Hey pallies, likes as we wind down our mighty multi-day swank series of posts awesomely accentin' our swinger Dino and his newest amore circa Fall 1969, Miss Gail Renshaw, we have supremely scoured the ol' 'web for a few more incredibly intoxicatin' images of our Dino makin' the scene with Miss Gail. (We gives keen kudos to our pallie Danny-o for usin' the adjective "intoxicatin" in recent patter....a deeply descriptive, wonderfully wise word that supremely suits our most beloved Dino that we plan to now use often here at our humble little Dino-conclave.)
Likes below are a trio of cool candids of our Dino and Miss Renshaw that we came 'cross that we share for your Dino-viewin' pleasure. The second and third appear to have been snapped together as our Dino and Gail's thread are the same in both. As time permits, we will continue to seek and search for more powerfully potent poses of this lovin' couple, and likes, of course, we will pass 'em on to all youse Dino-holics.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Was fun relivin' this cool cool time & romance in our pals life! Thanks for your hard work & time bringin' our way, DMP!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as youse often sez, "The pleasure is all mine." We certainly will want to remember October 13, 1969 year after year here at ilovedinomartin...a truly transformin' moment in the life and times of our Dino. And, once 'gain we wants to thanks youse for usin' the delightful descriptive term "intoxicatin'" that we are swankly smitten with and will be incorporatin' into many a Dino-gram in the future. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
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