Most recently when we did that, we discovered that Miss Andrea Shea King, pictured 'bove quoted from the annuals of ilovedinomartin in her cool column, SURFIN' SAFARI" for "WORLD NET DAILY" (WND) on Feburary 2, 2015. Likes we ain't got a clue why it took us so so long to find this, put we are pleasantly pleased to have done so. Miss King quoted from our Friday, January 9, 2015 blog post, "The commercial song is “Ain’t that a kick in the head” Remix by Dean Martin," that you can locate HERE.
As youse will see below, that particular post accented Nissan's small screen commercial advertizin' the Murano automobile usin' a remix of our Dino's classic croon, "Ain't That A Kick In The Head."
While we are favorably flattered that Miss King woulda shares our Dino-gram givin' our little Dino-conclave a noteworthy nod, we are always awesomely appreciative that the name of our most beloved Dino gets lifted up, helpin' to spread Dino-adulation ever farther and wider!
While we are terrifically tardy in sayin' our thank you very much to Miss Andrea Shea King and all the pallies at "WORLD NET DAILY," likes our touchin' 'n tender thanks comes from the depths of our Dino-hearts! To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Exclusive: Andrea Shea King finds tech tips, more, in weekly Web recap
Champagne taste on a martini budget
Ain’t that a kick in the head? Nissan’s new TV commercial advertising its Murano automobile uses a remix of a song that became one of cool crooner Dean Martin’s biggest hits. Here’s the original. Here’s the remix. Personally? I like them both. And you?
As blogger “I Love Dino Martin” posted: “And who has Nissan chosen to be the vocal spokesperson for this swingin’ ‘social car?’ Well, likes of course pallies, none other then our Dino croonin’ a remix of ‘Ain’t That A Kick In The Head.’ Now likes ain’t that the coolest of cool choices?!?!?! Likes there simply ain’t anyone more social then our Dino and his charmin’ croon is the perfect choice to helps the Nissan pallies win over tons of today’s youth to pickin’ the Murano.”
Yep. Ultra cool. Even while it’s sizzlin’ hot.
Hey pal! That's a VERY cool nod to our VERY cool...yet humble...little blog! Your Dino-praisin' & Dino-prosin' DEF I NATE LY brought some much deserved attention to our numero uno paisano! And maybe even helped sell some Muranos! Haha!! Good find!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we are perfectly pleased to take any help that we can to gets the Dino-message out ever farther and wider! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino, and likes, of course, spreadin' the Dino-adulation wherever we can!
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