las Vegas Nevada., Dolly Sinatra, mother of Frank Sinatra, was one of four people who died when their Gates Lear Jet crashed into a mountain shortly after take off from Palm Springs Municipal Airport. What was later ruled as control tower human error, the ill flighted plane crashed into the same mountain which ten years later would take the life of one Dean Paul Martin. The same mountain that took the mother of Frank Sinatra, also took the life of the son of Dean Marti. That mountain? Mt. San Gorgonio.
Three Screen Icons In the wonderful 1952 Martin & Lewis movie, "Sailor Beware", an relatively unknown actor was in his second uncredited major motion picture role. In the locker room scene, specifically at 3:45, the up and coming actor can be heard saying the line "Look, there's a professional." In three short years and many small television roles later, the young rebel will be thrusted upon the Hollywood movie scene. In "East of Eden" he carved himself as a promising young actor. His next film, "Rebel Without A Cause", carved himself as a box office smash. His third and final film, 'Giant", he carved himself as a multiple Oscar nominee. His death that same year carved himself immortality. James Dean shared the screen for a few movies historical moments. Hollywood Legends.
Speakin' In Tounge Reprise Recording Studio, October 23, 1964. Dino settles in to record song number 3013, titled "Everybody Loves Somebody". This isn't a news bulletin at the moment, considering the hit song hit number one on June 27th of the same year. However the fact the song remains unreleased is even more intriguing in which Dino recorded the song. The language. Spanish.
Enjoy the only language "Everybody" that was released.
Like a star whose life exhausted many light years ago, Dino’s light still shines upon us today. Each recording, song, movie, show, a magical gift wrapped up and delivered down a snowy memory lane. The holidays work emotions like Dino a cigarette. The amber glow of a memory deep in your soul. Tis the season of Dino. What’s Eggnog without Dino on the turntable? Ingrained into the landscape of winter wonderland, Dino has assumed the soundtrack of society’s holiday consciousness. How fortunate for the Dino-phile that the season has the world enjoying what we enjoy all year round?
December is the time where everyone is a Dino-zen. Folk from all walks of genre life find themselves immersed in the Dino-vibe. Like unsuspecting finder of money in a jacket pocket, Dino filling store loudspeakers is an unforeseen holiday gift. You stop and listen, perhaps a longer visit then intended, just to stop and smell the holiday lyrical flower. Is there anything better than “Winter Wonderland” in the scale of “D”-ino? I think not.
Dino busting out the powerful “Baby It's Cold Outside” makes Santa pull the sleigh over. This is classic Dino. Take down the tree now if you don’t pine to hear this gem two, three, even four times pally! Snuggle your loved one on the sofa, turn down the lights, throw a log on the fire, cue this tune, and immerse yourself in Dino-winter-wonderland! Dino is going to light you up like a Christmas tree! Enjoy it! The voice of Dino has become the face of the seasons. It's only fitting the man who's voice and voice are synonymous with fun, family, and coolness, is the soundtrack of the season. Now is the time where the whole world in a Dino-zen to Dino's world. Enjoy the "Winter Wonderland" during these Dino-Days!