My fav Dinoera is portrayed in this particular Dinopix...the amazin' Dinotime after our Dino cut loose from the Jeanne and his personal persona became likes totally Dinocongruent with his performance persona. Our Dino had matured, but became more cool, hip, and randy as he more then ever lived life on his own terms. Likes it seems the more life our Dino lived the more and more he felt free to be likes his total Dinoself.
Thanks to Maria for helpin' me to remind me of the cool Dinopixs to be found at Sammy's pad and... enjoy our swingin' Dino at the peak of his Dinoperfection.... Dinodevotedly DMP
You are more than welcome ;)
I can't settle on just one Dean Martin time.. so i just say that no matter how he looks, who he dates.. he still is my idol <3
Hey pallie, likes couldn't agree with you more 'bout our Dino...loves so much each and every Dinoera....but truly grooves on how our Dino progressed...the coolest became even cooler 'specially once the strin's with the Jeanne were cut....
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