Hey pallies, likes today we continue puttin' the accent on our swinger Dino swingin' his golf clubs while makin' the swingin' scene with his newest amore, Miss Gail Renshaw at the 29th Annual Bing Crosby National Pro-Amateur Golf Championship on January 22, 1970 at Pebble Beach Golf Links in Pebble Beach, California. Likes below are 9---count 'em---9 coolest of cool candids snapped of our Dino with Miss Renshaw by his side.
Likes these black and white images have been shared here at ilovedinomartin quite a long time 'go and in much small versions. We are deeply deeply delighted to bring 'em back in a lovely large format for all youse Dino-holics Dino-viewin' pleasure. 'gain likes youse can see how swankly smitten our most beloved Dino is with Miss Gail and likes how so very very much Renshaw is likin' bein' with our King of Cool.
We finds it incredibly intriguin' that most of the images of our Dino and Miss Renshaw available on the ol' 'net happened to have been taken at this Pebble Beach venue. We will continue to search for more potently powerful pixs of our Dino and Miss Gail and share 'em as they gets uncovered.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

More Great pics, pallie! Cants even believe I was only 33 days old at the capturin' of these cool cool moments in time! Man! I was DEF I NATE LY born too damn late! Haha!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as the sayin' goes "better late then never." And, now through tremendous technology, we gets to relive the days when Dino walked the earth. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
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