In his post "For Gender Studies, Leroy uses his considerable scribin' talents to briefly boldly proudly proclaim that he has "often dreamed of being Dean Martin." Likes we knows that Dino-holic guys everywhere stand in swank solidarity with Jerome, 'cause likes who 'mong us ain't "dreamed of being Dean Martin?!?!?!?!?!" And, likes we deeply digs Mr. Leroy's groovy Dino-observations..."the embodiment of virile melancholy, with ouisquie, cigarettes, small pépées, impeccably cut suits and voice dropping like here....."
Likes that is followed by a youtube vid of our most most beloved Dino croonin' his signature song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime." Likes as all youse Dino-philes knows we love sharin' deep deep Dino-adulation 'specially of the internationale sort, so we are deeply delighted to sez our thank you very much, with regrets for takin' so so much time to gets this up here at ilovedinomartin, to Frenchman Mr. Jerome Leroy, and we know your open and affirmin' words of devotion to our Dino has and will continue to bring many more pallies into the Dino-fold. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
For Gender Studies
In solidarity with inquiring minds and against those who engage in repeated attacks against gender studies (which are also morons that climate skeptics, moreover, it is often the same, there is no chance ), I want to say to our dear readers that if I have often dreamed of being Dean Martin, the embodiment of virile melancholy, with ouisquie, cigarettes, small pépées, impeccably cut suits and voice dropping like here:
Pour les études de genre
Par solidarité avec les esprits curieux et contre ceux qui se livrent à des attaques réitérées contre les études de genre (et qui sont aussi abrutis que les climatosceptiques, d'ailleurs, c'est souvent les mêmes, il n'y a pas de hasard), je tiens à préciser auprès de nos aimables lecteurs que si j'ai le plus souvent rêvé d'être Dean Martin, incarnation de la mélancolie virile, avec ouisquie, cigarettes, petites pépées, costards impeccablement taillés et voix à tomber comme ici:
Man...Mr Leroy's words is kinda hard to follow! Haha!! But I thinks I is gettin' the guist of his scribins! He digs our Dino! Ha! That's simple! Cool fella!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the pure 'n simple Dino-truth dude....and what more do we need to know man?!?!?!?! Keeps lovin', diggin', 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
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