Hey pallies, words of appreciato may continue to go back and forth between Miss Gayle Carline and myself forever....just found this ever kind mention of ilovedinomartin and this dude in this very day's entry in Miss Carline's blogg. To read the whole entry, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
I have assured Miss Gayle Carline that I am delighted if she will call me pallie and I am likes so happy that she is so happy that I loves her first novel. This is one tricky writer of murder and mayhem.
I again encourages you to finds yourself a copy of "Freezer Burn" and burn through the pages...no one who have reviewed the book has been able to put it down....and besides pallies, it is so wonderful of Miss Gayle Carline to honor our Dino in this way....she is truly helpin' to spread the Dinomessage of cool through Benny Needles ever Dinofarther and Dinowider...for which I am likes so so Dinograteful. Dinodelightedly, DMP

2. Guest blogging - Please do check out the I Love Dino Martin blog today. Mr. Dino Martin Peters (may I call you Pallie, DMP?) allowed me to blather on about why my character, Benny Needles, loves Dean Martin so much. Mr. Peters is being an absolute darling about promoting Freezer Burn on his site, and I'm insanely happy that he loved the book. He even reviewed it on his blog here.
THIS is a cool thing! Congrats on finding each other. Am reading the book; am liking it. Thinking movie or tv series maybe.
Hey pallie, likes thanks for droppin' by and givin' Dinotestimonial to Miss Gayle Carline's book...sure she will be pleased that you diggs it...be sure to let us know when you finish...btw, did you find it at a local bookstore or on the net?
Hi DMP: Had to go to Barnes and Noble online. The local B&N didn't have it in stock.
Hey pallie, likes thanks for your persistance in gettin' Miss Gayle Carline's book....and willa be interested to hear more 'bout your humble thoughts when you finish it...
Hi DMP: Finished the book. Really liked it. Thought the characters were great: Peri, Skip and Benny. Maybe next book Benny could be Peri's assistant so we get to read more about him. That is my humble opinion!
Hey pallie, for a humble opinion...I thinks it's got Dinopossibilities....or perhaps our Benny could at least somehow assist Miss Peri with investigation....
Exactly! Since you are friends you should tell her. Also tell her to pitch this as a tv series!
Hey pallie, we'll we're pallies, but not actual friends...does think that she reads this humble little Dinoblog so I think she will see you humble suggestion....
Hmm, Sannie, that's quite an idea. I had planned to keep Benny mostly out of the next book, but you've given me a thought for bringing him in. I've even toyed with the idea of burning his house down in Book 3, just to see how far over the edge he goes. (Sorry, but I get a little cranky in this summer heat!)
Hey pallie, glad to know that you does have more planns for our Benny...don't burn down Mr. Needles house please until I gets a chance to view all Benny's Dinotreasures and negotiate gettin' one or two thin's from his collection...fat chance at that I Dinoknow....
Burning down Benny's house? Hmmm, where will he live; who will he live with; who will start having Dino-dreams in her sleep? Who will make who(m)(?) an assistant just to get him out of her house?
(Who will finally start to understand the use of "who" and "whom"? Ooops, that's me! I am a copywriter, no less.)
Ah, the possibilities are endless.
Hey pallie, loves the Dinoimplications of whata woulda happen if the Ben's pad got grounded....a copyrighter....so maybe you'd do a little freelancin' for this here ilovedinomartin Dinoblog....
DMP: You are doing just fine without any help! Love your patter: very dino-esque! I just sounds like me.
Hey pallie, glads you likes it....I hava such Dinofun with makin' likes our Dino, does try to use proper grammer a la our great man....have your had the Dino-op to read the stellar review of "The Silencers" by Dinoholic Republibot 3.0?
I did read the review. It was very well done. I saw "The Silencers" when it came out originally (was it 1966? If so, that makes me old, humbly old!), so the review reminded me of how much fun that movie was: very much a satire on James Bond.
Hey pallie, how 'bout sayin' somethin'like humbly experienced....I was a Deanager in the sixties and there is somethin' special 'bout rememberin' seein' the Dinoshow and our Dino's flicks in the original time frame. So have you seen all the Matt Helm capers?.....and might I humbly suggest that you just might look into purchasin' the Dinoquartet for your very own....all four are packaged as a set for 'bout $20....a real Dinobargain....
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