Maria shares her Dinothoughts in her evocative Dinopost "Why Dean and not Frank." Loves how she shares why Dino is truly where it is at with a girlpallie of hers. Readin' Maria's Dinothoughts shows how truly truly she has fallen for our Dino in likes the hugest of huge Dinoway.
Also loves her new header for her blogg...never ever have seen that Dinopix before and it is so so Dinowonderful...and then also the Dinopose at the end is new to this Dinoholic as well...and oh so very reads 'bout how our Maria loves our Dino so so very Dinomuch....and is helpin' to bring others to likes true Dinodevotion. Dinodevotedly, DMP

26. september 2009
Why Dean and not Frank?
'I was sitting at home yesterday, and then a friend of mine called and asked if i wanted to do something. Well after a while we found out that it would be so much better to sit at home and watch some movies, make popcorn and just relax after a hard week at school.
Well, this friend of mine.. well she likes, or enjoins listening to Frank Sinatra. And after looking at my "little" collection of Dean Martin flicks and asked me this question: "Why Dean Martin?". "Why Dean Martin what?" i asked. "Well why are u so crazy about Dean? I mean, u have like 700 pictures of him on your pc, 25 gb Dean Martin on your Ipod and you try to find all of his movies? Why not Frank? I mean, your personality fits so much better with Frank, you are more Frank and not Dean!". That got me actually thinking. She is kind of right! I can get angry as h*ll, so did Frank, i hate to wait, so did he and i have blue eyes :P My love of that kind of music started with "Fly me to the moon". So what made me a Dean addict?
Ohh, i can post like 30 pages where i wright why i LOVE Dean, but i will try to keep it short! First of all, although Dean and Frank have the same music style (both are crooners) Dean has something special about him (and no, i am not talking about how he looks, although.. WOW *drools all over the pc*). From the first second, you listen to every word that comes out of him, it's just not possible not to enjoy at least a little bit of his singing. Then we have his acting. He can be a drunk, a jerk etc. etc. He has THE BEST drunk act ever! He is born with comedian gene or something, his timing in Colgate Comedy Hour, or Dean Martin Show and on stage with Frank? Pure genius! And now to my fav. part :P His looks, his Italian heritage and his personality. Dean's looks= WOW WOW WOW! And i have always loved everything about Italy. When it comes to his personality, well there has never been said a bad thing about him, and u know why? He is just cool, good natured and just.. Dean Martin.
So i don't really know why Dean! It's something magical i guess.

Ah, a girl after my own heart. We don't know why we love Dino - I guess that's amore!
Hey pallie, so nice to hear from you Miss Gayle Carline...and thanks for sharin' the story 'bout youngen' James...and how was the Cali writer's conference...and yeah, no one really matters besides our Dino....
I love Jonathan Winters and managed to get him together with Dean Martin on this site:
I am not sure if you already have them on this blog. Hope you like it.
Hey pallie, likes so great to hear from you man....always loves to find our Dino with other great entertainers like Mr. thanks for the link...even if I have seen 'em before, likes I just can never ever gets 'nough of our Dino....from one Dinoholic to 'nother...keeps liftin' of the name of our Dino...
Oh thanks a lot DMP ;)
Hey pallie, as always you are most most Dinowelcome...such a true Dinopleasure to shows the bestest of the best truest of the true Dinopalliedom to such a Dinopure Dinodevotee likes our Dinoholic Maria....
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