Today on this sixth day of Dino-winter season we have lined up yet 'nother incredibly intriguin' idear for Dino-gift givin'----a bottle of "DEAN MARTIN CELEBRITY CELLARS RED WINE." Likes via our pallies at google Dino-'lerts who have directed us to the Detroit craigslist we share the official offerin' of a bottle of this Dino-vino bottled in 1996.
Likes this woulda be the perfect liquid refreshment to offer a toast to our Dino, his life, his times, his legacy on this 21st year of his passin' from our presence. We gotta 'fess up that we ain't wine experts, so the price seems a little pricey for us...but then nothin' coulda be ever too good to honor our one and only Dino. We woulda loves to learn the history behind this liquid libation a la Dino, and likes there is a link at the bottom of the offerin' that does offer a bit of info.
To checks this out in it original source in case youse are interested in makin' the purchase, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Truly there are unendin' sources of Dino-devotional-treasure, so stay tuned to find out what other Dino-gems we have discovered for rememberin' this Dino-season.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin Celebrity Cellar 1996 Premium California Red Wine
Collectors Reserve Edition One
Edition did not exceed 5000 cases
Properly Stored
Pallies, like I have the saddest of Dino tales to ever exist in the Ed's Epistle household.
This pallie had in possession, owned, treasured, adored, and proudly displayed, this very article of Dino liquid adulation. I bought it for $20 when it was first offered back in '96.
One day, while this proud owner of this bottle of Dino Vino, was hard at work, the wife, dusting the bar area, bumped the large shelving unit hard enough, that said bottle, wobbled, tilted, tumbled, and fell to it's crashing, bloody red, wine bottle death.
Sadness fell through out the house for days, and till today, I'm deeply at a loss for this Dino Treasure. It hurts pallies, it hurts.
Omg!!! I'm truly at a loss for words & can only offer my mere condolences. This is AWFUL news & im sure you still mourn those VERY precious drops of PURE PURE Dino-goodness! May that bottle Rest In Peace!
Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, we are sorry to hear 'bout your significant loss of desirous Dino-treasure, but we are ever more happy that we chose to share this particular post early 'nough in Dino-winter month that perhaps you will use this opportunity to replace the broken bottle of Dino-vino.
Amen brothers, its due time I take the time to replace the Dino-vino. Thank you for the kind words...
What a wonderful gift this would be sitting under the Christmas tree this holiday season! This would be a tough one not to touch, esp with New Years rite around the corner. Who wouldn't want to ring the New Year in with Dean.:-)
I am sorry to hear about Ed's mishap with the wine, talk about a tough loss. Even though it was an accident, it still hurts!
A great find DMP, thank you for this wonderful post.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, great to gets some powerful patter from youse! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
I've got two bottles of Dino wine and tons of Dino memorabilia.
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