northeastern Cali to do a book siginin' at Epilog Books in Quincy. Currently she is chroniclin' her adventure at her wonderful blogg "On the edge of the chair of literature."(clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there.)
Wells likes I just had to post this little Dinotale that Miss Gayle Carline relates of comparin' notes with James, a youthful 12 year old writer she meets at the book signin' at Epilog Books. Read how 'bout how our dear Miss Gayle Carline tries to 'plain our Dino to James and what James response was. So grateful for pallies likes Miss Gayle who are faithfully liftin' up the names of our Dino....and inspite of what James sez, can't help but Dinobelive that in a few James will come to know, love, and honor our Dino!
Thanks Miss Gayle Carline for sharin' this Dinotale and for helpin' to bring a huge Dinobuddhagrin to this Dinoholic's face this very Dinoday. Dinodelightedly, DMP

This made me feel old enough, until he added, "Of course, Elvis is the prehistoric Michael Jackson."
Haha, that' the best explanation i have ever heard :P
Is it possible to buy this book somewhere by the way?
Hey pallie, likes knews you woulda groove on youngen' James' Dinoexplanation....to gets Miss Gayle Carline's book....you can go to amazon.... http://www.amazon.com/Freezer-Burn-Gayle-Carline/dp/1590806077/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254072625&sr=1-1
and many other sites to order it...it is a Dinoriffic Dinoread....
Thanks ;)
I am kind of proud of my self today ;) If u read my newest writing on my blog, u will find that there is a new Dinolover in this world :P
Hey pallie, just part of showin' true Dinopalliedom...yeah, that's so cool...left some Dinopatter...and am gonna share the Dinoportion of you newest Dinogram here at ilovedinomartin....keep lovin' and sharin' our Dino....
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