And likes, for your total total Dino-viewin' pleasure back 'gain this Dino-ween is that ultra ubber delightfully delightful Dino-dramady, "Scared Stiff" where our great man goes likes spookin' 'round with his greatest of great pallie Mr. Jerry Lewis. "Stiff" is such an absolute gas and our ever lovin' Dino and his ever funny partner have never ever had better chemistry then in this coolest of cool caper of scare!
So, likes Happy Dino-ween dudes and always, ever, and only keeps the lovin' focus on our most beloved Dino!
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Thanks for postin' the flick! Perfect Martin & Lewis film to dig on whilst I handeth out the cool cool candies! Happy Dino-Ween, boys & ghouls! Hahaha!!!
What a wonderful post on Halloween DMP, what a wonderful movie to watch on the most scary of days! It does not get better then this!
Have a great halloween and week my friend.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we have every Dino-intention of watchin' this swankest of swank spookiest of spooky flick ourselves on Dino-ween, but didn't happen, so we will be viewin' it sometime this Dino-weekend! Keeps lovin' our one, our only Dino!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we Dino-delight in addin' daily to your Dino-pleasure...'specially on special occasions likes Dino-ween! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
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