Likes as youse will view below Joe is a crafter of completely cool coasters sets, and you guessed it pallies, he is hugely homagin' our most beloved Dino with the "Dean Martin Ceramic Tile Drink Coaster Set." This quartet of fine crafted coasters shares four delightful Dino-images and woulda be a wonderful way of sharin' your deep devotion to our Dino with 'nother pallie helpin' 'em to grow deeper and deeper in Dino.
We are proudly pleased to share such 'nother excellent example of hand-crafted Dino-treasure that is also useful in Dino-purpose. And, likes the $18.50 price tag plus shippin' seems likes makes this a steal of a Dino-deal. We salute Mr. Joe and Miss Sue on their efforts to make a little bread while creatin' a wonderful way of showin' Dino-pride. To checks this out in it's original page at
Etsy," simply clicks on the tag of these Dino-thoughts.
We remain,
Yours in Dino-giftin',
Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin Ceramic Tile Drink Coaster Set
Handmade item
Materials: Paint, Ceramic Tile, Poly Acrylic, Cork, Photo
Only ships within United States.
Dean Martin Ceramic Tile Drink Coaster Set.
These ceramic tile coasters are covered with cork on the back so that it will not slide or scratch the table surface.
Each set is comprised of four different designs as shown in the picture.
The Coasters are sealed with 4 coats of a poly-acrylic they are not dishwasher safe because of the cork backing but they can be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth.
They make great gifts....and are a great conversation piece for any room in the house.
Wonderful idea! Looks like Oh-fficial Dino attributes for any Pallie's bar or den!
How cool would it be to rest my drink down with Dean Watchn over it?! Great gift, pallie!
Hey pallies, likes Danny-o and Eddie-o, yup, we thinks that this woulda be a great great way to show your Dino-adulation without even havin' to say a word....Dino-coasters for the servin' of liquid libations! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino dudes!
What a great idea for a holiday gift. Now who wouldn't want this and it would also be a great conversation piece to boot! Thank you DMP for this fun holiday posting!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, wonderful to hear from our most devoted Dino-holic....we 'gree with your delightful Dino-thoughts and indeed these cool coasters would be gigantically great, coolly cool conversation pieces sure to help guests in any Dino-phile's pad to grow deeper and deeper in devotion to our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
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