And, not only are there a huge selection of Dinomelodies that I have never ever heard before, the great set includes a 56 page illustrated booklet 'bout our Dino and his early life. The booklet includes some marvelous pixs of the young Dino, info on each of the songs, as well as several pages of Dinobiography...where I have learned many Dinodetails that I don't remember readin' before.
The set that I found at a used bookstore was brand spankin' new still in the wrapper...all for just a few pennies more then 15 dollars includin' tax. Just knows that how much Dinopleasure that I am gonna receive from listenin' to our Dino in his younger days. I would strongly urge to be on the lookout for this bargain of a Dinocomplilation. Of course, my Dinoheart still desires to gets the 4 Dinoboxsets from the Bear Family...but still gotta gets the bread for those deluxe Dinosets.
Dinodelightedly, DMP
Since you are always coming up with great stuff, here is one I think you will like:
If you haven't already heard it (I hadn't) you will cry from the beauty of it.
Can you send me the link to that site? I can´t find that cd on bearfamily : (
Hey pallie,thanks, very nice one sings more beautifully or touchin' then our Dino
Hey pallie, sorry if I was not clear...the Young Dino set is NOT from the Bear can find it at amazon...
as well as many other internet sites.....
Hi DMP, How many songs did Dino actually recorded? Is this information on your blog?
Hey pallie, great to hear from our Dinoholic from the Phillipines....knows that our Dino recorded just over 500 Dinomelodies...but, likes sorry that I can't give you the exact numero...will try and located that Dinofact for you....
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