Likes it is obvious that Hendy "gets Martin." This nouveau hipster's wisest of wise words in his intense introductory paragraph is marvelous music to any Dino-holic's eager ears...."Dean Martin had it all: A killer smile, a drink in his hand, all the women in the world swooning over him, and the ability to entertain the masses with absolute ease. He was a man who will forever be cemented in entertainment history as a true legend. Lucky for us, he didn’t only leave behind some great music, but some great words of wisdom as well."
We were absolutely awestruck by the last sentence of this powerful paragraph absolutely acknowledgin' our Dino's tremendous teachin's...as Hendy sez, "great words of wisdom." And, so what follows are actually 17---count-'em---17 ( 2 more then stated) incredible images of our Dino and of delightful Dino-gif, with most of 'em an 'mazin' mix of Dino-poses overlaid with our Dino's teachin's!
Likes most of the images and most of the quotations are ones that many of us Dino-philes are fantastically familiar with, but we're guessin' that a couple of each may be new to some Dino-devotees. Of this luscious lot, we're wonderin' which image, which teachin' brings youse the most Dino-delight?
We thanks our bestest of best pallie Danny-o for makin' certain that we didn't miss out on this great Dino-gram and we shouts our our awesome appreciato to Hendy for all his time and talent in sharin' his obvious devotion to our Dino with his readers at "theChive." To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin: Singer, Comedian, Legend (15 Photos)
By: Hendy

Dean Martin had it all: A killer smile, a drink in his hand, all the women in the world swooning over him, and the ability to entertain the masses with absolute ease. He was a man who will forever be cemented in entertainment history as a true legend. Lucky for us, he didn’t only leave behind some great music, but some great words of wisdom as well.

Haha!! I love the 7th one down bestest! 'Bout the woman who led him to drinkin'! Haha!! Good ol' Dean...such a clever way of lookin' at thins'!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our fav is the one that begins, "The whole world is drunk..." Likes, as you sez so well, ".such a clever way of lookin' at thins'!" Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
Dino-gold Mr. DMP!!! What work of art!!
I love the 3rd quote!
(sings) Tell me quick, ain't that a kick in the head?
Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, it is so so amazin'ly awesome to find more and more pallies usin' their time 'n talent to coolly celebrate our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
Hey pallie, likes Miss "Mabel" ain't it fun to see different pallies accentin' the various Dino-sayin's?!?!?!?! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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