Likes in Rudy's most recent posted shared yesterday, "I don't even remember what I just wrote," he swankly shared with his readership that as he wrote he was "listening to Dean Martin." Of course, that gots our Dino-attentionado and made us so so happy to find 'nother of today's nouveau entertainers diggin' our most beloved Dino. A bit latter in his profound post, Martinez 'fessed up that he "had to turn off Dean Martin. I just... no"....and finished his Dino-commentary by statin' "I am instituting a two song limit on my Dean Martin listening.
Well, Rudy has left his readership....likes at least we Dino-holics in Dino-wonderin' (1) why he "had" to stop his Dino-listenin' and (2) why he has has decided to "limit" his intake of Dino-croons. We will perhaps find a way of seekin' answers to Martinez's Dino-decisions. Anywho, how absolutely amazin' to read of yet 'nother of today's professional performers who digs the Dino-beat. We thanks Mr. Rudy Martinez for sharin' his Dino-listenin' with his readership. To checks his whole post out at his blog pad, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
I am listening to Dean Martin which always makes me think of Back To School.
I had to turn off Dean Martin. I just... no.
I am instituting a two song limit on my Dean Martin listening.
Yes, Dean Martin references in "Back to School" is awesome every time I watch that movie!
Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o...whenever, whatever the Dino-ref, we Dino-holics always rejoice!
Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
I agrees to the fullest, pals! Any Dino-ref is a GREAT Dino-ref! Ha!
I'm surprised Rudy wants to limit his intake of Dean's songs, Dean was such a great singer.
I need my daily dose of Dino!!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for both of your cool comments...indeed all us Dino-holics needs huge Dino-doses to keeps that Dino-high. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
Hey pallie, likes Miss "Mabel," as we scribed we are wonderin' the same Dino-thin'. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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