The Dinotreasure that has been "discontinued by the manufacturer" is none other then the amazin' "That's Amore" DVD of stellar Dinoclips taken from the Dinoshow. How can this me the most important piece of Dinotreasure available has been discontinued....HOW CAN THIS BE? I never ever in a second thought that this amazin' treasure trove of Dinomemories from the Dinoshow woulda be likes out of print.
Yes, I do have my own Dinocopy that is still in pristine Dinoshape...but likes if I had known this was gonna happen I woulda likes boughts up several copies more for the Dinofuture. This was the first and formost recommend that I made to new Dinoholics for their Dinopurchase...ands now likes it is gone. Yeah, it may gets a new release, these thin's sometimes do happen, but we can't be sure.
It looks like even our Dino is takin'a hit to the sad ecomonic times 'round us...sales of the DVD musta slowed 'nough for the manufacturer to takes it out of circulation....truly so so Dinosad.
So, pallies, if you haves your copy to be sure to guard it with all your Dinomight...and if you don't start lookin' now 'cause there have to be a few Dinocopies on the net for Dinopurchase. To verify this Dinonews for yourself, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
Besides the cool cover of this Dinodvd I am sharin' one of my most fav Dinoclips from this Dinotreasure...our Dino singin' his perfect rendition of "Young At Heart."
Dinosaddened, DMP
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