Likes the Miller in the tag of Dave's post is Mr. Tony Miller (pictured below), who as youse will read below, used to run bets in the early '80s in our Dino's playground 'Vegas baby 'Vegas. And, likes as all youse Dino-holics have probably guessed by now, one day Miller had the perfect pleasure of runnin' a sport's bet for none other then our most beloved Dino. You can revel in Tony's retellin' of his Dino-encounter in all it's great glory below.
Likes as we sez earlier in today's Dino-gram that we are always totally totally thrilled to be able to share with all youse Dino-philes 'nother remarkable retellin' of a pallie who came into the immediate presence of our King of Cool. So, ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Tony Miller for sharin' his Dino-encounter with Gaming Today's revelatory reporter Mr. Dave Dye and for Dye includin' this Dino-moment in his awesome article. To checks this out in it's original source, where you can read the prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Golden Nugget’s Miller born to run
October 10, 2018 3:01 AM
by Dave Dye
No history of sports betting in Las Vegas would be complete without a section on the “runners,” those middlemen who would literally run around town making bets for their clients.
Tony Miller, executive sports book director at the Golden Nugget, is part of that history.
Back in the early 1980’s, Miller used to run bets for customers of his father, the late Mike Miller, who worked in security at the old Desert Inn.
“He’d give me the bets in an envelope,” said Miller, one of the contestants in Gaming Today’s Bookies Battle. “I would run down, make the bet and I’d run back to the D.I. and hand it to my dad.
A bell captain at the “old MGM” (Marina Hotel and Casino) was another of Miller’s clients. One day that bell captain told him that Dean Martin had just checked in and wanted to make a sports bet.
Miller said he went up to the Vegas legend’s suite, rang the bell and entered the room.
“He had all the furniture pushed to one side,” Miller said. “Back then the patio doors swung wide open. He was in the middle of the living room, with a bunch of golf balls, hitting them, full swing, out into the desert. I ran the bet for him. He gave me a $100 tip.”
Lol! Dino! Lol! Gotta love that one, pal! I can just picture him smacking’ golf balls out the patio doors! Man...if that ain’t our pal...I don’t know what is! Great story!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes youse, we deeply digs from more and more Dino-encounters of the personal sort and we are greatly grateful to the pallies who keep steppin' forward to share these delightful Dino-memories and to the web pads that share them the larger Dino-world! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty magnificant marvelous DINO!
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