Four offsprings were born to our Dino and boypallie and three girlpallies : Stephen (Craig), Claudia, Barbara (Gail), and Deana. Our information for this comes from Mr.Mark R. over at his all thin's Capitol Records blog, "popculturefanboy." Mark is known for keepin' his readership up to date on all thin's music via Capitol, which of course means lots and lots of historical information on our King of Cool.
ilovedinomartin sends out our appreciato for how on top of Dino-history our pallie Mark R. has been.... helpin' all us Dino-holics to grow in knowin' the life and times of our most beloved Dino. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

1941 - Future Capitol Records artist Dean Martin marries his first wife Elizabeth (Betty) Anne McDonald who will become mother of their children Stephen (Craig), born June 29, 1942; Claudia, born March 16, 1944; Barbara (Gail), born April 11, 1945; and Deana (Dina), born August 19, 1948
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