Today, on this 13th Day of Dino-winter month, we are perfectly pleased to take all youse Dino-philes to the blog pad "LIDZONTHEGO" where a lady who tags herself "Lidz" "combines the joys of commuting and the joys of writing for all the world to enjoy." Below we share a petite portion of her potent post tagged "A Marshmallow World,".....basically her tender, touchin' testimony truthfully sharin' her "insatiable sense of comfort and joy" in listenin' to our most beloved Dino croon this wonderful wintry tune.
Likes how it warms our Dino-hearts to read such terrific testimonials of the transformin' power of our Dino and we thanks Miss "Lidz" for so so openin'ly affirmin' how deeply moved she is by our one and only Dino's cool croonin' of "A Marshmallow World." To read all of her sweetly scribed prose, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. btw, we simply can't resist includin' our fav of fav vid ver-si-ons of "A Marshmallow World."
We remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
A Marshmallow World
I will share a truth; A Marshmallow World, the Dean Martin version brings me an insatiable sense of comfort and joy. Pun intended.
I can listen to it on loop and never tire of it.
Whenever snow begins to land, its the song lodged in my head.
One of the many joys of my life happened 3 years ago.
I was watching a crooners impersonator show in Las Vegas and Dean Martin performed this song as the opening act.
As the story goes, my mom said the look of sheer happiness and sparkle in my eye was priceless and one she would never forget.
It was a moment I would never forget. ............................................................
I have the serenity of the front bus to myself now as the snow falls majestically on the highway.
I play my favourite Christmas song, and the snow drifts effortlessly, almost like a lyrical dance.
The good thing about having optimism and hope; negativity has no place in this mindset.
I smile.
This is exactly how I wanted to experience my first snowfall.
Marshmallow world indeed.
A wonderful post DMP, it really is amazing how this song has effected so many people and it is always great to read about that. Thank you my friend for a wonderful holiday post.
Have a great week.
Man...this Lidzonthego pallie REALLY seems to dig & appreciate our pals take on this wintery time of year! Lovin' her sharin' her personal way Dean brightens her life!
We all have Dino-tales of the wintery wonderland, thanks to those sharin' theirs during this wonderful most Dino time oh-the-year!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, Danny-o, and Eddie-o.....it is remarkably refreshin' to read more and more first person accounts of the depth of their awesome adulation of our most most beloved Dino! Likes dudes, keeps lovin' our one, our only Dino!
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