We've probably shared patter 'n prose more on this particular Dino-flick then any other 'cept for the Dino western classic, "Rio Bravo," and, likes of course, the quartet of Matt Helm flicks. While critics will never ever come to agreement on this Dino-flick, one thin' that we can say with cool certainty is that our Dino was way ahead of his times in bringin' this to the screen in 1964.
Likes, while the vid of "Kiss Me Stupid" is no longer on the "Movie Poster Collecting" pad, we were able to locate it at youtube and share it with all youse Dino-holics for your Dino-viewin' pleasure.
Once 'gain we thanks the pallies at "Movie Poster Collecting" for liftin' up the name of our Dino at their blog and givin' us 'nother op to put the swank spotlight on this silver screen Dino-epic. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. btw, youse may have noticed that we corrected the year listed on the blog (1965) to the correct year of release (1964).
We remain,
Yours in Dino.
Dino Martin Peters
Kiss Me Stupid (1964) - (Dean Martin) US insert
Kiss Me Stupid (1965) - (Dean Martin) US insert
This is a 14" x 36" US insert poster for the 1964 Billy Wilder film Kiss Me Stupid from a screenplay by Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond based on a play by Anna Bonacci and starring Dean Martin as Dino. Plot summary: In an unexpected detour the pop singer Dino finds himself in Climax Nevada, where he meets a pair of amateur songwriters Barney Milsap [Cliff Osmond] and Orville J. Spooner [Ray Walston]. The two invent a reason to keep Dino in town for a night so they can try to sell him some of their songs. Orville invites Dino to stay over with him and his wife Zelda [Felicia Farr]. Being compulsively possessive and jealous, Orville has second thoughts because he fears Dino will try to seduce Zelda, so he drives her out for the night and brings in a prostitute from the Belly Button Road House named Polly the Pistol [Kim Novak] to pose as his wife. In a bizarre turn of events, that night the fickle Orville tosses Dino out so he can sleep with Polly, who has also fallen for the idea of being a married woman even if just for a night. Dino goes to the Belly Button and meets Zelda, now a temporary occupant of Polly's trailer. He thinks Zelda is Polly and finds it easy to seduce her because she is already a fan; she also sells him one of Orville's songs.
Cast and crew: Billy Wilder, I.A.L. Diamond, Anna Bonacci, Dean Martin, Kim Novak, Ray Walston, Felicia Farr, Cliff Osmond, Barbara Pepper, Skip Ward, Doro Merande, Bobo Lewis, Tom Nolan, Alice Pearce, John Fiedler, Arlen Stuart, Howard McNear, Cliff Norton
Cants beat Dino bein' "Dino"! 'Nother fun fun flick to pour some too & let Dean work his magic!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we couldn't 'gree more with your Dino-opinion! Keeps the Dino-addictin' groove goin' dude!
Not the same movie...not even a poster.....but wow!!
Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley thanks ever so much dude for the link to this cooler then cool Dino-art...knows it will appear very soon here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
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